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Udon Thani Official Calls For Prostitution To Be Legalised

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Thailand's major religion is Budhism and its 100% sure that Budhism doesnot allow prostitution at any cost. It's one of the beggest sin amongst the sins which must get punishment hereafter. Now if the they make the law to legalise prostitution, so it means they override religion. So please all members of this forum, join hands to oppose this <snip> idea.

Prostitution is the main cause of dectruction of social system, social values and pious relations.

Hmm - thought Buddhism was essentially a search for nirvana which on many occasion might be a suitable adjective for sexual congress at least at the climax of it all!

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A thread about a mere mention of legalising prostitution in Thailand by some dude in Udon, now gets viewed 10,723 times in the first 12 hours of its existence!! My Buddha!

I just hope when some real official in the gov't does talk about it, this site won't be crashed!!!!! :)

Thailand's major religion is Budhism and its 100% sure that Budhism doesnot allow prostitution at any cost. It's one of the beggest sin amongst the sins which must get punishment hereafter. Now if the they make the law to legalise prostitution, so it means they override religion. So please all members of this forum, join hands to oppose this <snip> idea.

Prostitution is the main cause of dectruction of social system, social values and pious relations.

Hmm - thought Buddhism was essentially a search for nirvana which on many occasion might be a suitable adjective for sexual congress at least at the climax of it all!

um, no, Buddhism is the pursuit of perfection, nirvana awaits those who achieve perfection. Funny as you think you might be, your comments are insulting to the religious establishment of Thailand.


TV's pundits have spoken = it's alright for anyone dammit!

(unless it was YOU poken THEIR own daughter, GF, wife or mother;)

Well hel_l, that's another issue entirely... :)


Some wag wanted to change the Amazing Thailand campaign to:

Thailand! Even YOU can get laid!

I quite like the idea, and maybe ads in travel sections around the world, "We guarantee you'll get laid or we'll buy your ticket home".

Could help revive the dwindling tourist trade and save billions of baht that's wasted every year in promoting tourism. :D

also, prostitution was legal back in 1970, as was weed. In Udonthani, when you brought a Thai girl into a bar or club she had to show her valid VD card and sign in before she was allowed to enter.


Ah yes.

Come one come all!

Satisfaction Guaranteed!


I was hoping to find a reply that would have corrected the factual inaccuracy of the post. Prostitution was banned in Thailand in 1960 because of heavy pressure from the UN.

Also, if you are in the company of a prostitute, why take her INTO a bar or club? :) I'm not well versed in proper whore mongering etiquette, but I think the general idea is to take her OUT of the bar or club...

What's appalled me is the slave like conditions most bargirls put up with. A job usually means you start, you work, you finish, then you enjoy your free time. Bar girls aren't allowed to date men outside of the bar, they're 24 hour bar girls. If a bar girl is seen dating a guy even in her own time and the owner hasn't received a fine then she's in a lot of trouble. The term slave is quite befitting here. Some recoginition and regulation might help with issues like these.

Do you really think that the bar running costs and staff wages, including the girls, can be paid from the couple of guys buying drinks in the average bar?

As for slave like conditions, I'd say they apply more to jobs like factory workers and domestics. Try working at a hotel for 5,000 bht a month, and having to pay 2,000 bht for the room they give you. It's no wonder they have so many girls in Pattaya, Patong et al.

If girls were allowed to have guys outside working hours, how many guys would be willing to pay the bar fines, which are the main source of income for the bars?

Not sure about either of these quotes, as the bar girls in 3 mates bars seem to enjoy the life they live AND they are free to do what they want, when they want, provided they put some time in at the bar. They aren't paid wages but do get free accomodation...........they are always laughing. playing around and are in good spirits, and I've got to know some over the years, and the thought of another job in a set 12 hr day, 6 days a week routine just isn't appealing to them.

Sure some are not cut out for it, but many enjoy the lifestyle, free drinks, discos, camaraderie, good money and the occaisional very generous farang.

Not sure about either of these quotes, as the bar girls in 3 mates bars seem to enjoy the life they live AND they are free to do what they want, when they want, provided they put some time in at the bar. They aren't paid wages but do get free accomodation...........they are always laughing. playing around and are in good spirits, and I've got to know some over the years, and the thought of another job in a set 12 hr day, 6 days a week routine just isn't appealing to them.

Sure some are not cut out for it, but many enjoy the lifestyle, free drinks, discos, camaraderie, good money and the occaisional very generous farang.

Assume this includes' fair play' were it your OWN mum, Wife, GF, or your OWN daughters in a different situation?

Fair play then, or perhaps same-same but bit different' 'mate' ?

Cheers! :)

(edit- oh nevermind, TV got it's daily hits to dazzle remaining potential advertisers - wot it's really all bout;)


Yep Legalize it.....AND FRANCHISE IT! hel_l, you could even have drive thrus. Service with a smile! Yes siree thats the ticket! I can just see it now. Bill Board adds, with mouth watering pictures, T.V. sponsored advertisements on the "boob" tube, and especially on the skytrain.


I beleive that prostitution should be legalized every where in the world.

Legalizing the oldest profession in the world will make the service providers safer as well as the customers.

It will poduce tax revenues. Every one should have the right to sell their personal services is they choose so to do.

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

Here in Finland it's soon to be crime just to be a man... =/

Agreed for my country too, but once the next war starts we'll be back in demand.

Incidentally, have you noticed how women are going for command positions in the military but don't have to ever see combat? Cushy number!


The myth that family sitting in village believe daughter earns 40,000baht per month in Salon, is too laughable to consider. Mum and dad dont care as long as the baht comes home.


Assume writer is Australian with limited experience, because he clearly has not been to Germany or Holland- in fact, he hasn't even been to New Zealand1

All 3 have legalized prostitution. Legalization is much better for the girls, in that it facilitates medical standards and takes the mob out of the business.

Besides, if girls have few economic options, as is the case in most Third World countries such as Thailand, criminalization o the world's oldest profession

is hypocrisy of the lowest order!


I don't think legalising prostitution has actually succeeded anywhere in the world... What has it actually achieved???

A small number of working girls, once they have given up on ever being able to be anything more, go to work in a handful of legal brothels...

Here in New South Wales, Australia, (I only detail it because it was referred to as being legal earlier) a very small number of brothels have done it mostly as a 'public statement' or experiment... 99.9% of sex work is still done illegally... illegal immigrants, underage, in their own residence, outcalls, all still illegal and very much in demand... Legal brothels are relegated to dingy factories in industrial areas serving 0.1% of customers, and most of them are still illegally offering services of illegal immigrants...

If this was to happen in Thailand, recognising that most of the industry is NOT targetted at (relatively poor and cheap) white/european customers, the majority of the industry would never, could never change... demand for underage girls which is NOT driven by the white/european market would remain unchanged, wanting to spend time in a big, expensive, restaurant come club having a party by Thai men in a trendy area would not change... the desire of the girls to leave that world behind them at some stage will not change... the pressure on girls from their boyfriends/family to make as much money as possible (regardless of risk) would not change...

Legal, illegal, the outcome is the same... be concerned about targetting immoral behaviour like (real) human trafficing, indentured workers, underage workers, abusive bosses...

BTW... What is the cheapest way to get from The Airport to Khao San Rd area...

Sorry, wrong thread.



I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

As if they didn't already.

I think it's a good idea as maybe then they could instil some quality control... although not that it concerns me personally.


One thing I am curious about is, is this push to legalize prostitution in Thailand meant to address the sector of the industry that serves foreigners, or the much larger sector that serves the local population? Obviously if prostitution were legalized it would have effects on both, but which is motivating its legalization?



"However, I don't agree with the registration system because it could adversely affect sex workers. Registration means a woman is willing to be stigmatised for the rest of her life as a prostitute, which may effect her chance of finding another other job in the future," she said.

That is the only sentence which is telling the real truth and the real result from this action! Most of these ladies are doing this job very discretely, secretly and far away from their homes. When back in their village they are very normal girls, well educated and well off and looking for a husband and hoping to stop this prostitution business as soon as they can and as soon as they have enough money to build their house in their own village.

No way they will want to be registered!!! No way!!!

agreed. i wouldnt be surpised if the CIA,KGB, ETC, have honed their craft from thai/indochinese ladies.

please do include bhuddism in the equation.

What's appalled me is the slave like conditions most bargirls put up with. A job usually means you start, you work, you finish, then you enjoy your free time. Bar girls aren't allowed to date men outside of the bar, they're 24 hour bar girls. If a bar girl is seen dating a guy even in her own time and the owner hasn't received a fine then she's in a lot of trouble. The term slave is quite befitting here. Some recoginition and regulation might help with issues like these.

Do you really think that the bar running costs and staff wages, including the girls, can be paid from the couple of guys buying drinks in the average bar?

As for slave like conditions, I'd say they apply more to jobs like factory workers and domestics. Try working at a hotel for 5,000 bht a month, and having to pay 2,000 bht for the room they give you. It's no wonder they have so many girls in Pattaya, Patong et al.

If girls were allowed to have guys outside working hours, how many guys would be willing to pay the bar fines, which are the main source of income for the bars?

So you think it's justified on monetary grounds? If giving the girls reasonable rights of freedom means that bars have to close then so they should, that's peripheral to the issue. Think outside your own pants.

I realise some girls seem to have fun, some deal with it, some I've seen sit there welled up looking like they've been given a prison sentence. Also depends what kind of bar, the popular ones in the heart of the action, with hot girls, they can actually make a lot from drink sales.

Actually where are the bars in the west that sell their bar staff out for sex? Here in Australia bars seem to survive pretty well just from drink sales, it is possible. Those beer bar drink prices come with a hefty mark up.


You'd have to be completely naive or fresh off the boat if you thought that legalization would be anything but a farse here in Thailand. It would simply be another way to extract funds from already exploited sex workers, ultimately sending more money to the brothel owners (or are they all in the treasury now?) and on up the line as tea money via enforcement of new regulations, which will of course be vague enough that the average working girl can still be touched up for a few baht to pay off an infringement. While the system would then be 'legalized' it would just mean the John on the street would now have to factor in the 'officials fee' in his nightly girl price. The government will get their cut, the police will get their cut, the pimps will get their cut, and the girl is now out of a job, cause she's too expensive, all the sexpats head to Laos.... no skin off my nose, but legalization requires a proper government to enforce it... this Thailand does not have!


Isn't prostitution already legal in Thailand anyway?


Exactly. Some brothels - MP - are legally registered and girls have STD check ups.

And anyway, it won't make any differences for us, sorry for the customers :) , and I guess most girls do not really care and will not get any benefits from it.


This is a step in the right direction if/when it happens. Next they can legalize gambling and have casinos, that will sure bring in the tourist dollars

What's appalled me is the slave like conditions most bargirls put up with. A job usually means you start, you work, you finish, then you enjoy your free time. Bar girls aren't allowed to date men outside of the bar, they're 24 hour bar girls. If a bar girl is seen dating a guy even in her own time and the owner hasn't received a fine then she's in a lot of trouble. The term slave is quite befitting here. Some recoginition and regulation might help with issues like these.

Incorrect, and it shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Bargirls and gogo-girls have set working hours. It is usually 2 days off per month. For gogo-girls the working hours are 19.30 - 02.00. Inside these hours they are at work and am expected to work. Like any other worker. If they agree with a customer to trick the bar (avoid bar-fine) and meet outside after 02.00 (happens usually right around closing time), with the customer leaving 5 minutes earlier, then yes ofcourse the mamasan will be upset. It is infact a violation of the set rules of the job.

But if she meets someone off-hours on her own or during off-days or vacation-days, nothing will be said. So it is no more slavery than that you cannot work on private projects at your job and then bring the code home to sell it yourself...

What's appalled me is the slave like conditions most bargirls put up with. A job usually means you start, you work, you finish, then you enjoy your free time. Bar girls aren't allowed to date men outside of the bar, they're 24 hour bar girls. If a bar girl is seen dating a guy even in her own time and the owner hasn't received a fine then she's in a lot of trouble. The term slave is quite befitting here. Some recoginition and regulation might help with issues like these.

What bars have you been going to?


Legalisation? What a great idea! How about taxing their earnings too? How about licensing them to work after medical checks? They then could work legitamately on a self employed basis and it might encourage them to have some kind of work ethic rather than being lazy and sleeping all day. It might also allow them to save money rather than send every baht back to every lazy relation upcountry who obviously has no idea what his daughter, cousin , neice, cousin once removed etc etc is doing. May even encourage the relations to do more work. All in all a win win situation, but who would have the balls to push this kind of legislation through, not ,I fear, our current illustrious leaders with so many dangerous snouts allready in the pot. :)


Lets face it most tourists don't come to Bangkok to see the beautiful temples and the charming Thai culture . Some of you wont like facing reality but take the girls out of Bangkok and you would reduce tourism enormously. Facts are fact the oldest profession is here to stay legalize it and tax it!


All I can say is this thread has drawn a lot more response here than at the 'Coal Face'. The same running on UdonMap.com had a few minor comments and died a natural death. I guess we (Farang) here in Udon don't care one way or the other.

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

Well at least here in Pattaya it will now be all out in the open.

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