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Should Obese Passengers Be Required To Buy Two Seats On Flights?


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I don't drink on flights now................but in my younger years......loads......so it would be a little hypocritical to rob the youth of today of the same experiences.....doesn't bother me....lots of oldies have a brandy or glass of wine........who knows if the right company is next to me........anything can happen!!!!

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Fat tax will only feed the airlines, the person on each side of the said fatty should be told prior to boarding that they will have a said fatty spilling onto their space and they should be offered a cash discount if they remain in their allocated seats or give them an alternative seat...i`m sure someone on the plane with " the live and let live attitude" will be glad to sit next to them (not),

,,i`m not bashing fat people, eg. when they go to buy clothes oversize the need to pay extra, a plane seat in my mind is no different, have 3 or 4 extra large seats for them and charge higher for them...if not take the boat....oh and recliners should only be allowed to be used when the seat behind is empty or on an exit....i pay for my space in a flight NOT for others..... :)

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if the person in front is still reclined when food comes around I call a steward to sort it out. Thats what they get paid for & if I piss off the person in front then who cares, I don't know them & wont see them again when the plane lands :)

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I think the main issue here is safety (or should be). Ok it isn't at all just that a person within normal weight range should pay the same as some obese person - considering weight = cost. Nevertheless, in the event of an emergency it would be even more unjust to be stuck behind some morbidly obese individual whilst attempting to exit the plane.

Simply morbidly obese people should not be allowed to fly for health and safety reasons. Pregnant women at 6 months are not allowed to fly.

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The recliner is part of the seat and part of what people pay for. It's use is normal.

Its anti-social to use it at meal times.

It's also rather anti-social to recline the seat quickly without warning the person behind, a gentle motion is fine.

If you can't handle someone infront of you using the recliner when sleep time comes around on a flight you really should be upgrading yourself of flying less.

Or take an airline which is known for better legroom not the budget carriers for the socially-uneducated passenger who doesn't possess any regard for his fellow passenger.

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The recliner is part of the seat and part of what people pay for. It's use is normal.

Its anti-social to use it at meal times.

It's also rather anti-social to recline the seat quickly without warning the person behind, a gentle motion is fine.

If you can't handle someone infront of you using the recliner when sleep time comes around on a flight you really should be upgrading yourself of flying less.

Or take an airline which is known for better legroom not the budget carriers for the socially-uneducated passenger who doesn't possess any regard for his fellow passenger.


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Absolutely, or at least they should be required to travel in business class or first class where the seats are bigger. Unlike being tall or having a disability, being fat is usually a choice based on weak character, lack of discipline and poor eating habits. Southwest Airlines, which is essentially the Air Asia of America already has a policy in place requiring lard butts or purchase 2 seats. I think Southwest does give them a refund if the plane is not full. I'm willing to accept and live with the safety hazard they cause, but who wants some fat sweaty pig spilling over into your seating area.

Any other minorities that you hate?

Bobr hitting a bit close to home there kurnell? :)

183cm and 85kg. Would you like a photo?

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The recliner is part of the seat and part of what people pay for. It's use is normal.

Its anti-social to use it at meal times.

It's also rather anti-social to recline the seat quickly without warning the person behind, a gentle motion is fine.

If you can't handle someone infront of you using the recliner when sleep time comes around on a flight you really should be upgrading yourself of flying less.

Or take an airline which is known for better legroom not the budget carriers for the socially-uneducated passenger who doesn't possess any regard for his fellow passenger.

socially-uneducated passenger ? i hope you are not reffering to me? :)

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Whaaat! You skinny runts should all be taxed extra. I'm 100k and proud of the fact that I shall sacrifice myself earlier to the grim reaper than you sad skinny types that will linger on for years drawing pensions and sucking on drugs to kep you going. Fatties like me are doing the world a favour, we should all be given medals and tax breaks - also a free upgrade to 1st class please! :)

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Whaaat! You skinny runts should all be taxed extra. I'm 100k and proud of the fact that I shall sacrifice myself earlier to the grim reaper than you sad skinny types that will linger on for years drawing pensions and sucking on drugs to kep you going. Fatties like me are doing the world a favour, we should all be given medals and tax breaks - also a free upgrade to 1st class please! :)

:D ...is that why you called yourself Mousehound ? :D


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The airlines would love to charge per kilo. What good would that do the suffering passengers? Yes, I did read they gave the obese man a row to himself. What if those extra seats had not been available? Some may find this amusing but I'm sure they have NEVER been trapped between two blobs with no where to move to.

Impolite seat reclining, squalling babies and unruly kids I can put up with, I don't like it but it happens and other than aggravation, it really hurts no one. Being squashed and VERY uncomfortable through an entire LONG flight is something that needs to be corrected one way or another.

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Nothing worse than sitting next to somebody who is obese on a plane :)


Yes there is...... the seat recliners are worse.

Especially the ones who refuse the meal served, because they want to sleep, and therefore you can't get YOUR meal either...until they are forced to put their seat up so you can get your tray down.

If an obese person should be forced to buy two seats, then the "seat recliners" should be forced to buy two seats...his/hers and the one behind him/her.

Oh and how about the "elbow pokers". I was on a flight to BKK once with an eldely woman. Everytime she feel asleep she jerked about, poking me with her elbows into my ribs. On a 10 hour flight, I managed to get possibly 15 minutes of sleep. The next day my ribs were stll sore from her poking. Obviously she should be made to pay for two seats.

Oh, and then how about the people who spend most of the flight standing in the aisle and talking to their friends with a drink in their hand. Should they pay for a seat where the person they keep awake for the entire flight has to sit?

And then we have to crying infant question....obviously the mother/father should pay extra for all the seats their crying child disturbs.

You see now where I am going, don't you? Where do the limits start and end. If everyone you don't like is banned or requires compensation...where does it end?

(Oh and if I don't like you for some reason, can I ask the airline to make you buy another seat so I won't have to sit next to you.)

But, for the record, the photo above does in fact show a person too obese...and a safety hazard due to the fact he is blocking the aisle...and who should be made to pay for a second seat for that reason. In his case, I agree that the airline could charge for an extra seat just on the safety issue.



And when are airlines going to give you a seat where one can sit in, recline a little?

Tall people, thick people, whatever, are all subjected to seats designed for small men or women with a maximum length of 165 cm, a maximum width of 55 cm and a maximum seatlength of 50 cm.

Most European and American people are bigger, and I am not even talking about 200 cm long or +100 kg.

Instead of bitching about bigger sized people, bitch about the stupid childsized "seats"where you pay a considerable amount of money for to get get tortured in for 10-12 hours.

Now that is a shame!

But......now suppose he pays for 2 seats, and also suppose he can use 2 seats, what about the armrest poking in his back all the time?

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I think the airlines should get rid of all seats and make the self loading freight flob about on the floor and drag themselves off the airplane at the destination. They could also then sort their own <deleted>' baggage out and get the <deleted> off the airfield.

That's the problem with this SLF (Self Loading Freight) they think they are some kind of God just 'cos they payed $20 for a <deleted>' seat.

If flight attendants were allowed to shoot the b@ast@ds it would be a different affair.

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I think the airlines should get rid of all seats and make the self loading freight flob about on the floor and drag themselves off the airplane at the destination. They could also then sort their own <deleted>' baggage out and get the <deleted> off the airfield.

That's the problem with this SLF (Self Loading Freight) they think they are some kind of God just 'cos they payed $20 for a <deleted>' seat.

If flight attendants were allowed to shoot the b@ast@ds it would be a different affair.

Wind Up Merchant

Please Ignore, for Sanity's Sake


Phil: You should know that there'll be a couple people that will miss the ... sorry, my vocabulary fails me - maybe someone else can help - a word for ridicule or sarcasm by reductio ad absurditum (my latin fails me as well...)

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It's an ashame that people are treated as bag to carry. Company should act with these people (that sometime have health issue as well) as human being.

They should be treated as "hadicapped" people and have some bigger seats for them on the plane and be allowed to book such seats in advance . This way is an annoyance for them and the other travelers.....

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maybe in the event of an incident & landing on water that guy might of come in useful as a flotation device? :)

Nope. The obese person will probably panic and grab on to those around him/her as flotation devices, drowning everyone in the process. The last thing anyone needs to be around is Plump Pauline in panic mode.

Although it would seem that obese people should float easier, they tend to drown quickly because their hearts and lungs give out fast because they are already under tremendous strain and can't take on the additional exertion from trying to stay afloat. As soon as the lungs fill with water, a hefty person will sink like a stone, especially if he/she is wearing fat people clothing. Some of those stretchy polyester blends are not good at trapping air and instead work catch water resulting in ballast. Loose fitting clothes can help create air cushions but most morbidly obese people are tightly packed into their outfits.

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This picture has been making the rounds of the internet for a few weeks now. The issue was investigated. Fortunately, the truth is reported by several newspapers that asked both the airline and the FAA about the photograph.

The passenger was given "a whole row to himself" to comply with safety regulations. Cabin staff cleared out the other PAX from thhe row and seated them elsewhere…

Thank you for having done this research and posting it here. It confirms the adage “don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers”.



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Great topic and thanks for the feedback. One thing I don't understand is why do some people seem to get access to these questions? I get it when it is over? in any case my two cents to get this off my chest. I flew on one of those flights where there are three and three across, I was told if I was healthy enough to open one of the emergency doors and get to the airport 3 hours early I could get one of those seats with extra legroom by emergency exit. Great, I am normal weight and height and got on finally and the plane took off, no one in the middle of me and the person at the aisle seat. After taking off I notice the stewardess talking to another and looking at the empty seat next to me.

They moved a man at least 6'7" next to me, a football player, at least 300 lbs. His arms were huge and legs were touching the seat in front of him and his arms overhung on me . I asked the flight attendant why when I got to the airport so early that I have to suffocate with this man? She just said there was no place else to put him and that he was suffocating the lady next to him. The guys in front of us were all drinking alcohol and were making fun out of my question.

I finally begged to be moved anywhere and that I wanted to know who I can complain to about this once I land. Nasty and abusive responses to this and they moved me to the bulk head seat in between two heavy heavy men, but it was still better than the football player who just was huge.

After all this reading I would hope that huge people should be charged for two seats and at my age, I am burnt out and must take business class when flying and if I cannot afford this I will have to stay home and not fly. Cattle cars are just too small and so uncomfortable to suffer especially on flights over 2 hours. I would not wish someone huge around anyone for long period of time and also as was mentioned the safety factors.

This picture has been making the rounds of the internet for a few weeks now. The issue was investigated. Fortunately, the truth is reported by several newspapers that asked both the airline and the FAA about the photograph.

The passenger was given "a whole row to himself" to comply with safety regulations. Cabin staff cleared out the other PAX from thhe row and seated them elsewhere…

Thank you for having done this research and posting it here. It confirms the adage "don't believe everything you read in the newspapers".



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No they should buy two tickets, they should not be allowed to fly at all. Same goes for people who show up drunk or stinking like they haven't taken a bath in a week. Its offensive to anyone that sits next to them or that they pass when they wander back to the restroom. If an obese person loses their balance while walking down the aisle they might crush a child or elderly person and break a bone at 30,000 feet above the ocean. That's an unnecessary risk. The airlines and passengers just can't be expected to put up with their self induced condition.

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I don't agree with the posts that people are obese because it is self inflicted or they choose to be.

There are lots of cases where people are obese due to the health condition, so it is significantly harder for them to control the weight.

Before anyone asks, no I am not obese.

Just like everyone else I dislike to seat on the plane next to someone who is overweight or someone with hygiene problems; however it is still not ok to discriminate against them.

Sure enough the airlines could handle such cases better by having larger seats that are sold at a premium; then it would be fair for all the parties involved.

Charging a passenger for two seats does not sound like a fair solution.

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Yes!! Absolutely agree!!

And what about all the other 'fair price dodgers' - carrying everything including the kitchen sink in their coat pockets while smiling sweetly at the clerk with a dinkie little clutch-bag in hand. There's no way that their 'hand luggage' (ha) was under the kg limit.

The airlines calculate fuel usage, and hence prices based on averages. I have thought for a long time that each of us should stand on a weight pad at check in - us, our bags(all of them), our coats... if we are over limit, we pay an excess. Fair and easy. I have not heard a good argument yet as to why I or anyone else should subsidise the lardies - that's what it amounts to.

Recliners - yes, get the attendent to do the business - last time I politely asked someone to 'raise their recliner', he asked me why? - 'Because if you don't, you can eat my dinner with me, along with the plastic cutlery...'

I got put in row Z last time - where all the B.O. and bad breath lingers, when are they going to install opening windows on these planes?

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Airlines use standard passenger weights for males, females, children under 12 years old and infants.

The occasional obese passenger will not be a problem from the weight aspect but safety is quite another issue.

The seating of the passenger will ultimately be the decision of the captain.

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Phil: You should know that there'll be a couple people that will miss the ... sorry, my vocabulary fails me - maybe someone else can help - a word for ridicule or sarcasm by reductio ad absurditum (my latin fails me as well...)

Well I figured that with all these limp wristed, pinko, wanna be fascists running around we should get some real good old right wing, tub thumping going. :)

sarcasm was the word I would have used.

Of course it would be a lot more interesting with the anonymity afforded by the internet and if we could see the members images.

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Yes!! Absolutely agree!!

And what about all the other 'fair price dodgers' - carrying everything including the kitchen sink in their coat pockets while smiling sweetly at the clerk with a dinkie little clutch-bag in hand. There's no way that their 'hand luggage' (ha) was under the kg limit.

What about all those who stretch the term "carry on" to the limit? One piece, 7kg or less that should fit the guage at check in is the rule. Has anyone ever seen anybody refused carry on?

The airlines calculate fuel usage, and hence prices based on averages. I have thought for a long time that each of us should stand on a weight pad at check in - us, our bags(all of them), our coats... if we are over limit, we pay an excess. Fair and easy. I have not heard a good argument yet as to why I or anyone else should subsidise the lardies - that's what it amounts to.

There was a crash at a US airport a while back, I cannot recall the airport, where the investigation uncovered the fact that the averages used by airlines for things like take off weight and fuel load calculations were way below the averages in reality. They did introduce s system like you describe at check ins but I believe the system was only used as back up for the investigation report.

A total weight system would be the fair way to go but then you'd have the human rights folks spitting the dummy out. :)

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I've seen several people stopped with their hand luggage and have had to seperate it amongst friend, only in Doha.

It's the people with BO that I can not handle, large people okay you are uncomfortable because of limited space but people who smell have you wanting to vomit for the whole flight MOVE ME PLEASEEEEE........ only happened once and I managed to move seats after politely asing.

Looking forward to my flight next week........

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