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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra

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Won't this make it difficult for him to get his money out of the bank(s)???

- Roger -

:):D:D Hope he thought of that - although he might not be having that little problem if these judges aren't partial to pastries either.

BTW - anyone know what the correct pronunciation is? Shin-egra with short or long a? Cause the long a gives a kind of French sound to it. Or Shine-gra? Or Shineg-ra? Wouldn't want to mis-pronounce the poor mans new moniker.

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students of history and politics may find you're post interesting.............do you remember the Thai pre ? or maybe you were not in the North East with no health care or school books or telephones? bandwagons and igonorance are wonderful things.

It`s the first time I hear,that Thaksin wasn`t democratelly elected.How DID he come to power,then? Through a coup,perhaps? If so,It seems to be no big deal to you,a coup is obviously o.k. if the military think it is apropriate.I am very surprised,that any Westerners can harbour this kind of thinking,but there you go;not much more to add,when that is the case.

1. Taxsin won an election therefore he came to power. But he won the election (two elections) though massive and pretty open vote buying. Is he the first to win an election through massive vote buying? NO. But that doesn't mean it's OK.

2. Absolute monarchy rule was abolished in 1932, however since that time democracy has developed at a snails pace. The military has always been very powerful and has kept it's finger in the pie, sometimes in a very negative way and sometimes to play watchdog to protect the people from the clutches of very ruthless and corrupt 'politicians and PMs', and this is what happened in the 2006 coup.

Many of these past and present politicians and many ex PMs got elected through very dubious means (pay your deposit to join the 'old boys' club so that you now get a chance to get your sticky fingers into the budget bags). Many of these same rogues are nothing more than leeches and thugs, and have no intent whatever, and no capability whatever, to contribute to meaningful discussion and policy debate to take Thailand forward.

This is the Thai way, there is no point, and it's quite inappropriate to make any form of comparison with the Western democracy models. And after all, are the Western democracy models really perfect?

3. What has this got to do with western thinking? This is Thailand and is preceded by lots of interesting Thai history. Any form of comparison with the west is not relevant.

"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


Lısten ıf the thaıs really wanted hım all they would have to do ıs put a $500 000 us bounty on hıs head and thered be :) 100rds of the top bounty huners after hım especıally ıf hes ın cambodıa hed be ın BK ın less than a week dead (hopefully) or alıve.


[quote name='unforgiven' date='2009-11-25 22:22:20' post='3164231'

Lısten ıf the thaıs really wanted hım all they would have to do ıs put a $500 000 us bounty on hıs head and thered be :) 100rds of the top bounty huners after hım especıally ıf hes ın cambodıa hed be ın BK ın less than a week dead (hopefully) or alıve.

Especially when he is in Camboudia I would dought that it would be easy to get him there and bring him dead or alive to TH.

They, the Goverment of Cambodia will take care him very well there.


"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.

He is right....interpol is so stupid they wouldn't think that someone would change their name....no god forbid if he had a facelift.....oops I hope he didn't read this.....Everyone hide your make up

I would be more worried about them laughing at me just because I, a Thai, wanted to arrest someone on curruption charges.    

Then have them point out that by they're records Takki is already in back in Thaland registered to a house at sukhumvit soi 31......

I am not sure why we are even discussing this.  We should have a Comedy show called "Thailand at last"

It would sure beat the screaming wanna be movie actresses.   and not to change the subject but do they really think they are acting...? :)



scorecard;you write,that although Thaksin is not the first to win an election by votebuying,"does it make it ok? No." How did you arrive to that conclusion,since you also says,that this is Thailand,we should not compare to western democracies and "what has this to do with western thinking".Actually,if you want to walk that line,recently it was reported,that in a poll,most Thai people found it ok with corrupt politicians as long as they did something good for the country...I guess it must have been your western thinking,that got you to that conclusion.And by the way:I didn`t compare thailand with western democraties,it would be laughable,;what I said was,that I was surprised that westerners could have the opinion,that repeted (is it 18 by now) coups should be applauded as a means to "bring the country forward" Forward to what,by the way? To a true democracy,which you expressed doubt about beeing a good thing...


Interesting Takki's great grandfather also changed his name - :)

Thaksin's great-great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu was a Hakka Chinese immigrant from Meizhou, Guangdong who arrived in Siam in the 1860s and settled in Chiang Mai in 1908. His eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in 1890 and adopted the Thai surname Shinawatra ("does good routinely") in 1938, and the rest of the family followed suit.

Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming.?? :D

Source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

I thought his clan was "Toh Shew" like the rest of his cabinet, and the leaders of s'pore...Wasn't that the tie that bound him to Temasak Holdings??

So this means, and I never knew it was this easy; "original name" has was a warrant for his/her arrest. By changing name tags, we don't recognize the person because we can't get past the name tag? And therefore, they become invisible, or can't legally be arrested, because no one is anything more than a name?

Thai politics, aka ludicrous, that doesn't make sense either I gather. :) oy!

Stupid Radovan Karadžić, that he didn`t change his name to "Raddi Krdcjuc", they wouln`t have caught him...

Runaway ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra has used new name in his passports issued by some African countries, Thai Vice foreign minister Panich Vikitsreth said Wednesday.

Thaksin's name in passports issued by Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro has been changed to "Takki Shinegra," he said.

Well Known African Countries :)

Do they actually teach Geography in the Thai educational system?

What a fitting name, "Takki."

Takki Shagger is better! or Take that you shag! More variations to follow! As if any country would fall for this change of name?

So this means, and I never knew it was this easy; "original name" has was a warrant for his/her arrest. By changing name tags, we don't recognize the person because we can't get past the name tag? And therefore, they become invisible, or can't legally be arrested, because no one is anything more than a name?

Thai politics, aka ludicrous, that doesn't make sense either I gather. :) oy!

Stupid Radovan Karadžić, that he didn`t change his name to "Raddi Krdcjuc", they wouln`t have caught him...

Was Radovan K. not hiding in Montenegro ?


Leave Khun Thaksin alone he is a good man. It is the yellow shirts and sontee, and miltary that are the trouble makers. The current PM is another yellow shirt arse kisser. His Oxford education and being born in the Uk do not make him a better person. It is just a con job. WAKE UP EVERYBODY!


Panich--a vice foreign minister's comment as quoted below, exemplified the limitedness of his personal knowledge and the ability to lead and govern.... and subsequently the inability to bring tuksin to trial.... it is a sorry stage for thailand indeed....

"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


it is pathetic for thailand and for himself as well to have made a statement such as that...

INDEED a person using thousand names is still the same entity, even if tuksin were to have a face lift, he would still remain the same tuksin....with a new face and a different look.... so he is out of reach then.... get a life, panich....


The global media presents him as a fool in the global media, and the Thai government appears equally helpless in its clueless attempt to capture him. < johnhlewis was reasonable in stating that.... > On the international stage Thailand is portrayed as a weak and ineffectual regime; which is not true. However, unless Khun Abhisit acts decisively the portrayal will persist and the country's repuation will be damaged forever.


personally i am becoming more and more sympathetic toward the PM and his governing members....

thailand, oh.... my beloved thailand.... ole to some of her thoughtless and spiritless members of the ruling party.... may you never never again.... have an enjoyable thanksgiving turkey dinner.... lol

Interesting Takki's great grandfather also changed his name - :)

Thaksin's great-great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu was a Hakka Chinese immigrant from Meizhou, Guangdong who arrived in Siam in the 1860s and settled in Chiang Mai in 1908. His eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in 1890 and adopted the Thai surname Shinawatra ("does good routinely") in 1938, and the rest of the family followed suit.

Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming.?? :D

Source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

By any name, he will always be remembered as the Right Hon. Khun T.

I don't know what tax farming is, but it must be something similar Thaksin did while being in power.

It`s the first time I hear,that Thaksin wasn`t democratelly elected.How DID he come to power,then? Through a coup,perhaps? If so,It seems to be no big deal to you,a coup is obviously o.k. if the military think it is apropriate.I am very surprised,that any Westerners can harbour this kind of thinking,but there you go;not much more to add,when that is the case.

If you may read carefully and educate yourself a bit, you'll find out that he was elected first. With massive vote buying, but elected.

But when the coup happened he was not elected anymore. As he could not fill the parliament and the caretaker periode was expired. As it was an election without any other party list beside TRT in most areas, he needed at least 20 % vote him (you have a NO vote in Thailand) and in many areas he couldn't get a 20 % not even close.

so he let vote again and again in these areas till the time was finished. than he bribed the EC to allow a parliament against the clear law in the 1997 constitution.

You can argue that the majority WOULD have elected him, but fact was that he was at the time of the coup illegally in power. His duty would have been to go to HMK and tell him that he failed.


Several off-topic posts have been deleted.

This topic is about a Thai national, Thaksin Shinawatra, of a certain degree of newsworthiness, who acquired the citizenship of some other countries and according to the news report quoted in the original post of this topic chose another name, Takki Shinegra, for the passports of these other countries. This topic is not about the current Prime Minister of Thailand, and it is not about an adjective in the English dictionary that is pronounced and spelt similarly to Takki.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The question has been raised whether it will henceforth be acceptable to refer to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as Takki Shinegra, or Takki for short.

This is how I see it: when a man chooses an alternate name for the passports of other countries he obtains there can be nothing offensive or otherwise objectionable in referring to him by this alternate name. Consider, however, that if you use Takki outside of this topic, any web search for Thaksin will not show up your post and your labour in drafting it will have been wasted.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Does anybody know how the Thai press writes Takki Shinegra in Thai?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The news article mentions that Thaksin has passports issued by Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro. Does anybody know in which chronological order he got these passports? Which one came first, which one second, which one last?

I am curious about this because I wonder whether he chose the name Takki Shinegra to blend in with the language spoken in the country that gave him the first passport and whether either Takki or Shinegra, or both, have a particular meaning in that language. It can’t be Spanish, spoken in Nicaragua, as I believe that the Spanish language has neither the letter “k” nor the sequence of consonants “sh”.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Another off-topic post has been deleted. Is this topic about fecal anagrams? I think not.

Let’s give it another 24 hours and if nobody has anything further to post on topic we might as well close it, mightn't we?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


"Takki Shinegra"....


Thailand says his name change will make it difficult to have him extradited. I wonder if he gains access to his fortune he will not be entitled to it because he is not his former self??? :-)


Just then, Tacky Shenanigans looked up from his beer to the lichen covered ceiling at the County Cork pub and declared to the two passed out patrons in the opposite corner, "who bloody stole my bleedin' name?'

So this means, and I never knew it was this easy; "original name" has was a warrant for his/her arrest. By changing name tags, we don't recognize the person because we can't get past the name tag? And therefore, they become invisible, or can't legally be arrested, because no one is anything more than a name?

Thai politics, aka ludicrous, that doesn't make sense either I gather. :) oy!

Reminds me of an article on the Bangkok Post last weekend by the title "Catch me if you want, but you don't want to, do you?" or something to that effect. The author provides reasonable arguments toward the claim that the Thai govt (the one that calls itself the govt now) deliberately avoids catching him. This story is in favour of that view...why didn't I ever think of it now?? makes a lot of sense.

It's not uncommon for Thai politicians to avoid repercussions for earlier transgressions by simply saying something like, "oh, I'm no longer in that office/political party any more, so I can't be prosecuted for what happened back then."

So too, it could possibly work for changing names. If I was a VIP big shot Thai politian, I could rob a bank in the morning, then do a quick name change the afternoon. When the cops show up (ha ha, as if....), I just tell 'em to look elsewhere 'cause I don't know where the person is who's listed on the warrant.



Scenes we'd like to see:

Takki Shinegra walking in to his bank in (HK, Caymen Islands, Montenegro, Kampala, Freetown, Pnom Phen, Singapore, Managua, ....fill in the blanks) and trying to make a withdrawal. Bank teller asks to see ID and mentions name doesn't match name on account.

Shinegra has a conniption fit. Voices raised, bodyguards pulling weapons, mayhem reigns.


h90,thanks for the education! I might have missed something there,especially that EC has been found to have been bribed.But to correct one wrong (if indeed it was wrong..) with another,even bigger wrong...The PM the military clic put in charge was not even in an election at all (except within the top brass) and I would have thought,that to come to power through a coup is more illigal than anything else.Or?? If so,my point was,is,why do nobody make waves about THAT instead of going on about Taksin.By the way;here in Isaan most people still see him as the best PM they ever had!

"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


Too straightforward!! Never happens like that, here, does it? Does anyone really believe they actually want this man back on Thai soil, marches on whichever prison holds him etc etc??? Jutaporn's probably got 'secret tapes' of a plot to kill him by Abhisit and some shadowy Dr Evil anyway, to stir everyone up, just in case!!!

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