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...Or are they over whelmingly likely to be sickly annoying and often think that they are actually good with Thai girls when they in fact are tolerated with an awkward smile out of politeness, and then thought to be really creepy and weird. For example, every time I end up at one of the Bangkok clubs I always see some pathetic farang doing the 'rub the small of her back' and smile with her thing and then be like "Oh yeah, Are you hungry. I'm Bob." and then he will usually make some comment to clarify he is not an english teacher, or if he is an english teacher he will not mention his profession... the entire time standing there with the goofiest looking pair of black plastic glasses he could find... And what often seems to happen is when you end up going out with other young farang they always somehow invite one of their goofy ass friends who then himself shows up with some equally or even more goofy fresh off the bus farang... all of whom are broke as hel_l and do things like ask you if you want to 'buy' the last 1/4 of their beer because they don't feel like drinking anymore? I guess this generation of young farang will morph into the future balcony divers of Pattaya.


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Im in that age group and I don't know anyone like that lol. Sound like a stupider version of the broke pathetic old men I see around.


I am in this age group and pathetic beyond what you speak. This is why the rare moments I do leave the comfort of my apartment and playstation 3 I go straight to Lolita's where I can feel secure on the red pleather couch with only one person to talk to, who is unable to reply.


I havent got a problem with young uns except they actualy believe the thai girls are telling the truth about how hansum,sexy men they are lol,and they always get free sex.wish i was under 35 again instead of being an older sexy man lol

I havent got a problem with young uns except they actualy believe the thai girls are telling the truth about how hansum,sexy men they are lol,and they always get free sex.wish i was under 35 again instead of being an older sexy man lol

So at the end I find out why I was the only one who never had free sex here.I was 35 when I arrived.


its natural selection, the goofy ones will die off or be sent home, those of us that survive look forward to becoming the bitter old guys that everyone here complains about :o

its natural selection, the goofy ones will die off or be sent home, those of us that survive look forward to becoming the bitter old guys that everyone here complains about :o

one day......one day I too can be a hateful bitter old bastage lol

Truth is I'm sure there are lots of young idiots, I just don't know them... my friends are youngish but have lived here a long time. I tend to avoid contact with falangs I don't know already so that limits my "idiot interaction ratio".



funny thread with its funny answers :D

acutally I am uner 35 and one of the younger Farangs. Didn´t see one of those goofy Farangs outside.

But I see thos Farangs with Hawaiian Shirts, Shorts and weird Slippers and mostly a mustache or those guys who are running around like we are in the 70´s.

Anyhow, I can definitely understand that most of the Thais think we aren´t the best choice to hang out with. I wouldn´t either stick around with somebody like that :D

If I see those younger Farangs I am wondering, how they still survived with their half baked attitude in that country....

Any normal younger Farangs in here? :o


Never had anyone, whether they were under 35 or over, try to sell me 1/4th of their beer before. Maybe it's you.


i am under 35 , and i had more or less quit clubbing many years ago ..

is for the lost and lonely .


why is club alway dark , cos most people who hang there can;t look look half decent under the light .

heavy make up can be conceal .


people like to assume that being in a darker places their deeds can't be seen by others .

and the loud music can cover up their cheesy line when spoking to lady . and smoking is a good excuse that yoa re busy when nobody talk to you .

and at the end of the days when you are one real weird who nobody like a round of free drink can alway bring you some crow on your table .


Im under 35, i rarely drink, go to the gym almost everyday as a hobby, am polite as anything and rarely ever meet girls who arent prossies or freelancers and i barely go with them as i prefer to leave it to you older folks to make prats out of yourselves and think youre gods gift to women.

But i do agree with you about under 35's who go to Bangkok clubs they do think theyre a cut above by picking up a freelancers and denying what she actually is, ive seen a few get told where to go by girls i know to be prozzies, the kind of little idiots who were to afraid to speak to girls back home and think theyre studs in LOS.

Im under 35, i rarely drink, go to the gym almost everyday as a hobby, am polite as anything and rarely ever meet girls who arent prossies or freelancers and i barely go with them as i prefer to leave it to you older folks to make prats out of yourselves and think youre gods gift to women.

But i do agree with you about under 35's who go to Bangkok clubs they do think theyre a cut above by picking up a freelancer and denying what she actually is, ive seen a few get told were to go by girls i know to be prozzies, the kind of little idiots who were to afraid to speak to girls back home and think theyre studs in LOS.

PS I stopped going clubbing by the age of 26, when pills stopped having the desired affect.

seems to be that there really are younger people in TH who aren´t any weirdos or are living in their naughty dreamworld...

maybe I don´t see any of them, cause they do their thing and avoid going out.

I am also sick of it. have been out enough in my home country already. don´t need to continue f****** up my body just because I am in another country.

I am in this age group and pathetic beyond what you speak. This is why the rare moments I do leave the comfort of my apartment and playstation 3 I go straight to Lolita's where I can feel secure on the red pleather couch with only one person to talk to, who is unable to reply.



Seeing as i turned 36 a few months ago, im thankfully now out of your bracket. ..Then again, I was never in that bracket anyway ...and dont personally know anyone who is. :o

...Or are they over whelmingly likely to be sickly annoying and often think that they are actually good with Thai girls when they in fact are tolerated with an awkward smile out of politeness, and then thought to be really creepy and weird. For example, every time I end up at one of the Bangkok clubs I always see some pathetic farang doing the 'rub the small of her back' and smile with her thing and then be like "Oh yeah, Are you hungry. I'm Bob." and then he will usually make some comment to clarify he is not an english teacher, or if he is an english teacher he will not mention his profession... the entire time standing there with the goofiest looking pair of black plastic glasses he could find... And what often seems to happen is when you end up going out with other young farang they always somehow invite one of their goofy ass friends who then himself shows up with some equally or even more goofy fresh off the bus farang... all of whom are broke as hel_l and do things like ask you if you want to 'buy' the last 1/4 of their beer because they don't feel like drinking anymore? I guess this generation of young farang will morph into the future balcony divers of Pattaya.


I can see you getting ready for a night out....

"Ummm, Ok I found my expired condoms..... but most importanly, where did I put my Viagra..."


The OP sets out on a diatribe against people over 35 - when everything he tells us suggests he's in Thailand for the same reason as the older guys he derides, his only claim to superiority being his age.

As others have pointed out, 35 is a tad old to be out clubbing - certainly a tad old to be out clubbing and deriding others for doing likewise.

I put the OP's post in the bracket of self loathing - he knows and despises what he is becoming.

The OP sets out on a diatribe against people over 35 - when everything he tells us suggests he's in Thailand for the same reason as the older guys he derides, his only claim to superiority being his age.

As others have pointed out, 35 is a tad old to be out clubbing - certainly a tad old to be out clubbing and deriding others for doing likewise.

I put the OP's post in the bracket of self loathing - he knows and despises what he is becoming.

why is being over 35 to old to be going clubbing? This is just perception of younger people who think 30 is middle aged or older people who feel matured in life and no need to frequent such places

I like music - I like drinking - I like dancing - I like socialising

Where the <deleted> should one go if you are over 35 and enjoy the above? The derby & joan club for knitting lessons

...Or are they over whelmingly likely to be sickly annoying and often think that they are actually good with Thai girls when they in fact are tolerated with an awkward smile out of politeness, and then thought to be really creepy and weird. For example, every time I end up at one of the Bangkok clubs I always see some pathetic farang doing the 'rub the small of her back' and smile with her thing and then be like "Oh yeah, Are you hungry. I'm Bob." and then he will usually make some comment to clarify he is not an english teacher, or if he is an english teacher he will not mention his profession... the entire time standing there with the goofiest looking pair of black plastic glasses he could find... And what often seems to happen is when you end up going out with other young farang they always somehow invite one of their goofy ass friends who then himself shows up with some equally or even more goofy fresh off the bus farang... all of whom are broke as hel_l and do things like ask you if you want to 'buy' the last 1/4 of their beer because they don't feel like drinking anymore? I guess this generation of young farang will morph into the future balcony divers of Pattaya.


I cannot understand this post <deleted> are you trying to say?

Under 35's are creepy and weird are all called Bob enjoy "rub the small of her back" thing while pretending not to be English teachers?

I thought that was all yanks over the age of 35 :o

The OP sets out on a diatribe against people over 35 - when everything he tells us suggests he's in Thailand for the same reason as the older guys he derides, his only claim to superiority being his age.

As others have pointed out, 35 is a tad old to be out clubbing - certainly a tad old to be out clubbing and deriding others for doing likewise.

I put the OP's post in the bracket of self loathing - he knows and despises what he is becoming.

why is being over 35 to old to be going clubbing? This is just perception of younger people who think 30 is middle aged or older people who feel matured in life and no need to frequent such places

I like music - I like drinking - I like dancing - I like socialising

Where the <deleted> should one go if you are over 35 and enjoy the above? The derby & joan club for knitting lessons

Sorry Megaman But if your over 35 and still clubing your life is somewhat depressing you should be settled down with a family!

I would like too see how a man in his late 30`s would dance to some hiphop or dance music :o

No disrespect :D


Sorry Megaman But if your over 35 and still clubing your life is somewhat depressing you should be settled down with a family!


If the person isn't taken by 35, there's a reason :o


i know a guy who has been working in bangkok 12 years for a large company, reads/speaks thai fluently ,is well off, doesnt drink/smoke , is happily married, mostly keeps to himself and his friends, is the quiet guy at the bar, not the loudmouth, on appearances one might assume he's a khao san backpacker or "fresh off the boat" , is under 35......

be careful of baseless presumptions and stereotypes about someone you "observe" in Bangkok...i've been surprised more times than not over the years.



quote .... If the person isn't taken ( married i assume ) by 35, there's a reason

in england its because hes already had 5 kids by three different single mothers and doesnt want to get married to anyone coz hes getting his ####y free



ehm... you can be married and still go to clubs. Of course, you probably will be dancing less. For those with a little financial clout (club owners included, who are usually over 35), it usually just entails sitting and drinking at a long (or large round) table with your peers and underlings and allowing loose acquaintences and younger strangers -liquor and beer promotion gals are particularly useful for this- to grovel, allow to be fondled, and often be hustled off to that condo you keep just for such purposes.


Sorry Megaman But if your over 35 and still clubing your life is somewhat depressing you should be settled down with a family!


If the person isn't taken by 35, there's a reason :o

You're taking the michael surely.....

I never married in the UK or had any kids and have always enjoyed working and enjoying myself too much to think about settling down with a family.

I'm too selfish too myself for that and so are most of my friends too.

It's depressing in the UK when people want to do things but say "i can't afford it, wife won't let me, no baby sitter" = family life is what i call depressing

Here in LoS i have a Thai wife she has no kids too so we enjoy being spontanious and being able to do things and go places and not have to think about who will look after the kids and how much next semester is going to cost.

Dancing to hip hop ! this is not me - i just sway alot - i prefer live music with good vocals and a tub thumping band which luckily there is an abundance of in Bangkok

Some people i worked with in the UK thought i was gay as not married or kids and over 35 but normally these people were married with kids and obviously couldn't make it out in town on a weekend for some drunken fun.

I still have no idea what the OP was about!!


I meet and know a lot of people who are 35 or less. Many are very niave, but otherwsie see OK. Actually, there interesting because a lot aren't clones--you find the business types, the seeking-the-meaning-of-life types, the educated but don't know what to do with my life types, the ones on an intellectual/learning quest. You meet people who have saved diligently for a vacation, and those that should have but didn't. You also meet people from all over the world and their fashion and customs are different.

Mostly they are nice because they aren't yet jaded, completely and totally set in their ways and have a fair amount of energy.

Unfortunately, the OP doesn't seem to fall into any of the 'nicer or more interesting' categories.

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