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Authorities Ask Red Bull To Explain Cocaine Found In Red Bull Sold In Germany

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FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.


-- NNT 2009-05-28

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German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine

in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage


Above from an ad in a beverage industry magazine...

"Thanks to its formulation, Red Bull Cola is not only a cola, but

a special kind of cola: strong and natural."

FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.


-- NNT 2009-05-28


Anybody ever asked Coca Cola what the secret ingredient in their cola is?

Maybe a surprise?

FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.


-- NNT 2009-05-28


Anybody ever asked Coca Cola what the secret ingredient in their cola is?

Maybe a surprise?

I remember that in early days there was indeed some dubious ingredient in coca cola,not sure if it was cocaine.However this ingredient was removed from the recipe later.


Rest assured that after this report the sales of Red Bull Cola will increase.

Sounds like good a advertising promotion to me - but then, maybe I'm old and cynical.. :)


Found this rather interesting thing about Coca-cola.

Drug Production and Trade - Encyclopedia of World Environmental History 2003

Geopium - P.-A. Chouvy

WWW.GEOPIUM.ORG www.pa-chouvy.org

Fusarium oxysporum, which was accidentally discovered in the 1970’s when it destroyed an experimental commercial coca plantation owned by the Coca-Cola company in Hawaii.

FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.

http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/index.php' target="_blank">cocacola-advert.gif

and also wiki:

[Coca-Cola inventor] Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, in 1891

Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.


Background on Red Bull and its Thai owner:

and from Forbes overall World's Billionaires List:

#260 Chaleo Yoovidhya

Age: 76

Fortune: self made

Source: Red Bull

Net Worth: $4.0 bil

Country Of Citizenship: Thailand

Residence: Bangkok , Thailand, Asia & Australia

Industry: Beverages

Marital Status: married, 5 children


Founder of T.C. Pharmaceuticals, a producer of energy drinks in Thailand. Met up with Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz two decades ago and the two decided to found an energy drink company. Chaleo provided the beverage formula and his partner contributed the marketing flair. The result: Red Bull, which now has $4.4 billion in sales and in which they each own 49%. Son Chalerm, who holds the remaining 2% stake in Red Bull, owns one of Asia's leading wine producers, Siam Winery, whose labels include Monsoon Valley and Sabai, an herb-and-wine drink.


MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers,

Until someone like a totally unsuspecting surgeon or airline pilot tests positive for it and their career is ruined...but if Mr. Pipat says there's no risk we can all relax. Just another adulterated food product from Asia.

Rest assured that after this report the sales of Red Bull Cola will increase.

Sounds like good a advertising promotion to me - but then, maybe I'm old and cynical.. :)

Or, just for the hel_l of it, something coca cola did, backfired?

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers,

Until someone like a totally unsuspecting surgeon or airline pilot tests positive for it and their career is ruined...but if Mr. Pipat says there's no risk we can all relax. Just another adulterated food product from Asia.

From Wikipedia:

Kola nuts are used mainly for their stimulant and euphoriant qualities. They have effects similar to other xanthine-containing herbs like cocoa, tea, coffee, guarana and yerba mate. However, the effects are distinctively different, producing a stronger state of euphoria and well being. They have stimulant effects on the central nervous system and heart. Animal experiments indicate that kola nuts have analeptic and lipolytic (fat-burning) properties, and stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. Human studies show kola nuts have positive chronotropic and weak diuretic effects. In humans it enhances alertness and physical energy, elevates mood, increases tactile sensitivity and suppresses the appetite. Autonomic changes include increased body temperature, increased blood pressure and increased respiratory rate. Effects may last up to 6 hours after ingestion.

It sounds like paddo's, or maybe good old Dutch spacecake!

....edited to shorten...

I remember that in early days there was indeed some dubious ingredient in coca cola,not sure if it was cocaine.However this ingredient was removed from the recipe later.

yes, there was, as far as i am informed, it's original recipe

was made by a pharmacist and it was intended to be a tonic.

Coca leaves and Cola nuts have been used, then not illegal!

there is a german chocolate introduced at the german olympics 1936 -

called Scho-ka-kolaor Sports-chocolate it also contained extracts

of the cola nut and roasted coffee beans!

Later it attracted the name "flyer-chocolate" because rations of

the "luftwaffe" contained this round tin of chocolate:


Where can I find some Kola nuts? :)

Try Australia - and its Koala. :D

Just don't confuse the docile Koala Bear with the similar-appearing-but-quite-different Drop Bear. They look like they would likely be very resistant to parting with their nuts.


Drop Bear


The Drop Bear is described as an arboreal, (tree dwelling) carnivorous marsupial of Australia, Phascolarctus Hodgsonii, growing to around 4 feet in height. Believed to have evolved from a similar line to koalas, Drop Bears vary from 3 to 5 feet in height, but are extremely strong. They are covered in a dense fur, which can range from almost black to the Alpine Drop Bear's snowy white coat. They have broad shoulders and razor sharp claws on all four limbs. They are able to walk for short distances on two legs, but are much faster on all four, being capable of bursts of speed approaching 60 km/h at full gallop. Their heads are similar to those of koalas, but with enlarged canine teeth, not unlike those of bears or other carnivorous animals.

Where can I find some Kola nuts? :)

Try Australia - and its Koala. :D

Just don't confuse the docile Koala Bear with the similar-appearing-but-quite-different Drop Bear. They look like they would likely be very resistant to parting with their nuts.


Drop Bear


The Drop Bear is described as an arboreal, (tree dwelling) carnivorous marsupial of Australia, Phascolarctus Hodgsonii, growing to around 4 feet in height. Believed to have evolved from a similar line to koalas, Drop Bears vary from 3 to 5 feet in height, but are extremely strong. They are covered in a dense fur, which can range from almost black to the Alpine Drop Bear's snowy white coat. They have broad shoulders and razor sharp claws on all four limbs. They are able to walk for short distances on two legs, but are much faster on all four, being capable of bursts of speed approaching 60 km/h at full gallop. Their heads are similar to those of koalas, but with enlarged canine teeth, not unlike those of bears or other carnivorous animals.

S.J.Please note the Koala is not a bear.



Now let's get back to the Kola and it's nuts.,,, :D


Just don't confuse the docile Koala Bear with the similar-appearing-but-quite-different Drop Bear. They look like they would likely be very resistant to parting with their nuts.


Drop Bear


The Drop Bear is described as an arboreal, (tree dwelling) carnivorous marsupial of Australia, Phascolarctus Hodgsonii, growing to around 4 feet in height. Believed to have evolved from a similar line to koalas, Drop Bears vary from 3 to 5 feet in height, but are extremely strong. They are covered in a dense fur, which can range from almost black to the Alpine Drop Bear's snowy white coat. They have broad shoulders and razor sharp claws on all four limbs. They are able to walk for short distances on two legs, but are much faster on all four, being capable of bursts of speed approaching 60 km/h at full gallop. Their heads are similar to those of koalas, but with enlarged canine teeth, not unlike those of bears or other carnivorous animals.

S.J.Please note the Koala is not a bear.



Now let's get back to the Kola and it's nuts.,,, :D

Duly noted with the added annotation that a Drop Bear is also not a bear. :)

FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.


-- NNT 2009-05-28


Anybody ever asked Coca Cola what the secret ingredient in their cola is?

Maybe a surprise?


...cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter ...

So that's half a millionth of a gram in 1,000 grams. :)

Maybe one of their workers was a druggie and he sneezed?


...Red Bull has always been upfront about the recipe for its new cola. Its website boasts colorful pictures of coca, cardamom and Kola nuts, along with other key "natural" ingredients. The company insists, however, that coca leaves are used as a flavoring agent only after removing the illegal cocaine alkaloid. "De-cocainized extract of coca leaf is used worldwide in foods as a natural flavoring," said a Red Bull spokesman in response to the German government's announcement. Though the cocaine alkaloid is one of 10 alkaloids in coca leaves and represents only 0.8% of the chemical makeup of the plant, it's removal is mandated by international antinarcotics agencies when used outside the Andean region...


Time 2009-05-25

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.

http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/index.php' target="_blank">cocacola-advert.gif

and also wiki:

[Coca-Cola inventor] Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, in 1891

Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.

Thats the answer then, they are just selling some old stock. :)


Sorry, dude, not that much of a conspiracy theory. Coca Cola in it's early days did have ingredients from the coca plant. Stopped in 1903, according to a post above. Read the whole thread.

Rest assured that after this report the sales of Red Bull Cola will increase.

haha thats what i was thinking. gonna see if 7-11 has it. the coffee around here sucks.

...cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter ...

So that's half a millionth of a gram in 1,000 grams. :)

Maybe one of their workers was a druggie and he sneezed?

as I recall, coca leaf is still used in the formula but all the active ingredient is processed out before hand leaving ONLY TRACE amounts, allowable by law. It's essentially not there. This is just another stupid ploy by a gov to IMITATE an actual efficient, active and tough on drugs government. AS if they'll be burning up the wires to the German gov to get this sorted out.

"officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product."

does this mean trips to Germany? Maybe this is just all about a free vacation.

A story like this just lampoons the very gov that put it out.

They shot themselves in the whoopee cushion.

...Red Bull has always been upfront about the recipe for its new cola. Its website boasts colorful pictures of coca, cardamom and Kola nuts, along with other key "natural" ingredients. The company insists, however, that coca leaves are used as a flavoring agent only after removing the illegal cocaine alkaloid. "De-cocainized extract of coca leaf is used worldwide in foods as a natural flavoring," said a Red Bull spokesman in response to the German government's announcement. Though the cocaine alkaloid is one of 10 alkaloids in coca leaves and represents only 0.8% of the chemical makeup of the plant, it's removal is mandated by international antinarcotics agencies when used outside the Andean region...


Time 2009-05-25



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