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I Canceled My Holiday In Thailand


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I think its prudent of you to stay home. Why not consider what $5000 will buy you at home for a month?

1. At least a different ho each day for 30 days (30 days at $150 per session)

2. You can buy some new Nintendo games since it sounds like youre very concerned with safety. This way, you wont even have to leave your house.

3. You will not have jet lag, we all know what a pain in the arse that is.

4. No need to renew your visa.

There ya have it. An alternate plan to Thailand.

By the way, your picture bears a striking resemblance to Erik Estrada.

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Remineds me of my visit in Puerto Rico. I met a girl.... Anyway, I helped her with her car and she took me to a dance club. When it came time to call it a night she wanted to drive me back to my hotel but I feared she would have more car problems so I told her I would walk back to my hotel. (I LOVE to walk, that way I can see more of the places and people and enjoy more of the elements of my visit).


You gave up a fun night with a local girl, so you could enjoy a 4mile walk?

If you like that little jem then maybe you should check out pauls previous offerring a few months ago when he was postponing the holiday because it was supposedly to dangerous here..

He goes on to talk about how he wandered around obscure sois in the wee hours of the morning, loved giving money to beggars,bought beer for construction workers,got chased by soi dogs ect ect....

It was quite hilarious, I often go back and have a look at that thread just to see all the colourful names he got called :)

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Many of you may remember me from previous posts about my adventures in Thailand. In those posts I talked about some of the wonderful and great times that I have had in Thailand. I talked about the friends I made and the exciting adventures that seem to lend them self to me while in the land of smiles. I also talked about some of the bad things that happened to me and near me. Some of those experiences caused me to put a return visit to Thailand on hold. It turns out that if I had come I would have been stuck in Thailand at the Airport for an untold amount of time and that would have lead to an avalanche of problems here at home.

Earlier this year I decided that I would come back to Thailand and enjoy the company of the friends I made and explore more of Thailand and make some new friends. I was feeling eager to return and explore and enjoy the things that I have come to love about Thailand; the food, the shopping, the motor-bike taxis, the kindness of the people, the overall Thai style... I wanted that again. I also loved meeting visitors from all over the world who were vacationing in the land of smile.

With all the negative things happening there that I have read on this board as well as others, I have decided to move my holiday from October to December, but as the bad new continues, I have decided to cancel my holiday there altogether. I won't be visiting Thailand this year at all.

I hope and wish all the best for Thailand, its people and those who visit there.

So there you have it. If any of you wonder if all that is going on there has any effect of return visitors to Thailand, yes it does. It had an effect on me.

I have been trying to forget ever since. Sorry, do not mean to flame you, but you sound like a very timid tourist. I won't speak for anyone else (find it rude) but i will speak for myself. As an expat I have a very hard time relating to tourist drivel. Yes, i started as a tourist like most expats I assume, but living here, and visiting here are like apples and onions. To think that your post can give me insight borders on patronizing. Thank you for accepting my 2 baht Pauly. :)

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Even the guys who ripped me off of $3 did so in a very nice way! LOL

How so unlike the predators in tight brown uniforms. People being polite when they steal from you, apparently with your permission, must be a major tourist attraction. Can we expect TAT to pick up this ball and run with it?

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I think its prudent of you to stay home. Why not consider what $5000 will buy you at home for a month?

1. At least a different ho each day for 30 days (30 days at $150 per session)

2. You can buy some new Nintendo games since it sounds like youre very concerned with safety. This way, you wont even have to leave your house.

3. You will not have jet lag, we all know what a pain in the arse that is.

4. No need to renew your visa.

There ya have it. An alternate plan to Thailand.

By the way, your picture bears a striking resemblance to Erik Estrada.

Paul is definately NOT the average bear


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The O/P gave some insight as to why tourist numbers are down. He states that the current negatives in Thailand have forced him to cancel his holidays. We all know, in general terms, that tourist numbers are down, but, he explains why the individual tourist decides not to come.

He is immediately jumped on by a cartel of THAIVISA stormtroopers who apparently do nothing for years except sit glued to computers.

A man who averages 10 posts a day for 6 years calls someone else a MUPPET, just for writing his thoughts? A lot of people living here have similar thoughts, but for their own, or self imposed reasons, cannot make the change.

Should call himself Kermit, methinks

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Had to smile at the mention of Scotland. This is the first summer for several years I haven't spent in Thailand and ... yes, I'm presently on holiday in Scotland. There is still a certain Thai flavour to the trip in that the Thai wife and neice are here too. We went to Glen Coe yesterday and they agreed that the view was 'suay gwaa Chiang Mai'. They were also very excited about their first attempt at ice skating at a local rink. I shall certainly be returning to LOS in future, but I just feel that several factors, including economics, make a trip there rather unappealing this year. Scotland is not exactly a bargain (though there are quite a few offers at hotels and restaurants) but the difference in travel costs can cover a lot. I'm afraid that there are lots of small things about LOS (yes, even trivial things like ATM fees) that have pissed me off in the last year or two and I felt that a break was in order. Off to Loch Ness today and I have been trying to explain the difference between Nessie and Pra Ya Na. Have to say also that a pint of Belhaven holds up pretty well in comparison to Chang.

Edited by citizen33
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The O/P gave some insight as to why tourist numbers are down. He states that the current negatives in Thailand have forced him to cancel his holidays. We all know, in general terms, that tourist numbers are down, but, he explains why the individual tourist decides not to come.

He is immediately jumped on by a cartel of THAIVISA stormtroopers who apparently do nothing for years except sit glued to computers.

A man who averages 10 posts a day for 6 years calls someone else a MUPPET, just for writing his thoughts? A lot of people living here have similar thoughts, but for their own, or self imposed reasons, cannot make the change.

Should call himself Kermit, methinks

Having read through the OP's posts again, the only reason he has is:


With all the negative things happening there that I have read on this board as well as others, I have decided to move my holiday from October to December, but as the bad new continues, I have decided to cancel my holiday there altogether.

"End of Quote"

I cant see how this is insight why tourist numbers are down.

Again, as other members asked (hopefully without being too sarcastic), what exactly are we talking about here.

The OP also lists a lot of positive things about Thailand as well, before he start talking about a shit load of other countries, and his (and friends') experiences there. Which again has absolutely nothing to do with why he is not returning to Thailand.

Oh yes,

to the member that likes Rio.

Why is that?

Personally, having been there quite a few times, I think Rio is a garbage dump. The shit hole of Brazil. Brazil is a country that has so much other wonderful places to show for.

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Oh yes,

to the member that likes Rio.

Why is that?

Personally, having been there quite a few times, I think Rio is a garbage dump. The shit hole of Brazil. Brazil is a country that has so much other wonderful places to show for.

I live in and like Pattaya and I like durian. 'Nuff said.

Also I think the OP bats for my team and likes CITIES, Rio is fun for that. It is also very beautiful.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hi Paul,

why not consider Cambodia. It's save and the bar scene is good. You'll make friends soon. Have a look here : linky This guy has a lot of info. And here for company : linky 2

You'll like it.


There are many alternatives to Thailand-Titanic and Cambodia is certainly one of them.........also, Bali (good prices now). Certain locations in the Philippines are also nice.

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Youve just bagged yourself a bargain break to Scotland havent you ?? come on be honest ,,,,,

I never thought of going there. I wonder how that would work out as related to money spent? I spend an average of $5,000 for a 4 week stay in Thailand. I wonder what $5,000 USD would get me for a 4 week stay in Scotland?

$5000 USD would get you all the smack and fried mars bars you can handle :-)

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Oh yes,

to the member that likes Rio.

Why is that?

Personally, having been there quite a few times, I think Rio is a garbage dump. The shit hole of Brazil. Brazil is a country that has so much other wonderful places to show for.

I live in and like Pattaya and I like durian. 'Nuff said.

Also I think the OP bats for my team and likes CITIES, Rio is fun for that. It is also very beautiful.

I see your point.

No problem, as we all like different stuff.


But I still fail to see what reasons the OP actually had for not coming back.

I totally respect his decision not to return, but why exactly was it?

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...and I've read the thread and still can't see exactly why this person isn't going to Thailand...the negative things? such as? ok if you read that some guy bought a house in his wife's name and then she threw him out and kept it...don't buy a house..... you read someone got their wallet nicked at the airport...keep your hand on your wallet! etc. etc. etc.

Why is it your not going to Thailand exactly? I'm still not clear as to the reason for the cancellation. Is the OP meant as some kind of advice? For me, the reasons weren't specific enough to be of any use/help to anyone thinking of travelling to Thailand but just a general kind of 'ooooh Thailand is scary and negative I'm not going'

Everywhere I've been in the world, including my own city (London) has scary and negative aspects to it but there is always something to be gained from broadening your experiences.

I like this forum and have got some very useful information and heard some great stories here but in the end I make my own mind up based on a number of different sources of information and my own feelings.

I'm sorry to hear that the OP has decided not to got to Thailand because of what he perceives to be 'all the bad stuff' that is happening, but I'm still not sure exactly what 'all the bad stuff' is.


if anyone is reading this and trying to make a decision as to wether to come to Thailand or not. I would advise them to think for themselves and not get too bogged down by other people's vague feelings of negativity.

Edited by bifftastic
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Paul please lets is know where you end up. We are all very interested in your life and travels.

Not sure where to recomend to go for a loney guy but where ever you go I am sure you will make friends. Just go and have fun.

Maybe Lala Land, or whatever that place that the Tellietubbies live in. That looks pretty safe. :)

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Oh yes,

to the member that likes Rio.

Why is that?

Personally, having been there quite a few times, I think Rio is a garbage dump. The shit hole of Brazil. Brazil is a country that has so much other wonderful places to show for.

I live in and like Pattaya and I like durian. 'Nuff said.

Also I think the OP bats for my team and likes CITIES, Rio is fun for that. It is also very beautiful.

I see your point.

No problem, as we all like different stuff.


But I still fail to see what reasons the OP actually had for not coming back.

I totally respect his decision not to return, but why exactly was it?

No reason given from what I've read. I'm not going to the Middle East, Columbia, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan or most of the counties in Africa either. In fact I REALLY don't want to visit certain parts of Detroit or Los Angeles at any time. It's much safer in Thailand.

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It's a big world. I think I will find the Bulgarian expat forum (fill in the blank ad nauseum) and broadcast why I won't be traveling there this winter.


I was thinking of Mogadishu, it's nice and warm in December but the cost of bullets has sky rocketed lately, so I might leave it till next year :D

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The OP just changed his plan to come to NL. instead, sorry to dissapointed you Thai people.

I just promised him that I will take care of his $5000 durring his trip. :D

Impressive, a change of orientation :)

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Had to smile at the mention of Scotland. This is the first summer for several years I haven't spent in Thailand and ... yes, I'm presently on holiday in Scotland. There is still a certain Thai flavour to the trip in that the Thai wife and neice are here too. We went to Glen Coe yesterday and they agreed that the view was 'suay gwaa Chiang Mai'. They were also very excited about their first attempt at ice skating at a local rink. I shall certainly be returning to LOS in future, but I just feel that several factors, including economics, make a trip there rather unappealing this year. Scotland is not exactly a bargain (though there are quite a few offers at hotels and restaurants) but the difference in travel costs can cover a lot. I'm afraid that there are lots of small things about LOS (yes, even trivial things like ATM fees) that have pissed me off in the last year or two and I felt that a break was in order. Off to Loch Ness today and I have been trying to explain the difference between Nessie and Pra Ya Na. Have to say also that a pint of Belhaven holds up pretty well in comparison to Chang.

Have to write that one down ( I have made someone smile on here ) thanks

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I can't begin to think why you posted this devastating news. The only person interested in you cancelling your holiday is you.

For the rest of us life goes on as normal. You really do need to put a sock in it.

Me ?

I dont have any hiden idea, just fun and nothing to do.

I dont even read them all... :)

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