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Generic Cialis


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Lest I be accused of violating the forum terms, I will preface my request here with the note that I was at a major Bangkok hospital just yesterday and Cialis was ordered by my doctor. When I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, I discovered that the charge for a modest supply was 34,000 baht! This was despite the fact that I asked specifically for a generic version. Turns out he pharmacy does not carry the generic version, hence the full price ( plus a huge hospital markup ) for the brand name version.

This is not a "recreational drug" nor "performance enhancing" for me. It is "relationship preserving" and without it my 12 year marriage is becoming less and less enjoyable for both of us. I will add that this is a situation every single person reading this post will face eventually, so please spare me the locker-room jokes.

What I want to get information on is:

1. A reliable mail-order pharmacy which will send generic Cialis ( taladafil) (with a credit card order) . . .and by reliable I mean that they wont steal my credit card information and they have a track record of not having orders run afoul of customs. I want to try to get this informaton ( a post here) from someone with experience doing this. Ordering online, paying by credit card, receiving the medecine in a reasonable time.


2. A reliable incountry pharmacy which sells the generic version of taladafil and which gets it in turn from a reliable supplier. Again, I would like a response from someone with actual experience doing this, not the "friend of my wife's great uncle knows someone who . . . ."

Thanks in advance


(Which not a single person on the planet really is, you know.)

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Hi Ageless, like you I was prescribed Cialis for medical reasons, and I was able to obtain it on prescription back in the UK at a reasonable price.

Here in Thailand, the cost for 4 tablets is typically about 1,600 baht if you buy it over the counter in a pharmacy. I don't know what dosage your doctor has prescribed, but I found that I could manage ok with half a table. So thats 200 baht per sexual event!!

About 5 years ago, I did order a supply via the internet. It was reasonably priced and was delivered to my Thai address without any problems. I cannot remember the website that I ordered it from - there must be many.

I never located an in-country parmacy that sold Cialis at a discount price...

Since I was not 'bonking' the wife every night, 200 baht a shot seems reasonable. In any case, I do not think it wise to take daily dosage of Cialis - could have long term side affects.


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the uk are giving cialis to specific patients on a daily basis.

in teckilek, burma side of the border from mai sai, it can be got for 100 bahts upwards per box of 4 tablets, it looks genuine and it works

i believe that most of the cialis, viagara etc sold on the internet is fake

so the only guarantee of genuine product is from a hospital, but when you see the doctor tell him to give you a discount and the smaller private hospitals are more sympathetic to your financial requirements, so i have found

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are various ways in which Cialis is getting a competitive edge over the other erection causing drugs. One of the major reasons is the prolonged time of erection in this case. Secondly, the erection will be at the top after thirty minutes of taking the pills. There are no side effects of the medicine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The drug is currently licensed for use in Thailand only under brandf name Cialis, any other preparations are illicit.

It is also illegal to obtain without a prescription and several posts have been deleted accordingly.

And, like all drugs, it does have side effects.

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