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Sunken Containers and Skeletal Remains Discovered Offshore


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gee it seams so simple...

1. get a underwater welder to the site

2. have camera crews join the dive so their is no second guessing

3. have wielder use his/her underwater tools to cut a whole in the container.

4. look inside.

Seems so simple, but TIT and simple stuff never gets done the simple way here.

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gee it seams so simple...

1. get a underwater welder to the site

2. have camera crews join the dive so their is no second guessing

3. have wielder use his/her underwater tools to cut a whole in the container.

4. look inside.

Seems so simple, but TIT and simple stuff never gets done the simple way here.

Its not so simple as there could be explosive or radio active substances in the container .

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Container examination transparent

BANGKOK, 18 May 2009 (NNT) – Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga affirms container examination is transparent and accountable, but care has to be taken as poisonous substance may be found inside.

Mr.Pirapan said that the Forensic Science Institution was examining the container, which was found under the sea in Samaesan area, Chonburi, and he had been reported periodically.

Meanwhile the cousins of the missing people during the violent incident in May, 1992 believed that the container might be used to load bodies of those missing people, but the container had to be checked if there was poisonous substance inside before opening it. The government had no part in the event, therefore the examination would be transparent.

He noticed that the container had to be intentionally dropped there, because there were net and sling, which were possibly used for dropping the container from the ship, therefore if the container loading poisonous substance, the government had to investigate and apprehend the culprit.

But he confirmed that the container did not belong to any government units definitely. However he would like Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to form a committee to directly take care of this problem.


-- NNT 2009-05-18


DSI: Coral samples may disconnect ties between submerged containers and Black May

BANGKOK, 18 May 2009 (NNT)-The Department of Special Investigations is awaiting test results of coral build up from the containers found in Samaesarn Bay to confirm initial speculations that they are over 20 years old, a fact that will disconnect ties between the discovery and the Black May incident.

Deputy Director of the DSI Pol. Gen. Narat Sawatanun, acting as the departments spokesman, stated that no orders had yet been made for the DSI to participate in inspections of the containers said to house tens of skeletons sunken off the coast of Chonburi province.

Authorities from the DSI have been dispatched to assist in efforts nonetheless, working in a supportive role to the well-known forensic expert Dr. Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunan.

Pol. Gen. Narat revealed that coral fragments from the containers had been sent for testing with early projections estimating the build up on the containers to be over 20 years, allaying suspicions that the skeletons were of missing persons from the Black May incident in 1992.

Secondary theories as to the origin of containers now point to possible human smuggling operations. Pol. Gen. Narat reminded that investigations at this time were very costly and potentially dangerous, prompting authorities to proceed carefully with the work.

The DSI Deputy Director said that meetings of the DSI on May 20 would not talk about the containers, as the collected evidence was still insufficient to form a solid opinion.


-- NNT 2009-05-18


Khunying Porntip: Container inspection method to be concluded tomorrow

BANGKOK, 18 May 2009 (NNT) - Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) Dr. Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan has announced to convene with relevant agencies tomorrow to pinpoint the method for inspection of sunken containers found offshore of Chonburi province.

After reporting to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on the latest development of the examination into the mysterious containers lying submerged in Samaesarn Bay in Sattahip district of Chonburi province, Dr. Khunying Porntip said the government was willing to give support to the operation, but suggested that the action be made prudently.

She said the government would also establish a special panel under the supervision of the Royal Thai Navy to help investigate the matter.

To reach a conclusion on the most suitable method for inspection inside the containers, Dr. Khunying Porntip will convene with relevant agencies at 1 pm tomorrow at the Ministry of Justice. She noted that one of the containers was reported to have an opening large enough for a fish to swim through, prompting a possibility for the insertion of a water-proof camera into its interior.

In response to news that some foreign agencies were willing to financially support the haul of the containers to be inspected onshore, the CIFS Director urged such agencies to contact her or the Institute directly in order for their assistance to be further considered by the Thai government.


-- NNT 2009-05-18


Tiny camera to be used to see inside containers : Dr Pornthip

A tiny underwater camera may soon slip through a hole in a mysterious container on the seabed off Chonburi's Sattahip district to check what is inside.

"We have found a hole on the container through which groupers swim in and swim out," Central Institute of Forensic Science Director Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan revealed Monday.

She said she would have a meeting with representatives from the Customs Department, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), marine archaeologists and noted marine biologist Dr Thon Thamrongnawasawat on Tuesday to discuss possible means of checking what's inside the container and where the container came from.

"Representatives from underwater camera companies will attend the meeting too," Porntip said.

Porntip has been assigned to look into the containers after they caught the media spotlight and rumours spread the bodies of those who died in the Black May incident were inside.

Porntip's team has already located one of the containers. Porntip has ruled out lifting the container from the sea for examination because the process would require a huge budget.

The Pollution Control Department (PCD), meanwhile, has voiced opposition against any plan to cut open the container underwater.

"If toxic waste is inside, cutting the container open in the sea would cause far flung environmental impacts," PCD Director-General Dr Supat Wangwongwattana said.

Nevertheless, he doubts the container harbours toxic waste because coral reefs and fishes would have been affected.

Officials have now suggested the container has rested on the seabed off Chonburi for more than 20 years, judging by the barnacles found on it.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as well as many high profile figures have pointed out the mysterious container could not be related to the Black May incident, which took place 17 years ago.


-- The Nation 2009-05-18


Camera to peer into sunken container

A camera will be inserted through a small hole in a cargo container under the sea near Juang island, off Sattahip in Chonburi, to see if it really does contain human bones as rumoured, Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) Director Porntip Rojanasunan said on Monday.

Divers had located the hole, which was being used by fish entering and leaving the container, Dr Porntip said.

She said a camera could be inserted through the hole to see what is inside.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-05-18

Edited by sriracha john
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Nearly 2 weeks later, any further news?

As per Channel 3 tonight they are interviewing one navy person and the forensic lady

They have shown video of the dive and the one skull that was recovered.The container has numbers and also has a tag on the door instead of a lock this maybe common practice with containers i am unsure?The container is still on the sea bed and looks like it has been there for a very long time .The forensic lady has said there is a foul smell coming from the contanier and she believes there maybe remains inside. Now all parties are waiting for the go ahead from Bangkok to continue further investigation including drilling holes and placing a camera inside as discussed before .

Tonights news report has been going for 45 minutes already so lets hope it continues and the containers are opened to put this to rest one way or the other


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''there was a foul smell coming from the container''

How the heck do you smell underwater?

This is certainly one of the more bizarre stories from the LOS, right out of urban myth if they hadn't found actual containers,

Certainly interesting. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Survey of Sunken Container to Resume

Authorities are preparing to resume examining the sunken shipping container found off the coast of Chonburi after the government approved a budget.

The government has allocated up to 7 million baht to examine and possibly retrieve the shipping container on the floor of the Gulf of Thailand. The container is believed by many to contain human skeletons, and relatives of those missing from the 1992 Black May military crackdown believe they might hold the remains of their loved ones.

Only one container has been discovered, but there are rumors of others located in the same area.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunan, today informed officials during a meeting of related agencies that tests conducted by the Office of the Atomic Energy for Peace found no radioactive substances or other types of toxic materials on the barnacles on the surface of the container.

Meanwhile, the Navy has arranged for the H.T.M.S PHARUEHATSABODI warship, a mine-sweeper, and a number of its staff to support the examination of the container.

Initially, the survey team will examine only the physical conditions of the container's exterior because the nature of its contents is unknown, and therefore presents unknown risks to those involved.

The meeting of related agencies today also resulted in the Department of Special Investigation being assigned to take over the investigation of the container if it is found to contain toxic waste.


-- Tan Network 2009-06-02

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This is horsesh-t.

The Gulf is really shallow - doubt if more than 30m. Recovery of containers could easily be accomplished with team of divers and couple of barges. Somebody (suspect alot of brass) doesn't want them recovered. Doubt they will be till divers have first opened them under water and emptied, then possibly refilled them.

My money would be on recovery when they've had time for an underwater clean up and finding them full of unsold Thailand Elite cards as foretold in NTN

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  • 2 weeks later...

8 Million Baht operation to reveal the contents of mystery containers off the coast of Sattahip.

We continue to follow the story of the mystery containers located deep on the sea bed off the coast of Sattahip. There are rumors that they are full of skeletal remains and could possibly be linked with the student uprising which took place between 17th and 20th May 1992 where many students were killed and others went missing and were never found. We can now report that a total of eight containers have been found and the Government has assigned a budget of 8 Million Baht to solve the container mystery. On Wednesday Morning at the Sattahip Navy Base a Helicopter crew was given a final briefing before they were due to dispatch divers to one of the containers. The divers are preparing for cameras which will be placed inside the container and on Thursday work is expected to begin to drill holes in the container and soon after we should finally know what is inside. We will keep you updated.

Source: Pattaya One News - 10 June 2009

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Amazing...in another place of the world there are chances to recover a flight recorder from 4,000 m depth, but here in Thailand we don't even know about the content of a container lying 30 m deep.

TiT indeed....far beyond human logic.


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Container hides no human remains

Photographs show there are no human remains in the mystery shipping container on the seabed off Chonburi's Sattahip district, marine expert Thorn Thamrongnawasawat said on Thursday.

Divers had inserted a camera through a hole about 60 centimetres wide and photographed the inside, Mr Thorn said. Although three sharks were seen sleeping inside the 6 metre by 3 metre container, this was not grounds to conclude it did not contain toxic substances. A mud sample had been collected for further study, he said.

The committee responsible for investigating this and other dumped containers thought to be nearby will meet to discuss the findings, he said.

Continued here:



-- Bangkok Post 2009-06-11

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No human skeletons found inside mysterious containers

CHONBURI, 11 June 2009 (NNT) – No human skeletons were discovered inside the mysterious containers on the seabed off the coast of Chonburi province as earlier rumored.

On the mission to probe the mysterious containers, an investigation team led by naval officers and divers traveled out to the location of the sunken objects in Samaesarn Bay in the early morning of today.

The team, joined by press members and officials from the Department of Special Investigation, the Central Institute of Forensic Science and the Pollution Control Department, reportedly conducted its operation by inserting a waterproof camera to view the contents inside the containers.

However, in contrast with rumors that there were scores of human skeletons inside, which belonged to victims of the 1992 Black May incident, the inspection confirmed that such speculation was false as no human bones were found.

Earlier, Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, along with senior naval officers, traveled to seek talks with the locals about the containers to collect information, which could be beneficial to the conclusion of the issue.


-- NNT 2009-06-11

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Theres hardly going to be any human remains in a sealed container with 3 sharks sleeping in it, are there? One of the craziest stories i have ever read!

Let sleeping sharks lie.

They are probably waiting for a month so that the sharks can wake up and piss off!

Cheers, Rick

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Container only holds seawater

Cameras see no human remains or toxic waste

An inspection of one of the mysterious sunken containers off Chonburi's Sattahip district has found neither skeletal remains nor toxic waste. Divers yesterday used cameras to look inside the container. It was found to be empty apart from some marine life.

The findings were announced at a press conference led by the Department of Special Investigation. Thorn Thamrongnawasawat, a marine expert from Kasetsart University, said the dive team inspected the container thoroughly. They found only a large wooden crate with fishing nets covering it on top of the container.

Initial tests did not find any trace of radioactive substance. "There is nothing suspicious," Mr Thorn said. "We have no idea how it came to be dumped on the seabed." A decision to inspect submerged containers at other locations would be made by a panel investigating the mysterious containers led by the permanent secretary for justice.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-06-12

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We'll never know what was in the containers. The public will be told whatever the government wants them to be told. I'm sure that by now, the containers will have been sanitized.

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We'll never know what was in the containers. The public will be told whatever the government wants them to be told. I'm sure that by now, the containers will have been sanitized.

Absolutely spot on GaryA :)

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Last night Channel 7 news showed video of the divers going down and inserting the camera through a hole (looked to about about a foot or so in diameter which a small fish would have no problem getting through) in the container as well as shots of the container itself. Doesn't look like anyone could have opened it and got whatever was in there out before hand.

There are apparently several others they need to investigate. They are using Thai Navy vessels and divers. They could raise if they wanted to spend the money, but it would require getting a large crane barge out there which can be exspensive.


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