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These 3 guys are obviously full of sh!t. I would bet any money that once they have been in LOS for a few days they would not hesitate to go with a bar girl. I also think that many of these so called backpackers are not so innocent at they make out to be. They were proabaly jealous that you have a nice looking wife. I say <deleted> em.

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We don't discuss this topic enough on Thai Visa.


Its unfortunately true that everyone you meet assumes the worst (and normally true scenario).

Quite right. I'm not thrilled when my friends start questioning why Thailand, why a Thai wife? Fortunately, with friends, they listen with understanding to my answers. Other people back home are not quite so...uhmmm....enlightened, nor do those want to change their opinions (or so it seems). It's sad that the old Thai reputation still rings true.

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We don't discuss this topic enough on Thai Visa.


Its unfortunately true that everyone you meet assumes the worst (and normally true scenario).

Quite right. I'm not thrilled when my friends start questioning why Thailand, why a Thai wife? Fortunately, with friends, they listen with understanding to my answers. Other people back home are not quite so...uhmmm....enlightened, nor do those want to change their opinions (or so it seems). It's sad that the old Thai reputation still rings true.

Yes, in Thailand everyone needs to justify their own actions with their relationships and support each other. Back home, they don't have the same need and can be unfortunately blunt and unenlightened.

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Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

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Its so hard to imagine why they would think that. :)

Its even harder to imagine why you would take such offence if its not something you're worried about.

Be honest, we only really take offence at something we're privately worrying about at the back of our mind. Otherwise we just laugh at the stupidity.

First off, many board members have met my wife and I at the Thai Visa new year party. We are a complete match as a couple.

But it grinds me when someone who doesn't know a single thing about us spouts some comment like that. And it wasn't just one of them that made the comment, they each said it one after the other "Sex tourist, Bar girl!, Sex tourist, Bar girl!, Sex tourist, Bar girl!" like a f***cking chant or game that they were playing with each other. If that wouldn't get to you then you are definately a better man than me.

I could be wrong,but i assume fanatic & texpat are women,not very attractive,and very frustrated.I am with you Norrad,it happened to me too.Some people have bad manners,just pity them and carry on.Some people could be ugly,but you won't shout "You're ugly"!!!- in their faces-would you? :D

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Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

Defending her honor? You need to get in a fight with someone over name calling to "defend someones honor"? Maybe you should have slapped him upside the face with your glove and challenged him to pistols at dawn.

It amazes me how bent out of shape people can get over some <deleted> calling them a rude name...

It seems to me the only reason to go and get into it with the person and demand an "apology", is some kind of macho chest thumping.... "I'm the big man here" kind of thing...

Edited by dave111223
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Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

What if he was a bodybuilder. Would you still have knocked him out?

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Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

What if he was a bodybuilder. Would you still have knocked him out?

I'm a million times more worried about confronting a skinny Thai teenager than a falang who trains weights lol.

Dave Im weird because I get all bent out of shape if someone is going to horribly insult me or mine? I think you guys are weird that just bend over and let everyone cross your boundaries... nutless, where have all the real men gone?

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As an American, I would be the first to admit that there are many very obnoxious people among my countrymen. Thus, I am not offended by this story as that is one reason I was very happy to escape from America. The further I get from my country, the more I love it. Your comment, Tex ...

BTW, just the other day I encountered a group of obnoxious FINNS that would have put those Khao San yahoos to shame. Who would have thunk?

Edited by Jingthing
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I do feel very sorry (mainly for the wives/gf's) who have to put up with comments like that. But sadly its (i imagine) a by-product of a certain side of Thailands reputation. Unless Thailand can change that well-known side(or wants to), I think that generally many people (both Thai and Farang) will have negative assumptions about Thai-Farang relationships.

Sad but true.

Sorry to say it happens & not just from spoken words by a group of drunk tourists.

To the OP I would say it is really something to get straight in your own head or it will drive you

crazy...Sad that there are so many ignorant rude folks in the world but that is how it is & the cream of that crop likes to vacation in Thailand.

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Oh dear.

How did you know they were Americans?

How did you know they were tourists?

Did you just make this up?

Of course they were yanks, only Americans could be arrogant enough to make comments like that in public.

Us Englishmen or much more civilised and would never jump to such conclusions just on appearances.

I mean look at the mess they have made of things over there since that lot kicked out the red coats.

No, no, I’m joking of course, I have found rude and inhospitable expats living over here of all nationalities.

When I with my Thai wife first visited Thailand in 1989, we where walking about somewhere in Bangkok and my wife said, please don’t walk with me otherwise people will think she is a prostitute. So my wife walked 5 metres in front of me until we got to wherever we were going.

I can remember some Thai people asking my wife, what bar did I meet her in. I actually met my wife in London, her Uncle was the Thai ambassador there and she was his secretary.

Now that my wife and I are both in our 50s, no one gives us a second glance.

My friend said recently that once we are in our 50s or older, we become invisible to young ladies and only suddenly appear to them by using a magic formula that consists of a mixture of credit cards and cash.

As for the Farang couple who insulted the OP, I would have confronted them with a few Fs and Cs very loudly in my coarse cockney English, the same as the OP but only much more aggressive, an experience they would not have forgotten.

Edited by sassienie
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Defending her honor? You need to get in a fight with someone over name calling to "defend someones honor"? Maybe you should have slapped him upside the face with your glove and challenged him to pistols at dawn.

It amazes me how bent out of shape people can get over some <deleted> calling them a rude name...

It seems to me the only reason to go and get into it with the person and demand an "apology", is some kind of macho chest thumping.... "I'm the big man here" kind of thing...

Bend over ! :)

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Not just young louts...

A year or so ago, I was with my Thai wife, her niece (our adopted daughter) and my sister (who was visiting on holiday)

We live in Chiang Mai, but were in BKK to show my sister the sights. Our daughter attends uni in BKK and joined us at the hotel wearing her uni uniform.

We were in a hotel that has a riverfront dining terrace. We were on the terrace.

Daughter and I went together into the dining room to replenish our plates (buffet).

Passing a table, a severe looking oldish woman said, sotto voce but audible, to her (presumably) husband "Disgusting, he is old enough to be her father".

I stopped, leaned over and said to the woman "Technically, I am old enough to be her grandfather"

I then turned to the husband and said "Your wife has a septic mind".

Pathetic repartee, yes - but I got a lot of satisfaction from both of their faces.

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What if he was a bodybuilder. Would you still have knocked him out?

Hey your Tony Soprano you should know all this stuff...Just get Paulie & Silvio to handle it :)

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First I would have pointed back and said something along the lines of, "broke, smelly, back packer" and then I would have walked over to a group of motobike taxi drivers and offered 2000 baht to each of them who brought me back one of the wanke_rs teeth. Then 500 baht for each tooth after the first one.

I have ZERO tolerance for a-holes like that.

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This incident really got under my skin. I'm not generalizing Americans, in fact I have a lot of American friends and colleagues. I only mentioned their nationality because the waitress told me they were American and their accent was American. If they were British, French, German, etc. I would have mentioned it too. I'm a nice guy, I don't argue with anyone. My wife was very surprised by my outburst and the fact that I really wanted to go find them to sort things out. I looked all over for them, I probably wouldn't have got into a fight but I would have told them exactly what I think about them.

They insulted me and they insulted my wife and I will not stand for that. If they had only insulted me then I would have let it slide.

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This incident really got under my skin. I'm not generalizing Americans, in fact I have a lot of American friends and colleagues. I only mentioned their nationality because the waitress told me they were American and their accent was American. If they were British, French, German, etc. I would have mentioned it too. I'm a nice guy, I don't argue with anyone. My wife was very surprised by my outburst and the fact that I really wanted to go find them to sort things out. I looked all over for them, I probably wouldn't have got into a fight but I would have told them exactly what I think about them.

They insulted me and they insulted my wife and I will not stand for that. If they had only insulted me then I would have let it slide.

you make it sound like being a sex tourist with a bar girl is a bad thing...

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I had a really bad experience today which really got to me. The wife and I went to meet one of her friends in Khao San road, not a place I particularly like going to, when three American tourists thought it would be amusing to point us and say "Sex tourist and bar girl". Now let me start by saying that my wife are quite young (She is 23 and I am 28). I snapped and told them to f***k off back to where they came from, at which point they quickly turned around and mingled with the crowd.

My wife didn't understand why I snapped and when I explained to her she wanted to go find them and confront them about it too. Apparently the waitress, at the restaurant where it happened, told us they were saying it to every mixed couple that walked past.

I've gotten past most of the annoyances of living in Thailand, dual pricing, visa regulations etc. But this really got on my nerves.

What disgraceful behaviour. Idiots like that are more than likely to be the sex tourists themselves, and are probably jealous of you because they are shunned by all the nice Thai girls.

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Even if you had just picked up a bar girl, so what. These nob heads should know it goes on in LOS.If they dont like it they should stay home.Small minded****. It would have wound me up too. Everyone can have an opinion but thats just out of order what they done. I had some friends/couples meet me in Phuket. We done the bars nearly every night and the farang girls loved it. Most of the 'bar girls' are nice people,even my own mother loves coming here(not the loud music though).I'm off topic now a little but just defending the average 'bar girl'.

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Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

What if he was a bodybuilder. Would you still have knocked him out?

I'm a million times more worried about confronting a skinny Thai teenager than a falang who trains weights lol.

Dave Im weird because I get all bent out of shape if someone is going to horribly insult me or mine? I think you guys are weird that just bend over and let everyone cross your boundaries... nutless, where have all the real men gone?

The best response would be to completely ignore them. Not even turn the head or look at them. They were expecting some kind of reaction. What ever that would be, they would have more fun. If the OP and his wife would act as they were not present, they would feel like fools.

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