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Don't Give A Rip About English


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It's not English; it's Thailish. It's rubbish.
8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand

Going to be banning yourself then PB? :)

It's not extremely negative to post that Thailish is rubbish in a thread about how to pronounce English. But kids named Pakadol in Thai can say Pakadon and so should we.
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In my experience, most Thais will understand some basic English BUT only if the English words are pronounced the "Thai way".

Let me explain : I live close to Central Bangna. Not close enough to there on foot though, so I usually take a motorcycle to go there. The first few times I tried to get the driver to get me to Central, I had to repeat myself for a zillion times before he finally understood. Then I got it : instead of pronouncing Central "Central", they pronounce it the Thai way : "Centrahl".

The same goes for a lot of other words. If you pronounce water "worter", there is a good chance that they won't understand you. Try "wahter".

Actually, most Thais I have met pronounce it "Centrum."

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That the thaiz have an appallingly sad grasp of engrish is no surprise to anyone residing in or vacationing here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". You'll be hard pressed to speak anything in engrish more than what the thaiz hafta know to do their job with most (70+%) of the natives you encounter. This goes up exponentially in any baan-nok situation where foreigners are less likely to be encountered and/or interacted with on a day to day basis.

I think it admirable that the mindless, sheep-like, wanna-b-thai foreign sock puppet brigade came out with their "this is thailand you MUST speak thai" rhetoric. :D Sadly that argument just doesn't hold water. Again, it’s just wanna-b-thai foreigners trying to embrace their inner thai-ness. BTW; before you shoehorn me into an anti-thai cubby hole; I can speak, read, and type thai, thanx. :D Most of the time I compel the thais I interact with to speak at least the engrish they know before I'll switch into speaking thai, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it is for them.

(My personal motto: Changing thailand, a thai at a time; only 63 million more to go and my job is finished here...) :)

Let us review the facts (we all know the meaning of that word, right?);

English is an international language, and while hard numbers are difficult to come by, current estimates show between 275 to 460 million people worldwide speak english. Compare this to the MAYBE 65+ million that speak thai, and one can see immediately it is the english language which is the way to go for the thaiz.

(Unless I am mistaken actually thai-lao or issan-thai is more widely spoken on a day to day basis by sheer population numbers rather than central/bangkok thai, but please don't tell the government as it would skew their literacy figures.) :D

Sadly it is lack of quality education and the alleged oxymoronic cultural phenomena known as "thai-face" which holds these people back from speaking or even trying to speak in english. I've attended more english language classes at schools scattered around this country in Nakhon Nowhere than I can even remember. Yet not once did I meet a native thai person who was the english teacher and possessed even a basic grasp of engrish. Sadly for the children, often it was quite the opposite and aside from teaching children to “parrot” phrases out of a text book there was little in the way of comprehension or conversation taught. I've found on a whole thai children and/or young adults aren't nearly as reticent to try to speak as the "face loss" factor isn't hard coded in their minds like it is with adults. One can only hope as these thais grow up, they will continue to speak and interact in english..

IMHO this country will ALWAYS be just another pissant developing third world country as long as they continue to keep their blinders on. The mindset that thai is the only language which needs to be spoken, and refusing to try to speak english for fear of losing face are MAJOR roadblocks to this country and its indigenous native population.

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 Go to Quebec in Canada, outside of Hull, Montreal and Ville de Quebec, good luck finding english speakers.

I have spent quite a bit of time in Canada (love the place), and throughout Francophone Canada, I have never had a problem finding English speakers.  I have always been amazed, in fact, at how quickly the people living there switch back and forth from French to English and back without seeming to pause long enough for their minds to switch gears. 

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I was in Germany after WW11 as a member of 'A peace keeping force ' , our unit was stationed in a town named Osnabruek that had been shelled by the regiment of anti aircraft gunners who had lowered their guns to do so , it blasted the bejeebers out of the town .

My point : in many store windows there were signs reading " English spoken here " , this from a people who had absolutly NO reason what-so-ever to like or encourage the British troops , they did this for economical reasons .

On the other hand , Thai do need the money for economical reasons , yet hold out about learning English even in a small way , they believe the whole world should learn Thai ( A very complex language ) just for a short visit to pour money into the Thai economy .

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Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai !

Country's like America are passing "English only laws",

After 10 years in Rural Thailand, what little Thai I speak ,is very poor and people do not understand what I say.

But I am Hearing Impaired and Thai Is a tonal Language!

When I go to Thai speaking stores, I take a picture of what I am looking for.

As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words!

Works great for me!

Good Luck:

Cheer :)

First off, America doesn't have English only laws. It doesn't even have English as the official language. Ex-pats should attempt to learn Thai, as should an ex-pat any other country country. The lack of English in tourist places is frustrating. No one here on a two week holiday can learn the language. One of the reasons that I hate Phuket so much is the lack of English speakers in hotels, restaurants, and shops that cater to tourists. I went to dozens of restaurants in Phuket that were every person in it was farang, and the staff didn't even know what the word "menu" was. If you go the menu, all that could be done is point to your selection and hope for the best. I was in one where I ordered a spicy beef salad, it came farangised and not spicy. I asked for "chilies, spicy salad, not spicy" They give the spice rack to every Thai lady that comes in, but it wasn't offered to me, nor could I get it across that I wanted it. It ended up with every single employee of the restaurant at my table trying to figure out what I was saying, and wanted. Now this was a place with 50 farang tourist sitting in it. Luckily, one of the guys eating there had a bar girl with him, she saw the problem and she came over and explained what I wanted.

Wow, now we get to my second bitch. They answered with "farang can't eat spicy" I had the girl explain to them that I ordered spicy, I can eat spicy, that I like spicy, and I want chillies. One of them said something in a tone that I knew wasn't right, and the others laughed. I asked the girl what was said, she answered "stupid farang doesn't know that farang can't eat spicy" Never went back there again, and waved the usual tip.

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Maybe you should just visit england or america coz they all speak english and you would be happy, People that speak good English because of a good education can get jobs in good hotels, etc etc and the people that arn´t as well off and educated as much work for little money in the tesco´s, big c etc etc anyway why should they have to speak English? Do you speak Thai? Do you even try to speak to them in Thai? Maybe because of your ignorance they cant be bothered to try and speak English to you and then have a good laugh about you when your gone.

Dog mun day!

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I think I would like to put this just from my own experience. The only time I've ever found lots of people who understood english were usually working at






Never seen many of them working in



Big C

major cineplex

Taxi's in bangkok

1. I've also come to realize for the thai's you need to remember when other people speak english they usually have their own native tongue language mixed in. I've asked plenty of thai's about this and most come back with

Heavy accents or some accents are hard to understand don't believe me well have a thai listen to someone speaking english from







Sometimes you find its not exactly clear it.

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Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai !

Country's like America are passing "English only laws",

After 10 years in Rural Thailand, what little Thai I speak ,is very poor and people do not understand what I say.

But I am Hearing Impaired and Thai Is a tonal Language!

When I go to Thai speaking stores, I take a picture of what I am looking for.

As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words!

Works great for me!

Good Luck:

Cheer :)

Buy some hearing aids..... easy enough

PLease, please, tell us about the shopping trip to buy a hearing aid.

I am almost creasing myself laughing, just thinking about it, and that is even without being able to imagine a single line.

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Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai !

Country's like America are passing "English only laws",

After 10 years in Rural Thailand, what little Thai I speak ,is very poor and people do not understand what I say.

But I am Hearing Impaired and Thai Is a tonal Language!

When I go to Thai speaking stores, I take a picture of what I am looking for.

As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words!

Works great for me!

Good Luck:

Cheer :)

Buy some hearing aids..... easy enough

PLease, please, tell us about the shopping trip to buy a hearing aid.

I am almost creasing myself laughing, just thinking about it, and that is even without being able to imagine a single line.

Well, just contact me, and you get to work with the only Doctorate level American trained and licensed audiologist in the country, pretty simple really.

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While some posters have made some valid points, current estimates are that one in five people in the world now speak English to a reasonable level of competency – it is the most commonly spoken language in the world. No language in history has dominated the globe as English has, permeating intellectual and business life.

While people may have a difference of opinion about the need for rural nowhere Tesco employees to learn it, you cannot detract from its importance. People in the US, Germany and France are highly unlikely to learn Mandarin in great numbers, nor are people in India. Face it, English has already won.

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I can't believe the disinterest of some 'whiteys' here in learning Thai.

Do you think Thais go to your country and complain about the lack of Thai?

India and Malaysia were British colonies - hence English.

There are hardly any foreigners in Khon Kaen, thank Buddha and most of the ones I know make an effort to learn Thai. Do you want it to end up like Pattaya?

Hang on a minute. Thailand has the desire to be the “ Hub ” of everything under the sun :)

This suggests the desire to act as some form of international centre for whatever service they become the hub of. They cant have it both ways . If they want this, they must then be willing and able to speak whatever the international language is a the time – English now and who knows maybe Mandarin in the future.

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English may well be the most spoken language in the modern world but this does not dictate that everyone should be able to speak it, if someone has not had the opportunity in life to learn English then they should not be disciminated against getting a job in there own country because of this fact.

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I can't believe the disinterest of some 'whiteys' here in learning Thai.

Do you think Thais go to your country and complain about the lack of Thai?

India and Malaysia were British colonies - hence English.

There are hardly any foreigners in Khon Kaen, thank Buddha and most of the ones I know make an effort to learn Thai. Do you want it to end up like Pattaya?

Hang on a minute. Thailand has the desire to be the “ Hub ” of everything under the sun :)

This suggests the desire to act as some form of international centre for whatever service they become the hub of. They cant have it both ways . If they want this, they must then be willing and able to speak whatever the international language is a the time – English now and who knows maybe Mandarin in the future.

yea, u would think that would be obvious..... but apparently it is not

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'priorstp' date='2010-01-04 18:28:57' post='3243939']

English may well be the most spoken language in the modern world but this does not dictate that everyone should be able to speak it, if someone has not had the opportunity in life to learn English then they should not be disciminated against getting a job in there own country because of this fact.

I do not think anyone here said that , it is just your predisposed attitude , this is what posters and tourists complain about , those who wish to deal and make money from people from many corners of the world , should make a conciencious effort to do that in the global village language .

The neighbour you look down upon as inferior , is light years ahead of you in that aspect , not to mention their true smiles and happy natures , you wonder why tourism is dropping ? Well that is one of the causes of people going elsewhere , if you want the money , at least put in some effort to earn it .

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I guess the thing that bothers me the most here is with the amount of money per capita spent on learning english hardly anyone here speaks it. Kids go to primary and secondary school with english lessons, then after school and on weekends for instruction. But I have learned in my short time of living here education is a money making business not about learning anything. Thats why students here have a 95% failure rate on the toefl test ranking them 3rd from the bottom. They just dont see the value in learning it, (or anything important really) but every kid I meet wants to go travel overseas and work, and they def dont understand the concept of competing for jobs. I really feel sorry for the future of thailand compared to other asian countries.

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I think what you say is a little misleading , there is no Francophone Canada , it is a dual language country due to old agreements when the British allowed the French to stay as guests(a-la-Thailand) . The vast majority are English speaking and what is spoken in Quebec is a bastardisation of French , you can find the vast majority of world languages spoken in Canada , as it is touted to be the most multicultural in the world , even Bell telephone gives visitors a choice of 28 languages to call in .

Canada welcomes tourists , and tourism outlets do their best to make them feel welcome , even having tour-buses with dedicatated language , and no LOUD music .Food and entertainment from many parts of the world can be found in Toronto , right down to national dress and cinema , so what is so much hullaballoo about Thai learning English(at least) to welcome guests in a sociable manner instead of the rampant "You wannaa visit Thailand where we willing take your hard earned dollars any way we can , learn Thai , it will only take about 6 years ".

Glad I left , it seems it is becoming worse by the day in many places , it is a wonderfull country to visit , the attitude of far too many people in tourism buisiness lacks a great deal .

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I think what you say is a little misleading , there is no Francophone Canada , 

I guess that would be quite a surprise to the 5 1/2 million native French speakers in Quebec, where French is both the major and sole official provincial language!  :)

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I think what you say is a little misleading , there is no Francophone Canada , 

I guess that would be quite a surprise to the 5 1/2 million native French speakers in Quebec, where French is both the major and sole official provincial language!  :D

Well pointed out.

Dumball hates Thailand with a passion , he was tired of living in an undeveloped country so he moved to 1st world Cambodia, where there is no corruption.... No crime...No hookers... perfect infrastructure, the worlds fastest internet....and you never see 5 people on 1 motorcycle.... ! :D:):D

Over 19 years in Thailand and I've been to Cambodia a few times, what a dump, Dumbo couldn't make it in Thailand, he's hit rock bottom with the last resort Cambodia.

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name='Maigo6' date='2010-01-05 01:48:21' post='3244620']

Well pointed out.

Dumball hates Thailand with a passion , he was tired of living in an undeveloped country so he moved to 1st world Cambodia, where there is no corruption.... No crime...No hookers... perfect infrastructure, the worlds fastest internet....and you never see 5 people on 1 motorcycle.... ! :D:):D

Over 19 years in Thailand and I've been to Cambodia a few times, what a dump, Dumbo couldn't make it in Thailand, he's hit rock bottom with the last resort Cambodia.

Thank you for your very insulting comments about me , especialy the name dirivision ,

I do not and never said I even dislike Thailand , I moved because I wanted to , I had all I needed in Thailand as I have here in Cambodia , Cambodia is not a last resort for me as I have burned no bridges and have property in two countries with a running buisiness in one of them that has been in operation over 20 years .

I do not mind being castigated on ocassion because that is the norm on TV , but MR maigoo , you have hit rock bottom yourself in defense of your personal choice , shame on you , i thought you were a gentleman at heart .(most of the time)

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The "English only" movement in the USA is not official, and is spearheaded by racists. Beside the point.

The "Thai only" movement in Thailand is very strong even though Thai alphabet and language is spoken only by Thais and is very difficult to speak and read. Very few Thais can teach Thai well - maybe 10% of Thai teachers. Most Thais don't usually want to learn English. Nice people - but I don't understand them.

Why is the "English only" movement spearheaded by racists and not English speakers who want to preserve their language?


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Expats need to learn Thai, Period. The language of the land Is Thai ! Works great for me!

i'm not willing to learn Thai. those who want to do business with me and make good money must be able to communicate in one of the four languages which are spoken and understood in my house and on my property. sometimes a bit frustrating and/or tedious but... works great for me! PERIOD!


p.s. all those who don't have a thai partner but are able to speak reasonably Thai step forward! :D

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'priorstp' date='2010-01-04 18:28:57' post='3243939']

English may well be the most spoken language in the modern world but this does not dictate that everyone should be able to speak it, if someone has not had the opportunity in life to learn English then they should not be disciminated against getting a job in there own country because of this fact.

I do not think anyone here said that , it is just your predisposed attitude , this is what posters and tourists complain about , those who wish to deal and make money from people from many corners of the world , should make a conciencious effort to do that in the global village language .

The neighbour you look down upon as inferior , is light years ahead of you in that aspect , not to mention their true smiles and happy natures , you wonder why tourism is dropping ? Well that is one of the causes of people going elsewhere , if you want the money , at least put in some effort to earn it .

I think you wil find that the first post refers to no one in tesco or big c being able to talk english, i do not have any predisposed attitude. I just think that it is asking to much to expect the lady working behing the checkout or stacking the shelves to know purfect English. I agree if they want to work in the tourist industry then they should have an understanding of English but i never refered to that.

You of all must know of how people struggle in rural area just to survive and you know that many people have no more than a 6th grade education simply because they cannot afford it.

If these people are denied a job in tesco for simply not speaking english then how do you expect them to be able to educate there own children so they can learn english or any other language and help there country´s to grow in the future.

I visit a friends family in Nakon ratchasima twice a year and i sit with the children and teach them some English from a story book which they love, not because i force them but because they want to learn English.

I am currently living in Spain and have actually found that less people here speak english than they do in Thailand.

Fact is that most English cant be bothered. If you want to go to another country atleast take a phasebook so you can ask the lady in tesco where your local British bar is that sells English food.

my personal belief on why the tourist trade is dropping would be due to the global recession and not because you cant ask for directions in tesco´s.

Edited by priorstp
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