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High Intakes Of Red Or Processed Meat May Increase The Risk Of Mortality

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Well, this isn't really very surprising, but a major new study confirms the grim reality. Indulging in daily beef or pork is dangerous to your health:

Daily Red Meat Raises Chances Of Dying Early

Study Is First Large Analysis Of Link With Overall Health

By Rob Stein

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, March 24, 2009; Page A01

Eating red meat increases the chances of dying prematurely, according to the first large study to examine whether regularly eating beef or pork increases mortality.

The study of more than 500,000 middle-aged and elderly Americans found that those who consumed about four ounces of red meat a day (the equivalent of about a small hamburger) were more than 30 percent more likely to die during the 10 years they were followed, mostly from heart disease and cancer. Sausage, cold cuts and other processed meats also increased the risk.


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I hate these bl--dy surveys,often there's an angle,i.e. a survey is often supported by an industry that will benefit from its findings.

That old saying,everything in moderation,is the way to go and enjoy everything you want to.

Number one killer................stress/worry.


I don't doubt that fish and fowl are better for your health than red meat, but the methodology of this particular study was horribly flawed. Basically, all they did was give a questionnaire to a bunch of AARP members. I think a controlled diet study, which compared active and sedentary lifestyles and actually measured dietary intake would much more reliable for making the kind of conclusions they made, which included quantifying increased death rates for eating processed meats.


So, for this study 250 millions of Americans are going to die soon??

Any evidence this study was sponsored by Colonel Sanders?



I am a sucker for science. I believe the report. It is one of MANY over MANY years linking red meat to fatal diseases, mostly heart disease and cancer. The Nile is a river in Egypt.

I am a sucker for science. I believe the report. It is one of MANY over MANY years linking red meat to fatal diseases, mostly heart disease and cancer. The Nile is a river in Egypt.

sure if thats all a person eats.i'm a sucker for common sense.

You want common sense. You eat a small portion of CARCINOGENS every day and expect that won't impact your health, is that common sense?

our body has an immune system,a liver and kidney that can handle toxins in small amounts,a balanced diet will help,for example when eating things like red meat and pork,eat with plenty of vegetables to help with digestion.these debates can be endless,my point is i dont believe most of the surveys published as there usually is a hidden agenda.imo nothing wrong with eating red meat or pork as long as its balanced by fish/chicken/vegies etc.sure if you eat only pork/red meat all the time you're going to get some serious healh problems.Also there are carcinogens in many things we drink/eat and breath/smoke too,inhaling traffic fumes etc,but our body can cope with these things.I hate surveys that scaremonger.

I hate these bl--dy surveys,often there's an angle,i.e. a survey is often supported by an industry that will benefit from its findings.

That old saying,everything in moderation,is the way to go and enjoy everything you want to.

Number one killer................stress/worry.

Wot SBC said ... cancer comes due to a combination of lifestyle factors (diet is one to be sure, but exercise is another, and then there's smoking and alcohol :o , oh and not to forget genetic dispositions / what runs in your family ...

Right, I'm off for a big juicy steak ... :D

You want common sense. You eat a small portion of CARCINOGENS every day and expect that won't impact your health, is that common sense?

The carcinogen issue relates to the way the food is cooked. Deep fried battered chicken is one of the most carcinogenic foods out there. The study I believe confirmed that there are health benefits to eating red meat in moderation so the shrill topic is very misleading.


I rarely eat beef and pork on occasions , usualy boiled , but then , having eaten a healthy diet most of my life and reached a fairly ripe old age , still able to enjoy healthy un assisted sex(other than wife) on a daily basis , who am i to comment about the good or bad (Or ugly) results of eating red meats ? It's not so much what you eat but who that kills millions early , or so a survey I read recently informed me . :o

Live , laugh , don't worry , be happy .

I am a sucker for science. I believe the report. It is one of MANY over MANY years linking red meat to fatal diseases, mostly heart disease and cancer. The Nile is a river in Egypt.

lying down on a mattress is much more dangerous than eating red meat. MANY, MANY years of empirical data prove that the overwhelming number of deaths happen then :o

The way the meat is prepared and what part of the animal is also important. If you eat spine, offal and trotters regular it is gonna kill you quicker for sure.

this can be "for sure" easily balanced by eating an appropriate amount of grilled chicken testicles and boiled buffalo uterus spiced with prik nam pla. deadly "for sure" are elephant trotters when all four are consumed by one person within 24 hours.


Forget all that crap. Dihydrogen monoxide : the invisible, tasteless killer.

Yes, it's true and I am on the verge of releasing my startling findings from a fifty year long study. Did you know that 100% of people who die have consumed dihydrogen monoxide sometime in their life. :o

Yet this substance is allowed all around us with no controls, no warning labels, no HazChem data sheets, sh1t it even falls from the sky and NOBODY does a thing to stop it!

This is all one huge government conspiracy.

Phil H.

Chief Researcher.

The Chicken Little Institute.

Forget all that crap. Dihydrogen monoxide : the invisible, tasteless killer.

Yes, it's true and I am on the verge of releasing my startling findings from a fifty year long study. Did you know that 100% of people who die have consumed dihydrogen monoxide sometime in their life.......

More information on dihydrogen monoxide here http://www.dhmo.org/

Ignore at your peril!!!!

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


my Dad just had a complete medical. Scan, Blood tests and 24hr cardiograph..

Results; Despite being 80 years old his results were similar to somebody in their 20's..

Colesterol normal, Blood pressure normal and scans of his major arteries showed no signs of plaque/hypertension..

The Doctor praised his heath.. My Dad was in the meat trade for 48 yrs... And still eats meat everyday. Steaks, chops, sausages etc.. He also worked very hard physically.. Once he retired he continued to be active.. walking to the shops, working in the garden, latin dancing and bowling. Although he has always eaten meat his diet also included plenty of fresh veg and fruit.. He drinks in moderation and hasn't smoked since his 20's. He has maintained the same weight (12 and half stone) all his life..

My Mother followed a similar lifestyle and diet but sadly passed away at the age of 62 due to bone cancer...

What does this prove ? About as much as the survey... We are all gonna die at sometime. You can make choices about you lifestyle which may improve your longevity but hereditary diseases are hard to combat.. For me I believe variety is the key and I try to eat a very varied diet.. Meat, fish, veg and fuit of all types.. Scare mongering about one food group is daft... I'm sure that if you did eat only meat exclusively it wouldn't be good for you but as part of a balanced diet it is fine.. After all we have evolved over generations to be omnivors... Moderation and variety plus plenty of exercise should see most people living to ripe old age unless there is some underlying medical problem.. After all none of us is here forever..

I am a sucker for science. I believe the report. It is one of MANY over MANY years linking red meat to fatal diseases, mostly heart disease and cancer. The Nile is a river in Egypt.

Unless you are actually reading the peer-reviewed journals themselves*, you have to always remember that between you and the science is interposed at least one journalist - can't believe a word they say, it's like having a bar girl interpret your stock holdings. ("Don' wurii, you very rich, buy me gold, now...")

(* even then I read original papers with healthy scepticism, knowing how even scientists can present results to favour their own opinion.)

The way the meat is prepared and what part of the animal is also important. If you eat spine, offal and trotters regular it is gonna kill you quicker for sure.

this can be "for sure" easily balanced by eating an appropriate amount of grilled chicken testicles and boiled buffalo uterus spiced with prik nam pla. deadly "for sure" are elephant trotters when all four are consumed by one person within 24 hours.

"The world has become such a dangerous place, nobody gets out alive any more..."

W.C. Fields

it's like having a bar girl interpret your stock holdings. ("Don' wurii, you very rich, buy give me gold, now...")

So that's where Gordon Brown was getting his advice! :o


Almost all my close blood relatives have lived well into their 90's and some are still alive and going strong and pushing 100 and they are all red meat eaters. Most studies I have read show that vegetarians tend to live longer than meat eaters so I personally do not eat red meat and am pretty much a vegetarian. I figure that with my genes and the fact that I eat vegetarian, I will continue to be so healthy that I will live well past 100 and someday find myself in the unfortunate position of laying in a hospital bed dying from nothing ! :o

It has been known for quite some time that red meat is crap and it sits in your intestines for weeks before getting fully digested.

Speak for yourself!

What all these "Red meat" scare studies ignore is the confounding

variables - variables that could be the cause of the findings.

In particular, cooked vs rare or raw meat and the presence or absence

of carbohydrates and other foods in the meal. How do you know

it wasn't the fries and not the burger that caused the high cholesterol?

I believe in science too. There are quite a few doctors and scientists

however that do not believe these studies constitute good science.

Here is one



My father was a meat and potatoes man all his life. He is now 89 years old and he is likely in better shape physically than I am. Unfortunately he is suffering from Alzheimers and in a nursing home.

As has been mentioned, all things in moderation. Over the years since this diet thing has been scientifically studied, there have been many foods wrongly condemned and other foods praised. It's really difficult for me to take any nutritionist seriously.

I'll just continue to eat and drink whatever I like.


Show me a healthy looking vegan and I'll eat my flip flop! Out and out crap! The last few years we have been told by " scientists " that eating too many eggs was bad for you ! Now it seems that more " scientists " have now come to the conclusion that they don't increase your cholesterol so you can eat as many as you like as they are now actually good for you. Eating lots of fish is evidently now bad for you as they are full of mercury and other toxins. I stopped believing the crap some scientists come out with when I read that scientists had spent 12 months and over a million pounds on discovering the differences between smokers and non smokers.They discovered that the non smokers they studied were financially better to the tune of the cost of the ciggarettes :D <deleted>!!!!

I ate beefburger, beans and chips every day for lunch throughout my senior school years and I mean EVERY day. By rights I should be dead of a right fat git. I'm neither. The way I look at it is you are dying from the day you are born. Living like a monk doesn't make you live any longer it just seems like it. Life is for living. Excercise is more important than what you eat!! :o:D


Many of you don't have a clue about even basic science. Anecdotal stories are MEANINGLESS. Yes there are chain smokers who live past 100. Does that prove smoking is safe? You need very large samples to divine any meaning. Following the actions implied by such studies personally is no guarantee it will help you personally, that is for sure. It may even hurt you. Life is not a rehearsal. We have to digest what we know and take our best shot. Also for many longevity is not highly valued. I also love a good blood red steak but the beef is so bad in Thailand I don't eat much beef here. But I do eat more pork than I used to. This study is a reminder of something I already knew, there are health risks associated with red meat. I will probably eat pork a little less often and eat chicken and fish more instead. Whether that will benefit me or not is not really knowable. However, if the entire population took that action, studies like this imply that in general there would be health benefits for many individuals, but not everyone. It isn't that complicated. If everyone stopped smoking, lung cancer rates would drop, but many people would STILL get lung cancer from other causes.

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