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How Long Must I Know Her?

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he time you have known her, the embassy will consider many other factors. 

It is easy for them to assume that she is playing you for a fool and using you to gain access to the UK, as happens many times, and it's up to you and her to prove otherwise.

Unfortunately , and scouse might confirm this, it is in fact not up to you and her to prove anything.

She is applying for the visa and she has to prove everything herself. You cannot prove that she intends to return to the UK.

This makes it very difficult in effect almost removing your circumstances from the equation, and you should not build up your hopes on what you consider to be your merits.

Edited by spacebass
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he time you have known her, the embassy will consider many other factors. 

It is easy for them to assume that she is playing you for a fool and using you to gain access to the UK, as happens many times, and it's up to you and her to prove otherwise.

Unfortunately , and scouse might confirm this, it is in fact not up to you and her to prove anything.

She is applying for the visa and she has to prove everything herself. You cannot prove that she intends to return to the UK.

This makes it very difficult in effect almost removing your circumstances from the equation, and you should not build up your hopes on what you consider to be your merits.

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he time you have known her, the embassy will consider many other factors. 

It is easy for them to assume that she is playing you for a fool and using you to gain access to the UK, as happens many times, and it's up to you and her to prove otherwise.

Unfortunately , and scouse might confirm this, it is in fact not up to you and her to prove anything.

She is applying for the visa and she has to prove everything herself. You cannot prove that she intends to return to the UK.

This makes it very difficult in effect almost removing your circumstances from the equation, and you should not build up your hopes on what you consider to be your merits.

I met my wife for the first time in BK(nearly 2.5 years ago now) followine several months of e-mails etc. Visited her for two weeks and then she came to the UK on visitors visa one day after I went back. e-mail me and I will tell you my/her circumstances. ps we will soon be living in Thailand for good!!

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A tip I got from the embassy here in OZ was, do not declare her as a girlfriend but just as a friend. Not knowing her for so long has an advantage here.

Another tip is to get a letter from the local head of the temple, Something to the effect that he has spoken to her and she has ensured him that she will return.

She will need a letter from her boss stating that he has approved her holidays and that she will still have a job to return to.

You will also need to do a stat dec to confirm that you will take care of her all her needs, Medically, financially etc....and that you will ensure that she abides by the conditions of her visa and that she will return before the visa expires. This is a legal document so it does hold some weight. This also balances out her lack of savings to some extent.

It will be hard for you to do it but it is not impossible....be prepared for disappointment.

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A tip I got from the embassy here in OZ .........You will also need to do a stat dec to confirm that you will take care of her all her needs, Medically, financially etc....and that you will ensure that she abides by the conditions of her visa and that she will return before the visa expires. This is a legal document so it does hold some weight. This also balances out her lack of savings to some extent.

That may work for Australia, but such a declaration would hold no water at the British Embassy. As spacebass said

She is applying for the visa and she has to prove everything herself.
Falangaman, you cannot prove anything on her behalf. The ECO may feel that she is merely using you to enter the UK and will disappear when she is here. I'm not saying that this is the case with you, I don't know either of you so cannot judge, but it does happen.

The ECO will want to be sure of 3 main things:-

1) Is the reason for the visit genuine, i.e. as a genuine visitor/tourist.

2) Can the applicant/sponsor fund the visit without recourse to public funds.

3) Will the applicant return to Thailand, or at least leave the UK, when, or before, the visa expires.

You can help her with No.1, and obviously the longer you have known her the better. You can help her with No.2. But you cannot help with No.3.

You said

She works in a restaurant in Bangkok, doesn't really have much cash in terms of savings, owns no property, has a little boy who lives with her gran. She could easily give up her job for a few months and said she would do that if she gets the visa.
Ok, owns no property, not good.

Not got a lot of savings, doesn't matter if you are sponsoring her. Can you show that you can afford it? (Bank statements, salary slips etc.)

Has a son, so what? The ECOs are well aware that many Thais leave their children with relatives whilst they go away, often abroad, to work.

Has a job, good. Will her boss write to confirm this and that her job will be held open for her when she returns?

Have a read of Guidance - Visitors (INF 2) from the British Embassy, and Bringing a visitor or fiance to the UK, FAQ and tips.

BTW, the ECOs would apply the same criteria to your friend whether they were male or female.

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That may work for Australia, but such a declaration would hold no water at the British Embassy.

I would have thought that a Statuatory Declarartion signed by a JP would have the same validity in the UK as in Australia....It is a legal document under law and therefore would be acceptable to an embassy. However I dont say it will assure the acceptance of an application...only that it would assist in the application along with the sponser declaration which in the UK is not signed by a JP and the other documentation as required by the embassy.

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Stat dec is pretty much mandatory

you need to prove you have known her absolute min 6 mths

you need to keep all phone records,bank recs,western union,dated photos etc etc

The onus of proof is on you.

That may work for Australia, but such a declaration would hold no water at the British Embassy.

I would have thought that a Statuatory Declarartion signed by a JP would have the same validity in the UK as in Australia....It is a legal document under law and therefore would be acceptable to an embassy. However I dont say it will assure the acceptance of an application...only that it would assist in the application along with the sponser declaration which in the UK is not signed by a JP and the other documentation as required by the embassy.

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whoops sorry


i was talking about getting her into aus

Stat dec is pretty much mandatory

you need to prove you have known her absolute min 6 mths

you need to keep all phone records,bank recs,western union,dated photos etc etc

The onus of proof is on you.

That may work for Australia, but such a declaration would hold no water at the British Embassy.

I would have thought that a Statuatory Declarartion signed by a JP would have the same validity in the UK as in Australia....It is a legal document under law and therefore would be acceptable to an embassy. However I dont say it will assure the acceptance of an application...only that it would assist in the application along with the sponser declaration which in the UK is not signed by a JP and the other documentation as required by the embassy.

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whoops sorry


i was talking about getting her into aus

It is not mandatory for an Oz application either but it does hold some weight as it is signed by a JP. If the girls doesnt have a large bank account then you you need to show that you are willing to support her in every way... By declaring that you will support her and ensure that she abides by the conditions of the visa by way of a legal document signed by a JP then it will assist in your application. This was information given to me by the Oz embassy here.

I believe that the rules for the UK and Oz are basically the same for a visitor visa... I think the UK visas for more than a visitor visa is very much different to OZ

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Applying for a visa for a 30 day visit to UK for friend with no visible means of support,

(albeit in a different third world country) I supplied a bank statement with US$100,000 in it to prove my ability to support her while in the UK and this immeadiately painted me as a drug runner, and that ' was not what she thought it was'.

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I did a stat dec a cple of years ago

didnt help

i cld only prove about three mths relationship so they bounced the application on grounds of not knowing her long enough

money ,job etc were not even asked about

whoops sorry


i was talking about getting her into aus

It is not mandatory for an Oz application either but it does hold some weight as it is signed by a JP. If the girls doesnt have a large bank account then you you need to show that you are willing to support her in every way... By declaring that you will support her and ensure that she abides by the conditions of the visa by way of a legal document signed by a JP then it will assist in your application. This was information given to me by the Oz embassy here.

I believe that the rules for the UK and Oz are basically the same for a visitor visa... I think the UK visas for more than a visitor visa is very much different to OZ

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Yep, I'm afraid that any sort of declaration, no matter who it is witnessed by, from the sponsor will be treated as irrelevant by the ECOs at the British Embassy. It is the applicant's intentions and bona fides they are concerned with, not the sponsors.

I know some countries will accept some form of financial bond from the sponsor, similar to bail, as 'proof' that the applicant will return, but the UK doesn't do this either.

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I will be able answer this in a few months....as I will be providing a stat dec on an application.....

But dont get me wrong I didnt say it would get success, only that it maybe of assistance.

In Snoops case, it is obvious that with only 3 months of provable acquaintence, that they didnt proceed any further....If there was more than that, then a stat dec may have come into play.

GU22.....The question of a stat dec only arises when you are sponsering....If She has sufficient funds herself and doesnt need your asssistance, then certainly her bona fides are all that is needed to be met. If you are sponsering her financially then your bona fides will also need to be proved after her bona fides have been assessed. I know that the UK have a sponser declaration to be filled in if you are sponsering someone, but there is nothing legal with this document....but again having a signed stat dec along with that form may just assist, whether they look at it or not is upto them. It never hurts to have as much as possible to support your application. Would you go into battle with a half empty magazine of ammo ??

I did a visa app for my ex before things got tougher....I took a briefcase full of Phone bills, pictures, letters, bank slips, pay slips, anything I could get my hands on.....all I had to do write a note to explain my definition of a de facto wife, which is what I claimed her to be, and the application was approved there and then. However having seen the procedures and costs now, I know that things are a lot tougher and I will need all the ammo I can get.

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Yeah, I agree that a sponsors letter, detailing the relationship and reason(s) for the visit is essential. But I'm afraid that, under the UK immigration rules, a statutory declaration that your visitor will abide by the conditions of the visa will have absolutely no bearing on the ECOs decision. Though, obviously, if the sponsor is funding the visit then they need to prove that they can afford to do so by providing bank statements, wage slips etc.

I am all for providing as much eveidence as possible to convince the ECO, but for a UK application a stat dec by the sponsor would just be a waste of time and money. From Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

Can I give a guarantee?

You cannot give a guarantee that the person you are sponsoring will leave at the end of their visit. If we decide that your visitor cannot enter the UK, it does not mean that we doubt what you have told us.

The rules for Australia are obviously different to the rules for the UK on this point

Edited by GU22
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Yeah, I agree that a sponsors letter, detailing the relationship and reason(s) for the visit is essential. But I'm afraid that, under the UK immigration rules, a statutory declaration that your visitor will abide by the conditions of the visa will have absolutely no bearing on the ECOs decision. Though, obviously, if the sponsor is funding the visit then they need to prove that they can afford to do so by providing bank statements, wage slips etc.

I am all for providing as much eveidence as possible to convince the ECO, but for a UK application a stat dec by the sponsor would just be a waste of time and money. From Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

Can I give a guarantee?

You cannot give a guarantee that the person you are sponsoring will leave at the end of their visit. If we decide that your visitor cannot enter the UK, it does not mean that we doubt what you have told us.

The rules for Australia are obviously different to the rules for the UK on this point

Yeah they hold all the aces for sure.....in the end no matter what you supply in the way of documentation....they can decide to nix your application. That is why I said that it is not a guarantee to a successful application. I would still supply one though just as a point of exercise. And cos I am a stubborn Bastard.... :o

They are some differences between OZ and UK....but the basics are the same.

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Why dont you just visit her for about 1 year and then decide. What is the "hurry" of her visiting UK anyway :D ? Pressure from her? :o

I do not think the guys here are just being realists and looking out for you. Some appreciation would be good. :D

Moving over here is easy, finding suitable employment is another, unless you want to be an English teacher. This is not Europe where you will not require a work permit to find employment. :D

Edited by JoJo
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God what a bloody nightmare....

I only want her to come for a holiday...

Seems like they are out to catch you at every opportunity. Imagine if we had this much trouble trying to go on holiday!!

Maybe I should just move there instead... England sucks anyway !!!!!!!!!

I met my wife nearly 12 years ago and knew her for a couple of months before I went to work elsewhere. We met again after a year when I came back to work for a while. I tried to get her to the UK for a holiday (after I separated from my english wife) but I had so much trouble from the British Embassy that she went to the German Embassy where a friend of ours got a visa for her in 10 days with no problem. I had a smaller problem trying to get her a visa to get married in the UK as well but that was eventually cleared.

We have been married 5 years next month and our son is one year old in August.

My advice to you is to keep trying as there is always predujice against Thai women because they are automatically branded as prostitutes, bar girls or massage girls, certainly not true for the vast majority.

Remember it is your feelings for her and hers for you that really matter.

Have faith and tell her to pray to Buddha at King Rama V statue. It worked for me.

Billd766 :o

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I do not think the guys here are just being realists and looking out for you. Some appreciation would be good.

Sorry I meant, the guys here are being realists.

Like so many of these things you are asking for advice but., it seems to me, you are not really providing the info....nor being 100% truthful with yourself....

What do you mean..you met her in a restaurant...then what happened?

If she met you in a restaurant and became your g/f..are you the only one??

Guys comments here about what girls are up to with 'their one and only' on ther Net regrettably only too true!!

Sure in the UK you could move in together..if YOU were HERE you could do the same...

Why? do you want her to come for a'holiday'? Do You..or is it her?...

Or can't you come back for a while therfore you think it might be more fun to import your squeeze....I dunno

You quote Sandurg...so you can't be all stupid!!

The embassy has a really difficult job. Just go and sit in the Visa waiting area for a morning...I would say..just a guess more than 50% of guys are sitting there with whores trying to get visas for them

Regrettably, accent, job, money, class, documentation, YOURS and HERS do count.

And the kid? While I recognise that Thai girls abandon their kids to Grannies etc. just as Westerners abandon them to Nannies...are you happy with that? Anyway where is the Dad? Etc Etc,

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