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Collapsed Libido


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After 40 years in Asia and pressing towards Simenon's record. My Libido has suddenly collapsed, not gradually but precipitously.

After living with quite a drive, I honestly feel released (you would say that wouldn't you).

Much more wardrobe space, gave all the uniforms away, so if you see some girls as SIA hosties and security guards.and..and ...etc.....

My bank balance is burgeoning.

My other lifestyle has not changed, mental and physical exercise.

A guy who was looking forward to retiring here was quite interested, he said if it happened to him it would not be worth living (both meanings) here..

I could have made the Topic.."Is there life without sex ?" unbelievably to me seems yes.

That alternative can be read many ways of course but you know what I mean..I trust.

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It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

Edited by simon43
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You should consider yourselves lucky. I just starting feeling the same way. It's a whole new view of life. Like getting out of prison. A relief with gained wisdom. My desire for company hasn't diminished, and I still can enjoy sex, but it's no real big loss, and my money stays around a lot longer. You can find many hobbies and interests to fill your time. That particular activity has only gotten me in trouble my whole life. Golf is better anyway.

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It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

Burned out at 50 already? Sorry you feel this way. If it were me, I would have great concern, since to me good sex is a life esssential. Thai women are certainly a challenge though. You can also do something about the low testosterone, which you probably know already.

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..... I just starting feeling the same way. It's a whole new view of life. Like getting out of prison. A relief with gained wisdom..... Golf is better anyway.

It is an interesting topic. For so many years men were made to feel bad because they often thought with "the little head" instead of the big one. All this time women made the largely uncontested claim that men & women on average had similar sex drives, just that men were weak beasts, women channelled their desire more into intimacy, etc etc. .... Until something happened. The first significant numbers of female to male sex changers ... who (surprise, surprise) after commencing testosterone treatment reported an increase in sex drive to a level that was almost "uncontrollable".

And before anyone chips in that I am justifying sex crimes by males due to high libido levels ... I am most certainly NOT

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Burned out at 50 already

Absolutely not! In my case it's an inherited hormone imbalance that I have been treated for over the past 10 years. But as the additional testosterone medication wears off, I find the desire to 'refresh' my libido decreasing. If I want some 'fun' then I can go out and get it - but I find a good book much more relaxing :o

My father had the same hormone imbalance and was working (academically) until the day he died at 89 years old.

There is much, much more to life than a good <deleted>...


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I went from being completely obsessed with sex since I was 5 years old to almost having to force myself to go out and get some for about 6 months to mildly obsessed, which is where I am now. :o

mental picture be gone!!!

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I'm young, and this has also happened to me. It's been the better part of a year now. I was alarmed at first, but have come to find it in fact quite liberating.

you take away my hope.

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Im really happy for you guys that feel good about this change, rather than thinking about it as a problem or worrisome. It actually makes me wonder how badly most men have got it, regarding their libidos. Almost like slaves to their testosterone. Maybe, the lower libido (but not meaning low..just lower), is the more comfortable existence (for both you and your partners). I also imagine you guys think clearer! I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..or as much of a wandering eye.

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In my 50's and I love making love as much as I ever did. Nothing better than to be performing a certain act and long may that be the case.

Have to admit that a few years back I lost the ability and the drive but that was soon rectified with a visit to the doctor who diagnosed severe cholesterol. Since then I have not looked back.

I am better off financially without a woman in tow. Also better off mentally for much the same reasons as Simon43, but I cannot imagine a life without love or love-making.

One friend in particular is 68 and he is still going strong here and loving it and I believe he is in love as much as he ever has been.

But, everyone to their own and if some are happy without or with reduced action, fair do's to them.

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I went from being completely obsessed with sex since I was 5 years old to almost having to force myself to go out and get some for about 6 months to mildly obsessed, which is where I am now. :D

mental picture be gone!!!

I'm sure that you are a real "hansum man!" :o

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Mate, I have a deal for you. I will continue to enjoy good, hard sex as often as possible, and you in return can transfer me 100,000 baht per month from your burgeoning bank account to assist in my endevours.

Call it a symbiotic relationship.

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I'm 64 and starting to slow down.

Have a farang friend whose 74, he's very fit, runs every day, into very healthy eating, takes good care of his appearance, dresses well, etc. He has a long list of lady visitors who call at his home, entertains at least 4 nights a week, or more, and he doesn't use Viagra or similar.

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I'm 64 and starting to slow down.

Have a farang friend whose 74, he's very fit, runs every day, into very healthy eating, takes good care of his appearance, dresses well, etc. He has a long list of lady visitors who call at his home, entertains at least 4 nights a week, or more, and he doesn't use Viagra or similar.

man must be one hel_l of an issan cook.

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I'm 64 and starting to slow down.

Have a farang friend whose 74, he's very fit, runs every day, into very healthy eating, takes good care of his appearance, dresses well, etc. He has a long list of lady visitors who call at his home, entertains at least 4 nights a week, or more, and he doesn't use Viagra or similar.

man must be one hel_l of an issan cook.

You did say "cook", right James? :o

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Im really happy for you guys that feel good about this change, rather than thinking about it as a problem or worrisome. It actually makes me wonder how badly most men have got it, regarding their libidos. Almost like slaves to their testosterone. Maybe, the lower libido (but not meaning low..just lower), is the more comfortable existence (for both you and your partners). I also imagine you guys think clearer! I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..or as much of a wandering eye.

Eek you are assuming all women are like you and dont like sex very much. My woman would divorce me if I slacked off in the sex department.... she needs it way more than I do and she gets really grumpy and we have fights if we dont have sex often. Im only in my 30s. She is not Thai. She says sometimes she cannot concentrate at work because she needs it so bad..... that never happens to me! I don't find her needs excessive and too much pressure though... Im her partner, it's my pleasure to keep her happy, even if I don't need it all the time like her.

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Im really happy for you guys that feel good about this change, rather than thinking about it as a problem or worrisome. It actually makes me wonder how badly most men have got it, regarding their libidos. Almost like slaves to their testosterone. Maybe, the lower libido (but not meaning low..just lower), is the more comfortable existence (for both you and your partners). I also imagine you guys think clearer! I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..or as much of a wandering eye.

Eek you are assuming all women are like you and dont like sex very much. My woman would divorce me if I slacked off in the sex department.... she needs it way more than I do and she gets really grumpy and we have fights if we dont have sex often. Im only in my 30s. She is not Thai. She says sometimes she cannot concentrate at work because she needs it so bad..... that never happens to me! I don't find her needs excessive and too much pressure though... Im her partner, it's my pleasure to keep her happy, even if I don't need it all the time like her.

I think I used to date a girl like that once. Hated it.

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Sabum, you are making assumptions about my sex life, which is really unnecessary and rather childish.

Most women do not desire sex several times in the one day, every day. For most women who have experienced living with men with very high libidos at one time or other, im sure they find a lower libido in their partners something to be grateful for.

Also (not saying all men here), but many of the western men who come to Thailand marry much younger Thai women. If the men in question dont take care of themselves physically, im sure the woman is grateful to not have a pound of lard slobbering over her body as much anymore. According to this forum, men who stay faithful are lying anyway(Zzz), so a reduced libido may help them to keep things in check.

As for me personally, im in my 30's too, with a mutual healthy sex life. Like most women, i enjoy that aspect of a relationship, but its only one aspect of a whole relationship. It doesnt define it, or define me.

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Also (not saying all men here), but many of the western men who come to Thailand marry much younger Thai women. If the men in question dont take care of themselves physically, im sure the woman is grateful to not have a pound of lard slobbering over her body as much anymore. According to this forum, men who stay faithful are lying anyway(Zzz), so a reduced libido may help them to keep things in check.

..i just want to say that i dont mean to offend many of the lovely men here, who are happily married. Even if they do have a pound or two extra! Sabum unfortunately got my goat, and i typed faster than i thought.

Eek you are assuming all women are like you and dont like sex very much.
..i mean..good grief! Are you fresh out of High School??
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Sabum, you are making assumptions about my sex life, which is really unnecessary and rather childish.

Most women do not desire sex several times in the one day, every day. For most women who have experienced living with men with very high libidos at one time or other, im sure they find a lower libido in their partners something to be grateful for.

Also (not saying all men here), but many of the western men who come to Thailand marry much younger Thai women. If the men in question dont take care of themselves physically, im sure the woman is grateful to not have a pound of lard slobbering over her body as much anymore. According to this forum, men who stay faithful are lying anyway(Zzz), so a reduced libido may help them to keep things in check.

As for me personally, im in my 30's too, with a mutual healthy sex life. Like most women, i enjoy that aspect of a relationship, but its only one aspect of a whole relationship. It doesnt define it, or define me.


ARE you suggesting all western men are a pound of lard,meaning what,they are all very fat.

not a nice thing to say

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Sabum, you are making assumptions about my sex life, which is really unnecessary and rather childish.

Most women do not desire sex several times in the one day, every day. For most women who have experienced living with men with very high libidos at one time or other, im sure they find a lower libido in their partners something to be grateful for.

Also (not saying all men here), but many of the western men who come to Thailand marry much younger Thai women. If the men in question dont take care of themselves physically, im sure the woman is grateful to not have a pound of lard slobbering over her body as much anymore. According to this forum, men who stay faithful are lying anyway(Zzz), so a reduced libido may help them to keep things in check.

As for me personally, im in my 30's too, with a mutual healthy sex life. Like most women, i enjoy that aspect of a relationship, but its only one aspect of a whole relationship. It doesnt define it, or define me.

Interesting generalisations Eek. Just wondering how men who stay faithful are lying? As for the pound of lard on top thingy, generally speaking, we prefer our gals on top of things so to speak. Not an issue really.

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I'm 64 and starting to slow down.

Have a farang friend whose 74, he's very fit, runs every day, into very healthy eating, takes good care of his appearance, dresses well, etc. He has a long list of lady visitors who call at his home, entertains at least 4 nights a week, or more, and he doesn't use Viagra or similar.

Ah-ha so he's the guy I saw at the end of a bar in town recently......... licking his eyebrows :o

Lucky Guy :D

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I think i already indirectly apologised for that patklang. I wrote in retaliation when I should not have. Not a nice thing for me to have written.

Sorry Eek i typed my response before i saw your post.Not all us old old old farangs are fat lumps of lard though,is that what women realy think of us expats,feel quite sick about that.I still speak with 3 of my ex gf from uk and they all want me to go back to live in uk lol.


i am not that old realy lol.

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