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Premature Ejaculation


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Hi... Sensitive topic here and couldn't find a similar post.. Anyone know about any good treatments/pills for premature ejaculation?

I had read many articles about pills - Climinax being the most recommended - Any good or is it all internet marketing??

Any feedback would be great..

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Climinax is a muixture of vitamins (B6, folic acid) and herbs. Its effectiveness has not been scientifically studied. Should be harmless, though.

There is a spray in advanced stages of developement which has been shown effective and will be on the market in a couple of years. There is also an SSRI specifically for PE called Dapoxetine which has been proven effective and is currently under review by the US FDA for possible licensiIng but noit yet approved for use there or in Thailand.

In the interim SSRIs like sertraline (Zoloft and also local generic brand) and Paroxetine (Paxil and local generics) have been shown to delay ejaculation. If cost is a concern, sertraline is available in local generic forms (serlift, Sertra). The tricyclic antidepressent clomipramine is also effective but more side effects, the SSRIs generally preferred.

" Given the inhibitory effects of serotonin on the central ejaculatory reflex, the efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of PE is not surprising. These inhibitors have been shown to delay ejaculation in multiple placebo-controlled randomized studies (Biri, et al., 1998; Haensel, Klem, Hop, Slob, 1998; Kara et al.,, 1996; Kim & Soo. 1998; Waldinger , Hengeveld, Zwinderman, Olivier, 1994, 1997, 1998) and is the most common class of medications used to treat PE currently. Dosing of the various SSRIs for the treatment of PE include fluoxetine (20-40 mg/day), sertraline (50-100 mg/day), paroxetine (20-40 mg/day), and fluvoxamine (100 mg/day). Common reported side effects of SSRIs are usually tolerable and include gastrointestinal complaints and anxiety. One study comparing all four SSRIs with placebo reported paroxetine to exert the strongest delay in ejaculation (Waldinger et al. 1998).

A double-blind, placebo controlled study compared fluoxetine (40 mg QD), sertraline (100 mg QD), and clomipramine (50 mg QD) for the treatment of PE (Kim SC, et al. 1998). Although both patient and partner sexual satisfaction were statistically significantly higher with clomipramine when compared to the SSRIs and placebo, the reported side effects of the medication was also significantly higher. Of the remaining medications, sertraline was found to be more effective than fluoxetine and placebo with fewer side effects than clomipramine.

Addition studies have evaluated if clomipramine (Haensel, Rowland & & Kallan, 1996), sertraline (Kim &, Paick, 1999), or paroxetine (McMahon & Touma, 1999) taken as needed rather than continuously could be effective to increase ejaculatory latency. All of the studies suggested effectiveness in treatment using this regimen when the medication is administered 12-24 hours (clomipramine); 4-8 hours (sertraline); or 3-4 hours (paroxetine) prior to intercourse."



I would caution against self-medicating if you have any underlying health problems or if you have not had a recent physical check up; at a minimum need to be sure you do not have any abnormalities of liver and kidney function.

There are urologists in Thailand specializing in treatment of male sexual problems and you might consider consulting one of them, they can also supervise use of medications etc. Suggest:


Dr. Kavirach Tantiwongse - did a fellowhip in Sexual Medicine and Neurourology in the US, Fri 17:00 - 19:00 , Sat 09:00 - 12:00

Dr. Apichat Kongkanand - US trained and a Professor at Chulalonghorn: Mon, Wed, Fri 09:00 - 12:00 and 5:30- 8 PM ;Tue 13:00 - 16:00; Sat 09:00 - 12:00

Don'y buy your meds at the hospitkl pharmacy though, they will be much cheaper outside. Sertraline is available in local generic forms (Serlift, Sertra) and would thus be the least expensive option if cost is a concern.

Bangkok Hospital

Prof. Somboon Leungwattanakji, US trained. Monday, wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat 09:00 - 15:00, Tuesday 12:00 - 17:00

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P.S. another treatment is the application of a lidocaine+ prilocaine cream prior to sex, using a condom to jkeep it on but being sure to wipe it off before sex as it will otherwise numb the woman (thus making matters worse) http://www.mdconsult.com/das/citation/body...15/1.html?issn=

Available in Thailand under brand name Emla, although this is a lower strength (2.5% as opposed to 5%). . It does have side effect so read up on it carefully and do not exceed recommended amount of time of having it on. It works by decreasing sensation so that it naturally takes you longer.

The spray I referred to contains the same thing but in a more convenient form

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have a tug before when you take a shower. i am not trying to be funny but that should help a little.

Sound advice. You don't want to be going in with a loaded weapon if your trigger happy.

there I am trying to be helpful and you just made me spit my coke through my nose with your comment :)

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have a tug before when you take a shower. i am not trying to be funny but that should help a little.

Known to be stronger, harder, and longer-lasting the second and third time around.....I personally find this set back to be psychological. less physical.

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It's a mind-set Bo. If you 'spogg' once, every time after that you will worry about it and it will happen again. You're 'the man' and after all it's only sex. Nobody gets hurt, nobody dies. Do it twice if you have to. Using pills, nose sprays, 'Stay Hard' creams will only ruin your mind-set if they don't work. Practice makes perfect Bo. Take charge. Have fun.

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I appreciate that people enjoy a joke (and also that this topic makes people nervous, which is what humor often reflects) but please let's remember that it is a serious and valid health concern.

It takes a lot of courage to post about a personal problem like this and it is important that members are able to do so without being poked fun at. I know that is not what was intended, but it is how a poster reading soem of the posts above might feel.

Every day I get PMs asking for private advice and they all start out with something like "sorry to bother you but I'm afraid to post about this for fear of being mocked" or words to that effect.

it should not be that way. And it deprives the forum of many potential threads that others might have benefitted from.

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Many long years ago my brother had the same problem. He put numbzit sp. on just before and it seemed to work for him.

Numbzit is a cream they put on baby's gums when they are teething, it reduces the discomfort by numbing it.

Don't know if it is available in LOS (or anywhere else for that matter) as this was over 50 years ago.

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There is a link between seratonin levels and premature ejeculation.

I am not a doctor, but many doctors reccomend the use of an antidpressant as the side effect can be delayed ejeculation.

I have found Prozac is slightly effective but by far more effective is a drug called Paroxetine marketed under the brand SEROXAT in Thailand. Its a little expensive around 1300 baht for 20 tablets but I only use half a tablet per day.

I dont take a whole one, it makes me feel a bit strange, but I find I take half a tablet per day around 4 hours before sex. Note - if you find this effective, i understand its a really bad idea to take them intermittently you need to take them every day.

You should discuss this with a doctor or do some thorough research online about take drugs like Paroxetine

I think you will find that if you take these and combine some "self traning" and learn to RELAX that muscle, NOT tighten it when you are about to "finish" and able to delay you wont have any problems at all.

Less masturbation is good, and if you do need to jerk the gherkin aviod doing it to quickly, you should train yourself to last longer and relax your muscle when you are masturbating or having sex.

There is a link between PE and depression, do you suffer from depression?

You could also try those Performa condoms available in Thailand they have some kind of anaesthetic inside them to numb your chap.

When you arent having sex you can train youself by tightening and relaxing your muscle 100 times (the muscle you use to stop yourself peeing mid-flow)

Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
have a tug before when you take a shower. i am not trying to be funny but that should help a little.

Sound advice. You don't want to be going in with a loaded weapon if your trigger happy.

Yeah, I would go with Geekfreaklover's advice. Second time, you can do longer before...

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  • 2 months later...

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