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11 grand over two years. Compare that with the bonuses and pensions for these bankers who failed in every aspect of their job.

Ah, but the difference is he didn't go to university and didn't have a plummy voice. :o


makes me laugh,the article said"they showed genuine remorse"................sure only after being caught.while it would be wrong to condone the fraud i sometimes wonder if you cannot blame them when you see the top brass(bankers,politicians)doing the same thing.

11 grand over two years. Compare that with the bonuses and pensions for these bankers who failed in every aspect of their job.

Ah, but the difference is he didn't go to university and didn't have a plummy voice.

That Phil is the argument one wrong is acceptible because you can find another on a larger scale.... laced with the old 'He don't talk like us do gov chip on the shoulder, so familiar to Brits...'

Let's put this money lost thing behind us and think of the money to be made.

11 grand over two years. Compare that with the bonuses and pensions for these bankers who failed in every aspect of their job.

Ah, but the difference is he didn't go to university and didn't have a plummy voice.

That Phil is the argument one wrong is acceptible because you can find another on a larger scale.... laced with the old 'He don't talk like us do gov chip on the shoulder, so familiar to Brits...'

Let's put this money lost thing behind us and think of the money to be made.

I was being facetious. Of course he was/is wrong and deserves punishment but it's the same old story. A case like this gets plastered over the front pages of the gutter rags and everyone screams "hang the b@st@d" whilst the real fraudsters sneak away. Benefit fraud is basically theft but think about it, he was deemed by the government, rightly or wrongly, to be unfit for work (basically a government scam to get unemployment figures down) and was awarded certain benefits. What difference does it make if he lounges around doing <deleted> all spending that money in Swansea or Pattaya? Just shows how desperate the state is to get these people off the statistics, you'd think someone on invaidity benefits would be required to attend a medical every six months or so. The system is wide open to abuse so we shouldn't complain when someone obliges us, no different to leaving cash in an unlocked drawer in the office. Unfortunately these days in the UK if you are unqualified there is no longer any real benefit in going out to work, until they address this imbalance cases like this will continue to surface.

I was amused to read about an American congressman, don't know what state, who refuses to take back his quote that these failed bankers should follow the example of the Japanese and either resign or commit suicide (hari kiri). He, like many, doesn't see why these people should get fat bonusses when they are, in his words, sucking from the tit of the taxpayers.

And the argument that "one wrong (aka fault) is acceptable because you can find another" is often used here on TV to justify Thailand's negatives. "The UK <or any western nation> is no less corrupt than Thailand, they are just better at covering it up" to give a non specific example.

A case like this gets plastered over the front pages of the gutter rags and everyone screams "hang the b@st@d"

hang the b4stard !!

You're getting soft in your old age taxexile. It would have been "hang, draw and quarter the b@st@d" in previous times.


For the honest guys,its send him jail

for the dishonest scroungers its dont be harsh on him he is just trying to live.Get a job and get a life dolers

A case like this gets plastered over the front pages of the gutter rags and everyone screams "hang the b@st@d"

hang the b4stard !!


Does it really matter if he's here or there?

Screw the government!


Of course it matters,maybe the extra money can go to old age pensioners,these people are committing a crime and stealing tax payers money.

Agree and smell just like those scroungers


Someone should have told him that benefit fraud is a serious crime .......... unless you're an immigrant, in which case its not so bad.

Of course it matters,maybe the extra money can go to old age pensioners,these people are committing a crime and stealing tax payers money.

Agree and smell just like those scroungers

Agree with you.

The fraudsters make it difficult for the legitimate receipients to obtain benefits. Benefit fraud is theft.

Of course it matters,maybe the extra money can go to old age pensioners,these people are committing a crime and stealing tax payers money.

Agree and smell just like those scroungers

...or vicious foul mouthed Muslim clerics and their extended families. :D

What does "those scroungers" smell like? You are obviously an expert in the matter. :o

Tax fraud is theft but nobody worries about those people. No, they're the good ole boys fearlessly thieving off the faceless government so that those who can't avoid it end up paying more.


Let's stick with benefit fraud for now and deal with the other ills of the world later.

A guy signs on for welfare (provided by taxes from other people's pay cheques), when he signs up for this deal he agrees to play by the rules, one of which is you are not going to move to Thailand. The people paying into the welfare system quite rightly expect the rules to be applied.

This is why I think there could be money to be made here..... Rounding up welfare dodgers living in Thailand.

Good idea but let's include tax dodgers and those who fail to pay alimony.

Absolutely, I agree.. but we need to start somewhere...

Good idea but let's include tax dodgers and those who fail to pay alimony.

Absolutely, I agree.. but we need to start somewhere...

Illegal immigrants, people working without the proper visa/WP. Actually there's no limit. Everybody has done/is doing something wrong. We could make deals with governments and send millions of people in jail and become filthy rich. We'll invest the money in a construction company because when jails are overcrowded, these gvts will want to build camps.



That there some guys over in Pattaya who are looking for benefit frauds.No hiding places now for these thieves and fraudsters.

Actualy this could be a good job as i would report anybody without hesitation and make some money too lol

I was being facetious. Of course he was/is wrong and deserves punishment but it's the same old story. A case like this gets plastered over the front pages of the gutter rags and everyone screams "hang the b@st@d" whilst the real fraudsters sneak away. Benefit fraud is basically theft but think about it, he was deemed by the government, rightly or wrongly, to be unfit for work (basically a government scam to get unemployment figures down) and was awarded certain benefits. What difference does it make if he lounges around doing &lt;deleted&gt; all spending that money in Swansea or Pattaya? Just shows how desperate the state is to get these people off the statistics, you'd think someone on invaidity benefits would be required to attend a medical every six months or so. The system is wide open to abuse so we shouldn't complain when someone obliges us, no different to leaving cash in an unlocked drawer in the office. Unfortunately these days in the UK if you are unqualified there is no longer any real benefit in going out to work, until they address this imbalance cases like this will continue to surface.

I was amused to read about an American congressman, don't know what state, who refuses to take back his quote that these failed bankers should follow the example of the Japanese and either resign or commit suicide (hari kiri). He, like many, doesn't see why these people should get fat bonusses when they are, in his words, sucking from the tit of the taxpayers.

And the argument that "one wrong (aka fault) is acceptable because you can find another" is often used here on TV to justify Thailand's negatives. "The UK <or any western nation> is no less corrupt than Thailand, they are just better at covering it up" to give a non specific example.

Good post Phil.


Family who are 'too fat to work' say £22,000 worth of benefits is not enough

A family of four with a combined weight of 83 stone say they are "too fat to work" and need more than the £22,000 they currently receive in benefits.

By Urmee Khan

Last Updated: 4:12PM GMT 17 Mar 2009

fatfamily_1367600c.jpg (L to R) Emma, Audrey, Philip and Sam Chawner Photo: CLOSER/ BERNARD ASHTON Photo: CLOSER/ BERNARD ASHTON Philip Chawner, 53, and his 57-year-old wife Audrey weigh 24st. Their daughter Emma, 19, weighs 17st, while her older sister Samantha, 21, weighs 18st.

The family from Blackburn claim £22,508 a year in benefits, equivalent to the take-home pay from a £30,000 salary.

<H4 class=header> </H4>The Chawners, haven't worked in 11 years, claim their weight is a hereditary condition and the money they receive is insufficient to live on.

Mr Chawner said: "What we get barely covers the bills and puts food on the table. It's not our fault we can't work. We deserve more."

The family claim to spend £50 a week on food and consume 3,000 calories each a day. The recommended maximum intake is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men.

"We have cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner," Mrs Chawner told Closer magazine.

"All that healthy food, like fruit and veg, is too expensive. We're fat because it's in our genes. Our whole family is overweight," she added.

Each week, Mr and Mrs Chawner, who have been married for 23 years, receive £177 in income support and incapacity benefit. Mrs Chawner is paid an extra £330-a-month disability allowance for epilepsy and asthma, both a result of being overweight.

Mr Chawner gets £71 a month after developing Type 2 diabetes because of his size. He was on a waiting list for a gastric band last year, but a heart condition made the operation unsuitable. Their daughter Samantha receives £84 in Jobseekers' Allowance each fortnight while Emma, who is training to be a hairdresser, gets £58 every two weeks under a hardship fund for low-income students.

Emma, said: "I'm a student and don't have time to exercise" she said "We all want to lose weight to stop the abuse we get in the street.

daily telegraph uk

Let's stick with benefit fraud for now and deal with the other ills of the world later.

A guy signs on for welfare (provided by taxes from other people's pay cheques), when he signs up for this deal he agrees to play by the rules, one of which is you are not going to move to Thailand. The people paying into the welfare system quite rightly expect the rules to be applied.

This is why I think there could be money to be made here..... Rounding up welfare dodgers living in Thailand.

Good idea but let's include tax dodgers and those who fail to pay alimony.

Absolutely, I agree.. but we need to start somewhere...

For Fxxxs sake dont do that, there are 100,s of Aussies doing the same thing, only for lots more money :o where else in the world can alcoholics claim 100% disabilty allowance , get this petrol allowance and half his rent paid while living in phuket , does not have to fly home every year to check in with centrelink, this guy is 37 years of age has not worked since he left school, he doesnt pay tax, where as aged pensioners who worked all their lives have to pay 49cents on the dollar and from next month it will be 62% deduction, Dont worry about reporting the bastards!!give me permission Iwill make Dog the Bounty hunter look like Andypandy, dont just worry about Dole Bludgers from UK , they are &lt;deleted&gt; Everywhere :D
For Fxxxs sake dont do that, there are 100,s of Aussies doing the same thing, only for lots more money :o where else in the world can alcoholics claim 100% disabilty allowance , get this petrol allowance and half his rent paid while living in phuket , does not have to fly home every year to check in with centrelink, this guy is 37 years of age has not worked since he left school, he doesnt pay tax, where as aged pensioners who worked all their lives have to pay 49cents on the dollar and from next month it will be 62% deduction, Dont worry about reporting the bastards!!give me permission Iwill make Dog the Bounty hunter look like Andypandy, dont just worry about Dole Bludgers from UK , they are &lt;deleted&gt; Everywhere :D

A crackdown on Farangs like that would be devastating to the economy of Thailand.


That there some guys over in Pattaya who are looking for benefit frauds.No hiding places now for these thieves and fraudsters.

Actualy this could be a good job as i would report anybody without hesitation and make some money too lol

Letme know if you do and I can then Get the BOI to check your work permit for doing it :o

A case like this gets plastered over the front pages of the gutter rags and everyone screams "hang the b@st@d"

hang the b4stard !!


Does it really matter if he's here or there?

Screw the government!

Yes it does.

The money given out by the British government, should remain in....Britain.


That there some guys over in Pattaya who are looking for benefit frauds.No hiding places now for these thieves and fraudsters.

Actualy this could be a good job as i would report anybody without hesitation and make some money too lol

Letme know if you do and I can then Get the BOI to check your work permit for doing it :o

ok will let you know,and i will catch plenty too.This needs to be stamped out once and for all and i think the government at long last are finding these cheats


My thought on this, Re the holier than thou' types popping up....Are there any OAP's on TV, who are keeping a UK address and not telling the pensions department they are living in Thailand, so they can benefit form the pension increases in the UK....bet there are ??....this is "benefits" fraud as well

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