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Harrassed By Ftpa In Walking Street


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It seems there is a split decision, 70-30 ? 60-40? 90-10? who knows?? it might be just that Mr Millars friends who own a few of the bars in Pattaya are helping out their mate on this disscusion??? That is beside the point as is if Howard is a "nice bloke"and "approachable" or not,as some of his mates say,......the point is that many people when visiting Thailand on holiday or those who are living there would not respect a police force that has been self appointed furthermore as far as I can see is without a public answerable independent complaint proceedure,and vetting system that is verifieable. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!

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The week before I had seen a group of guys dress as Roman soldiers, in Phuket. They were funny as the danced through the bars with beers in their hands. Obviously their mission statement was out to have fun. But seeing a group of guys dressed as neo=natzis, strolling down the center of walking street, taking themselves far too seriously was just plain embarrassing.

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Whether the OP was filming and for whatever reason, just why did one of Howard's people order Howard to go and "'ave a word in the shell like" ? and why did Howard do it ?

Who give a flying XXXX what some Napoleon wants ? Who is he to order people around. Nobody is the answer.

Perhaps Howard and his mob of photo "journalists" could enlighten me as to why they went into the room of a dead friend of mine and videoed him naked, dead on the floor and then put his passport picture on the TV ? <deleted> disgraceful that. His friends there at the time asked them to stop and go but they would not. If I'd been there I'd have flattened them.

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Perhaps Howard and his mob of photo "journalists" could enlighten me as to why they went into the room of a dead friend of mine and videoed him naked, dead on the floor and then put his passport picture on the TV ? <deleted> disgraceful that. His friends there at the time asked them to stop and go but they would not. If I'd been there I'd have flattened them.

Agreed. That is DISGUSTING. And yet there is a market for that trash.

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Perhaps Howard and his mob of photo "journalists" could enlighten me as to why they went into the room of a dead friend of mine and videoed him naked, dead on the floor and then put his passport picture on the TV ? <deleted> disgraceful that. His friends there at the time asked them to stop and go but they would not. If I'd been there I'd have flattened them.

Agreed. That is DISGUSTING. And yet there is a market for that trash.

Yes, a market made and fed, to make profits, by Howard and Colov.

If they didn't show it, I don't think the queue demanding it would be very long, do you ?

It is just plain sick.

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The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

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The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

Why not publish it on here, if it would see the demise of this band of wanabee cops which it seems is what most people want.

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on the subject of wayward katoeys on the promenade, have you spent any time with them?

I only go for authentic ladies but each to their own and all that.

let's face it the ones down there are all on the rob aren't they :o

I dont know what they do but surely not every Ladyboy in Pattaya is a thief. But some violent thug cant just go around spraying CS gas into someones face because theyre having an argument thats nowt to do with him.

would you trust your wallet with them???

Only if it was so full of money it was coming out the sides.

I hope Mr Miller will be letting us all know the outcome of Mr Harrisons investigation, but i'd be willing to bet a shiny gold coin it'll be swept under the carpet and nothing will be heard of this alleged violent assault.

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The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

Why not publish it on here, if it would see the demise of this band of wanabee cops which it seems is what most people want.

Yes, go on, publish it because I haven't got a clue what he's on about. I never saw a "dosier" and we never nearly came to a sticky end 3 years ago. It's either made up or is something I am unaware of, so would be fascinated to know its contents....over to you Tarqin.

(oops....posted again when I said I wouldn't.....note to self: stop it!)

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The dossier consisted of names addresses photographs and phone numbers of all TPV members. It was compiled after a TPV member was sent in to Jade House undercover.

Key bar owners were circulated with it so that undercover TPV members could be identified by those who did not know them.

Further action was discussed and would have taken place if the TPV did not withdraw from these activities. Which they sensibly did.

All this you know Howard as you were involved in winding things back.

Don't think the Thais will protect you Howard. They won't.

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Can't say I like being filmed myself and would probably ask someone to stop. Having said that, the uniforms and paraphenalia do not suggest some kind of civic or community service to foreign tourists. Black is intentionally intimidating and it's nonsense to suggest that black is cooler in the heat. Black absorbs heat. I've never met a translator who needed to look like Mussolini's blackshirts. With everything that is going on in the U.S. as far as fascist police are concerned, with their black uniforms and black helicopters. It speaks volumes as to the mindset of the organizer. Porbably my mind too. But if I'm typical then other people are thinking the same thing. These people should go out of their way to reassure and NOT be walking around with Handcuffs, Pepper Spray and Berets. For translators? This is not remotely defensible.

'Mr Miller said he had only drawn his baton two or three times in self defence.' What on earth is a 'translator' doing carrying a baton?

Walking in packs down the street, without a local policeman, also does not suggest that these people are attached to the local police as translators. Are they making themselves available to tourists or trying to send a different more aggressive message? Nor will it attract decent people who would say 'Look! Here's someone who can help us'. In this increasingly securitized world, I'll bet they see more fear in people's eyes than trust.

These knuckleheads have been brainwashed by watching too many violent American movies. They should have ONE badge which says TRANSLATOR. They should be approachable NOT intimidating.

Based on the various posts, it looks like they are granting themselves powers that they have not been officially given. No-one says anything because the uniform is a powerful symbol of authority. This would be my main concern. If these people were truly honest and genuine about their roles, they would see that the uniform is sending the wrong message and should be changed. Otherwise you'll get knuckleheads granting themselves quasi-police powers. Thugs and bullies will naturally gravitate to this kind of group and then you will get more and more 'incidents'.

Change the uniform and you'll change the whole perception of the public. You'll also stop the inevitable scope-creep where volunteers adopt the behaviour that the uniform suggests. You then attract the right kind of volunteers. If they aren't prepared to drop the uniform or the paramilitary nonsense then the public need to make the biggest fuss possible with the authorities and if necessary, the International media until they take note.

Bravo to the OP for making this an issue.

I WOULD VIDEO THEM AND EVERYTHING THEY DO. If they are truly a civic or community service they have nothing to hide.

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Gotta ask again...

Are these groups CIVILIAN Groups or POLICE Groups.?????????

If NOT Police Groups why are they so Uniformed.????????

According to the Police Chief , "They have NO POWERS & are Translators only" ..Newspaper quote!!

Police Group Leaders are Trained Police Supervisors ,Chiefs or Chief Deputies , usually with 5+ years experience as a Police/Detective Sgt. or above. Media ownership isn't amongst the Qualifications here is it ????

I am sitting on the fence here , but, it is extremely fascinating.


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The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

Why not publish it on here, if it would see the demise of this band of wanabee cops which it seems is what most people want.

Yes, go on, publish it because I haven't got a clue what he's on about. I never saw a "dosier" and we never nearly came to a sticky end 3 years ago. It's either made up or is something I am unaware of, so would be fascinated to know its contents....over to you Tarqin.

(oops....posted again when I said I wouldn't.....note to self: stop it!)

why dont you respond to the other posts then,or even stick this in your newspaper section,if anybody will buy it now.HM you are acting like thais and brushing things under the carpet,i am amazed that you cannot or will not respond.

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Everybody should go to these TRANSLATERS and report any video cam in operation in Walking Street and demand them to be switched off.


Minimum requirement is that the person has to be over 6ft 6inch who is operating the cam.Lets see the spray and baton charge,could be interesting.

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Or better still lets have a video cam/mobile phone day,where we can all go up to Walking Street and film these translators/journalists,and see what happens then.

Can we find out how many of these guys are journalists or their background,does anybody know who these guys are because most people dont.

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Whether the OP was filming and for whatever reason, just why did one of Howard's people order Howard to go and "'ave a word in the shell like" ? and why did Howard do it ?

Who give a flying XXXX what some Napoleon wants ? Who is he to order people around. Nobody is the answer.

Perhaps Howard and his mob of photo "journalists" could enlighten me as to why they went into the room of a dead friend of mine and videoed him naked, dead on the floor and then put his passport picture on the TV ? <deleted> disgraceful that. His friends there at the time asked them to stop and go but they would not. If I'd been there I'd have flattened them.

That is so disrespectful and disgusting,more words fail me.

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Hmmmm - didn't the Gestapo (Nazi's) also wear black uniforms and terrorised people - seems quite similar doesn't it - doesn't it - Hmmm

Also, aren't all the bars supposed to have CCTV cameras to film us while we drink/enter which is collected and used if required by the BIB/Tourist Nazi's - i did not give my permission for them to film me - but i do not put on a Black uniform and go storming the bar owners for doing this

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maybe if they wore pink uniforms(kinda like those prisoners in arizona) they would be less intimidating and also inspire a few laughs

the other alternative would be some kind of superman/batman outfit with the cape and the tights..........

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Hmmmm - didn't the Gestapo (Nazi's) also wear black uniforms and terrorised people - seems quite similar doesn't it - doesn't it - Hmmm

Also, aren't all the bars supposed to have CCTV cameras to film us while we drink/enter which is collected and used if required by the BIB/Tourist Nazi's - i did not give my permission for them to film me - but i do not put on a Black uniform and go storming the bar owners for doing this

Now that is a good point.Could HM contact the BIB for us and TRANSLATE the legality for us.We await your comments,as this is needs clarifying please.

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I WOULD VIDEO THEM AND EVERYTHING THEY DO. If they are truly a civic or community service they have nothing to hide.

I agree 100% with this comment.

As some posters know, I am a volunteer with the Phuket Tourist Police, but I am not a spokesperson for them. (So this is my personal opinion).

Anyone who works as a volunteer with these types of police or tourist police organisations, puts themselves very much into the public eye. It's very important that police volunteers behave in a manner at all times which cannot invite criticism.

Clearly, foreign police volunteers do attract the attention and interest of tourists, expats, as well as film crews and journalists. Those volunteers should expect to be the object of filming and should welcome such filming, (whether by amateurs or professional film crews). If the reputation of the foreign volunteers is 'unblemished', then filming is very good PR for them.


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From what I have seen on Beach Road & other markets , Pepper Spray & Taser Stun Guns are readily available for sale , in fact at a couple that I inquired at , demonstrated to me that they now produce a Stun Gun with detachable probes so Farang can more easily smuggle them back to their own Countries disguised as Flashlights. That should please the underworld of different Countries.

Thankfully , the OC (pepper Spray) is not the extremely effecient Law Enforcement type used in Australia & USA by Police & Authorised Officers, but still effective enough for temporary short time disfunction & irritant. ( I tested it .)

By the way , when I used to be in Uniform or on Plain Clothes Duty the Translators/Interpreters I have been with over the years , ie. Airlines , Police , United Nations , including Volunteers all wear mini flag pins of the Country they have Language knowledge of. That way at a glance you knew immediately who spoke your native language. I've always thought that it was the professional way .

I used Spanish Interpreters during a Military Internal Inquiry in Colombia in 2007 as I don't 'habla espanol' & the main guy I used was a Volunteer. Very good at what he did & very proud to help , his family are extremely wealthy & it his contribution for his country. A very positive experience for me as the Interviewer & Trainer.

Isn't there Volunteer Ambulance guys here as well???? & from what I have observed there is a hel_l of a lot of Voluntary work being done by Farangs here for the benefit of the whole of Society , Thai & Ex Pat.

Pity the Volunteer Civilian Translators don't follow worlds 'best practise' protocols & systems here .

It is confirmed in the Pattaya Times that they are not "Police" . So why are they wearing copies of "Police" Uniforms??

Only Curious


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I'd like to apply for such errm....sting operations. Have a black shirt in the locker and can bring numerous references to underline my qualification...cannot wait for the customized utility belt for this one...hope it also sports some handcuff and spank paddles...oops wrong thread... :D:o

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I am surprised and delighted that this thread has been allowed to run.

For those of you who have been around a while on Thai Visa will know that many previous threads on the same subject have been summarily closed with no explanations, although the closures were invariably preceded by sinister threats by newbies who signed up to justify these idiots' existence and to try to intimidate those who dared to criticise.

The Volunteer police have long been a personal irritation of mine, and their existence in Pattaya, and the manner of their existence tells us so much about the Pattaya administration, the Thai Pattaya Police, and of many ignorant, badly educated, jumped up "wannabe" farangs who have never grown up, and unfortunately live amongst us.

This thread has attracted a lot of attention, and apart from a few apologists, some of whom no doubt have their own agenda (or maybe they have never been to see these goons strutting their stuff in WS) the overwhelming opinion of the posters is that these guys are a total joke, and the only ones who can't see it are the goons themselves.

There remains unanswered the question of their precise terms of reference and duties, and their legal validity, particularly with regards to work permits etc.

If it is correct that their only duty is to translate, then why are they trained to use guns, and jump out of aeroplanes, and dress in fascist style uniforms?

And I seriously wonder how many of them can actually speak Thai at a reasonable level of expertise? My gut feeling is that most of them wouldn't know enough Thai to negotiate a short time price with a lady boy - let alone be able to mediate in disputes or sort out problems between non English speaking Thais and farang tourists.

How anyone can justify their existence is totally beyond me. :o

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