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Deliberate Overstay

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I'm in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp, my return to work has been delayed and I now need to stay in Thailand for 4 days more than my stamp allows.

I know I can go to immigration and apply for an extension for 1900 Baht, but the overstay fine will also be 2000 Baht, so should I just save myself the hassle of applying for an extension and just pay the fine at the airport when I leave? Is this a viable option?

I've never overstayed a visa in Thailand before so I don't know what the implications of it are. Could there be any reprocussions in the future when I return to Thailand if I deliberately overstay?


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Pay your overstay at the airport no problems. There are no other repercussions.

Well ... that is as long as he gets to the airport and doesn't get caught by police before he gets there. If he does get caught, he will be arrested and locked up, pending deportation.

Right on, and who knows, someday in the future Thai Consulates may get unhappy with folks with overstay stamps in their passports and not issue visas, or even worse, turn people around at the airport and land borders when they arrive.

At least in the U.S., overstayers do have difficulty getting visas in the future. Can't or don't do much about the illegals, but people with bad remarks in their passports don't do well when looking for future trips.


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Pay your overstay at the airport no problems. There are no other repercussions.

Well ... that is as long as he gets to the airport and doesn't get caught by police before he gets there. If he does get caught, he will be arrested and locked up, pending deportation.

Right on, and who knows, someday in the future Thai Consulates may get unhappy with folks with overstay stamps in their passports and not issue visas, or even worse, turn people around at the airport and land borders when they arrive.

At least in the U.S., overstayers do have difficulty getting visas in the future. Can't or don't do much about the illegals, but people with bad remarks in their passports don't do well when looking for future trips.


All good and valid points. I have overstayed maybe half dozen times over the years, not been caught and not had any other problems, paid overstay on departure.

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Years ago when I was working in Cambodia but my family was still in Thailand, I went to Suan Plu for a three day extension to match my travel plans. The immigration officer actually suggested that I'd save money by paying the fine at the airport rather than paying for an extension. My impression was that he was sincere. I declined his advice on that occasion but it leads me to believe that a few days' overstay is not a big issue.

edit: spelling

Edited by Deke
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It is not an immigration call - if local police find you overstay you will be arrested and jailed until judge fines you. It does not happen often but it kind of leaves a lasting impression if it happens to you from reports I have seen.

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I'm in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp, my return to work has been delayed and I now need to stay in Thailand for 4 days more than my stamp allows.

I know I can go to immigration and apply for an extension for 1900 Baht, but the overstay fine will also be 2000 Baht, so should I just save myself the hassle of applying for an extension and just pay the fine at the airport when I leave? Is this a viable option?

I've never overstayed a visa in Thailand before so I don't know what the implications of it are. Could there be any reprocussions in the future when I return to Thailand if I deliberately overstay?


As mentionned by others, overstaying could get you into serious trouble. While the odds that you get into trouble for it are low, it's simply not worth the risk.

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It is not an immigration call - if local police find you overstay you will be arrested and jailed until judge fines you. It does not happen often but it kind of leaves a lasting impression if it happens to you from reports I have seen.

The IDC continues to be well stocked Lop. :)

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It is not an immigration call - if local police find you overstay you will be arrested and jailed until judge fines you. It does not happen often but it kind of leaves a lasting impression if it happens to you from reports I have seen.

Applying for an overstay or turning up at an airport with intent to leave, both indicate a wilingness to comply with the laws of the land, albeit with a minor infringement.

There are individuals who are years into overstay, effectively being illegal immigrants.

This is deliberate law breaking.

If you are, unfortunately, stopped whilst on overstay, how can you be distinguished from being potentially one of these?

I would not risk it for periods of more than a day or two.

It would also go against the general principles I apply when being in the Kingdom. Never ever to do the slightest thing that would involve me in conflict with the authorities. I am stringent with this. I have heard many stories that make me nervous.

The police and the authorities here are unpredictable.

Edited by chimsa
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Personally, I would go to immigration and pay for the extension. As already mentioned, who knows what reason may be used by the Thai consulates to deny a visa in the future.... I have been here 10 years and never overstayed my visa though I've got friends who do it on a regular basis without any problems, up to now.

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........who knows what reason may be used by the Thai consulates to deny a visa in the future....

That's an extremely valid point. I know it's a real drag to go all the way out to Chaeng Wattana and wait for maybe an hour or so, when you can simply pay an extra B100 on departure, but as visa regulations are tightening up, they could throw this at you as an excuse to refuse a visa in the future. Get an extension.

Hassle to get to CW, but peace of mind at the end of the day!!

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1) I would not overstay...for any reasons (even sick unless I am not transportable)

2) If you live near by the immigration: go there

3) If it is really a problem for you to get to their offices just take a chance (very small risk unless you stay in a hotel, who is to register you upon arrival with the details of your departure card, or if you tend to stay up late in places like Kow san, silom...) That being said, to be stopped on the way to the airport....well I doubt it

4) As everyone said earlier no repercussions but, who knows? If they keep a record then....one day it will come up

5) Everyone is talking about a day or two overstay: well there is no such a thing as a One day overstay as you may leave the country within 24 hours of the expiration date of your visa without being picked up in a line (take a night train down to Malaysia on that day, arrive the day after to exit the country: no officer will say anything; the same goes for the plane ) Of course it is no concern of yours as you are looking at 4 days

6) Go to the immigration and get the extension : you have asked this question because you are worried about the consequences; so what are a couple of hours visiting the immigration bureau giving you a peace of mind versus 4 days of worries (after the very sound advices you have received here)

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Yeap, it's a crap shoot. The odds are in your favor that just paying the overstay at the airport will be all that is required; unless you run into some bad luck during those overstay days which involves the police asking to see your passport due to an accident, theft, crackdown, etc., and the police focus on the overstay.

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5) Everyone is talking about a day or two overstay: well there is no such a thing as a One day overstay as you may leave the country within 24 hours of the expiration date of your visa without being picked up in a line (take a night train down to Malaysia on that day, arrive the day after to exit the country: no officer will say anything; the same goes for the plane ) Of course it is no concern of yours as you are looking at 4 days

Not true and people have been arrested and jailed heading to the border with one day overstay - even if they make it they will be charged 500 baht and passport stamped. At airport they will not charge 500 baht if only one day but your passport may get a stamp.

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I disagree: I have experienced it more than once first hand and was even told, what I posted above , by the immigration officer to whom I present ed my passport for overstay before going through the passport control at the airport. He simply sent me back in line

By train same thing

But then again, you may know some people who were arrested within that frame of time. I don't.

In fact, if what you are reporting has happened it just means one thing for the OP: get your extension

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And not to mention recent reports that police is asking to see and checking passports of foreigners in the streets.
Right, but that was reportedly "plainclothes immigration police" and when I asked 2-3 times how they identified themselves as immigration police there was a deafening silence. Then a lot of posts about how awful the police are in Thong Lo about hassling foreigners, particularly around soi 22. Of course I've lived in Thong Lo for years now and am around soi 22 soi 20 on a weekly basis running errands during the day, evening and night and have never had anything but a friendly salute from the boys in brown. I'm certainly not suggesting that something that really happened to someone didn't happen, but Thai Visa is full of doomsday scenarios that I can't find anyone in real life who has lived here for years among my contacts to corroborate. If I were this guy I wouldn't worry about being picked up by the cops really at all unless he's doing something to make him a target, but I would worry about having a lot of overstay stamps in my passport even if they don't normally care. I don't like having documented proof that I'm flaunting laws. For that reason I'd probably go get the extension or have my fixer handle it.
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It is not a big problem if you show up at the airport or border. It can be a big problem if you get stopped beforehand.

I know several people who are currently many months over their visa expiration and are not worried about it. They'll just pay the 20,000 baht maximum penalty when they leave. I'm more cautious and would be pretty scared and paranoid, so I wont do this, but if you aren't the type to have police run-ins and are willing to take a small risk of getting stopped randomly, I wouldn't worry about it.

You can probably ignore most of the old geezers in this thread who are telling you to be scared for your life on overstay (haven't read the thread but knowing Thai Visa, thats what they are saying).

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1 or 2 days and you can just say you forgot. 4 days is pushing it a bit. Over a week and they could make things difficult.

Depends on your budget. If you can afford to get an extension, then it affords peace of mind.

Could makes things difficult for over staying a week? Come on, I have over stayed by two weeks no issues, Have had friends over stayed by 2 months and no problem, just pay the fine. I was with him when he overstayed 2 months, he was worried something might happen so asked me to go with him so I could go get a plane ticket whatever if he got locked up. We took a train to Penang the guys at immigration where laughing and smiling all the time. He seemed to be their new best friend, guess because he was giving them 20,000 baht. We went to penang he applied for a non-B visa with a letter and paper work from a company he was going to start working for and got the visa no problem. However this was back in 2004 or 5 cant recall.

For you to say they will make it difficult for a week I don't see that happening. As for the OP, a few days you will not have a problem, of course like mentioned you do take a chance that if you are caught by immigration (not the police, this is not enforced by them) then you can go to immigration detention (not jail) until you can pay your fine and have a plane ticket out of the country. So there is a risk, how much of a risk, well you play the lotto don't you, ever win?

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"I'm in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp, my return to work has been delayed and I now need to stay in Thailand for 4 days more than my stamp allows."

Why would you DELIBERATELY break the law?

Because I don't know what the law is here and if overstaying is a serious breach of it. When I was in the Philippines last year I overstayed about 8 days because there was no immigration on the Island I was visiting and couldn't do anything until I got to Manila - to me any Visa infrignement was very serious but it was absolutely no bother at all, I just went to a visa shop in Manila and they got me an extension for another month on top of a £10 fine for overstaying in about 2 days. The overstay just seemed to be normal practice so as I only need another 4 days in Thailand until I go back abroad to work, I will even get my flights confirmed tomorrow, then I wasn't sure if it was just the done thing to pay a small overstay fine at the airport for this cause.

Anyways, looks like I will be getting an extension as I don't want to spend the next two weeks worrying about any "what if's".

Thanks for the replies guys.

So my next question, is an extension guaranteed? Will I definitely get one??

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And not to mention recent reports that police is asking to see and checking passports of foreigners in the streets.

yes its happen and many people here said paid over stay at the airport i think its verry dangerous better waist 1 or 2 hours at the immigration paid 2000 baht to waist time in jail and paid more then 2000 and red stamp in your passport thats my opinion

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"I'm in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp, my return to work has been delayed and I now need to stay in Thailand for 4 days more than my stamp allows."

Why would you DELIBERATELY break the law?

Because I don't know what the law is here and if overstaying is a serious breach of it.

You do know the law. The stamp on your passport specifically states until when you are allowed in the country. What you didn't know was if it was being enforced. You are not at liberty to break the law just because it isn't enforced.

When I was in the Philippines last year I overstayed about 8 days because there was no immigration on the Island I was visiting and couldn't do anything until I got to Manila - to me any Visa infrignement was very serious but it was absolutely no bother at all, I just went to a visa shop in Manila and they got me an extension for another month on top of a £10 fine for overstaying in about 2 days. The overstay just seemed to be normal practice so as I only need another 4 days in Thailand until I go back abroad to work, I will even get my flights confirmed tomorrow, then I wasn't sure if it was just the done thing to pay a small overstay fine at the airport for this cause.

I have read a few stories of people getting jailed for a very short overstay, missing their planes because they were in jail and having to arrange another plane ticket from jail. Search the net.

Anyways, looks like I will be getting an extension as I don't want to spend the next two weeks worrying about any "what if's".

Thanks for the replies guys.

So my next question, is an extension guaranteed? Will I definitely get one??

No one can guarantee anything, but that said, I have never heard of anyone being denied an extension.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No one can guarantee anything, but that said, I have never heard of anyone being denied an extension.

Just a quick follow up on my topic. I was in Pattaya last weekend and found out there is an immigration in Jomtien so we went down there on Monday morning and got a Visa extension in about 15 minutes. Too easy. There was even a Thai guy at the writing desks that filled in the application for me. Even though I only wanted 4 days extra they still gave me 7 for 1,900Baht.

What is interesting is all the paranoia about overstay. While I was there an expat had wrongly thought he could extend his Visa by 15 days at immigration, after only being given the maximum 7 days and needing 11 he kept asking the Senior Officer what to do. The advice he was told about 5 times was just to overstay and pay the fine at the airport. No problem whatsoever.

I guess that technically it's illegal but as long as you're not arrested for anything while you have overstayed you will be fine, they are not going to send an immigration squad out to track you down or anything!! Just make sure you stay out of trouble if you decide to go this route.

Cheers for the advice everyone. Appreciate it.

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