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I can only hope and assume that the poster requires 'bedding cloths' for his cats(s)...in which case,unless there is some special bedding...of which I am ignorant....just go to Tesco and get a couple of their cheapo towels,

I originaly got a padded basket for my cats,,,,which of course they completley ignored apart from using it as their toilet.!!

I can only hope and assume that the poster requires 'bedding cloths' for his cats(s)...in which case,unless there is some special bedding...of which I am ignorant....just go to Tesco and get a couple of their cheapo towels,

I originaly got a padded basket for my cats,,,,which of course they completley ignored apart from using it as their toilet.!!

Go to the baby department.

They have absorbent towels for babies diaper change.

Very good when having kittens.

I can only hope and assume that the poster requires 'bedding cloths' for his cats(s)...in which case,unless there is some special bedding...of which I am ignorant....just go to Tesco and get a couple of their cheapo towels,

I originaly got a padded basket for my cats,,,,which of course they completley ignored apart from using it as their toilet.!!

Go to the baby department.

They have absorbent towels for babies diaper change.

Very good when having kittens.




Is it actually cruel guys? It makes their fur fall out??

I have never put clothes on a cat, but to be honest ive thought about it. Particularly after i saw an unbelievably cute cat at a local market with a little specially made jacket thing. The cat seemed content and peaceful (you soon know when a cat isnt happy!). Ive also been reading up on training a cat to wear a harness..something i previously thought was cruel..but i realise its not. Its just that it seems like an alien concept to us. Sure, i wont have a harness on a cat all the time, but just as its helpful to train a cat to get used to a carry case when needs be, its useful to have them not afraid of a harness. If i finally get a cat here (and ive had cats all my life) I was thinking to train him/her whilst they are young. Anyway...back to the clothes thing..

I know people put clothes on dogs. Sometimes to keep the doggy from getting a chill in cool weather, or just because it looks cute and fun. Why would it be any different for cats?As long as the clothing is specially made and doesnt cause distress, whats the harm? Hmm..Ok..maybe because cats like to groom themselves..in that sense might not be good... I dont know. Would like some explanations. But, for the record, i would never put clothes on any animal without finding out for sure if it could affect it negatively in some way, and only specially made clothes, .......and only after placing the animal in front of a full length mirror and receiving confirmation that the look works for them. ..lol.


banjee, the jack rat terrier , has issues with the jeruslame not too cold winter (he must be thai?) ... at any rate, his previous owner lent me a jacket for banjee-- the jacket was actually for a cat. apparently the former owner's step mother has a persian and the persian had to get shaved down (about twice a year i guess) due to rasta type fur problems. therefore persian cat gets put in a jacket for a few days after the shave since he is a 'indoor/outdoor' cat.

the jacket with cat smell on it drove my dogs nuts when on the terrier... the terrier on the other hand, could not have cared less.

i think that light weight toy dog coats (vest type i.e. no sleeves, not going all around the body) would work ok for a cat also?

would think that most cats unless raised wearing coats would have some problems with them, other then that, it doesn make fur fall out. what it does do is prevent the cat from developing a good winter coat if he is an outdoor cat in a cold weather climate. the same goes for horses and dogs btw. although that wouldnt be an issue in thailand any how/ dont think most animals develop winter coat fur, even the shitzus...




I know about cat's I have ten of the little people, I have owned cats all my life.

Cat's do not even like wearing collars, In my not so humble opinion it is not a good idea dress them up in clothes so they can not even wash themselves, you might enjoy looking at them but I guarantee that is not what cat's enjoy. Not the right thing to do at all just so they look cute to our eyes.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


What on earth do you want the clothes for? Presumably you are in Thailand, where the temperature will NEVER get down to levels where the cat might need help to keep warm. When we still lived in Scandinavia, my cats considered this a pleasant day for a 45 minute walk:


/ Priceless


nice even for cats :))



maybe the hairless cat would need a jacket, u know that new breed that feel like suede shoes...


I think you mean Sphinx cats Bina?, but they are not really a new breed. I read about cats being bred to be non allergenic..i dont think it was sphinx though, who are good for sufferers who are allergic to cat fur..i think this new bred was a cat with fur, but just non allergenic somehow, but i cant recall! sorry.

Sphinx cats:


I think you mean Sphinx cats Bina?, but they are not really a new breed. I read about cats being bred to be non allergenic..i dont think it was sphinx though, who are good for sufferers who are allergic to cat fur..i think this new bred was a cat with fur, but just non allergenic somehow, but i cant recall! sorry.

Sphinx cats:

Bina may indeed mean the Sphynx, though that breed goes back to the 1960's. A 'new' furless cat breed is the Peterbald, which was created in Russia in the 1990's:


/ Priceless


Americans are a strange breed. There is no way I am going to wear sexy lingerie to make my cat feel better!! And for buying clothes for him, pull the other one. All his little cat friends would laugh at him. pointing their paws....

I think you mean Sphinx cats Bina?, but they are not really a new breed. I read about cats being bred to be non allergenic..i dont think it was sphinx though, who are good for sufferers who are allergic to cat fur..i think this new bred was a cat with fur, but just non allergenic somehow, but i cant recall! sorry.

Sphinx cats:

Bina may indeed mean the Sphynx, though that breed goes back to the 1960's. A 'new' furless cat breed is the Peterbald, which was created in Russia in the 1990's:


/ Priceless

It never worked, the allergen is in the cats saliva, not in the fur.

Hairless cats still clean themselves.


yes, but u can wipe those cats off and the allergen is reduced. friend has a cat that she washes every two/three days, reduces the amount of allergy she and her kids have, the cat doesn care, she bathes with the daughter (cant post the pics unfortunately, but very funny to see)...

never heard of the peterbald but could be also, here lots of russians are cat people, and keep pure breds they brought over with them. the sphynx are very nice to pet actually, if not a bit wierd. its really like petting a suede coat/shoe.


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