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Pickpocket On Skytrain


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At first I thought it was just because the Skytrain was so crowded, but soon the feeling on my butt was too long and too definite. Right in the wallet area...where I happen to keep my tissues. Then the pressure began moving forward toward my front pocket...only to find my hand in my pocket. That's when I whirled around to face the guy, at which point the Skytrain doors opened, he looked at me and said, "Too crowded on here for me, mate," and hopped off with a smile. Yes, definitely an Australian accent.

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He should of been swiftly taken to the ground with your boot on his throat and a few quite words whispered into his ear.

I hate theives, this was the perfect opportunity for you, especially considering he wasn't a thai & thus you wont have people warning you about him carrying a gun or raping your grandmother.

Edited by neverdie
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Skytrain has to be a prime target for pickpockets?

When my pocket was picked at Chatuchak Market several years ago, a cop at the office told me that Chatuchak was number one for pickpockets (I was the fifth that day and number six came in while I was writing my report.), Hualomphung train station #2 and Mor Chit bus station #3.

With the increase in Skytrain crowding over the last few years, I'm sure their rank has "improved".

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Skytrain is not a good place to pickpocket. You have a long way to go before you can escape, there are security guards right there, there are cameras taking your picture, once you escape you are on the street.

One can see very easily why JJ Market and Bus/Train stations are better choices. Even buses would be better than the sky train because you can just jump off.

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I have been the target of pickpockets a few times while in Thailand and once while in Washington DC.

While in Thailnd, if my memory serves me, I can say that 2 attempts were made to pick my pocket in a dance club in Bangkok and once in Phuket by a pickpocket that simply would not give up even when I asked her to stop trying to pick my pocket! LOL

In DC, I was out clubbing again and met up with a group of partiers and I could tell that one of the group was trying to pick my pocket and I decided to have some fun. We were all headed out to eat and I told them I was going to go to my room and get my money out of my safe. I went to my room and emptied my wallet of all but $20 and returned to the group. Well to cut a long story short, my pocket got picked, I warned them to put my wallet back in my pocket, they did and all was well.


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I've had my pocket picked so many times in the UK and Thailand i have given up counting..

I leave my house/condo and then upon my return normally penniless/bahtless and no idea where my money has gone...but the little buggers always put my wallet back in my trousers but minus money.... it normally only happens on a weekend :)

JJ market has got to be no1 place in BKK or Thailand for pickpockets.... i guess opportunistic thieves are Pattaya/Phuket/any Islands after careless tourists.

Knifing bags open on buses is apparently common here for theives..my mates Thai wife has had this happen to her (this is where my info has come from)

On the skytrain surely it would be better to attempt it on the platform/stairs where the fast moving crushes are than inside a locked carriage.

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I was with a friend on the sky train, when he told me with a shocking voice ‘ someone stole my phone!’

I keep my cool and then ring his phone, and we follow the sound tone to a woman seating a bit forward, my friend got bit violent with her (slap her) , I hold him and everyone understand what happen.

Someone riding with us on the BTS ring a number, the security guard where at the next platform waiting for us, we went first to the control boot where on the camera we saw the trick she put on my friend.

Secondly we went to the police station in Siam square where she was put in jail

I need to said, she was not Thai but from Cambodia and will be deported!

The police in Siam could not do a report for the court and they took us to the main police station for report.

Over 4 hours later we were back free to live

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If you could feel his hands not a very good pick pocket.

And he let him slowly work from his butt to the front of his pants. Rather enjoyed it, is my take on it. :)

You should try to take some things at face value, rather than seeing them only through your own personal lens.

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I was with a friend on the sky train, when he told me with a shocking voice ‘ someone stole my phone!’

I keep my cool and then ring his phone, and we follow the sound tone to a woman seating a bit forward, my friend got bit violent with her (slap her) , I hold him and everyone understand what happen.

Someone riding with us on the BTS ring a number, the security guard where at the next platform waiting for us, we went first to the control boot where on the camera we saw the trick she put on my friend.

Secondly we went to the police station in Siam square where she was put in jail

I need to said, she was not Thai but from Cambodia and will be deported!

The police in Siam could not do a report for the court and they took us to the main police station for report.

Over 4 hours later we were back free to live

What was her trick?

One time in Amsterdam there were a few of us on a tram when we saw a Moroccan trying to pick a friends pocket.

We told our friend and the Moroccan walked off. We considered giving the scum bag a hiding but he left with seven other rats who were on the train - no doubt tooled up.

One time about a year ago on Sukumvit near Asok, a little rat selling flowers pressed them against me as he tried to slip his fingers into my right hand pocket.

I got wind and shouted at him and he ran off.

If I was pissed drunk, he would have probably succeeded.

On the Skytrain I always assume there is someone trying to to steal what I have so I take precautions.

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I saw a team of North Africans working the Amsterdam Red Light District once.. 1 guy was being over the top friendly to some tourists, who just thought he was a weirdo, while his friend went round the back for a look at their pockets. By the time I caught up, the duo had moved on. I told the tourists that the guy who spoke to the was a pickpocket and they looked at me like I was an idiot.

My tactic for avoiding them when I'm there is to keep my money in smallish amounts in a zipped inside pocket or my security wallet which hangs off my belt. The outside pockets are full of damp tissues etc.

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What was her trick?


Not really a trick, we were waiting in the platform, she was talking on her mobile with a lot of hands animation.

My friends have his mobile in the backpack, and I was talking to him, she just took it.

Was an easy job, she been stupid not to walk further in the carriage instead of seating about 10 meters from us, I think she got the shock when she saw me calling the phone and it start to ring!

When we talk to the security he said many pickpocket are not Thai, it show he was right with the person we just apprehend !

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In my case at Chatuchak, I made it way too easy for the "Dipper".

First, I withdrew B10,000 from a conspicuous ATM in the middle of the market. I'm sure there was a traffic jam of pocket pickers all trying to follow me. Then, I made a purchase at a stall in the crowded, inside of the market; very easy for them to see where I put my wallet.

Dumbest off all; I put my wallet in the large, "cargo" pocket of my shorts, closed only with a velcro tab and low enough down on my leg that I never even had a clue when it was done. I was wandering in the usual pressing crowd where you become pretty insensitive to being touched.

I think the best way to carry a wallet in a market or other risky area is to put it in the inside, zippered compartment of a waist pack worn on the front of your body, where you can guard it with your hand.

Even that is not entirely safe as the belt can be cut from behind by a sharp knife or scissors but that would be pretty risky for the thief.

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When we talk to the security he said many pickpocket are not Thai, it show he was right with the person we just apprehend !

Wow, amazing that from one incident you can deduce that many of the pickpockets are not Thai. :)

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That's why I keep uncapped syringes (no I'm not a user, we just sell them in our pharmacies) in my pockets.



Just my initial thought - that sounds much more potential dangerous for you, and for anybody else. Especially with the poor quality of walkways in Thailand.

I am pretty sure old Heng there has done the math over and over in his head and has worked out that he only falls on his side when bending down to pick up 1 baht coins. :)

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