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Ocean 1 & Maha Nakhon Skyscrapers

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From your posts it's obvious you don't own a home, you've never owned a home, and you'll never own a home. It's not obvious why you're so upset about things that you neither understand nor concern you.

"I went to the Ocean 1 website....They have two webcams where you can watch the activity going on at the site...it updates almost continuously. "

Yes, there is an Ocean 1 website and, yes, it does have two webcams. What is your point? Does a website and webcams make it seem a viable project to you. Here's something simple you can do: send the Ocean 1 developer an email, and tell us if they respond. I've sent them several messages - although I have no interest in the project - and they haven't responded to any of my requests for information.

"I don't know much about construction..."


That" You don't have a home and not to worry about things that don't concern you.." crack was pretty snarky hhgz.

First you misread his post regarding the length of time to put in the foundation and then you get him confused with a post from Donx and deliver the above statement.

For a good tussle you have to keep up... :)

And he has an excellent point about taking developer's claims with a pinch of salt.

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Ktech may have built a bunch of stuff, but I can't see 1 project that is more than a 30story reinforced concrete slab thing like ViewTalay.. or a shopping mall,

but O1 is a megastructure-like there are only a few that big in the world and they are all in major cities like Shanghai, Chicago, KL, etc.

I mentioned in my last post, if you have the History channel, they just did a show called modern marvels about the construction of Petronas, even the Malay government could not find engineering and construction firms in Malaysia that could do the job and they had to goto europe and NewYork to find firms.. yet bruno the former furniture salesman and k-tech have no problem constructing an even larger building, and a condo building at that, with condos starting a ridiculously low prices..

'hhgz' what does 'owning a home' have to do with it? you have to keep telling everyone how much smarter you are and how only you know what you are talking about-if you were so smart youd have a real job back in your country, i don't own a home here because I can't own it..

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"I went to the Ocean 1 website....They have two webcams where you can watch the activity going on at the site...it updates almost continuously. "

Yes, there is an Ocean 1 website and, yes, it does have two webcams. What is your point? Does a website and webcams make it seem a viable project to you. Here's something simple you can do: send the Ocean 1 developer an email, and tell us if they respond. I've sent them several messages - although I have no interest in the project - and they haven't responded to any of my requests for information.

"I don't know much about construction..."


I never said that they are viable because they have a website and webcams. What I am trying to say is that I am surprized that they maintain these webcams for all to see if they are not making progress with their project. Doing so only provides proof that nothing is happening on site. I haven't been following this project, so I haven't been monitoring their progress. Yes, I admit to not knowing much about the construction process, so it is difficult for me to know when watching their webcam for a few minutes what the status of that project is. Rimmer has indicated that the site is a staging area for cement making for other locations.

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The webcams are purely a marketing/sales ploy, and to be fair, not a bad one. They are not there for our (thailand residents') benefit. Let's face it, anyone who lives here knows that O1 has (to put it politely) "issues". No-one with any sense who knows the Pattaya real estate market would go near that project. However, if you're new to Pattaya, you don't know anyone to ask the right questions to and you see the billboards and advertising in the press, you find their website and see the webcams with what appears to be activity, you feel comfortable that "something" is happening. And whilst the developers may be derided and despised for driving around in their flash cars, if this buyer requests a meeting with the developer and they/he turns up in a Bentley for example, it will instill even more confidence in the buyer's mind. If he turned up in a beat up old VW Beetle would you buy a 25 million Baht condo from him? Sales is all about perception - both of what you're buying and who you're buying it from.

It seems they are now quite focussed on the Russian market. I understand that not so long ago they hired a Russian sales lady who used to work with Raimon Land. The Russians will be the first to fall for these gimmicks as they have a tendency to believe what they are told, if it comes from a Russian speaker. They would love the fact that the developers drive around in flash cars. I'm told that some of these Russian buyers are quite "heavy-hitters" - it will be very interesting to see what happens if they start to suspect that their down-payments may have gone down the drain.

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  • 8 months later...
Again I cant speak for any particular building, but this is usual practice.

Construction costs have fallen considerably since 2008, almost back to 2006 levels (but steel is on the rise again).

However, getting the green light to build all depends on how many units were sold.

If the developer can not hit what the bank's describe as the pre sales target (usually 60%+) then they will not get construction financing, and nothing will proceed.

As an objective observer I'd say silence is understandable if you have poor sales performance.

I understand that in Pattaya selling the Thai 49% quota has always been tough.

In a letter from Rob Astbury (March 2010) published by 'spike' (owner of gay sawatdee website) on the website; pattaydays.com -Mr Astbury states that contracts have not yet been signed.

So it's anyones guess as to what the heck is going on in Pattaya

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