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My personal fave is what my niece was told at school in Devon. Apparently you must say "coffee without milk" when ordering a black coffee now.

My personal fave is what my niece was told at school in Devon. Apparently you must say "coffee without milk" when ordering a black coffee now.

Can we still say "white coffee" or do we have to say "coffee with powdered milk substitue"? :)


According to the UK newspapers its now "Spotted Richard" so as not to cause offense when ordering your pudding.

Offense to whom, I am not sure.


True story

My mate bought 2 t shirts from a local bar,which was called save the golley bar,and the shirts had a gollywog on.The coppers in the UK pulled him over and cautioned him for racism and then he was taken to the cop shop and they eventualy dropped the charges.


You PC brigade have got some much to answer for,mamby pamby bunch of weaklings.


I have noticed the PC brigade are not so prevelant on TV these days , guess they finaly got the message , words as such are for a form of communication , not for nitpicking , that's what monkeys do isn't it ?

I have noticed the PC brigade are not so prevelant on TV these days , guess they finaly got the message , words as such are for a form of communication , not for nitpicking , that's what monkeys do isn't it ?


This pc crap is so serious its getting very funny too.I still cant understand why these people are trying to stop everybody saying black,as its just a colour for gods sake.Maybe we should get the world to say farang dam,its got a nice ring to it.


Here - keeping it Thai related - :)

So, to call someone an idiot for not doing their job is OK but to call them Kwai can have serious consequences. Never seen the difference between the two myself.

Oh yes and over in the UK I was sad myself when we were no longer able to have some of our favourite nursery rhymes. Baa Baa Black Sheep springs to mind immediately.

I am pleased there is so much less PC here.

Here - keeping it Thai related - :)

So, to call someone an idiot for not doing their job is OK but to call them Kwai can have serious consequences. Never seen the difference between the two myself.

Oh yes and over in the UK I was sad myself when we were no longer able to have some of our favourite nursery rhymes. Baa Baa Black Sheep springs to mind immediately.

I am pleased there is so much less PC here.

I vaguely remember Bill and Ben was taken off the tv due to something to do with that flower,WEED,unless many years in Thailand have done me ed in lol.

That was a good song too,and i do miss my gollywog broaches.

I presume the schoolbook I learned reading from called Little Black Sambo is now unavailable?

Cant remember that one Karen lol.Did you live in South Africa

My personal fave is what my niece was told at school in Devon. Apparently you must say "coffee without milk" when ordering a black coffee now.

hahaha. Never heard that one. Thailand doesn't care about PC stuff, thats why I like it.

My personal fave is what my niece was told at school in Devon. Apparently you must say "coffee without milk" when ordering a black coffee now.

hahaha. Never heard that one. Thailand doesn't care about PC stuff, thats why I like it.

One of the main reasons i came here too.

I presume the schoolbook I learned reading from called Little Black Sambo is now unavailable?

Cant remember that one Karen lol.Did you live in South Africa

No, England. The book was a standard reader in the early 1960's.

I presume the schoolbook I learned reading from called Little Black Sambo is now unavailable?

Cant remember that one Karen lol.Did you live in South Africa

No, England. The book was a standard reader in the early 1960's.

I must have gone to a pc school as i cannot remember that lol.I do remember eating black jacks,the ones that made your teeth black lol.

I have noticed the PC brigade are not so prevelant on TV these days , guess they finaly got the message , words as such are for a form of communication , not for nitpicking , that's what monkeys do isn't it ?


The PC brigade are still here. In what numbers, I don't know.

A "friend" recently suggested that I change my avatar because it offended some people. This is the offending avatar;

Here is something else for the "PC" pedants to mull over;

"How come is it that every time I see "F", you see "K"?

The world is destroying itself...with help from a minority group.

I must have gone to a pc school as i cannot remember that lol.I do remember eating black jacks,the ones that made your teeth black lol.

Yes, me too. Eight for a penny. The cheapest sweet out there, though I preferred the Fruit Salad ones.

I presume the schoolbook I learned reading from called Little Black Sambo is now unavailable?

Cant remember that one Karen lol.Did you live in South Africa

No, England. The book was a standard reader in the early 1960's.

I must have gone to a pc school as i cannot remember that lol.I do remember eating black jacks,the ones that made your teeth black lol.

A famous Agather Christy (I think) Ten Little Nigger Boys - doubt that is still for sale under the same name! Which is madness really because its historical, surely those that would be offended today with such words (and I must admit I am one) would not want to forget the fact that once it was OK to be so offensive - in the same way that we teach about Nazi concentration camps at school, lest we should forget!

Also have to call blackboards, chalkboards now...crazy....!!!

Ridiculous. Yet we still call whiteboards, whiteboards? Being white I find that racist and insulting, I also just insulted myself by saying that I am white. I am going to sue myself for the mental trauma I caused myself.

Where will it all end. We are all people and if we need to describe something then we use whatever words are available to do so. A board that is black is a blackboard. People who take offense at these things obviously have nothing whatsoever in their lives to worry about or they are just looking for sympathy or money.

This PC stuff pisses me off. People are so terrified of repercussions that they would rather employ someone who is of 'ethnic' minority than a honky.

I have read many times in the past that the police in the U.K are trying to recruit more people from ethnic minorities. As a white person then surely that is being racist against me!

I work around the world with all races of people, if they are a good person then they are good, if they are a tosser then they are a tosser, regardless of race or religion.


nd. The book was a standard reader in the early 1960's.

I must have gone to a pc school as i cannot remember that lol.I do remember eating black jacks,the ones that made your teeth black lol.

A famous Agather Christy (I think) Ten Little Nigger Boys - doubt that is still for sale under the same name! Which is madness really because its historical, surely those that would be offended today with such words (and I must admit I am one) would not want to forget the fact that once it was OK to be so offensive - in the same way that we teach about Nazi concentration camps at school, lest we should forget!

Agreed, As ugly as it is, to let it be forgotten just disrespects those brave PC souls of all colors that fought for change. Jews understand this fact very well, which is why our schools do teach all about Nazi concentration camps, and in some European countries it's actually against the law to question the holicost. Yet when it comes to Blacks, people are still selling golliwogs and mad because PC (decent humans) fight against such immagry and the hate that comes behind it.

That being said, I'm glad I'm an American and not British, how dare the police harrass a man for his T-shirt. Here we have freedom of speach, if you wanna wear a KKK shirt with a swatzika on it thats your leagal right....now you might not make many friends with it, but the sanctity of the first ammendment is bigger than anyones hurt feelings.

Also have to call blackboards, chalkboards now...crazy....!!!

Ridiculous. Yet we still call whiteboards, whiteboards? Being white I find that racist and insulting, I also just insulted myself by saying that I am white. I am going to sue myself for the mental trauma I caused myself.

Where will it all end. We are all people and if we need to describe something then we use whatever words are available to do so. A board that is black is a blackboard. People who take offense at these things obviously have nothing whatsoever in their lives to worry about or they are just looking for sympathy or money.

This PC stuff pisses me off. People are so terrified of repercussions that they would rather employ someone who is of 'ethnic' minority than a honky.

I have read many times in the past that the police in the U.K are trying to recruit more people from ethnic minorities. As a white person then surely that is being racist against me!

I work around the world with all races of people, if they are a good person then they are good, if they are a tosser then they are a tosser, regardless of race or religion.

:D:) It's always the biggest offenders that have the most crap to say about simple human courtesy which is what PC is all about. I love how you guys make up the most ridiculous things and blame it on PC....can't call coffee black....gimme a break.

That being said, I'm glad I'm an American and not British, how dare the police harrass a man for his T-shirt. Here we have freedom of speach, if you wanna wear a KKK shirt with a swatzika on it thats your leagal right....now you might not make many friends with it, but the sanctity of the first ammendment is bigger than anyones hurt feelings.

Whilst I usually agree with much of what you say I'm afraid it's not only in the UK that T shirt wearers are harassed:




2 very good examples of what I'm talking about Endure. Firstly both of these examples differ significantly from the "golliwog" shirt example in that these people were both in side privately owned buildings. The owners of a privately owned building are allowed to dictate a dress code, i.e. Your gonna have a hard time visiting the local synagogue with a Bin Ladin tee.

And hey that's their right. Also the beauty of it is that at least one of these guys are exercising their legal right too sue, both probably could. Were as in the UK the guy just gets shook down and nothing comes of it.

Thats the thing about Freedom, it comes with a certain responsibility. And while in America you have freedom of speech you also have a certain control over your privately owned buildings as well.

Also have to call blackboards, chalkboards now...crazy....!!!

Ridiculous. Yet we still call whiteboards, whiteboards? Being white I find that racist and insulting, I also just insulted myself by saying that I am white. I am going to sue myself for the mental trauma I caused myself.

Where will it all end. We are all people and if we need to describe something then we use whatever words are available to do so. A board that is black is a blackboard. People who take offense at these things obviously have nothing whatsoever in their lives to worry about or they are just looking for sympathy or money.

This PC stuff pisses me off. People are so terrified of repercussions that they would rather employ someone who is of 'ethnic' minority than a honky.

I have read many times in the past that the police in the U.K are trying to recruit more people from ethnic minorities. As a white person then surely that is being racist against me!

I work around the world with all races of people, if they are a good person then they are good, if they are a tosser then they are a tosser, regardless of race or religion.

:D:) It's always the biggest offenders that have the most crap to say about simple human courtesy which is what PC is all about. I love how you guys make up the most ridiculous things and blame it on PC....can't call coffee black....gimme a break.

You obviously haven't been to the UK recently. 'Coffee without milk' is being taught at schools in the UK as the correct term for black coffee.

PC is about stifling debate on particular issues and reducing the amount of language available to us to express ourselves. It starts off as something reasonable, something that genuinely attempts to eliminate offence. But eventually degenerates into the situation we are approaching in the UK where people constantly have to self censor their speech incase they offend someone.

And once the precedent is set the tentacles of PC start wrapping around all areas of thought. Criticise Obama now and you are at risk if being branded a racist. Doubt man-made (sorry, person-made) global warming and you are a 'denier' - one of the most politically incorrect things you can do.

PC = Newspeak.


I am a WASP. I do not find the term offensive. I am also a "honky" to others, I do not find the term offensive.

I like my coffee like my women, "hot, black and sweet". I like golliwogs they are quite harmless.

Those who promote "PC" suffer from an inferiority complex in my opinion.

"A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Men" these are only two examples

that the PC police do not like for some reason.

Object to PC my not using it A lot of PC people do not know the difference between an "Arthur or a Martha"if you get my drift.

Also have to call blackboards, chalkboards now...crazy....!!!

Ridiculous. Yet we still call whiteboards, whiteboards? Being white I find that racist and insulting, I also just insulted myself by saying that I am white. I am going to sue myself for the mental trauma I caused myself.

Where will it all end. We are all people and if we need to describe something then we use whatever words are available to do so. A board that is black is a blackboard. People who take offense at these things obviously have nothing whatsoever in their lives to worry about or they are just looking for sympathy or money.

This PC stuff pisses me off. People are so terrified of repercussions that they would rather employ someone who is of 'ethnic' minority than a honky.

I have read many times in the past that the police in the U.K are trying to recruit more people from ethnic minorities. As a white person then surely that is being racist against me!

I work around the world with all races of people, if they are a good person then they are good, if they are a tosser then they are a tosser, regardless of race or religion.

It's really quite simple... Divide and Conquer.... that is what this game is all about... no one can be singularly more powerful than the elite controlling things.

I am a WASP. I do not find the term offensive. I am also a "honky" to others, I do not find the term offensive.

I like my coffee like my women, "hot, black and sweet". I like golliwogs they are quite harmless.

Those who promote "PC" suffer from an inferiority complex in my opinion.

"A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Men" these are only two examples

that the PC police do not like for some reason.

Object to PC my not using it A lot of PC people do not know the difference between an "Arthur or a Martha"if you get my drift.

I am Black. I do not find the term offensive at all. I am also a nigger to others, I find this term highly offensive. It's the phasing out of terms like this that is at the heart of PC.

I like my coffee like my women, of a good quality, hot and sweet. I could care less how dark or light it is, I'm bigger than that. If someone gave me a Golliwog I would beat them with it, it's ignorant and offensive. If I made a doll that looked like a stereo typical Hisidic Jew with the long locks of hair comming down out of the cap, a huge nose and a penny tightly clasped in one hand, the jewish community would have it banned almost instantly. But Golliwogs are supposed to be cool???...Think pepoloe, have a lil respect, thats all PC is about.

Those who are against PC are bigots and and suffer from a inferiority complex in my opinion

"A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Men" these are only two examples

that people who are bigots and against PC use as an excuse to justify their bias. I grew up in the States all my life I have never seen anyone or even heard of anyone having a problem with these simple terms of endearment and blessings.

And the bit about Black coffee or Black Boards being offensive and taught as being wrong...give me a break. Seriously, offensive too whom? Taught wrong where? I have never seen nor heard any of that garbage. These are just distractions thrown about by people who are against the simple common courtesy and respect that is at the heart of Political Correctness.

-reason for edit typo-

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