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435 Bangkok Schools To Close July 15-19


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Where do you get your information? According to http://flutracker.rhizalabs.com/ the official count in the US is as of this moment:

United States total - 38,744 confirmed cases, 201 deaths

Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

Nearly 40k case and not hardly forgotten, just no as big a scare as originally thought.

But limiting it's spread where possible is still on the screen.

Yes and 4,700+ cases in Thailand and a higher relative percentage of deaths. 16 I think, as of today.

I still dread the day a wife gets this at the market and brings it home to a husband

who caught bird flue from his chickens. If they ever combine we are in a different ball game.

Here with the regular recurrences of Bird flue this is not an inconsequential worry.

Limiting this if possible is a prudent decision considering Asia is the incubator of much virus growth.

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


It is a well proven fact that washing hands particularly after have visited the dunny is a must especially for people handling/preparing food.

BUT Thai's are very poorly disciplined when it comes to washing hands either after using the bathroom or prior to cooking food.

AND when it comes to the hand sterilising gels that are available in most other countries on the planet just try buying some in the realm. Pharmacists don't even know what you are talking about.

Thailand remains a 4th world country and will remain so for the appreciable future.

What did the bible say "forgive them for they know not what they do" :)

I visited my elderly mother in her aged care centre in Australia recently. This hand sterilising gel was in every room, and on the reception counter as well. I tried to buy some in several pharmacies in Sukhumvit Rd yesterday but the pharmacists didn't know what I was talking about!

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


It is a well proven fact that washing hands particularly after have visited the dunny is a must especially for people handling/preparing food.

BUT Thai's are very poorly disciplined when it comes to washing hands either after using the bathroom or prior to cooking food.

AND when it comes to the hand sterilising gels that are available in most other countries on the planet just try buying some in the realm. Pharmacists don't even know what you are talking about.

Thailand remains a 4th world country and will remain so for the appreciable future.

What did the bible say "forgive them for they know not what they do" :)

I visited my elderly mother in her aged care centre in Australia recently. This hand sterilising gel was in every room, and on the reception counter as well. I tried to buy some in several pharmacies in Sukhumvit Rd yesterday but the pharmacists didn't know what I was talking about!

You can buy Dettol handcream or soap but not sure that will work

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Just to put it into perspective there are between 25,000 and 400,000 deaths each year from common influenza. Each year around 8 million children, yes children, die from the effects of malnutrician.

If I was a cynic I could conclude that this hysteria is largly promoted by the major pharmacutical companys in order to boost their profits during this period of recession, having learnt of course from the IT Year2000 farce which again commenced during the recession at the end of the 90's which again sucked in many well educated morons with unsubstantiated hype.

Coincidence ?

So the world will come out of recession when 18 months time ? H1S1 will then be demoted down to the non headlines of common influenza and so it goes on. Just as the 8 million poor kids dying is going on because none of the main global companies can make billions in such a short space of time !

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

This shows how well informed are the local authorities... In europe no tv station waste time talking about the flu!

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great, wil see my grandaughter more, while in holidays in bangkok.

she is doing great at school, doesn't need it that much - but it's not the case for the majority of kids

Maybe we should open another thread to discuss how great your grandaughter is. :)

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As another poster used to tell me: “This is panic Thai style!”

Don’t think these measures will do much (at the moment) to stop the virus spreading. However, it will definitely help to rapidly spread panic amongst the Thai population! :)

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Regarding the hand soap issue, here at my office we have "Carex" liquid soap which claims to be antibacterial. At home i use the very same stuff, it is available at Tesco Lotus/Big C/Tops etc.

I wasn't aware that a flu virus (regardless if human, swine, chicken or whatsthenextanimal-flu) can survive in the open but then i am not a doctor and have never claimed to be one. I believe i did never actually have a real flu, however i get a cold pretty easily (motorbike -> rain -> wet clothes -> rest of the day in air conditioned office).

Best regards.....


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As another poster used to tell me: “This is panic Thai style!”

Don’t think these measures will do much (at the moment) to stop the virus spreading. However, it will definitely help to rapidly spread panic amongst the Thai population! :)

and this is certainly as dangerous as the virus.

another poster asked: can you only catch this flu in Bangkok schools?

I am eager to know about too!

Edited by webfact
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Ok... So here are news cuts from the European sources:

"Australia have recently placed an order for 21 million dozes of the swine flu vaccine, which will be available in This amount will make sure that every Australian can get the vaccine. September. Australia is among the hardest hit countries on the swine flu virus (A/H1N1). At this time, some 10 000 Australians have coughed the virus and 19 have so far died."

"This virus is not to be taken lightly on. Even if you get the flu and survive it, your lungs can take permanent serious damage from the decease. The swine flu virus (A/H1N1) different from the "normal" seasonal viruses that comes and goes every year. Instead it is more related to the virus that caused the Spanish Flu (H1N1) that existed between 1918 and 1919 which took between 50 - 100 millions of lives at that time."

"A face mask is not an effective protection. But it's existence may prevent the user from touching his mouth by contaminated hands and fingers and thereby catch the virus. Besides touching the mouth, the nose and eyes are also receptive to catch the virus. The nose and eyes, like the mouth, can catch the virus from someone who sneezes or cough. The best protection is to avoid to touching other people, coins, ATMs, or any other items that may have been handled by an infected person. Wash your hands and face as often as possible after spending time outside, shopping or meeting people. Wearing protective gloves as also recommended for persons who works as cashiers or in any other way exchange items between several owners."


* Spanish Flu on Wikipedia

* Swine Flu on Wikipedia

Edited by Ga-gai
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Many Thais can be forgiven for getting hysterical over swine-flu, particularly after a 2 week campaign by Puea Thai spokesmen and MP's cynically fanning the flames of flu-fear for pure political opportunism. This culminated in the reds 'helpfully' surrounding hospitals and scaring patients in the N/NE when the Health Minister was visiting. This, along with calls by some Chulalongkorn docs/quacks to 'close the borders' (?!) has all ratcheted up a hysteria-driven public outcry for the Govt to take stricter measures.

PM Abhisit wisely REFUSED to close borders of course. However, one presumes this would be Puea Thai's response??? It's unfortunate the Govt has been forced to spend valuable time and resources placating the public as fear has been cynically whipped up, instead of concentrating 100% on those in higher-risk groups (especially those with pre-existing medical conditions).

Last, some local media and websites appear to be cynically 'cashing in' on flu-fear ratings sweepstakes and it's getting a bit pathetic. :)

Yeah, kind of like the misnamed Democrat party spending enormous budgets in the Ministry of Information for cracking down on "lese majeste" online. Wow. Apisit is really wise. :D Especially when he and his cronies called that a "matter of national security".

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

I've seen a few studies showing that regular hand washing does significantly reduce your risk of getting the flu. I'm not sure how much good a mask will do since at least some flu viruses can get in through your eyes anyway. And in a horrendously crowded place like Bangkok I'm not sure that you can really hope to avoid exposure.

I don't know why there is so much fuss though, in terms of nocking people off this virus doesn't seem any worse than 'normal' ones. It's just got a lot more publicity and media hype.

I think this whole thing is a bit out of proportion, but if they really want to make an effort, they should disinfect all handrails on escalators, BTS, MRT, trains, busses etc every 5 minutes. Not forgetting door nobs on every single door in the country. Both sides.

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


Agreed, those face masks are just a way for the government to look as though it is doing something and that it cares about the people. They do nothing

to stop the spread of a virus. They are about as useful as wearing a raincoat to stop radiation poisoning.


It's been a bit of stressful week at the end of a stressful couple of months.

I was so much looking forward to a spot of bareback bint riding off Pattaya Beach road this evening - and now, what with all the H1N1 flying around I feel strangely unsafe without one of them thar facemask thingies :)

Thus my risky night out is trashed, and I am truly gutted. Where's the nearest travel agent I'm out of here.

On the other hand, there's always beer(again) :D

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Closing schools now may look like a panic measure, but the principle is sound. In the Spanish flu outbreak 1918, Ohio closed its schools much earlier than most states and its death rates and transmission rates were negligible compared to most other states. There is graphic I saw online (can't find it yet, but I'll post a link if I do), showing, I think, Maine and Ohio death rates and the difference it made is remarkable.

Of course, what made the difference then is that at that time, most families would be living in much more isolated farming type communities; so schools and churches would be the major mixing pots. An earlier poster mentioned that in Bangkok certainly, most of the parents will be working in offices or factories so transmission will just happen there instead and it might turn out to be a futile gesture.

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I believe the new Harry Potter movie is arriving on Wed or Thurs, should ensure thousands of kids can avoid being herded together in the classrooms.

Very little chance of any virus being spread in the malls or movie theaters. :D

Another stroke of genius from the powers that shouldn't be. :D

BTW- can you only catch this flu in Bangkok schools?

:) Funny

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Many Thais can be forgiven for getting hysterical over swine-flu, particularly after a 2 week campaign by Puea Thai spokesmen and MP's cynically fanning the flames of flu-fear for pure political opportunism. This culminated in the reds 'helpfully' surrounding hospitals and scaring patients in the N/NE when the Health Minister was visiting. This, along with calls by some Chulalongkorn docs/quacks to 'close the borders' (?!) has all ratcheted up a hysteria-driven public outcry for the Govt to take stricter measures.

PM Abhisit wisely REFUSED to close borders of course. However, one presumes this would be Puea Thai's response??? It's unfortunate the Govt has been forced to spend valuable time and resources placating the public as fear has been cynically whipped up, instead of concentrating 100% on those in higher-risk groups (especially those with pre-existing medical conditions).

Closing schools will perhaps placate some but expect shopping malls and other teen hang-outs to absolutely swell with hand-holding, nose tweaking, food-sharing teens (not that it makes much difference with the REALITY of fatalities being lower than even seasonal flu and the FACT swine-flu can NOT be contained anyways).

The UK came out last week and admitted it's IMPOSSIBLE to STOP the spread of swine-flu, thus they would instead concentrate resources on those in higher risk groups. This is a prudent course. Still, some who are healthy want their hands to be held and illogical re-assurance they are 'protected' (fine, but this drain on Govt resources to placate adult babies comes at the expense of those who ARE ill, or more likely to be at risk...)

To those in the Expat community who SHOULD be better informed but are still wanting their hands held by any Govt (a waste of limited valuable resources), please GET INFORMED and STOP being a drain on resources which are needed elsewhere.

Last, some local media and websites appear to be cynically 'cashing in' on flu-fear ratings sweepstakes and it's getting a bit pathetic. :)

It's your wise PM (Not my PM!) whom gives concent and help promote the expensive advertising campaign 'กินร้อน ช้อนกลาง ล้างมือ' or 'eat hots, middle spoon, wash hand', which had cost the fortune for the deprived tax payers.

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An earlier poster mentioned that in Bangkok certainly, most of the parents will be working in offices or factories so transmission will just happen there instead and it might turn out to be a futile gesture.

This is what happens when you put 25-30% of an entire nation's population all into 1 big city. Not very smart, but Thailand is never known for their great scientists or ability to plan things well and in an organized manner.

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


Agreed, those face masks are just a way for the government to look as though it is doing something and that it cares about the people. They do nothing

to stop the spread of a virus. They are about as useful as wearing a raincoat to stop radiation poisoning.

Wrong- Sort of. While it's true they do very little to keep the wearer from catching something, (unless they are the N-95 type) they do help overall. This is because the masks are mainly to keep the wearer from spreading his/her own germs about, (this is why sergeons wear them) they are not necessarily to prevent the wearer from catching something, as many people have mentioned here already. But of course they can't say that or else nobody will wear them.

Remember, many people get infected with flu, (even A/H1N1) and show no symptoms, they are just carriers and thus spreaders.

And yes washing hands does make a difference.

Having said all that, I changing nothing in my daily activities and cleanliness habits and have no concern about catching this, or any flu. (I am using a puplic computer as we speak!! I must have a death wish!!) I have always washed my hands, tried to avoid being in confined space with sick for coughing people etc. That wont change. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and this won't kill me.

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Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

I agree, there is too much hysteria. However, your reported figures are shocking! What is your source?


As of 6 July the United States of America had reported 33,902 cases of Swine flu and 170 had died. Still not that serious, but somewhat more than the 9 deaths you reported.

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I have just had two students return, one from private and other from government school here in Bangkok and they have not been informed of any such closure. This is Latphao, Bangkok.

This may have been announced, within the school, AFTER the last class was finished, and the students went out of class and headed home.

This was the case in the government school that I teach in... I was informed after the final class, and just before going home, around 3:30. I'm sure NONE of the students were aware of this, or I would have seen tremendous celebration and joy... but it was like any other end of school day.

Now, I'm certain I'll get "flamed" for being too self centered and self focussed to say... that I'll be losing over 3000 baht income in this knee jerk reaction, due to lost income from not being allowed to teach.

But truthfully, I've been waiting for the other (government panic with political overtones) shoe to drop for days... and was really expecting for there to be an announcement of a two week closing (or worse!)

I think we're getting off light here, but of course, the government officials could change there minds again, and extend the (panic) closing of all bkk schools on this coming Monday... I wasn't aware of ANY problem from any students having caught this virus at our school, btw.

In any case, I think I'll hang out at Cha Am for a day or two, and enjoy the vacation, since I teach 7 days a week... I can use a holiday.

Best to all,


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The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration does not control all schools in Bangkok. Only some of the Government School are under the BMA and will be closed. Most private schools and a lot of Government school will still be open unless something else changes later.

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Wearing masks is just plain silly and will INCREASE the risk for getting infected for most normal people.

You HANDS will be the primary attack-vector towards sensitive areas of your body and a mask will itch, need to be adjusted, is taken on/off...all actions which increase the chance of you actually touching yourself in the face...

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Not just any mask work. Only use an N95 approved face mask. Most of the people I see here are wearing only a pariculate matter mask. They do not stop something as small as a virus. Use NIOSH approved N95. The good ones have a one way valve and two straps.


Good job James. I can see somebody here in THailand finally understands about respirators. It makes me want to vomit when I see the gov. continuing to send their traffic police out into the streets with these little pieces of cloth that are an excuse for a mask. <SNIP>.....

...but where is the hole for the whistle? :)

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Why are they in a panic? Those who died have their previous diseases other than H1N1.

As there is over 100 people a day seeing the Dr and confirming they have this flu, yesterday over 4,000 people in Thailand have this and it appears that recently people per day are dying per TV there has been 13 people since last Thursday, so 13 more dead in 4 days

please quote your source(s) before you quote the ether? There are no WHO figures to back up your figures.


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I think it is wise that people should carry round the anti-bacterial hand wash with them, you can use it like hand lotion you don not need water, when you go on the childrens ward and they even have it at the side of patients beds in the hospital in the UK you have to use this on your hands before entering the ward. You can buy it in Boots and I would even consider buying a tube and putting it in my childs school bag.

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