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Glitterman Speaks About Mens Money

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Who dares to question the almighty and powerfull great wizard of....Pattaya. Bring me the walking brooms sticks of the wicked west.

As for the good men with soft hearts, dont be a soft touch, please be strong and try not to throw your life savings hard earned money down rentable ladies toilets, in the end they wont thank you for it ,and only intend on seeing you as a walking free A.T.M. you could lose everything and end up jumping off your balcony.

ive been lucky, no girlfriend of mine has ever proved worthy of getting 'too close' to me and getting past my James Bond name, which i chose the day i stepped foot in Pattaya many years ago to keep me from Pattaya's gold[glitter]diggers.

The royal glitterman hath spoken. HAPPY XMAS TO YOU ALL [including the grumpy men]

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Did you just call Thai lady's golden lotus flowers of delights TOILETS?


Be careful, Lord Glitter. Your new name on the street may well become


Did you just call Thai lady's golden lotus flowers of delights TOILETS?


Be careful, Lord Glitter. Your new name on the street may well become


Good one!! (But, to tell you the truth, I had to look it up! For those who need to know:)

Misogyny (pronounced /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred (or contempt) of women or girls. Misogyny comes from Greek misogunia (μισογυνία) from misos (μῖσος, "hatred") and gynē (γυνή, "woman"). It is parallel to misandry—the hatred of men or boys. Misogyny is also comparable with (but not the same as) misanthropy which is the hatred of humanity in general. The prefix miso-, meaning 'Hatred' or 'To hate' applies in many other words, such as misandry, misocapny, misogamy, misarchy and misoxeny.

Marcus Tullius Cicero reports that Greek philosophers considered misogyny to be caused by gynophobia, a fear of women.[1] In the late 20th century, feminist theorists proposed misogyny as both a cause and result of patriarchal social structures.[2]



Well, this proves the wisdom of the old saying....

" Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it!"

We wanted to know more about him and we invited him to tell us.

And now, we're stuck with him! :)

Well, this proves the wisdom of the old saying....

" Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it!"

We wanted to know more about him and we invited him to tell us.

And now, we're stuck with him! :)

Another good one...!! ZZZZZZZZZZiiiiiiinnnngggg!!!


Welcome to the madhouse man of glitter! Well said!

It's about time we had some more quirky characters in amongst the over-conventional types here on TV :)


Its hard to accept but not all men who claim to be British royals who ride around town dressed like Liberace on crack are gay. In this case, its just a case of a shining example of why you should avoid inbreeding. I know he famously never drinks, perhaps because he is all foam no beer.


Sorry glitterman you are just a shadow of the past

Not knowing anything about you gave you your power.

But you had to open your mouth.

Now you just spew gold " fools gold" now known as glitter.

Merry Christmas


perhaps its time to pedal the bicycle with all the feathers and hoo haaa off into the sunset, new challenges await you glitterman, be free & get a real job. :)

I was going to wish you a happy christmas glitter but I dont believe in spreading the joy, in case you hadnt noticed, so on that note >>> cya


A whole lot of bad taste flaming posts deleted, also replies.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Glitterman has posted a reasonable topic for discussion but I regret this entire thread is turning into a flame fest, if you can't keep on topic then please say nothing.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

Glitterman has posted a reasonable topic for discussion but I regret this entire thread is turning into a flame fest, if you can't keep on topic then please say nothing.

With due respect, what do you expect from an OP claiming he is "the almighty and powerfull great wizard of....Pattaya?" This was a farang pub on steroids topic from moment one. I really don't think the OP was intended to be taken seriously, so we were just having some good clean fun with it.


I really don't understand the animosity against this poster. Yes he's a bit off the wall but the subject of this thread is a very valid one. The man with the good heart is certainly up against it in Pattaya and will very easily end up with an empty wallet.


Could someone please explain exactly what the supposedly valid or reasonable subject of this thread is?

Is it that men who spend money on prostitution will end up jumping off balconies? Or that people who disagree with 'the almighty and powerfull (sic) great wizard of....Pattaya' are grumpy men?

It seems to me that glitterman's original post has a nasty, attacking edge to it, so for it to receive negative replies is certainly not surprising. He makes arrogant statements about himself and belittles others--that naturally rubs people the wrong way.


it would seem that the glitterman isn't getting enough attention riding around on a gold bike with a gold suit.

"ive been lucky, no girlfriend of mine has ever proved worthy of getting 'too close' to me and getting past my James Bond name"

i feel sorry for you that you've never had anyone close to you in pattaya. sure 99% of the bargirls are in it for the money, but there's plenty of girls with real jobs in real offices who want the real thing, not just your money.

maybe if you spent a bit less time preaching and a bit more listening, opening yourself to new things you'd work that out... you could learn a lot from tv, and a few drinks with people.

i honestly think if you dont have anyone close to you, or all the other things you preach against you'll probably end up doing just that - throwing yourself off a balcony.

if i was you, i'd stay in a ground floor apartment just in case.


At first someone claiming to be Glitterman was just to suspect for me to believe. Now after doubting on this message board I have made the effort to confront the golden man on the bike. Yes he is Glitterman and descovering all that Pattaya has to offer.

Some of you guys are comming down too hard on the Glitterman.

I do agree that if you dont keep your wits about you then most women of Pattaya will take everything except that gold bike with all the golden atachments. :)

Best of the Holidays to you Glitterman,



I guess this has morphed into the Glitterman royal subjects admiration society. Either that, or as the Glitter has said in a recent thread OFF WITH YOUR HEADS! (You ever so GRUMPY old men.) Myself, I would prefer a hot steaming bowl of vomit soup. Never mind though, ye Glitterati, enjoy your moment in the golden sun.


the wonderful thing about this forum is that you do NOT have to read through each and every thread. We call that freedom of choice. :)


"...Myself, I would prefer a hot steaming bowl of vomit soup..."

Holy vivid mental picture, Batman!! Are we getting just a bit worked-up, or what?? And on Christmas eve!!

PS- By the way, I, myself, would rather get burnt at the stake than have my head chopped off (forgetting the s.b.o.v.s. entirely, as an option)! Yup, a hot steak's better than a cold chop anyday! (ok, sorry- but with all this beheading talk, that's what came to mind!)

Now, lighten up out there... it's Christmas!!

Good will to men (glitter or not!) & Ho ho ho ('specially to the girls; you know who you are!)...



I think your fame may grow Glitterman.......you have the attention of the greatest TV poll generator in TV history

Surely only a matter of time before a GLITTERMAN POLL is instigated...... :)

Happy Christmas and best wishes for healthy new year


With the Royal Glitterman its all or nothing .Drink is bad according to him so he cuts it out completely .TV is bad so he never watches it .Paying any money to a girlfriend is bad ,so he never gives a baht .

I admire his principals in a way but i think he is being totally unrealistic .Anyway Happy Xmas Glitterman ,and to all you bring a smile to .


Some how i dont think i will listen to a man that wears glitter and drives round on a pedal bike in Pattaya.Much prefer to trust my own instincts rather listen to a crazy man.

Some how i dont think i will listen to a man that wears glitter and drives round on a pedal bike in Pattaya.Much prefer to trust my own instincts rather listen to a crazy man.

I guess you don't have time for the also harmless rolly poly guy with the white beard in the red suit then......shame.....merry christmas

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