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You are truely a legend..lol

Awww sorry you didnt get an invite ??

Really if you think thats boasting you must live a sheltered life.. 20 mil hardly raises eyebrows

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>>After reading this gem, and tying in with your multiple postings all over TV..we now see you as you are huh.There is a word but ..well i just can't think of it at the mo!! acting ???rockstar??? Most people who feel they have to brag about their excesses eg 20 mill for a house ..tend to think they are above all

 can belittle other posters as you often do.

You are truely a legend..

<deleted> are you on about?  Are you on a crusade against those that are intelligent and have a bit of dosh? Sure appears so................


.. I did the party scene, emptying entire gogos and bringing 10 or so girls up to pool parties, acting like a rockstar and throwing 40k plus a night bashes every other week..

After reading this gem, and tying in with your multiple postings all over TV..we now see you as you are huh.There is a word but ..well i just can't think of it at the mo!! :) acting ???rockstar??? Most people who feel they have to brag about their excesses eg 20 mill for a house ..tend to think they are above all and can belittle other posters as you often do.

You are truely a legend..lol

You're right. For those of us that have lived here awhile, LoS IS a legend. This is a guy who started from humbler beginnings than most of us and had the brains and the balls to be able to retire in his twenties.

Eat your heart out. LoS has more brains in his little finger than you have altogether.

You're jealousy is sooooo transparent.

PS. To some people I know that live on this island LoS is small potatoes. A million dollars is a months income. Get over yourself.

PPS. You're the guy struggling on 30,000 Bt a month, right? (another thread you posted on).


.. I did the party scene, emptying entire gogos and bringing 10 or so girls up to pool parties, acting like a rockstar and throwing 40k plus a night bashes every other week..

After reading this gem, and tying in with your multiple postings all over TV..we now see you as you are huh.There is a word but ..well i just can't think of it at the mo!! :) acting ???rockstar??? Most people who feel they have to brag about their excesses eg 20 mill for a house ..tend to think they are above all and can belittle other posters as you often do.

You are truely a legend..lol

That's a bit off.

Most people who come out here tend to overindulge at first, expats are famous for it. Sounds like you might be a little hard up and envious, struggling Teacher perhaps?



Is all this really necessary ?? I post that I am now (after many years testing the water) at a stage in my life where I am considering the risk of designing and building a long term home and wit the idea being to make my 'ideal place' expecting it to be 15 or 20 to do, hel_l the land in Patong would cost at least half that budget. I also post that when I lived in the Patong area, when I was (not through my own choosing) single, I did the mad single guy lifestyle a little bit to excess.. Believe me I am not alone, theres oil workers I know that can spend like drunken sailors (know a couple of them too) and make me look like Mary Poppins.

Do either of these things really shock people so much ?? Do either of them sound like some kind of pretence ?? The island is littered with villas costing 2, 3, 5, and more million dollars !! Your now able to see Ferraris, Lambos and Maseratis around the island (I drive an old VW !!) believe me I aint king of the hill. I personally dont see why it even raises eyebrows, guys I know go out on their yachts where that one toy probably costs my entire Thailand investment.

There were some good comments in this thread, CM posted some honest feelings about how living up there felt to him, that was good insight to me, shame it had to fall apart.


.. I did the party scene, emptying entire gogos and bringing 10 or so girls up to pool parties, acting like a rockstar and throwing 40k plus a night bashes every other week..

After reading this gem, and tying in with your multiple postings all over TV..we now see you as you are huh.There is a word but ..well i just can't think of it at the mo!! :) acting ???rockstar??? Most people who feel they have to brag about their excesses eg 20 mill for a house ..tend to think they are above all and can belittle other posters as you often do.

You are truely a legend..lol

You're right. For those of us that have lived here awhile, LoS IS a legend. This is a guy who started from humbler beginnings than most of us and had the brains and the balls to be able to retire in his twenties.

Eat your heart out. LoS has more brains in his little finger than you have altogether.

You're jealousy is sooooo transparent.

PS. To some people I know that live on this island LoS is small potatoes. A million dollars is a months income. Get over yourself.

PPS. You're the guy struggling on 30,000 Bt a month, right? (another thread you posted on).

Outrageous and completely unnecessary response IMO.


20 mil hardly raises eyebrows

Sure raises my eyebrows. Wish I had 20 mil.

Well 15 - 20 mil isnt pocket change of course.. Its taken me 8 odd years to get to a point where I feel its time.. But really in Phuket real estate that kind of money is hardly high end.. I mean look at andara, not very pleasant IMO, on top of each other, and I am told those start at 2 mil USD !! Start !! hel_l the house I am in now (thai build quality on a Thai moobaan) the landlord thinks is worth 15m and its just a normal house !!

But thats the way I see the numbers on a relatively nice home on a nice plot.. I mean the plot will cost 5m min for west coast seaview ?? And that would need a lot of work to find down from 7 plus that agents ask.. Then a 400 - 500 sqm build at 20k per m2.. Then a nice pool and built in hot tub gonna run a mil to 1.5.. So even with lots of work, pretty tight pricing, and hoping nothing goes very wrong I am already at 16.5 - 18.5 right there. Leaves some change for furnishing, media systems, whole house audio and video stuff, etc. So yes I would hope that would make a nice bunker, a place I could live comfortably for a long time, but its hardly going to make the cover of interior and design or the style section of the NYT is it ?? It would just be a pleasant place to live..


20 mil hardly raises eyebrows

Sure raises my eyebrows. Wish I had 20 mil.

Well 15 - 20 mil isnt pocket change of course.. Its taken me 8 odd years to get to a point where I feel its time.. But really in Phuket real estate that kind of money is hardly high end.. I mean look at andara, not very pleasant IMO, on top of each other, and I am told those start at 2 mil USD !! Start !! hel_l the house I am in now (thai build quality on a Thai moobaan) the landlord thinks is worth 15m and its just a normal house !!

But thats the way I see the numbers on a relatively nice home on a nice plot.. I mean the plot will cost 5m min for west coast seaview ?? And that would need a lot of work to find down from 7 plus that agents ask.. Then a 400 - 500 sqm build at 20k per m2.. Then a nice pool and built in hot tub gonna run a mil to 1.5.. So even with lots of work, pretty tight pricing, and hoping nothing goes very wrong I am already at 16.5 - 18.5 right there. Leaves some change for furnishing, media systems, whole house audio and video stuff, etc. So yes I would hope that would make a nice bunker, a place I could live comfortably for a long time, but its hardly going to make the cover of interior and design or the style section of the NYT is it ?? It would just be a pleasant place to live..

Spot on for high quality, large house with westcoast seaview.

Spot on for high quality, large house with westcoast seaview.

And one aspect where Phuket would win is that if you do that in CM, it seems like theres little capital appreciation.. Do that on Phuket and (if lucky) you might have a 30% 'profit' on market value once done and its settled, the gardens bed in, etc.

The idea is to make a home, not a profit, but a little profit never hurts.

So on that respect the Phuket represents a smarter financial choice even if it costs more to do here.


Agreed again, I sold my condo in CM three years ago for 6.2 mill and today it's on the market for 6mill with no potential buyers to be seen for miles.

LOS - the word that escaped me when I was making my comparison of the two locations, "atmosphere", big differences.


There were some good comments in this thread, CM posted some honest feelings about how living up there felt to him, that was good insight to me, shame it had to fall apart.

Mate,your comment regarding a good post falling apart is not bad comming from you..You are commonly the very person who causes other posts to have the same result, by your overbearing and often off topic rantings....good grief man!!I must admit when reading this post, i was very surprised at your show of accumen and intelligent Q & A..totally different persona than that which we more often see,when you are forcing your opinion on to other posts.Bullying, i believe is the word used elsewhere on TV today.Are you a Jekyl & Hyde type ...maybe ..

I also must enquire tho, why you feel you need to brag about who you are and what you do, and what you have, and all manner of personal info on what is basically a public Forum .You do come across as very full of yourself and can not handle people with different view points.Wonder why? :)

I also must enquire tho, why you feel you need to brag about who you are and what you do, and what you have, and all manner of personal info on what is basically a public Forum .You do come across as very full of yourself and can not handle people with different view points.Wonder why? :)

I am comfortable with who I am and hence am a fairly open book, I have my problems in life, my ups and downs, had the odd tragedy etc and am not ashamed to post them, many people esp on another phuket forum know me in real life too so I dont see any need to hide who I am or what I do. I could turn the question around and ask what are you afraid of about revealing personal info ??

Also what you think of as bullying.. I think of as debating.. Yes I am an opinionated bastrad, and if I think something I tend to defend it or explain it, be that online, holding forth in the bar, or anywhere.. I like to think I am open minded to anyone elses opinions too, nothing I like more than when someone take con to my pro and brings up points I havent seen or considered. Also as to bullying, go search my post history, here and on other forums, and see if theres the name calling, abuse and flaming thats commonplace ?

A few insulting/inflammatory posts have been removed. Let's keep it civil, thank you.

Her reference to the guy on 30,000baht on another post is the most disgusting, vile ,unforgivable posting from her or any supposidly civil, intelligent TV member.EVER!!!!

He appealed on a post for info regarding visas, i think it was.Oh yes..here it is ....i receive a disability pension from aus and due to the serious nature of my health i do not have to 'visit" australia at all.

CANNOT/DONOT work at all and simply aim to live here till i die here! I just scrape by in my 30,000 baht monthly and take care of my long time thai g/f and vica-versa.

I know this guy only through a third party, but he has given me permission to make this complaint.

This man was given HEP C in a blood trans near 20 years ago, now has Chronic Aggressive Liver Cancer, and as he said his condition is that bad he does not have to even report to social security in aus.!!Did this alone not make you realise how serious this guys plight is..Hello..Boots 'n all as usual ..

Was expected to die than early this year,but he is hanging on..JUST!!

So hang your head in shame karenb..I wonder if you have the decency to do something about this disgusting remark you made? I have seen some weird and twisted stuff come out but this takes the cake.


Methinks me sees two negative things in this attack, jealousy and envy by a disparate group of relative short timers, sorry, maybe that was just one thing that I saw. My ten cents suggests that folks here need to relax a little, "folks is", just trying to be honest and open.

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