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if i were in your shoes,i will ignore this thing,go to condo management and report that somthing is happning at next door,i have nothing to do with it,so in case somthing serious happens i am not responsible or answerable to anyone.

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I am sure in the fullness of time that Alex will fill us in on the details here (or maybe not!) however, he has clearly been through a traumatic experience and I am sure that keeping you/us informed is the least of his concerns at the moment.

Why you don't take a look at his post history from last night after he made his last post here.Then you can judge for yourself how traumatic he was.

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I am sure in the fullness of time that Alex will fill us in on the details here (or maybe not!) however, he has clearly been through a traumatic experience and I am sure that keeping you/us informed is the least of his concerns at the moment.

Why you don't take a look at his post history from last night after he made his last post here.Then you can judge for yourself how traumatic he was.

OK, I fell for it - I'll get my coat :)

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I am sure in the fullness of time that Alex will fill us in on the details here (or maybe not!) however, he has clearly been through a traumatic experience and I am sure that keeping you/us informed is the least of his concerns at the moment.

Why you don't take a look at his post history from last night after he made his last post here.Then you can judge for yourself how traumatic he was.

OK, I fell for it - I'll get my coat :)

I would suggest someone else gets his coat,to go see a doctor, if he consider these kind of topics as funny.

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Really? Someone with over 4000 posts would actually do that? Hard to imagine but I haven't paid much attention to him so don't know this about him.

Not really, as I have seen the OPs posts long ago. Tried to help him in the early day in the 'Pubs and Fun' forum with "change a letter' etc.. Since then our member with over 4000 posts 'has lost the plot', I think with this post. Sad really :D

Please do not think for one moment that someone with too many posts is real or false nor genuine. Most of us are genuine when we post btw :D

Shame on you 'Dutch Troller' for doing this to our members young and old. :)

Kan Win :D

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If this was a troll post, by someone with over 4k posts, he needs to be banned. Seriously, this is far more destructive than most of the crap other people get banned for. When someone with 4k posts makes a thread, people listen, joking about murder is not acceptable.

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If this was a troll post, by someone with over 4k posts, he needs to be banned. Seriously, this is far more destructive than most of the crap other people get banned for. When someone with 4k posts makes a thread, people listen, joking about murder is not acceptable.
I think that the people that fell for this original story should not be in Thailand. One post on a forum and they got took in. Being as they got took in by the OP then what other things have they fell foul to ? Obviously they will think they haven't but people always seem to be in denile. My estimate would be that 75% of farangs are being conned at some stage, and I include myself in that equation, possibly. We only find out with hindsight.
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it now looks to me like a troll post also , as he seems to be having fun elsewhere with another post

I think the wording"troll post" is just sweetening the reality.It more looks like a post from a sick minded person.

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Well first of all it is not a troll post, that would be very sick.

The place I stay is more like a compound with something like 12-14 seperate small condo buildings. Security is only at the main gate and sometimes I think once an hour some guy passes by on a bike. There in not an inhouse line like in single condo's. I was having a nap on my sofa when I was woken up by someone banging the door and a lot of screaming shouting. So indeed I just thought typical fight between partners or something so I went to sit at my computer and put on headphone.

Even with HP on I could hear the fight continue but it was now inside and it was really getting/sounding serious, there was banging on the wall or something and it sounded like someone was being thrown at the wall as it sounded real weird and lot of other strange sounds.

In my homecountry if something like this happens we call the police and they will come. So I did not know the number and instead I posted this post and hope someone would know the number of police or have some idea what to do yes i was a bit in panic. But OK I managed to find the number on the net so I called them and the tourist police and they said what I said before just leave it this is thai fighting no worry.

When I heard futher screams and big noises I called again and let them hear, they just said the same, so I hang up, I was really shaky as I thought maybe the guy heard me making a call and will bang in my door. So after a while the screaming stopped but I heard some other strange noise for a while then it all stopped.

I dunno how much time went by but after reading some comments here where one mentioned kicking the door yes I kicked the door but not opened.

As it was quit i went back and after some time I heard more voices so I opened the door and there was police (maybe other people called as well I dunno). They already inside so I took a quick peek and blood everywhere in the entrance.

Told police my story and they made a few notes, girl was later carried outside in some bag.

So yes very sickening experience but not that I have seen worse before, I once saw a guy being sliced to death im my HC just a few meters distance.

So initial shock is over as I could not have done a thing, I have no guns or whatever weapon or tool here to do anything and also through my mind went not to mind others bizz and maybe the police was right and I just thought the situation was bad something like that.

So live goes on, had onother strange/bad experience but also understand things happen and you need to go on. There is no need to feel bad for a few days or whatever time if you are personaly confronted with death. Same for witnessing deadly car accidents with mangeled bodies.

These things happen all the day everywhere as you can see in the news it is just not nice if it happens so close.

Best medicine for such things is humour and talk with some people.

What I found most important to learn from this is that here in Thailand it seems police comes not so quickly as in other parts of the world and that indeed it might be good to have some kind of defensive item like baseball bat or something at hand just incase.

So my apologies for not catching up quickly on this thread as just wanted it to rest for a while, hope you guys understand.

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Well first of all it is not a troll post, that would be very sick.

The place I stay is more like a compound with something like 12-14 seperate small condo buildings. Security is only at the main gate and sometimes I think once an hour some guy passes by on a bike. There in not an inhouse line like in single condo's. I was having a nap on my sofa when I was woken up by someone banging the door and a lot of screaming shouting. So indeed I just thought typical fight between partners or something so I went to sit at my computer and put on headphone.

Even with HP on I could hear the fight continue but it was now inside and it was really getting/sounding serious, there was banging on the wall or something and it sounded like someone was being thrown at the wall as it sounded real weird and lot of other strange sounds.

In my homecountry if something like this happens we call the police and they will come. So I did not know the number and instead I posted this post and hope someone would know the number of police or have some idea what to do yes i was a bit in panic. But OK I managed to find the number on the net so I called them and the tourist police and they said what I said before just leave it this is thai fighting no worry.

When I heard futher screams and big noises I called again and let them hear, they just said the same, so I hang up, I was really shaky as I thought maybe the guy heard me making a call and will bang in my door. So after a while the screaming stopped but I heard some other strange noise for a while then it all stopped.

I dunno how much time went by but after reading some comments here where one mentioned kicking the door yes I kicked the door but not opened.

As it was quit i went back and after some time I heard more voices so I opened the door and there was police (maybe other people called as well I dunno). They already inside so I took a quick peek and blood everywhere in the entrance.

Told police my story and they made a few notes, girl was later carried outside in some bag.

So yes very sickening experience but not that I have seen worse before, I once saw a guy being sliced to death im my HC just a few meters distance.

So initial shock is over as I could not have done a thing, I have no guns or whatever weapon or tool here to do anything and also through my mind went not to mind others bizz and maybe the police was right and I just thought the situation was bad something like that.

So live goes on, had onother strange/bad experience but also understand things happen and you need to go on. There is no need to feel bad for a few days or whatever time if you are personaly confronted with death. Same for witnessing deadly car accidents with mangeled bodies.

These things happen all the day everywhere as you can see in the news it is just not nice if it happens so close.

Best medicine for such things is humour and talk with some people.

What I found most important to learn from this is that here in Thailand it seems police comes not so quickly as in other parts of the world and that indeed it might be good to have some kind of defensive item like baseball bat or something at hand just incase.

So my apologies for not catching up quickly on this thread as just wanted it to rest for a while, hope you guys understand.


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Well I have tried to describe a bit from what I remembered or think I remember. It sure was not imagination but its fine with me. Whatever you think and feel OK with. So for me I would like to give this a rest and rather go on with things and have some fun posting in the pub and entertainment section and some other sections. I have learned my lesson and hope some here as well. That is if you call the alarm number they will most likely come in case there is either a car accident or some other incident with casualties I suppose.

One officer suggested that people should find out the phone number of the nearest police station as that would be much better so I will go and do that tomorrow.

Thanks for the kind comments, but please I just want to close this chapter and get on with my life, I hope you can respect that.


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Well I am sure the OP will supply us with some evidence, since he always has a camera at hand looking at his other posts about dancing lights in the sky, strange cloud formations and UFO`s.

So it will not be too much to ask to see pics of a `kicked in` door and maybe a news report either in English or in Thai.

It would most certainly clear up some doubts which I do read and sense here.

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2 things, he doesnt speak english well and does not write well, and you guys can't read well. He said that he kicked the door but it didn't open, he was too frail to get it open, but at least he tried. He never said he kicked it down. Later the police came and then he saw the blood.

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Carib, my posting in the "Entertainment" section are just what they are. Have some fun. At least now we know that in Thailand there are Blimbs floating around.

And I was very clear in my posting there that it was something I could not recognise, therefore I called it an Unidentified object which was true and I mentioned that it could be a blimp. Don't you try to paint some kind of silly picture of me without linking to the topic that would clearly show I was just asking people if they had seen something similar and could identify it.

I never stated we where invaded by some alien space ships.

I guess you are a different person than me as you state that you expect some pictures of a trapped in door and stuff but sorry I am not as sick as you.

If you are looking for crime scenes and blood and dead body's I guess you know where to go.

Ask yourself, would you make some pictures of a crime scene and why, to send to your family and proudly tell them you where there?

How sick are you?

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2 things, he doesnt speak english well and does not write well, and you guys can't read well. He said that he kicked the door but it didn't open, he was too frail to get it open, but at least he tried. He never said he kicked it down. Later the police came and then he saw the blood.


Toys in the Attic mate....

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I never send you any PM Datsun, why you talk like that?

White bag or sheets whatever. Just hope us people living in Thailand take the advice from the police and get the phone number of your nearest police station, I will.

Next advice would be to have some kind of defense thing.

I just hope from my story you would think about it and think about what you would do.

a lot of former special forces and wanna be Rambo's here so please take their advice but remember they can only be found in beer bars.

What a joke.

As I said I want to close this but I see some personal attack against me, for what?

Please have the phone number of your local police station at hand, just in case something bad happen and have some personal security device.


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Alex is so very blase about murder isn't he? "Death happens every day...just have to forget about and fun in the pub etc." dam_n...if it was me and I could hear what was sounding like a murder happening, police turned up too late and I kept my headphones on and saw the result, I'd certainly be kicking myself for a number of weeks for not doing more. That would be my lesson learnt.

1) police not interested, keep on to them. Insist someone comes out now..people are getting seriously hurt.

2) round up the neighbours, knock on the doors. Don't stay in your room and hide it out. You'd want some help if you were being beaten to death maybe?

3) if there are language problems call a thai friend immediately to speak with police

4) run outside to find that security guard

5) hammer on the door and shout - if might just distract the attack. If you feel at risk run outside after hammering on the door and follow the other courses of action.

None of these points sound like they'd put yourself at risk, more like natural reactions in a scary situation. Cultural differences and "thais fighting is normal" doesn't come into it. The sound of a normal domestic squabble and the sounds of someone getting killed in a domestic fight should be quite separable.

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carlbkk, have to agree with you completely, no way would you do nothing at all,even if you were crapping yourself! OP keep us posted on developments, let us all know what the neighbours say tomorrow, going to be big news and gossip everywhere? Not a nice thing to witness, talk to others who heard it, thing it will help and may give you and us a few more answers!

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Carib, my posting in the "Entertainment" section are just what they are. Have some fun. At least now we know that in Thailand there are Blimbs floating around.

And I was very clear in my posting there that it was something I could not recognise, therefore I called it an Unidentified object which was true and I mentioned that it could be a blimp. Don't you try to paint some kind of silly picture of me without linking to the topic that would clearly show I was just asking people if they had seen something similar and could identify it.

I never stated we where invaded by some alien space ships.

I guess you are a different person than me as you state that you expect some pictures of a trapped in door and stuff but sorry I am not as sick as you.

If you are looking for crime scenes and blood and dead body's I guess you know where to go.

Ask yourself, would you make some pictures of a crime scene and why, to send to your family and proudly tell them you where there?

How sick are you?

Alex, a way out has been offered by suggesting to put up some pics/proof . To prove something where some members have doubts about. I think by now that must be very clear to you, if not read the postings again.

If you by doing so come across my posting you will see that I didn't say anything about space invasions, or blimps or that I was looking for dead bodies or crime scenes. And about painting a certain picture of you, well I am sorry you seem to have misjudged that too, nor do you need help with that judging by the contents of your answer.

I merely suggested that you, who always seems to have a camera at hand, could supply the board with `some` proof and also suggested it could be either a Thai or English newspaper report.

Now what possibly can be wrong with a suggestion like that since the answer would very much benefit you, and all doubt would have been taken away in just one posting.

Instead you are very much trying to turn the tables by going defencive and suggesting that others, me in this case, are sick.

It just doesn't feel right, but I am sure you have a reason for that.


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