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Low Lifes On Benifits Populating Pattaya


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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Tory boy?

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I know that if you claim DLA (disability living allowance ) you can be out of the uk for upto 30 days at a time ,

but you must let them know,

My mother was on these benifts and thought and felt she could still work but due to her medication and not being able to pass a medical no employer would give her a job,unless she lied to them,

so she brought a small place in spain and travelled back and forth ,

Ps she polished a few bar stools in Spain and to look at she looked healthy,

so unless your names superman and have X-RAY vision.

Dont tar everybody with the same brush


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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

:o Have met some of these beneficaries. "Some" have told me that it is difficult to make ends meet on the benefit in their homeland!!! . "One" of the reasons they choose to reside in Thailand is that the cost of living is much cheaper, so can lead a less stress free lifestyle.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Tory boy?

Being a Tory boy is kind of acceptable once again, however we're almost at a stage where it is socially acceptable to beat up and ridicule NULabour voters, i cant wait until its fully acceptable.

As for the people claiming benefits whilst living overseas, well its not their fault the system is so fcuked that it enables them to do so.

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A - Cost to the taxpayer if signed off unable to work on medical grounds living in the UK = x amount

B - Cost to the taxpayer if signed off unable to work on medical grounds living in Thailand = x amount

A - B = 0 therefore differential in outgoing for taxpayer = 0

now where was the issue again?? :o

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?


jeez.. u jealous or somethin 'cos u don't know how to go about such an easy swindle ?

reality goggles reveal all sorts of alternative avenue's to travel down for personal sustenation.. i suggest you acquire a pair..

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Such people are allowed to go on holidays. They are allowed to drive cars, go to the shop, go to the pub, have sex. They are not prisoners chained to the house. They are allowed a life.

In many cases some do not look sick but how do you know what is wrong with them? Bad heart? Terminal illness? Many people think that if someone does not have a leg, arm or whatever missing, they cannot be disabled, that they look fit.

The government in the UK is very strict on giving out Disability. A friend of mine had a breast removed and numerous nodes under her armpit. On chemotherapy and the rest, she had to fight 2 appeals with the aid of her McMillan (spelling) cancer nurse to get her Disability allowance.

Maybe the Op ought to think himself lucky he is not in their situation and let others live a little before they die???

Chronic pain sufferers may also be unfit to work, although outwardly you might think they look fit.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Unbelievable the abuse people get whenever they post anything on this site. Too many suffering from 'intolerance disability'.

For sure, looking as if you are fit to travel is not a reliable indicator. Ex-servicemen with PSTD for instance look fit but suffer greatly.

I've also met people who seem mighty proud of beating the system. There are regular medical checks but not in LOS. They just keep giving you the money. There are some conditions where people get better, yet continue to claim otherwise. Who can blame them? We are taxed to the max. The cost of living and the fiat money system keep us all in debt-slavery. Are these people worse than the world's political leaders, International banker pirates, corporate CEOs, Wall St sharks, who are screwing the rest of us into the ground, at every opportunity? IMO these thieves and scam merchants are far more deserving of people's wrath.

Who here, is so honest as to say, 'please have your money back. I'm fine now.'? Hypocritical 'Saints' please step forward. :o

Edited by fullwhenempty
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is it not more of a crime to spend millions of taxpayer pounds to search/trap/find these benefit cheats, only to have the courts impose a community order, that never gets done?

assuming the aforementioned are cheats at all!

as the fraud website stated, they may have already informed the ben' agency and therefore are not illegally claiming!

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If it bothers you that much, why don't you ask them? Then stand back and listen to the answers. Then crawl under your rock and ponder why you have no friends.

Or you could always report them if it bothers you that much

Misterman is right and who wants friends like them,Brits again lying and stealing.

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I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right

Just a moment, think/look a bit closer.

In the UK people actually claiming invalidity benefit get 1,000's of UK pounds more, many will get housing many will have a car if there on the higher rate.

Dr, Dentist, medication, Hospital are all free, + cold weather payment each year..

So Brits residing in Thailand and claiming invalidity benefit from the UK would be saving the UK tax payer a lot of money year upon year, as pointed out by my Cousin, [she is now a manageress] that has worked for the Benefit Agency for 35 years

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Met a chap in a cafe in Skegness of all places, a couple of years ago. he spoke Thai to my wife, and introduced himself. He told me that he would shortly be going to Thailand for 25 weeks, and it was legal as long as he informed the benfits office, which is why he had gone to Skegness for the day. Seemed a nice enough sort of chap, explained that the winter months in Britain played havoc with his health, and that he tried to spend most winters in Thailand.

Out of interest, I checked the website later. He was right. As long as an incapacity benefit claimant tells the office, he or she can spend up to 26 weeks abroad, each year.

As far as I'm concerned, having been a UK taxpayer all of my working life, if that's the law, then this chap, and doubtless others like him, have every legal right to be in Pattaya or wherever they want, provided they've followed the rules.

Whether this is morally right, is up to the individual's opinion, but certainly it is legally correct.

Personally I can never understand these types who are prepared to stick the knife into people who are classed as disabled, for whatever reason. Disability is often unseen, I'd be interested in knowing the OPs medical qualifications. There but for the grace of God go I.

As far as I'm concerned good luck to this chap from Skegness and others like him, perhaps a month in a wheelchair would alter the perspective of those who deride them.

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Surely the question is......are they legally staying in Thailand...are they breaking any Thai laws...if not then there is no reason why they cant stay.

How they fund their stay in Thailand is irrespective.

Lets wheedle out all the drug dealers who are spending their ill gotten gains in Thailand as well.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If they reside in Pattaya, they're not on holiday, are they. Not all disabilities preclude air travel. Even wheelchair bound people are capable of traveling on a plane.

When claiming that you are unfit for work then by definition you should not be able to travel long haul - if you could then by definition there are many jobs you could do

sure, if you can travel long haul you might as well work as a pilot or a ship's captain... according to your definition and logic :o two months ago i travelled long haul after open heart surgery. the Mrs. had to put my hand luggage into the overhead compartment because i was too weak. according to your definition i could have done many jobs at that time? gimme a break man and get real! :D

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benefit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

I don't live in Pattaya, so I don't qualify for your insulting generalisations I guess :D ??? My invalidity benefit does not come from the UK, so that does exclude me again??? You must be a xenophobic moron then.

I suffered a "medium severe myocardial infarct" may 2000. Details on my health situation are non of your business but consider this:

In my country you have a "sick status" for social security the first 12 months and subsequentely after some serious (yes it's not a joke) examination you can get invalidity status. Your previous work is part of the criteria together with age and antecedents. I more than guess That I would not be able to do the SAME job as I did and furthermore I don't think ANY compay would want to hire a person full time my age and condition. So part-time, maybe I could do something.

It took 3 years into my invalidity for the social security doctor to advise 100% invalidity until the age of 65, I am grateful to that lady. I am sure she sees a lot of fakes and convinced she acts accordingly.

No doubt a few manage to get benefit withouth really being sick, faking etc.

Then we have the private insurance. Paid zero the first 6 months, see small characters in the contract.

The they paid 100% for 6 months.

Then they started proceeding. After a medical examination I was given 30%

Then I strated proceeding, took me one year to get 58%, you need to know at 67+% the insurance company must pay you 100%, so they do all they can to steer away fron the 67% figure. I contested and went to abritrage with an other expert defined by the insurance comapany, his ordeal being final, no recourse possible: down to 35%!!! You should read his motivation a nice piece of crap.

I had some more health problems, got definitely 100% for the private insurance decided by an other insurance expert.

I did travel to Thailand for a break 9 months after my heart attack and I returned home 1 week later feeling sick.

One year later I moved quasi permantently to Thailand and you are the expert who decides wether I can/can not travel long haul?

Ok, I will move to your UK cave and wait to die there :o

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

They ARE sick individuals. Usually alcoholics or sex addicts.

Take a walk along Pattaya beach in the evening and you'll never see such a bunch of weirdos.

Edited by Neeranam
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If I could choose between not paying taxes or having the safety net of a benefit. I'd tear up my 1040 right now.

If you can support yourself fine... if you can't why should i support you?

To the OP it looks like you hit a nerve from the amount nasty comments you're receiving. I guess the number of leeches in Thailand is higher than i previously thought.

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I think everyone should report one and thin out the numbers

"thin out the numbers", or just change them from disability-benefit to unemployment-benefit, frankly it makes little difference ?

I'd cite Stephen Hawking as an example of a quadriplegic, who still makes a useful contribution to society, and I've also worked alongside people who made no contribution, despite being employed. Both are however capable of flying long-haul to Thailand, or living in Pattaya, should they wish to.

I agree with the OP that it is annoying, and possibly a sign of coming social-collapse, when people openly boast about 'rigging/milking the system', whether they are on social-benefits, or self-confessed city-bankers ! :o

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Apparently some of the kids here took "coloring inside the lines" too seriously in kindergarten and haven't ever let go of that concept. Probably the same guys who make sure they have exactly 10 items or less (and not 11 goddamit!) at the express checkout.


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I used to claim jobless benefits from Holland when in my early 20’s which was a great way to travel all paid for by the state. :D In those days (early 80’s) it was very easy and all that was required was to fill out a form every month and submit it to the social security office mailbox confirming you were still unemployed after which the monthly benefits were automatically transferred in your bank account. The beauty of it was that they even gave you 6 months forms in advance :o which I all filled out and every month my brother put it in the mailbox for me while I was hitch hiking around Europe.

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