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Brit Faces Two Years In Thai Jail For Being 'rude'.

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What exactly is a voice reader, and why is it so important that this guy was one? Perhaps if he had have been a mind reader he would have known to shut up.

you could reserve your judgement until hearing the recording

Now that is a complete joke.

The public will NEVER hear that tape, even if it really exists.

You're really going all out against the immigration officer...Why are you so sure the black man is right?Are you so sure that he would never do such a thing?Because of his colour,do you feel he must just be getting victimised?You are really pushing this one,have YOU been a victim of an unfriendly (Small brained,uneducated) Thai official? :o

Some critical thinking is in order, dude. This has NOTHING to do with the officer. It has to do with the Thai justice system. They don't publicly release evidence of this nature. This is not an open society like most in the west. That is a fact. In Pattaya for example NONE of the LOCAL press is even ALLOWED at court trials. So people convicted in the press and on thaivisa, even if they are found not guilty, it is not reported. Just the facts, man.

Surely they would release it,if it's in their interest?I didn't know that the press were not allowed in court,seems a bit unfair on the defendant.

You've been here over 2 years and you did not know that?? This is not the west. the problem is many expats take a western view of things on tv. they (some of them not all) are out of step with the reality of thais and thailand.

i love most thais and the country, do not get me wrong. but, from their posts, many farang seem to be living on a different planet

Not everybody here has been to court.(Although it seems many Tv members have).And i have been here a lot longer then two years.


If is not persuaded to plead guilty, his trial may go on for a few months using the one day a month system they like to use in the Thai courts. My guess is he will plead guilty and be fined and deported and become persona non grata. Highlights the importance of having a respectable passport photo, looking respectable going through immigration and staying calm and polite if there are any hassles. He said he was used to hassles at airports as a black but he seemed not to put this experience to good use. I think the guy was completely out of order and deserved a night in the cells and be left to find another flight and be on his way. Immigration has massively over reacted and this will no doubt be over the British tabloids and putting off yet more tourists from coming here, specially British blacks. I rather object these quotes from the senior immigration official in Phuket:

''When compared with other passports, even from Cambodia or Laos, they have standards,'' Khun Suksopon said. ''Britain is a developed country.''

It is not up to a Thai immigration official to decided what standards the British government should adopt for passports. He also is showing his racism towards Cambodia and Laos by inferring that even these inferior countries have standards.

Immigration has massively over reacted and this will no doubt be over the British tabloids and putting off yet more tourists from coming here

Good! Well deserved.

Immigration has massively over reacted and this will no doubt be over the British tabloids and putting off yet more tourists from coming here

Good! Well deserved.

here here


I'd like to see a return to the good old days, when they had huge notices up at all the airports giving a list of personal appearances that wouldn't be allowed into the country. Can't remember the exact list, but it had things like people in sandals, people in singlets, and "hippy type people". dam_n good idea, let's bring a bit of class back into international travel, and get rid of all these rude people. Even Singapore allows long haired louts into the country now. Standards are slipping.

He was certainly not smart to think he had the upper hand on foreign soil, and obviously should have kept his mouth shut (and his hands by his side), but his biggest mistake was not realizing that when dealing with Thais, you are usually dealing with people who have small minds and very large egos. I suspect it was mostly a case of a Thai official losing face. When something like that happens, Thais can become completely irrational. I believe psychologists would call it an inferiority complex (that Thais are unable to act rationally when there egos are bruised).

Now I'll wait for the "Thailand is perfect, so don't you dare criticize it" members to put me in my place.

It fits with the 'rule of thumb': Thais who interact with tourists are ruder, in proportion to the amount of tourists they interact with. The incident happened in Phuket, which is inundated with tourists, so not surprising; the harsh retaliation from the official(s). The Brit who blew his cool was a dolt (and perhaps earned 3 weeks in jail), but the the official who overreacted should be shown the door. He's likely one of the thousands who get assigned to 'inactive posts' within Byzantine Thai bureaucracy every year - a system which cannot bear to fire any bureaucrat, regardless of severity of wrongdoing.

This episode reminds me of the two young Swedish tourists who were recently sentenced to 2 years each in jail. In that thread, it was not clear whether they actually stole anything, but the officials on hand appeared to predicate much of their harsh sentence on the fact that the kids were rude. The Swedes were given two clear choices: contest the charges in court and get five years, or sign a paper admitting guilt and get two years.

This episode reminds me of the two young Swedish tourists who were recently sentenced to 2 years each in jail. In that thread, it was not clear whether they actually stole anything, but the officials on hand appeared to predicate much of their harsh sentence on the fact that the kids were rude. The Swedes were given two clear choices: contest the charges in court and get five years, or sign a paper admitting guilt and get two years.

Like the 16 year old girl in Iran who was sentenced to death and personally hanged by the judge because she was rude to him in court i.e. she dared to protest her own innocence of the charge of alleged fornication because she was not allowed a defence lawyer.

Perhaps the Swedes were rude and I consider that, like Burrowes' grotesque tantrum at the airport, extremely foolish behavior when in trouble with law enforcers in a strange country but, if they were, it is still a harsh punishment for their crime. The choice they were given is the standard one for defendants without money or influence in the Thai justice system but it doesn't comply with international standards of due process or human rights. Defendants are pressured to plead guilty with a threat of a worse punishment, if they don't, but are not allowed to see the charges against them or have a lawyer see them before being forced to make the choice. Many plead guilty who would have been acquitted by the court or would have drawn a lower sentence than the one they were threatened with. Those with influence and money can either have lawyers get access to the charges or figure out what they are likely to be and plan accordingly. They are also usually out on bail which things a lot easier for them.

I can't help but feel that those of you ridiculous enough to say he deserves to be jailed for 2 years are absolutely racist and a step away from joining the KKK. Excuse me but YOU wouldn't be upset to be forced to MISS YOUR PLANE for absolutely no reason? All you need to do is raise your voice a bit in this country and YOU BAD MAN! Since when is being jusitifiably upset a JAILABLE offence in any country?! Some of you are so blatantly racist or just plain stupid it's sad.

Sabum, I have to agree with you.

Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London

Burrowes said: "I'm a black man

The same black Simon Burrowes from London? :o

International Karate and Kickboxing Academy, London

Simon Burrowes - Instructor

Simon has over 15 years Martial Arts and Amateur Boxing Experience in the UK.

He is a Black Belt 2nd Dan ECKA Karate and kickboxing Instructor.

National Sami contact champion , Bronze Medallist in 2007 WPKA world kickboxing championship in Greece.

It doesn't matter who he is and what it does. If you don't respect, you should not be respeceted. Very simple. He probably tried to be bigger than the official but it fired back.


Harsh sentance. Thai guy was obviousley a wanke_r. Thing is, people who get shitty little jobs with a uniform and a tiny bit of power suddenly think they are Judge Judy.


I've been reading this thread and I am staggered by the attitude of most of those posting. With the exception of Sabum, JingThing and a few others who have not lost their sanity, the rest of you seem to be delusional and with no knowledge fo the facts as ever yet always err on the side of "he must deserve it"... More Thai than the Thais!

Guys, wake up and smell the coffee! Those of us who have been here a while have all been so irritated by the slow ignorance of Thais on too many occasions, their inability to accept they made a mistake, their hyposcrisy of rules for them and us and the out and out racist behaviour they mostly exhibit given the slightest provocation!

Some proof? OK, hard facts.

Stupid - lowest average IQ in the world (when indexed to GDP) and declining... And yes, University is a farcical charade where cheating is encouraged, absence is normal and only a retard wil not pass. He probably will if his parents pay enough though...

Mistakes - when was the last time you heard a Thai say it was their fault and they are worng? I never did... There is always some magical reason for them being right or misled and we 'foreigners' don't understand after all!

Hypocrisy - all this jai yen yen and mai pen rai suits them but it is easily forgotten when they try to mow you down in their car when you're on the crossing or they use the pavement for their motorbike... We have to be chill while they get angry and then shout and scream after a few words they don't like. Very fair!

Racist - where do you want me to start? All around us, every day, every way, we are reminded we are unwelcome and ONLY here to spend money! It is getting worse too in my time here and it is at a poiint now where the Thais simply hate foreigners...

I stay here (for now) because I have a busines here and lovely family - yes, Thai wife, children with her - but I despair at the way this country is commmitting commercial and political suicide each day. It cannot stay OUT of the news for the wrong reasons and this is another example of the Thais telling us they want LESS tourists as all thios news does is warn peole to stay away even more.

This poor guy got frustrated and said a few bad words but that is it! How does that translate to jail in any civilised country - sorry I forgot, the mobile phones and pick-ups hide the mentailty which is still primeval and wil NEVER change as long as the people are encouraged to stay dumb on a diet of bullshit TV and no books. Yes, the average Thai reads ONE book each year (Thai official stats) compared to over 50 in Vietnam and more in every other neighbouring country! I have only ever seen average Thai read comics - maybe that counts as their book for the year. Tragic...

I hope this guy gets off and avoids jail but how many poeople will he tell about his view of Thailand as do all the others that end up in jail for the simple fact that Thais and their insedcurities and loss of face can't handle looking as stuopid as they really are!

Rant over... But I have not become that Thai yet to have forgotten right and wrong and espoused greed at all cost.


He will probably get a King's pardon after a couple of months.

I have to agree he sounds like an agressive tool and deserved his come uppance.

Thai people are not hard work, even those in uniform. Their country play their game. Go all falang and loose. Your choice


Exactly, I find it comical how the goverment is going to all these measures with new drink for tourism, free visas etc. etc. to bring in more tourists, but they let ridiculous things like this happen without a thought. Are they just bringing in more tourists so they can lock them up? Maybe it's their plan to take over the world.

Lure us in, Lock us up, take over, no hassle, mai bpen rai.


Awesome... I never thought of that! Maybe Thailand will inviteus all here, then float us out to sea after abeating or hang us from bridges if we don't give them our ATM pins and promise to never woo their fair maidens again!

He will probably get a King's pardon after a couple of months.

I have to agree he sounds like an agressive tool and deserved his come uppance.

Thai people are not hard work, even those in uniform. Their country play their game. Go all falang and loose. Your choice

You obviously never drive a car here, never go to an airport and never visit immigration offfices let alone any other government offices such as the labour department or even the driving licence centre. Then it might be possible to believe that statement but I think most would agree they are positively hard work and this gets worse when a uniform is present!


Completely disagree, I have always found officials here to be helpful and polite. In fact, the process and service at all the departments you mentioned is better than in the UK, without a doubt.


Would this be against the law in most countries? Everyone knows about Lese Majeste but I never heard of going to jail for insulting a country? I could see him being blacklisted but going to jail seems a bit much.


Yes, it could be, just like if you go up to a policeman and tell him to F off, he might take you for a night or two in the cells and if he really wanted to, you could be charged with breach of the peace or something.

Remember that immigration officials are actually police, you can't go around swearing and being racist towards them and expect nothing will happen.

Hence my earlier comments.


Good, hope he gets banged up for 2 years, sounds like just because he knows a few moves he can throw his weight around, this should take him down a peg or two.

"Is it cos I is black?"...no, its because your rude and ignorant.

He will probably get a King's pardon after a couple of months.

I have to agree he sounds like an agressive tool and deserved his come uppance.

Thai people are not hard work, even those in uniform. Their country play their game. Go all falang and loose. Your choice

That is so VERY NAIVE and ill informed to think it is so easy. so automatic, and so FAST to get a King's pardon:


With the exception of Sabum, JingThing and a few others who have not lost their sanity,

Blush. Thanks. That may well be a first being called sane on this board but please keep it hush hush as I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation. :o:D

Good, hope he gets banged up for 2 years, sounds like just because he knows a few moves he can throw his weight around, this should take him down a peg or two.

"Is it cos I is black?"...no, its because your rude and ignorant.

Hahaha, classic.


Anybody who thinks someone should be jailed for being rude is truly stupid, there isn't enough room in jail for all the checkout girl's for a start.

Yes, it could be, just like if you go up to a policeman and tell him to F off, he might take you for a night or two in the cells and if he really wanted to, you could be charged with breach of the peace or something.

Remember that immigration officials are actually police, you can't go around swearing and being racist towards them and expect nothing will happen.

Hence my earlier comments.

I hate being sycophantic but my reaction has always automatically been to kiss major a$$ when dealing with anyone who is in a position to arrest me or detain me in anyway. It has severed me well so far.

I can't help but feel that those of you ridiculous enough to say he deserves to be jailed for 2 years are absolutely racist and a step away from joining the KKK. Excuse me but YOU wouldn't be upset to be forced to MISS YOUR PLANE for absolutely no reason? All you need to do is raise your voice a bit in this country and YOU BAD MAN! Since when is being jusitifiably upset a JAILABLE offence in any country?! Some of you are so blatantly racist or just plain stupid it's sad.

Excuse me but wasn't him that brought race in to the issue? You're an idiot sabum, it's people like you that cause problems by calling other people racist.

What if the guy driving his car, and late to a party. Police officer pulls him over looks at his drivers license, suspects it is a fake. questions him. The driver then gets angry and snatches his drivers license back and starts swearing at the policeman.. I think in many parts of the world the police officer would arrest him on the spot and possibly charge him for attempt at attacking a police officer. Jail time is most likely as well.

Assuming what we heard in the news is correct, I really dont' think 3 weeks jailtime is too much. But now that we ware talking 2 years, i think it's getting out of hand.

Completely disagree, I have always found officials here to be helpful and polite. In fact, the process and service at all the departments you mentioned is better than in the UK, without a doubt.

Have you really failed to notice that the helpfulness and politeness here is totally superficial and is only motivated by money or a shallow requirement to do a so-so performance in their job to get a monthly wage?

Saying they are helpful and polite is tempting on first glance and for sure there are some nice friendly Thai people that tourists love but it soon evaporates and it is like saying that bellboys in Las Vegas are lovely people...

And please tell me where you drove in the UK and were stopped by a man jumping out of the undergrowth and waving you down for no reason purely because he wants 2 pounds sterling for a beer later. Is that 'helpful and polite'?

Ummm... I never ever experienced that in the UK but do here every day and to make matters worse, did that same policeman tell you that you were driving too fast (even though he has no idea what radar is) or that maybe you were driving in the outside lane (even though seemingly the entire lcoal populatin feel that the outside lane is their privelege whatever speed they drive and you are the only one nopt using it)?

Than maybe the check-out girl (still counts as a uniform) as peecee says is a lovely as she throws all the groceries into a bag too busy with her mobiel phone to really care...

You must tell me where in Thailand you live and where in the rest of the world you lived becasue I have obviously been really, really unlucky so far to have found the worst here and to boot forgotten about all the worse service in the UK....

He will probably get a King's pardon after a couple of months.

I have to agree he sounds like an agressive tool and deserved his come uppance.

Thai people are not hard work, even those in uniform. Their country play their game. Go all falang and loose. Your choice

That is so VERY NAIVE and ill informed to think it is so easy. so automatic, and so FAST to get a King's pardon:


With the exception of Sabum, JingThing and a few others who have not lost their sanity,

Blush. Thanks. That may well be a first being called sane on this board but please keep it hush hush as I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation. :o:D

'being sane in insane places' and all that - I am sure you'll get (or find) the reference! Sometimes the majoority are not right, they just follow the majority who are wrong!

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