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Just before midnight, missus going to the bathroom. Suddenly I hear a scream, a very loud scream. I rushed to her assistance - here is what I saw.

A very spesial House Guest indeed.

Can anyone tell if it's dangerous ?

Aprox 15 centimeter across, yes I'm not kidding you. A real monster.

(click on the photo + "open link" = full size)


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The first is a huntsman, quite harmless.

Rinrada's is a Golden orb. Beautiful creature which makes a stunning web, I don't know how toxic they are but I'd imagine that their fangs alone could be quite painful.

Thats the one who made a web in a tree , its web was 10ft by 6 , it was catching bats to eat,

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So can you Gentlemen comfirm it's harmless ??? Realy?

Missus not want go bathroom, not want go sleep .... lol.

Not only she, I must admit. Scary to be within 1 meter of that beast and dont know any about those "things".


Last week we had a "1000 feet something" crawling speedy on the floor,aprox 5 centimeter only. Made us clean down the place same day.

Wonder what her plan is in the morning :D

But something good come out of this - next time she say want we move up country to family -- I just show this pic again :D:):D

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could you imagine if it walked across your feet slowly while you were sleeping...or your face

That is what we are imagining - and stay up tonight... :D

could you imagine if it walked across your feet slowly while you were sleeping...or your face

Thanks, I will never sleep tonight now.. Scary... :)

You're not alone ....lol and BTW - we might live in same area ......... :D

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I found two lumps on my arm one morning and wondered where they came from, I guessed it was some kind of bite, two separate bites which kind of merged into one raised area under my skin. I assumed it was two separate bites but I guess it could have been a larger spider with two fangs.

The lump was a couple of inches across on my arm, could this have been a spider bite ? I have never seen a spider in my apartment and I didn't get any visible mosquito bites in months before this.

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We had one of these big boys in our bathroom. I seriously considered removing him but when a cockroach ran across the floor and he ran out, grabbed it, killed it and ate it he earned his free ticket to stay.

Don't mind spiders (and in all my years of living in a very open house, I've never had one crawling on me) but can't stand roaches and can't stand rats (mice, rats same thing).

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I found two lumps on my arm one morning and wondered where they came from, I guessed it was some kind of bite, two separate bites which kind of merged into one raised area under my skin. I assumed it was two separate bites but I guess it could have been a larger spider with two fangs.

The lump was a couple of inches across on my arm, could this have been a spider bite ? I have never seen a spider in my apartment and I didn't get any visible mosquito bites in months before this.

could've been a centipede:


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I found two lumps on my arm one morning and wondered where they came from, I guessed it was some kind of bite, two separate bites which kind of merged into one raised area under my skin. I assumed it was two separate bites but I guess it could have been a larger spider with two fangs.

The lump was a couple of inches across on my arm, could this have been a spider bite ? I have never seen a spider in my apartment and I didn't get any visible mosquito bites in months before this.


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I found two lumps on my arm one morning and wondered where they came from, I guessed it was some kind of bite, two separate bites which kind of merged into one raised area under my skin. I assumed it was two separate bites but I guess it could have been a larger spider with two fangs.

The lump was a couple of inches across on my arm, could this have been a spider bite ? I have never seen a spider in my apartment and I didn't get any visible mosquito bites in months before this.

could've been a centipede:



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I found two lumps on my arm one morning and wondered where they came from, I guessed it was some kind of bite, two separate bites which kind of merged into one raised area under my skin. I assumed it was two separate bites but I guess it could have been a larger spider with two fangs.

The lump was a couple of inches across on my arm, could this have been a spider bite ? I have never seen a spider in my apartment and I didn't get any visible mosquito bites in months before this.

could've been a centipede:


Having been biten on the bum recently whilst in bed (centipede BTW :) ), I cannot imagine how someone could sleep through it.

I hurt like H@ll and ThaiVisa was the first 'port of call' for how to treat it (the bite not the creepycrawly).


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The first is a huntsman, quite harmless.

Rinrada's is a Golden orb. Beautiful creature which makes a stunning web, I don't know how toxic they are but I'd imagine that their fangs alone could be quite painful.

Yes, that golden orb is a beauty.

Have loads of huntsmans around the house, along with two resident squirrels, the odd snake, and a harry the bastard tookay... this is just outside Chiang Mai next to a rice paddy. The biggest huntsman I've seen out the back was about 5" across so a fair bit smaller than the op's.

Oh, and just to make you more on edge op, you'd need to be farther than a metre from it to be out of its range as they are lightening fast! :)

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Just before midnight, missus going to the bathroom. Suddenly I hear a scream, a very loud scream. I rushed to her assistance - here is what I saw.

A very spesial House Guest indeed.

Can anyone tell if it's dangerous ?

Aprox 15 centimeter across, yes I'm not kidding you. A real monster.

(click on the photo + "open link" = full size)


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Do you leave these huntsman alone, or ........ "send them to better hunting area" ?

What's their real name? I like to do some research.

To jackr: thanks for that warning, I was lighting fast away from that "thing" :)

To dave2: we're already cleaning down the place (again) and close any entry options. Not want to see those things again, Didn't know I was afraid of spider until last night.

Just remember that scene from a James Bond movie ............... crawling on his body .....

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Huntsman bites are similar to a wasp's, it will cause a fair bit of swelling but that's about all. The thing that creeps me out about them is that I've seen them leap, and they aren't the least bit afraid of you. :)

....as for the two who keep POSTING ALL IN CAPS..... Stop please, that's annoying.

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Huntsman is the proper name. If you leave him alone, he'll leave you alone. Yes, they can give you a bite that feels about a wasp's sting. The spider is VERY shy and will jump straight up in the air if surprised. We get one in the house once in a while. They don't last long. The jing joks eventually get them one leg at a time.

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I'd have screamed too.No matter how much I have been "educated', I still get creeped out by bugs. As much as I am not a fan of spiders they do keep the other bugs in check and are more efficient than all the pesticides and insecticides out there.

Wonderful amazing photos. I'd be more terrified, but I'm protected by furry bug chasing eating furry varmints.. Now more than ever, I'll never complain about one guy's bad breath if he's on bug defense pillow duty and protects me from these buggies at night.

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I actually like spiders. I find them fascinating. The certainly take care of a lot of insects such as flies and mosquitos. I'll pick the non-venomous ones up and carefully move them to somewhere else if they are bothering people.

This guy was a full 8 inches (20 cm) or more across the legs...


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Afew years back spent a few days at a resort outside Pitsanolok when we left our room for a party I noticed a huge spider web over part of the walk. Being a gentleman I pointed this out to girlfriend well of course on the way back to room several hours later girlfriend nearly walked into the wed with the very large spider hanging out in the middle. She was quite happy I grabbed her before the spider had his way with her.

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Occasionaly living here we will get a startle. I remember seeing one those spiders the first time I came here 18 years ago in Patpong. dam_n fast too. But since then I have killed alot, and it seems they are more in the get the out of there than wanting to bite you. Got bit by a centipede in Pattaya about 8 years ago, now this one hurts and literlly made my hand into a sausage. When I see Thai people see a snake it is not so much of a startle to them, but when you see a Thai person see a centipede, they jump out of the way like holy hel_l. Snakes are easier to kill than centipedes, those little bastards just don't die! Go to Bali if you want to get freaked out by spiders. they are literally nesting everywhere, on the power cables in rooms and fricken huge too. Freaky for sure.

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