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One of my favourite past-times is walking the local markets. Everyday I see things I have never seen before. Maybe this topic has been talked about before, however I find nothing. What about starting a forum to educate those of us (like me) who have no idea what some of these things are. If there are people interested then I would love to start and post some photos that I have taken.



One of my favourite past-times is walking the local markets. Everyday I see things I have never seen before. Maybe this topic has been talked about before, however I find nothing. What about starting a forum to educate those of us (like me) who have no idea what some of these things are. If there are people interested then I would love to start and post some photos that I have taken.


Interesting idea Tony. Not sure if this has been covered in the food section before or not. To make it more fun, why not start by posting a picture of a weird fruit /veggie from Thailand I guess and call it "Name the Fruit"

The downside is that someone may reply in a way that is less than flattering - perhaps even controversial? Imagine posting a picture of a big zuccini and someone called it a joy toy, a hobby or my boyfriend.

But I admire your courage. So go ahead and give us your best shot. :o


I like the idea of a thread (possibly pinned) called something like, "From the Market", where people can help enlighten us to some of the strange fruit, veggies, and prepared foods we see at our local markets but know nothing about. I must admit that there are things I'm curious about when I'm at the market, and if people were willing to share info about the preparation and consumption of these things, that would be great.


If you printed the photograph it may also help you learn a little Thai and quite often the vendor will allow you to try various fruits.


Strange Fruits And Vegetables, What are they? How do you eat them? What do they taste like?

So, Tony how strange are your vegetable, how do you eat it and what does it taste like. i'M :o joke !

If you printed the photograph it may also help you learn a little Thai and quite often the vendor will allow you to try various fruits.

Agreed, photos are essential. :o


Thanks to the "mod" for redirecting. I completely oversaw the "Food" thread :o

Thanks for the replies and interest. I hope we can all learn from something like this.

OK today I was at the market and saw these. I made sure that I got the signs too, so anyone who can read Thai will be able to know what it is if the picture is uncertain.

These are my first 3



Strange Fruits And Vegetables, where not seen any.

Maybe you should take a drive to some Fruits And Vegetable farms, the fruit you can try and buy, some farms do organized tours..


Thanks Ignis. Those are just the remarks I expected. Some of us are not familiar with exotic fruits. Some are not quiet as intelligent as you seem to be. For some of us, and I think most, the fruits I added as pics are strange. As for your suggestion to visit farms, good idea, please inform TV members where those farms are and if the owners speak English.

sorry looks like only pic uploaded

Pic #2

Best to put in a bowl and soak in salt water for a few hours, then wash and add ice water, peel and eat, not as sweet as the black ones or the red furry ones

Thanks to the "mod" for redirecting. I completely oversaw the "Food" thread :o

Thanks for the replies and interest. I hope we can all learn from something like this.

OK today I was at the market and saw these. I made sure that I got the signs too, so anyone who can read Thai will be able to know what it is if the picture is uncertain.

These are my first 3


That one is Lamoot (Sapodilla).


Thanks Ignis. Those are just the remarks I expected. Some of us are not familiar with exotic fruits. Some are not quiet as intelligent as you seem to be. For some of us, and I think most, the fruits I added as pics are strange. As for your suggestion to visit farms, good idea, please inform TV members where those farms are and if the owners speak English.

Many of the 'Strange Fruits' you have probably eaten as there in the canned fruits section in the UK

The one that speaks English was near Rayong, believe it was called 'Thai fruit farm, Suan Supatra,' I drove there in 2003 but they had Tour Buses arriving, the English and German spoken could have been from the bus group

I have been to a couple of others but have no idea there names just noticed when passing and popped in, you don't really need a English speaker to look and try fruits

Anyway many of the younger people at the local markets speak some English and are only to will to try to explain what they are and how to eat them, likewise with the veg, what there used for and in what dish

sorry, I don't seem to be able to upload any more pics :o Will try again later

Let's see what happens about the first 2 pictures.


They look like Lychees, but the sign says ตักเลย.

I suppose the sign could mean "obtained from Loie" (the province), since ตัก means "fetch" or "get" and เลย is "Loie".

Prices are usually per kilo for loose fruit. Pretty good, eh?


I just noticed that the other pictures also have ตักเลย signs, so it's obviously not the name of the fruit and maybe does mean "from Loie". :D

(I suppose a grocer's shop in England would hardly have a sign on the top of a huge pile of potatoes, saying "Potatoes". Too bl00dy obvious! :D )

sorry, I don't seem to be able to upload any more pics :o Will try again later

Let's see what happens about the first 2 pictures.


They look like Lychees, but the sign says ตักเลย.

I suppose the sign could mean "obtained from Loie" (the province), since ตัก means "fetch" or "get" and เลย is "Loie".

Prices are usually per kilo for loose fruit. Pretty good, eh?


I just noticed that the other pictures also have ตักเลย signs, so it's obviously not the name of the fruit and maybe does mean "from Loie". :D

(I suppose a grocer's shop in England would hardly have a sign on the top of a huge pile of potatoes, saying "Potatoes". Too bl00dy obvious! :D )

This one is Rakham - the fruit of the Salak Palm.


Edit to add:

The phrase ตักเลย shown on the pictures means roughly "help yourself" or "choose yourself" :

ตัก means to scoop up or pick

เลย means - roughly - "go ahead"



thanks for the great response, and thank you Jetski for the link, That is a great site for explaining what the fruits are. I now know what a magosteen looks like. Will do some shopping today and have fun trying some of the fruits.

thanks for the great response, and thank you Jetski for the link, That is a great site for explaining what the fruits are. I now know what a magosteen looks like. Will do some shopping today and have fun trying some of the fruits.

I used Google Images to find pictures of the fruit and came across several sites that show the fruits and give the names, so it was a useful exercise for me too.

For the first two fruits, I actually read the Thai signs in the photos and searched for the names in English. But for the last one, there was no sign with the name, so I tried to translate the "Choose yourself" sign but got it totally wrong :o .


Other info from the pictures, the prices are per kilo as JetsetBkk said.

On the signs "โล ละ" is an abbreviation for "กิโล ละ" = "kilo la" = per kilo.

Other info from the pictures, the prices are per kilo as JetsetBkk said.

On the signs "โล ละ" is an abbreviation for "กิโล ละ" = "kilo la" = per kilo.

Thanks for that, pete_r.

I tried to work out what that meant and thought maybe they liked the Kinks' song "Lola". :o


There sure are many fruits in the market and I have eaten all of the 3 shown, but I only liked number 2, juici and not too sweet

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