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Applying For 1 & 5 Year Thai Driving Licences


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I failed the theory test twice today......I would have passed had the correct answers matched the questions.

I can see why there is such a high fail rate, especially as it asked the same question 4 times, each time I gave the correct answer.

The guy wandering around had a good chuckle the first time I got 44, and then the second time.

we looked at the questions together that I had got wrong, and I showed him that it was wrong, he shrugged his shoulders.

Going back again tomorrow, not quite sure how I am going to pass it, because the same question appears with a different order and it is correct.

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License Approval update ... Samut Prakan.

My 1 year bike and car licenses expired a couple of months back ... so just the right time to go for the 5 year licences.

Me ... Australian Citizen, tourist Visa (this time).

Documents required of me ... 2 copies of each ...

1 year licenses (originals)

Photocopies of Passport and I included a copy of the Departure Card ... don't know if needed or not.

Original Passport

Doctors Certificate ... cost Bt 40 ... no tests, no see the Doctor.

Letter from the Oz Embassy ... actually a Stat Dec written by me just simply stating my address (cost, Bt 560)

Tests ...

Standard Traffic lights.

Peripheral Vision ... got one wrong ... thought it was green ... she said no ... I replied yellow ... she said good ... I liked this lady!

Reaction time, brake test ... I was surprised at the number of first time fails by others. Everyone allowed to try again till passing.

Depth of feild test.

All passed and the time taken for the above was 40 mins .. thumbsup.gif

Went upstairs for the license issuing ... 90 mins waiting ... facepalm.gif

Saw more then 200 pass through the room ... I was the only Westerner.

When we finally got to the Lady who issues the licenses ... great fun ... she tried her English a little, me, my Thai ... great laughs all around (she thought I was a very handsom man) ... Pak Warrn!

Thanks to all the contributors ... your posts helped me a lot.

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I failed the theory test twice today......I would have passed had the correct answers matched the questions.

I can see why there is such a high fail rate, especially as it asked the same question 4 times, each time I gave the correct answer.

The guy wandering around had a good chuckle the first time I got 44, and then the second time.

we looked at the questions together that I had got wrong, and I showed him that it was wrong, he shrugged his shoulders.

Going back again tomorrow, not quite sure how I am going to pass it, because the same question appears with a different order and it is correct.

OK you have got me at it, what question was it.

My Oz mate told em there was what he thought a wrong answer to a question but it was the right answer as far as Thailand DLT's are concern. laugh.png

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There were several.

One of them is about parking with two correct answers.

One is the blue 30 sign - which is min speed , but on one it was wrong and as max speed

I got 50 today............then failed the practical on the last bit parking next to the kerb because I was too close and not exactly on the white line - i will go back in a week when I can face the madness again.

The guy after me, just about ran over the kerbstone, dragged his shiny alloys along it, but they felt he was far enough away to allow him to pass.


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I have non-o based on marriage and decided to get both bike and car licenses here in Khon Kaen. Didn't have an ID so was told I have to do the full 2 day test scenario the same as thais, for both licenses!!

Sod that at my age and experience so went home. Told family and friends in the village and they all immediately said why not ask such and such ' s wife to help, she works in the Amphur and has contacts.

Wifey asked, contact made, next morning turned up at the DL place near our village....20 minutes later walked out with both licenses. Cost 3000 total..cheap for my mind as no way was I sitting through 2 days of crap with kids who couldn't drive.

Happy boy here 5555!!!!

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I recently renewed my 5-year auto and motorcycle licenses...here is my experience.

Location: Chok Chai, Nakhon Ratachasima (between Chok Chai and Nakhon Ratchasima on Route 224)

License status: both were 5-year, to expire 8 November 2014.

We went past this location on the way to Dan Kwian Immigration for my second Extension of Stay visit, so we stopped in to check on the requirements (pre-emptive strike). The wife ran inside and was back in a few minutes...we need Certificate of Residency and a Health Certificate.

Based on the information provided, while at the Immigration office I went upstairs and got the Certificate of Residency. That required my passport, my TM6, an application form, the wife's ID and tambien baan. The wife went to make the requisite photocopies while I filled out the (simple) form. After a short wait, a couple hundred baht fee and we were good to go.

Since we live near the Chok Chai hospital, we stopped there on the way home and I got my Health Certificate (self-test for blood pressure, pulse, weight, height, the lady listened to my heart/chest, good to go). My card for the local hospital was in tatters, so they gave me a new one.

A couple of days later we made it to the testing station. The helpful gentleman at the reception/information desk to us what copies we needed (passport photo page, TM6, Certificate of Residence). Two copies of everything because I am getting two licenses. Interestingly, he took a glance at the Med Certificate and handed it back...mai ow khrap.

I handed everything in and waited a bit, then was told to come back at 12:30 (this was around 11:00) and go upstairs. At the appointed time we returned and I went through the peripheral color test (green and yellow are very similar), the reaction test (use your left foot to hold the 'board' so the whole thing does not slide away), and the stoplight with the colors in the correct or wrong position, and the depth perception test. The examiner spoke no English, and I think he was inclined to pass me regardless (Note: it is worth the effort to dress decently when dealing with Thai government offices. If you go looking like a bum backpacker you will be treated that way, has been my observation. It is not much effort to put on a decent pair of jeans and a nice casual or dress button-up shirt).

Now the fun starts: I got to watch a seemingly endless video of "how to drive", all in Thai, subtitled in a Chinese dialect. There were a few mildly entertaining portions, but mostly it was:

Cover a topic

Recap the topic

Repeat the above through 8 topics

Recap the entire set

The only reason I did not fall asleep is because my ass hurt so bad from sitting in that student desk for that long.

After the video, I went downstairs and paid the fees...555 THB for the car/truck license, I forget exactly how much for the motorcycle, but 10xx THB total. Wait a short bit, then get the photo taken and wait for two freshly-minted licenses to pop out of the machine.

All in all, it was pretty painless...but I could have done without the video.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is required to get the 5yr extension/renewel in BKK (Chatuchak, land office)?

Will I need a wp or cert of residence?

Will US embassy give and land office accept cert of residency from apartment dwellers?


1. Application for Driving License

2. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamp

3. Photocopy of a Valid Thai Work Permit (required only if you have one)

4. Original Medical Certificate not more than 30 days old (*)

5. Original Residence Certificate from Thai Immigration or your Embassy not more than 30 days old

6. Original 1 year Thai driving license

7. Fee for Car License of 605 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License of 255 Baht

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What is required to get the 5yr extension/renewel in BKK (Chatuchak, land office)?

Will I need a wp or cert of residence?

Will US embassy give and land office accept cert of residency from apartment dwellers?


1. Application for Driving License

2. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamp

3. Photocopy of a Valid Thai Work Permit (required only if you have one)

4. Original Medical Certificate not more than 30 days old (*)

5. Original Residence Certificate from Thai Immigration or your Embassy not more than 30 days old

6. Original 1 year Thai driving license

7. Fee for Car License of 605 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License of 255 Baht

Either point 3 or point 5 is required, not both.

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My temp licence expires in dec.

Should I go for renewal just days after it expires?

Yes, if you before the expire date you will get again a 1 year temporary license.

Oh, that changed years ago... You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before expiry of your 1 year license.

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My temp licence expires in dec.

Should I go for renewal just days after it expires?

Yes, if you before the expire date you will get again a 1 year temporary license.

Oh, that changed years ago... You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before expiry of your 1 year license.

Are you sure? I never heard that this is changed.

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My temp licence expires in dec.

Should I go for renewal just days after it expires?

Yes, if you before the expire date you will get again a 1 year temporary license.

Oh, that changed years ago... You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before expiry of your 1 year license.

Are you sure? I never heard that this is changed.

Yes, I’m sure.

If you’re fluent in Thai, you can check this link, unfortunately I don’t have one in English for you.

Granted, every LTO is run by their own rules so exceptions are likely to be encountered. However Pattaya, where I reside, do abide by these rules.

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Are you sure? I never heard that this is changed.

Yes, I’m sure.

If you’re fluent in Thai, you can check this link, unfortunately I don’t have one in English for you.

Granted, every LTO is run by their own rules so exceptions are likely to be encountered. However Pattaya, where I reside, do abide by these rules.

Thanks for the link, My Thai is good enough to read it wink.png

Maybe it is something locally as so far i know Phuket LTO does not allow it.

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My temp licence expires in dec.

Should I go for renewal just days after it expires?

Yes, if you before the expire date you will get again a 1 year temporary license.

Oh, that changed years ago... You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before expiry of your 1 year license.

Are you sure? I never heard that this is changed.

Yes, I’m sure.

If you’re fluent in Thai, you can check this link, unfortunately I don’t have one in English for you.

Granted, every LTO is run by their own rules so exceptions are likely to be encountered. However Pattaya, where I reside, do abide by these rules.


my phone translate it and u right it says up to 60 days before it expires..

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The 5 years can be renewed 3 months before expire, when you come 1 day late then you will have to do everything again.

The lady called them a couple of days ago ...

So be aware!

In Bangkok renewing a 5 year licence means taking the colour, reaction and depth perception tests and watching the video, whether you renew before or after expiry.

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The 5 years can be renewed 3 months before expire, when you come 1 day late then you will have to do everything again.

The lady called them a couple of days ago ...

So be aware!

Have her call again, you'll probably get different information.

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The 5 years can be renewed 3 months before expire, when you come 1 day late then you will have to do everything again.

The lady called them a couple of days ago ...

So be aware!

Have her call again, you'll probably get different information.

Yes, could be. 5 Years ago she called and they said you have to go after the license is expired. We forgot what we actually did.

Now she has a new license, got it 7 days before exparation so that 3 mnths period seems to be right.

Had to do the video and eye test. Not the brake test cuz they were crowded. :-)


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Are you sure? I never heard that this is changed.

Yes, I’m sure.

If you’re fluent in Thai, you can check this link, unfortunately I don’t have one in English for you.

Granted, every LTO is run by their own rules so exceptions are likely to be encountered. However Pattaya, where I reside, do abide by these rules.

Thanks for the link, My Thai is good enough to read it wink.png

Maybe it is something locally as so far i know Phuket LTO does not allow it.

My pleasure, sounds like the Phuket LTO are still governed by the old rules then.

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The 5 years can be renewed 3 months before expire, when you come 1 day late then you will have to do everything again.

The lady called them a couple of days ago ...

So be aware!

Have her call again, you'll probably get different information.

Yes, could be. 5 Years ago she called and they said you have to go after the license is expired. We forgot what we actually did.

Now she has a new license, got it 7 days before exparation so that 3 mnths period seems to be right.

Had to do the video and eye test. Not the brake test cuz they were crowded. :-)


Yes, you can renew your 5 year license 90 days early, as opposed to the 60 days for a temporary license.

I’ve always recommended people to renew their 5 year license after expiry, as you will then get close to 6 years of validity instead of 5.

Early or late renewal, you will have to watch the “safety” video, and do the eye and reaction tests. However if you’re more than 1 year late renewing, you will have to retake the written test. If more than 3 years late you will also have to retake the practical test.

Here’s a link about renewal in English.

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My temp licence expires in dec.

Should I go for renewal just days after it expires?

Yes, if you before the expire date you will get again a 1 year temporary license.

Is it ED viza gives you 5 year licence?


In Pattaya you will qualify for the five year license on a 3 month permission to stay, so an ED visa should be OK.

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Had a couple questions concerning exchanging a USA license for a Thai one.

Arrived a couple of months ago on visa exemption, and going to get a 1-year ED visa within the next few months. The permit from USA is expiring soon (and can't be renewed since not an American resident, was there on work visa), and was wondering if it's possible to exchange the USA license for a Thai one while still on the visa exemption, or they need the visa stamp in the passport in order to do the exchange.

If that's not possible, is there any chance they accept the expired American license when getting the Thai one?


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Had a couple questions concerning exchanging a USA license for a Thai one.

Arrived a couple of months ago on visa exemption, and going to get a 1-year ED visa within the next few months. The permit from USA is expiring soon (and can't be renewed since not an American resident, was there on work visa), and was wondering if it's possible to exchange the USA license for a Thai one while still on the visa exemption, or they need the visa stamp in the passport in order to do the exchange.

If that's not possible, is there any chance they accept the expired American license when getting the Thai one?


Some DLT's are strict some are not, from what I keep reading here Pattaya seems to be the easiest place to get a Thai driving with your US one, why not go and give it a try.smile.png

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Had a couple questions concerning exchanging a USA license for a Thai one.

Arrived a couple of months ago on visa exemption, and going to get a 1-year ED visa within the next few months. The permit from USA is expiring soon (and can't be renewed since not an American resident, was there on work visa), and was wondering if it's possible to exchange the USA license for a Thai one while still on the visa exemption, or they need the visa stamp in the passport in order to do the exchange.

If that's not possible, is there any chance they accept the expired American license when getting the Thai one?


Some DLT's are strict some are not, from what I keep reading here Pattaya seems to be the easiest place to get a Thai driving with your US one, why not go and give it a try.smile.png

Thanks!, will keep that in mind then : )

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Has anyone tried to get a International Driving Permit (IDP) on a Thai license when on a tourist visa? I'm on my second 5 year Thai license but I do not live in Thailand now. Would like to pick up an IDP when I visit Thailand next month, but I'll be there on the 30 day airport stamp. I was hoping to apply at the main MoChit office...should I even bother?

Depends really if you need an IDP with your Thai Asian 5 year licence, check what countries are you going to visit and whether or not they require IDP's with a licence that has a photo ID and is written in Thai and English.

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