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Laughing In Thailand

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  • 3 weeks later...
What makes me laugh is when I see grown men holding hands with their Thai girlfriends/wives/companions like they're 10 year olds :)

It's not so bad. They probably didn't have wives when they were 10 years old.

OK. Now that one made me laugh.

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What makes me laugh is when I see grown men holding hands with their Thai girlfriends/wives/companions like they're 10 year olds :)

I suppose you could say that it makes you laugh. I really don’t like to see it especially if the age gap looks large. Yes I hold my wife’s hand sometimes, maybe late evening when we are on our way home and sometimes when on holiday, but very rarely during the daytime in the street or the shopping mall. However I quite often put my arm around her shoulder or waist whilst we are waiting to cross the road, or maybe when we stop and discuss something or when standing gazing at the sunset.

When I was in the UK I frequently saw one quite old couple walking hand in hand and thought how lovely. So maybe when we get a little older and one of us may need a steadying hand then we will look like that old couple.

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What makes you Laugh in the LOS .

Rather then take the "cool" route by bashing you, I will answer the question.

-Watching idiots that cant ride jet skis wipe out

-watching drunk 25 year olds rent 1000cc crotch rockets

-stray dogs balls

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What makes you Laugh in the LOS .

:) The foreigners who're doing weird things. Please walk through Kao san Road, or look in Pattaya, Hua Hin, Phuket and other places like the full moon island, where the heck would you find so many people you have to laugh your ass off? American bank robbers? Russian Mafia with German passports? Arabian and African drug traffickers? Please don't blame Thais, come to places where the poors are.....as a student once said in a speech: 'The farmers in the Isan grow rice but they don't have enough to eat.' But they're smiling. Another thing makes me smile: Fat old farlangs with young girls, and after visiting their mothers, they'll buy a big house a car and some motorbikes for the family. That's a good laugh for thais and makes us all to stupidos, or? Think about the LOS. And look in the mirror first......

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Traffic stoppages because of IQ issues. Those traffic situations where no one can go because no one will yield the right of way, and the only solution will involve one or more parties doing some "D" and "R." I usually just pour myself a cup of coffee, chuckle a bit, recline the seat back and then see what's on TV, leaving the participants (my driver included) to give each other a mixture of mean and puzzled looks.


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What next, does one prefer to squat on an Armitage Shanks or an American Standard?

Someone has to pay for the bandwidth you know. :)

Now the first could be a prime example of a highly interesting topic, or topics.

Even the amount of possible sub-threads is too daunting to even think about.

The second, which bandwidth?

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Sisaketmike,I am falang,from Europe.But when I see stupid turists,when they go with lady boy,and they do not now for this.I can not stop with smiling,when I hear for stories like this.I know one man,he saw one lady boy,and then he fall to love.He spent a lot of money,and than reality:lady boy.He was in ,I can not explain with words....I always smile in this memory.

About old ugly farangs with young beautiful Thai girls,I hate this.Only one thing is for this people.Take them everything,money clothes....And leave them in rainy forest.Farangs are good food for tigers.But when I saw one farang in Chiang mai with children,I wanted to kill him,but one my Thai friend(he is from tribes) stoped me.

Another thing for Big smile I saw in Cambodia in Pursat province.There never happen,that turists come.But last year one group farangs(khmer:barang) came from TV,they were crazy,stupid.Just wanted girls....But I bring them to forest,they get amebas.So nice,they stayed in hotel with amebas.In toilet.

Thai people must be proud,because you are in country of free people,you can smile,because farangs are idiots,just take them money,and stay free from westeren civilization and watch how Europe and America will fall.When you will remember this think,you will smile.



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