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My neighbor whom I'm on semi-friendly relations with has a dog that just won't stop barking. I've bought like 3 dog collars for it and set up one of those sub-sonic speakers that shrieks whenever she barks. The neighbor apparently thinks it hurts the dog, thus like half the time she's not even wearing the collar. I'm allowed to put the dog inside if it's barking too much, and the neighbor occasionally does it himself when the barking is too much.

This has gone on for 2 years now, and after losing the last few nights of sleep, I've had enough. I want to feed her something that will make her throat sore so she won't bark, or at least make her sick enough that she'll be to weak to bark... Anyone know how to do this?

There's no point in talking to the neighbor anymore... frankly, they don't seem to care about that dog anyway (they never walk it (in fact, I'm the one who volunteers to walk it, hoping it will calm her down), and it just sits in its tiny pen... it broke its leg one and they never took it to the hospital, it just laid there for 2 months).

I will kindly request that all of you anthropomorphic dog lovers out there stay off of this thread.


There are several Ultrasonic dog scarers on the market that send out quiet signals which only the dog can hear,

heres a link which will give you many options of the one to buy.

Please let me know if they work good

www.godfrey-diy.co.uk/pest-control/cat...dog.../cat78.html -


At first reading I was thinking you should put the dog out of its misery, but once I read the part about the broken leg they didnt get fixed and just let the dog lie there for 2 months..... adopt the dog and put the owners out of thier misery.

There are several Ultrasonic dog scarers on the market that send out quiet signals which only the dog can hear,

heres a link which will give you many options of the one to buy.

Please let me know if they work good

www.godfrey-diy.co.uk/pest-control/cat...dog.../cat78.html -

I meant 'ultrasonic' in my original post, yes, I have already tried that and it only works a little with this dog. This dog is incredibly stupid and insensitive, I put the thing right in her face outside the pin and she'd bark, then yelp, OVER AND OVER!!!

At first reading I was thinking you should put the dog out of its misery, but once I read the part about the broken leg they didnt get fixed and just let the dog lie there for 2 months..... adopt the dog and put the owners out of thier misery.

:) Yes, I often equate the owners to a lower position than the dog in this whole debacle. The dog's actually kinda charming, despite being borderline retarded and dumber than a rock. Hence I just wanna make her throat sore for a while, rather than kill her.

Yes, I often equate the owners to a lower position than the dog in this whole debacle. The dog's actually kinda charming, despite being borderline retarded and dumber than a rock. Hence I just wanna make her throat sore for a while, rather than kill her.

So you don`t want to kill the dog, only cause it injury.

Maybe you and the dog are 2 of a kind, dumb and dumber. In the event of an intelligence test between the 2 of you, my money’s on the dog.

Yes, I often equate the owners to a lower position than the dog in this whole debacle. The dog's actually kinda charming, despite being borderline retarded and dumber than a rock. Hence I just wanna make her throat sore for a while, rather than kill her.

So you don`t want to kill the dog, only cause it injury.

Maybe you and the dog are 2 of a kind, dumb and dumber. In the event of an intelligence test between the 2 of you, my money's on the dog.



I have with me 2 dog dazer ll ultrasonic hand held devise and likely will buy this P3 high frequency animal repeller which

mounts on any wall. The dazer ll is a perfect tool for me, especially against barking and aggressive dogs.

* check out the amazon.com site (dog repeller)

Your Price:


P3 International High Frequency Animal Repeller

P3 International High Frequency Animal Repeller effectively deters animals from invading your space

Item #: P512-7810

Manufacturer: P3 International

Manufacturer Item #: P7810

Product Type: Animal Repeller

List Price: $50.95

Product Rating:

Read 5 Reviews / Write a Review

Product Details

Reviews (5)

Features & Applications:

Keep the dog out of the living room or raccoons away from your garbage. Inaudible to humans, animals find this high-pitched frequency uncomfortable and quickly move to a more peaceful neighborhood. Other devices emit a constant sound, but Animal Away saves batteries by utilizing an infrared motion detector that activates the powerful 23,000 Hz signal only when an animal approaches within a 45-foot range. Use it indoor or outdoors. Wireless operation, powered by one 9-volt battery, allows Animal Away to be optimally positioned to effectively limit animal access. Easily mounts on walls, fences, or even wooden stakes and its green housing blends in with most lawns. Now you can decide what areas are off limits.


Inaudible to humans

Cordless operation

Infrared motion activation

Mounts on walls or fences

Blends in with landscapes

Durable green PVC housing

Spec Summary:


4 x 2 x 1-1/2"


6.35 oz

Power Supply:

9V battery


23,000 Hz


Arc of 70 degrees, distance 45 ft

Yes, I often equate the owners to a lower position than the dog in this whole debacle. The dog's actually kinda charming, despite being borderline retarded and dumber than a rock. Hence I just wanna make her throat sore for a while, rather than kill her.

So you don`t want to kill the dog, only cause it injury.

Maybe you and the dog are 2 of a kind, dumb and dumber. In the event of an intelligence test between the 2 of you, my money’s on the dog.

No solution, or suggestions, just smart-arse criticism of the OP.

Marvellous! :)


Try a muzzle as suggested. ^

Check to make sure the dog can drink thru the muzzle in this heat.



are they Thai or farang next door.

If something winds me up i try my best to wind them up.

If you go to the market you will find a shop for Budder stuff,

they have these small round bangers,

Next time it barks let one off and that will work .

Or after a few weeks of this your neighbour will move. :)

Khirimart :D:D:D:D


You insert a small length of garden hose in the dogs anus. The dog can then no longer build up enough pressure to bark. :)

barking Dog.net

Seems having used the electronic cure it is take the do for a walk or give it Prozac.

Did it bark before it had a broken leg?


Thanks for the link to that website VocalNeal...especially the part about medications: http://www.barkingdogs.net/medication.shtml

I think I'm gonna try Prozac wrapped in bacon and see how it works.

Indeed, that site also says the ultrasonic devices don't really work either, which accords with my experience:

Remote, free-standing, sound-emitting, anti-barking devices

This section describes a type of device you can place in your yard, that may serve to quiet a nearby canine by bombarding his owners, and/or the dog himself, with noxious noise, every time the animal barks. However, please note that this website has received numerous complaints from readers saying that the devices described in this section had no discernable impact on the barking of their neighbor's dogs. Therefore, even though we have had a few positive reports, we do not recommend these products.

No solution, or suggestions, just smart-arse criticism of the OP.

Marvellous! :)


UPDATE: I just fed her 3 low dose aspirin, half the recommended amount for a dog her size. It seems to have shut her up. I hope this isn't the first step in my ultimate poisoning of the poor beast :)

Edit: Oh dear, I just realized this topic was moved to the Pets forum, I'm really gonna get it now....


well, i see where this thread is going, so ,

svenn, u can pm nienke or some others here that work with dogs, for some REAL and useful information, or u can try to solve it on your own..

trust me, most us here are anthropromorphic but we do love , care and feel responsible for the safety and health of animals of all sorts and we are also aware that we too have responsibilites towards others.

barking dogs mean they are bored/doing what they are supposed to be doing i.e. barking to warn their 'higher ups -- this case the owners- of problems/ stressed out.

prozac wont work unless it is combined with behavior modification with the dog (and the owners).

1.u can try to take the dog for a few walks a day

2.give her some toys to play with that will stimulate her attention

3.feed her at regular intervals

4.in general, become her surrrogate owner. slowly, u can start to work with her about the barking , using methods that i think nienke could explain to u , or u can read here in the forum since weve discussed this particular doggy problem ad nauseum...

the other method is the 'removal' method which in israel would mean calling the local pound/local spca place. in thailand i believe there are other groups u can call, complain etc.

there is no drug to numb a dog's vocal chords. the shock collars and water sprayers etc only work , ONLY, if they are followed up with behavior modification to enforce the quiet non barking episodes. other then that they are useless and can cause pain and suffereing to the animal.

why dont u buy the dog, and then either sell her to somewhere else yourself, or keep her? she sounds like she has a miserable life anyhow.

this topic stays open only if people can post CONSTRUCTIVE ideas and stear clear of the illegal/cruelty to animals suggestions.


this topic stays open only if people can post CONSTRUCTIVE ideas and stear clear of the illegal/cruelty to animals suggestions.


This is why it might be more appropriate if this thread got transferred to the Real Estate/Home Ownership thread, since I realize this thread is dedicated to caring for animals, not necessarily solving nuisance problems in realm of property rights.

1.u can try to take the dog for a few walks a day

2.give her some toys to play with that will stimulate her attention

3.feed her at regular intervals

4.in general, become her surrrogate owner. slowly, u can start to work with her about the barking , using methods that i think nienke could explain to u , or u can read here in the forum since weve discussed this particular doggy problem ad nauseum...

why dont u buy the dog, and then either sell her to somewhere else yourself, or keep her? she sounds like she has a miserable life anyhow.

I appreciate the suggestions, which I already know about (hence the title of my thread), but I really don't have time to train, walk, or adopt a dog that doesn't belong to me... I went above and beyond my duties as a neighbor when I went walking with her several times to try to calm her down and bought 3 expensive dog collars out of my own pocket which the owner subsequently "lost," ...but life's gotten busier these days and I don't have time. I'm sorry, but if any of you still think I'm the "bad guy" then there are some serious problems here (suggesting I'm the one who needs to take the prozac is not appropriate, bina ( btw, I usually try my best stay away from ad hominem statements on this forum, but you went a little too far :) )). I've read up on the internet that veterinarians often subscribe medications to stop dogs from barking... if anyone would kindly suggest what those are, if not prozac, then I will responsibly administer them to the dog... otherwise this situation could get much worse.


prozac is a drug that, also with people, needs to be usd along with behavior modification.

aspirin, while it wont kill a dog (tylenol/paracetamol can) may have helped any pain issues she has (broken leg, not mended properly, can cause pain/stress/hence barking/whining), can cause other things like bleeding ulcers etc...

the question u have is legit. its the style of the question that i question. u arent the 'bad guy' . u are a guy at the end of your tether from noise disturbance. there is an other thread similar to yours, and nienke suggest what i suggested. there is no other way around the issue apart from ilegal ones which i dont condone.

apart from dog napping her and placing her in a dog shelter , claiming she is suffering at the hands of her owners due to negligence, u wont get other suggestions here . regardless of where u post, the answers still have to fit in with humane suggestions and not go in the direction of illegal or cruel suggestions.

it seems that u have to deal with the owners, not the dog who is not at fault anyhow. like i said before, what about buying the dog and then replacing /rehoming her?

more extreme suggestions u can find by searching the forums; the subject and possible solutions, legal and alternative, has come up more then once, with the usual suggestions and some unusual ones too im sure.

if she isnt a very mobile dog, it is entirely possible that with the aspirin, u cut back on some of her pain and distress, she may be slightly more comfortable and less likely to lay and bark. who knows? in which case, u can take her to the vet, pay the money, find out what dosage of daily pain killer she needs, and buy it for her...




Yes, it's occurred to me that maybe the aspirin took away some of her pain and that's why she stopped barking (well, she hasn't stopped, but it's much less frequent). I'll have to continue to try it in moderate dosages to see if it's the solution.

If anyone has any other medication knowledge that would be great, since I heard the aspirin can be harmful to her stomach.

The only snag in dealing with the owner is that they have a little son who seems moderately interested in the dog, they're otherwise completely indifferent to her.


Bina, what's your take on muzzles?

As a child in Aus, the only dogs I ever saw muzzled were Greyhounds.

If the dog is confined to the owner's premises, I don't see a defence / attack problem,

out in the street and roaming with a pack, is a different story.


muzzles arent a good idea.

first, sven has given the dog some painkillers, not vet prescribed but workable... and she is barking less. i suspect she is in pain/stress and therefore barks more (stands or lays in one spot and less mobile so feels on defensive so barks... )

so his next step is to find some kind of pain reliever that may help her out (rimadyl, ijust remembered. but expensive.)

muzzles. naw. i wouldnt go for that. dogs can bark, whine, it bothers them, stresses them out. muzzling is to be used when the dog is with the owner,if the dog is required by law to wear a muzzle when on a walk, if the dog eats garbage while on walks, this can prevent that, if for whatever reason,u need to muzzle the dog for short periods like at a vet.

not for stopping barking.

i think that the key is the dog is in chronic pain and stress. sven, why dont u contact one of the vets by pm and ask them about dosage and types (or take the dog to the vet once and get an estimate, and try to convince the neighbhor of forking over some money for the treatment? or partial anyhow? rimadyl is expensive and most vets wont prescribe pain killers w/o seeing the dog. but u never know...



  • 2 months later...

I am a dog expert. To be honest with you, the excessive barking comes from the habbit when he was a puppy.

At this time, I am sorry to say that nothing you can do about the barking.

Dont waste your money buyin all of those fancy electric equipment.

The only thing that might help is to keep the dog with you in the house during night time. I cant guarantee that the dog will stop barking. The dog might be barking at tnothing to the wall, windows, trees, etc like he is seeing something.

This can of behaviour normally only comes with the dog that has incest breed.

Other dogs has excessive barking due to lack of training during young age. If this is the case, you might be able to train him by letting the dog sleep in the house. But eventually the dog will bark at any sound comes from outside the house.

Good luck... tough job to do..

This can of behaviour normally only comes with the dog that has incest breed

also sick dogs, blind dogs, deaf dogs and of course , bored dogs......... although i would also like to know what ever happened to sven's dog.....

dog expert? -- welcome on board here, its always nice to hear from a 'dog expert'... what country? what is your expertise? medical, training, judging, breeding?... what style of training do u use? we can always use differing opinions here on the forum....

bina/moderator pet forum



I would be interested in knowing about these alleged organisations (local pounds/spca groups) as I have always been told that nobody gives a dam_n about this sort of complaint in Thailand. Calling the Police is pointless.

Thanks for the link to that website VocalNeal...especially the part about medications: http://www.barkingdogs.net/medication.shtml

I think I'm gonna try Prozac wrapped in bacon and see how it works.

Indeed, that site also says the ultrasonic devices don't really work either, which accords with my experience:

Remote, free-standing, sound-emitting, anti-barking devices

This section describes a type of device you can place in your yard, that may serve to quiet a nearby canine by bombarding his owners, and/or the dog himself, with noxious noise, every time the animal barks. However, please note that this website has received numerous complaints from readers saying that the devices described in this section had no discernable impact on the barking of their neighbor's dogs. Therefore, even though we have had a few positive reports, we do not recommend these products.

From my experience I can say that penned or chained dogs are unhappy and are going to bark. You can get hold of a BB rifle you can sting it every time it barks. You have to be very careful, don't let anyone see you do this, it does work. You may have to do it a coupla times and be very careful of the eyes. Its effective and its better then killing or hurting the dog< BB's just sting a bit but don't penetrate the flesh. Mind I'm suggeating BB gun Not Pellet gun.

Another answer is buy the dog from the thai and let it loose it probably won't bark anymore, good luck

No solution, or suggestions, just smart-arse criticism of the OP.

Marvellous! :)


lucky dog she has met you to take care of her!!

dog just like a baby..when the baby cries you need to find out why baby cries. so does the dog..becasue dogs dont talk.

she barks at you..maybe she doesnt trust you or generally doesnt trust people..depending on how the previous owner treated her..

be patient to find out the reason on her..keep talking to her and feed her regularly..let her trust you..

she barks at you doesnt mean she's insenstive to notice what you bring to her..she's too senstive and doesnt trust you..if she trusts you she will so happy to see you come to her with "big smile".

Hope she will get well from her leg injury soon..


by the way..as a dog lover ..I really do not suggest any dog barking control products..or debarking surgery..

barking is the only way that dogs can express themselves.

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