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Good News Have You Seen The Pound Rates


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I'm sure there is a lot of guys who have been here a long time but even I can remember 75 to the pound.

ah the good old days :)

Was it only last year I got 71 to the pound? Yes those were the days.

Nostalgia really aint what it used to be is it?

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

It will continue to rise. There is a growing acceptance that the UK took its medicine early and was quite transparent in revealing its economic situation. Its the reverse for the Euro zone , a lot of exposure by European banks and companies to the imploding Eastern european economies means people are cautious when it comes to the Euro believing it will only get worse. I don't see 60 THB to the £ as being unrealistic over the next few months.....OK I'm a wishful thinker :)

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

It will continue to rise. There is a growing acceptance that the UK took its medicine early and was quite transparent in revealing its economic situation. Its the reverse for the Euro zone , a lot of exposure by European banks and companies to the imploding Eastern european economies means people are cautious when it comes to the Euro believing it will only get worse. I don't see 60 THB to the £ as being unrealistic over the next few months.....OK I'm a wishful thinker :)

A massive undershoot in value, and the predictions turned out wrong. I wouldn't like to predict a value against the bubble - sorry, I mean the bt.

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

and worst of the lot seems to be Thailand!!! Check out GDP shrinkage on Bloomberg.

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

It will continue to rise. There is a growing acceptance that the UK took its medicine early and was quite transparent in revealing its economic situation. Its the reverse for the Euro zone , a lot of exposure by European banks and companies to the imploding Eastern european economies means people are cautious when it comes to the Euro believing it will only get worse. I don't see 60 THB to the £ as being unrealistic over the next few months.....OK I'm a wishful thinker :)

The Euro will probably tank in a few years when individual countries decide their problems are more important than the well being of the currency. At that point China will probably have had it and demand some collateral from the US. People will panic, their savings wiped out, then lo and behold a new world currency backed by the World Bank and IMF will be introduced much to the relief of the sheeple. Then we will all be eternal slaves to the interest rate manipulation of the Fed's.

Or thats one scenario :D

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

You mean like Roman Empire, if you go back home and stay for a few months you'll see how bad it is in the UK, and there is no reason for it to be getting better other then sentiment, jobs are being lost in the 100,000 region by the month, and the main wealth creator that is the banking sector is in the sh7t.

V the Baht it has risen by 3bht to the GBP in the last few weeks while falling by 23bht over a 16 month period, and has risen by 7 cents to the USD over the last month but fell by over 65 cents in the same 16 month period ... its hardly getting back to the good ol days but a small move in the right direction for tourists.

England and the US have both been shooting themsleves in the foot for too long ... just wait and see.. i'm right

Edited by sanmiguel
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I'm sure there is a lot of guys who have been here a long time but even I can remember 75 to the pound.

45 to the dollar.Was it ever higher than this?

January,1998 I got 96 Baht to the £,hard to believe now.

Yes I remember those days, but now only a memory!! :):D

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Up until now I've been laughing at the 'MP's expenses' scandal, but.....

it looks as if it might just cause political upheaval.

If (as the Brit public wants - and who can blame them?) a large number of MPs are forced to resign, a general election is called and the public vote in a lot of 'unknown' MPs that stand for none of the main political parties (who have lost all moral credibility) - what will happen to sterling? :)

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Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

How an American can talk about "Dead Cat Bounces" is just laughable,the whole World was calling the greenback the "American Peso" 18 months ago when it hit US$1.61 against the Euro!

Do you not even understand that the credit crunch started in the American sub-prime mortgage markets with dim-witted brokers lending money to clients with the acronym "Ninjas",which stands for No Income,No Jobs or Assets.

They then wrapped up that toxic debt in complicated financial instruments and sold it on to the rest of Europe.

The pound was also trading at about 2.12 against the US Peso,if I remember correctly,I suggest you remove your head from your ass and accept the facts! :)

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