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Time To Organzie A Boycott?


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Maybe you just a visitor but most foreigners are bringing with them experience, knowledge and hard cash, so i don't called "that just a visitor"

If you lived here for year and having children growing up here you have commitments and responsibilities in this country, and isn't so easy to just leave.

But also if you go with all regulations paying and giving your part to the Thai society, do we get anything back from the country as a foreigner :) ????????


I have lived in Thailand for 9 years and yes "I am but a visitor to Thailand" a long time visitor. I also live in a central Thai rice growing village.

I at 71 years of age have much Experience. A University degree and that same type of cash as others.Does that entitled me to any special treatment in Thailand. No falang is indispensable to the Country, with all their Experience, knowledge and hard cash.

Thailand will be the same once those that are dissatisfied leave.

I am staying.


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Why Boycott?

Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.

I do what Thai law requires of me, As I "never forget that I am but a visitor" to their beautiful country.

If I was not satisfied with Thailand and its people, I would have left a long time ago!


I agree totally with this comment...

Those who seem to have problems with living here, have either chosen the wrong area to live or just bored out of their minds, from sitting in a bar day in day out... :)

Find something constructive to do...with your life.... Move to a new area or just go home! then we won't have to read the negative comments. :D

The Thai's I know & hang out with are just great "everyday people" who work hard & enjoy life, needless to say they are not in the "Bar areas".

Today is my second anniversary of arriving here on a Retirement Visa.

I have no thoughts of returning to the "West"...

I cannot believe that it has been two years already, time just flies by, because I am always busy, doing something... and it's not hanging around a bar!

Edited by samuijimmy
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Excellent idea. Everyone feeling the same as the OP, please stay home. :)

Couldn't have said it better!

Can we all stop acting like babies? After all this is Thailand and it seems to work for Thais. No matter what they only want us as guests and they very happy to take our money. All I can say like it live it or go back home

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But also if you go with all regulations paying and giving your part to the Thai society, do we get anything back from the country as a foreigner :) ????????

Yes, the opportunity to support as many sick water-buffaloes, as one might ever wish to see ! :D

When living in the UK, I never got to hear about any of these poor beasts, and there wasn't even a local Sanctuary for them nearby, talk about a deprived existence ! :D

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As nobody has reported missing you - seems your protest has gone unnoticed - but we are now overjoyed that you told us all about it.

How would you know who's missed me or not? I already made my decision and have a much better life all the way around than I had in Thailand. I mostly stayed for my wife, but once we left Thailand, we didn't make it. But she's doing fine in a foreign country, and grateful to be out of Thailand.

I agree with the posts that if you don't like Thailand, do something about it, like leave -- which is really the only thing you can do. I still think the place deserves a complete boycott for a while, then maybe killing and abusing foreigners might not seem so funny to them.

When I first arrived, at least the place was flexible, but now has so many regulations on visas, etc. that it's clear they could not care less if you stay or not. Has as many rules as Switzerland, but none of the benefits.

And the truth is that you can likely get laid in other countries too. But to each their own.

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Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.


I did three years ago and haven't been back.

And yet here you are, three years later, as bitter as ever. Isn't it time for you to move on with your life?

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I have lived in Thailand for 9 years and yes "I am but a visitor to Thailand" a long time visitor. I also live in a central Thai rice growing village.

I at 71 years of age have much Experience. A University degree and that same type of cash as others.Does that entitled me to any special treatment in Thailand. No falang is indispensable to the Country, with all their Experience, knowledge and hard cash.

Thailand will be the same once those that are dissatisfied leave.

I am staying.


I didn't talked about a special treatment, i am talking about a investment friendly climate for businesses and basic rights for "as you call it" long time visitors not the ones getting themselves only entertain and contribute only problems to the Thai society but working, tax paying and contributing foreigners in Thailand.

This will benifit the Thais as well, and will stimulate more people and businesses to invest and settle in the Kingdom.

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As nobody has reported missing you - seems your protest has gone unnoticed - but we are now overjoyed that you told us all about it.

How would you know who's missed me or not? I already made my decision and have a much better life all the way around than I had in Thailand. I mostly stayed for my wife, but once we left Thailand, we didn't make it. But she's doing fine in a foreign country, and grateful to be out of Thailand.

I agree with the posts that if you don't like Thailand, do something about it, like leave -- which is really the only thing you can do. I still think the place deserves a complete boycott for a while, then maybe killing and abusing foreigners might not seem so funny to them.

When I first arrived, at least the place was flexible, but now has so many regulations on visas, etc. that it's clear they could not care less if you stay or not. Has as many rules as Switzerland, but none of the benefits.

And the truth is that you can likely get laid in other countries too. But to each their own.

Are you aware that bashing Thailand on a Thailand forum is like bashing Manchester United on a Manchester United forum ?

Get out of here man, don't come back.

He is out already or not.

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Whatever shuts off the spigot is okay with me, but I'm guessing this will end like most Thai Visa inspired acts of insurrection: With a couple of bloody minded UK pensioners mumbling to one another on barstools and then looking indignant and satisfied with themselves.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, murders and rapes and rip-offs are always up on Thai Visa, foreigners are always being ripped off more on Thai Visa and Thai people are always "ain't wot like they used to be!" on Thai Visa, yet many of us manage to make it through year after year without being repeatedly ripped off, raped, murdered or experiencing roving bands of double-charging Thai people bent on behaving rudely (on the contrary, just this year I've been chased down by a woman who saw me drop my ATM card, people who saw me drop money, people helping me find the right boat and countless other good samaritans). Perhaps some people do need to get out of Thailand, because clearly a lot of you attract trouble - though I fear this condition may depend a lot on the user and less on the environment.


However, i disagree with your last sentence. Surely the majority of troll/negative posts on TV are from people living in a not normal Thai environment. I mean high tourist/BG area such as Pattaya/Sukhumvit and spending all the time in bars listening to sob stories, being sized up for the set up...having some poor farmers daughter hitting you up for money etc....

My days involve strolling around shopping centres/markets going to the gym/badminton, eating in restaurants and generally having a relaxed enjoyable time...

I went to Ayutthaya last weekend and strolled around the old temples..what a great day out seeing these old structures and then had a delicious dinner overlooking the river, the week before i went to Uthai Thani...very small and old fashioned city......

Why would I want to boycott this..?

I would like to call the OP and idjut but of course his negtivety has come from something that happend here so i would like to know from the OP..

Where did you live in Thailand?

What job did your g/f/wife have?

Did you work here?

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Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.


I did three years ago and haven't been back.

Have I missed something? You are the original OP who wants a boycott of Thailand, now you tell us you don't live here.

You must have too much time on your hands. If you are not living here then none of what you are whinging about affects you.

We adults can make up our own minds, it seems most of us are happy enough with our lives here.

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What's big Geoff Boycott got to do with Thailand?

Oh I know, it was his recent quote "f**kin' tosser" that found some marks in the kingdom. :)

I would love to join in this proposed boycott of Thailand but I am just too busy boycotting Burkina Faso, the Turks and Caicos islands, Lichtenstein and Bolivia.

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I would like to call the OP and idjut but of course his negtivety has come from something that happend here so i would like to know from the OP..

Where did you live in Thailand?

What job did your g/f/wife have?

Did you work here?

I had a good job, was married and lived in Chiang Mai. My wife worked in logistics.

The "highlights" that stand out are:


My wife and I were very good long-term tenants in a townhouse. We fixed the place up, were quiet, paid our bills on time. One morning, the bathroom ceiling literally crashed in (almost getting me in the process). The landlord’s response was to send a couple of illegal Burmese slaves to repair it – with a used, filthy piece of drywall and a rusty hammer. I said no, fix it right He raged at me, we moved and he continued for a long time to harass my wife to pay for it, even though we left all our deposit behind and it was his lack of maintenance that caused it anyway.

So we moved to a nice walled compound, but I had to drive an hour to work every day. A neighbor had three yapping dogs, so I tried to talk to him about it. His response was (in English, no less): “<deleted> you. This is not your country. You can say nothing.” We also soon realized that my wife, myself and our dog developed vey serious skin rashes. We also noticed a white film on the cars after washing and the fact the grass simply wouldn’t grow no matter how much fertilizer or water. Realized something bad in the water supply, but all and sundry assured us that was not true. Dog died. Left Thailand. Rash cleared.

Checking in every 90 days with interns that couldn’t understand my passport. That after a decade in the country during which I caused no problems and paid more monthly tax than most Thais make in salary. Then found out that people who didn’t follow the rules were never detained when entering or leaving the country – no competent system, just more rules and paperwork because the police are so incompetent they can’t find globally wanted terrorists or sex offenders living right under their nose.


Kirtsy Jones case: Welsh girl raped and murdered in Chiang Mai. Police tried to blame it on everyone from kathoeys to hilltribes to farangs (the usual scapegoats). Case remains “unsolved,” though several threads lead back to a certan undercover cop.

Kanchanaburi killings: Drunken savage of a policeman kills two backpackers after the boyfriend knocks him silly for sexual advances on the girl. After gunfire and running the girl over, he is able to go to the hospital and get his nose fixed, clean out his bank account and make his way to Burma – nobody saw a thing. Eventually surrenders and convicted, but questions remain whether he is actually in prision.

Those are the largest chucks of garbage, but I can tell many more stories of fraud, murder and more. Let me know if you want the details.

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I would like to call the OP and idjut but of course his negtivety has come from something that happend here so i would like to know from the OP..

Where did you live in Thailand?

What job did your g/f/wife have?

Did you work here?

I had a good job, was married and lived in Chiang Mai. My wife worked in logistics.

The "highlights" that stand out are:


My wife and I were very good long-term tenants in a townhouse. We fixed the place up, were quiet, paid our bills on time. One morning, the bathroom ceiling literally crashed in (almost getting me in the process). The landlord's response was to send a couple of illegal Burmese slaves to repair it – with a used, filthy piece of drywall and a rusty hammer. I said no, fix it right He raged at me, we moved and he continued for a long time to harass my wife to pay for it, even though we left all our deposit behind and it was his lack of maintenance that caused it anyway.

So we moved to a nice walled compound, but I had to drive an hour to work every day. A neighbor had three yapping dogs, so I tried to talk to him about it. His response was (in English, no less): "<deleted> you. This is not your country. You can say nothing." We also soon realized that my wife, myself and our dog developed vey serious skin rashes. We also noticed a white film on the cars after washing and the fact the grass simply wouldn't grow no matter how much fertilizer or water. Realized something bad in the water supply, but all and sundry assured us that was not true. Dog died. Left Thailand. Rash cleared.

Checking in every 90 days with interns that couldn't understand my passport. That after a decade in the country during which I caused no problems and paid more monthly tax than most Thais make in salary. Then found out that people who didn't follow the rules were never detained when entering or leaving the country – no competent system, just more rules and paperwork because the police are so incompetent they can't find globally wanted terrorists or sex offenders living right under their nose.


Kirtsy Jones case: Welsh girl raped and murdered in Chiang Mai. Police tried to blame it on everyone from kathoeys to hilltribes to farangs (the usual scapegoats). Case remains "unsolved," though several threads lead back to a certan undercover cop.

Kanchanaburi killings: Drunken savage of a policeman kills two backpackers after the boyfriend knocks him silly for sexual advances on the girl. After gunfire and running the girl over, he is able to go to the hospital and get his nose fixed, clean out his bank account and make his way to Burma – nobody saw a thing. Eventually surrenders and convicted, but questions remain whether he is actually in prision.

Those are the largest chucks of garbage, but I can tell many more stories of fraud, murder and more. Let me know if you want the details.

Inrteresting, please let us more stories.....

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I had a good job, was married and lived in Chiang Mai. My wife worked in logistics.

The "highlights" that stand out are:


My wife and I were very good long-term tenants in a townhouse. We fixed the place up, were quiet, paid our bills on time. One morning, the bathroom ceiling literally crashed in (almost getting me in the process). The landlord’s response was to send a couple of illegal Burmese slaves to repair it – with a used, filthy piece of drywall and a rusty hammer. I said no, fix it right He raged at me, we moved and he continued for a long time to harass my wife to pay for it, even though we left all our deposit behind and it was his lack of maintenance that caused it anyway.

So we moved to a nice walled compound, but I had to drive an hour to work every day. A neighbor had three yapping dogs, so I tried to talk to him about it. His response was (in English, no less): “<deleted> you. This is not your country. You can say nothing.” We also soon realized that my wife, myself and our dog developed vey serious skin rashes. We also noticed a white film on the cars after washing and the fact the grass simply wouldn’t grow no matter how much fertilizer or water. Realized something bad in the water supply, but all and sundry assured us that was not true. Dog died. Left Thailand. Rash cleared.

Checking in every 90 days with interns that couldn’t understand my passport. That after a decade in the country during which I caused no problems and paid more monthly tax than most Thais make in salary. Then found out that people who didn’t follow the rules were never detained when entering or leaving the country – no competent system, just more rules and paperwork because the police are so incompetent they can’t find globally wanted terrorists or sex offenders living right under their nose.


Kirtsy Jones case: Welsh girl raped and murdered in Chiang Mai. Police tried to blame it on everyone from kathoeys to hilltribes to farangs (the usual scapegoats). Case remains “unsolved,” though several threads lead back to a certan undercover cop.

Kanchanaburi killings: Drunken savage of a policeman kills two backpackers after the boyfriend knocks him silly for sexual advances on the girl. After gunfire and running the girl over, he is able to go to the hospital and get his nose fixed, clean out his bank account and make his way to Burma – nobody saw a thing. Eventually surrenders and convicted, but questions remain whether he is actually in prision.

Those are the largest chucks of garbage, but I can tell many more stories of fraud, murder and more. Let me know if you want the details.

You obviously had some bad karma here and are better out of here.

Stating crimes that have happened and you have had no direct involvement doesn't add any credibility to your argement...what about the 4 US police that were just shot dead while drinking coffee!!! does that mean all Americans should now boycott the USA ???

Tell me where you live now and i will find murders/rapes and fraud...go on test me !!!

Your user name is remarkably similar to see ya again, goodbye for ever, this is it, good bye FRED...

it surely is just a coincidence.....

Anyway chockdee.....

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I get so racked off in Thailand,after 6 years i have never been robbed,mugged,attacked,scammed by a thai.One youngish farang got a slap once for threatening me but a couple of stitches in my hand and i was ok.

This country is getting very boring now,i am go back to uk and have a few knife fights with some scabby chavs

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Organise away the Thais dont care though and you'll miss the delights of Siam to no avail

Face tradtion ignorance make Asian countries different in culture to rural Ireland where the Boycott was broken by Orange balcklegs.

So don't appear in person ,but you can still keep in touch many of the ladies will "make do" Western Union check :)

The High Sos are richer than us they dont care

The masses in the country have few dealings with expats they dont care

The tourist 'services' will adapt they dont care ,plan or empathize and will screw same revenue from smaller tax base

As we all know contrary to Western short term capitalism when demand for land or beds falls prices here do not.

Its amazing when you see empty lots Motels ,but the wise old folks sit it out

If a few less foreigners arrive to replace those faling from balconies less queues at 7/11 and Visa offices,more parking space all round.

To be fair why don'all old hands refuse to have holidays in Cronulla Akron and Snderalnd.I know my wife will be disappointed we were hoping to go and vist the Hill Tribes of Lancashire,the warm ale @350 a go long necked men and clog trekking were eagerly anticipated.We had previously gone graduate hunting in the Appalchians and hunt the literate in Queensland.

PS Organising Geoffrey the foul mouthed Tyke cricket commentatoris undoable as BBC found out last week

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Inrteresting, please let us more stories.....

In 1993 I was involved in a startup project, working for an American guy in a wheelchair, who had been among the very last age group to get polio. His brother was a soldier in the Vietnam War, so Paul flew over to meet him in Thailand and fell in love with the place. He managed to meet a wife and took her back to the US, where he studied Thai at the university. By the time I met him he was so fluent – reading and writing as well as speaking – that over the telephone Thais thought he was Thai. He was also a very nice and special man.

After a number of years in the US and three children, the family decided to move to Thailand, which at that time was being touted as the next Asian “tiger”.

He put his money in, then it was the turn of his “good friend,” a Sino-Thai bigshot at Chiang Mai University. The guy never came through, so Paul was severely short of cash. At the same time he found out that his wife was having an ongoing affair with her childhood Thai sweetheart. To make a long story short, with his health problems, cash crisis and wife’s betrayal, he went back to his home state for a “visit” – and shot himself with a pistol.

The wife and the Sino-Thai bigshot ended up with the business, which eventually was a success and is still going today.

During the turmoil, part of the original group, myself included, spun off a competing business because we couldn’t stomach the wife. We needed an angel investor – and one seemed to arrive in the person of “Doctor” Orawan. She claimed to be a medical doctor from Bangkok whose older brother was very wealthy.

Well, he was, but he wasn’t her brother. She was one of his many wives. They too were Sino-Thai. She then began an affair with one of the farangs. I would sometimes see her giving injections to him in the office. Turns out he was a junkie. Her hubby eventually got wind of the affair – and cut her off.

She didn’t intend to let that cramp her style, so as majority stockholder, she simply began to spend the business’s revenues on herself and her paramour. Eventually a new manager arrived and at least managed to get the junkie out of the office. Every month then became a crisis to see if we could meet our salaries. She was confronted by us – so she called the police on the manager. The police eventually let him go with no charges.

She then married a police colonel, perhaps thinking he would get the rebellious minions in line. He did nothing – except take what money she did have left. Eventually a truly wealthy Sino-Thai businessman bought the operation and provided much-needed capital and stability. I continued on with him for many years after that.

Dr. Orawan? She was no doctor, but had been making money by giving amphetamine injections to overweight hi-so Thai ladies. Her medical training had come as a nurse in the Philippines.

My experiences began as a relatively young man in Thailand who expected people to honor their commitments. I had no idea the ride I would be in for and the completely tawdry things I would see.

So for all retirees and others who accept it’s all a one-way street – going the Thai way – things can be fine. I got tired of paying for the abuse.

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You should write a book and get it turned into a Thai soapie - the Thai's will love it. Just what they need another boring Hi-So drama- money, mia noi's, guns, the police, you haven't mentioned drugs which might be needed to make it a winner. Problem is that you might have to come back to direct it.

Edited by Artisi
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I would be kind of fun for all the farangs to do a one day boycott. Don't buy anything. Kick out your Thai family/bf/gf for the day. Don't go anywhere. Close your businesses. It would be hard for tourists to avoid staying in hotels though. Sleep on the street maybe or they could stay in the beds emptied of Thai companions? Again, on the lines of "A Day Without Mexicans" -- why NOT do this? Perhaps the lack of our "participation" would be noticed, perhaps not.

Edited by Jingthing
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