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Red-shirts To Splash One Million Cc Of Blood On Govt House

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I can picture the thought process of going along the lines of being shamed at not gathering one million people, so I know, we'll cover their house in a million cc's of blood.

Its a sad desperate act. Its good that they seemingly don't want to cause violence (albeit questions over the grenade attack still need to be answered) but without the numbers and the violence they can not get what they want. If there is only one item on their agenda then they can not negotiate either.

If they were smart they would use this protest as a launch pad to air their various grievances, eg. secure more assistance for the rural population, get some guarantees about education and healthcare standards, assistance with debt etc. But No, because their dear leader wants one thing and one thing only, power!

They are not smart! If they were, they would have dumped Thaksin (and his puppets) long ago. I agree the rational thing would be to promote specific poverty and education justice issues for ALL of Thailand. Those would find wide support and they could really make progress. However, this is not a rational force, it is as you say, a desperate power grab by Thaksin, and of course, failing (that's the good news).

The red mob have created a soft REGIONAL civil war mentality in Thailand. The perception outside the north and Isaan is that if the red mob wins, the rest of Thailand will be punished. True or not, that is the perception. Don't ever expect the rest of Thailand to accept that.

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The only sure thing is that rational people on both side need to be working on a solution to end the conflict and restore peace to Thailand.

Agreed. "Rational" is the key word here. Are leaders of a movement who propose collecting and spilling thousands of litres of human blood on the street to be considered "rational"? I think not.

Exactly. You can't negotiate with a group who has someone as irrational as Thaksin as their leader, who has made it clear it is all or nothing. The only rational answer to such thuggery -- NOTHING!

I appreciate that you think names are powerful in your hand in the shadow of the internet, As a student of history I can tell you that hurling insults and calling people names has never made a better life for people.

Please stop the meaningless name calling and work to correct the error that got us in the situation.

A new credible internationally supervised election and election problems that are resolved transparently with the independent international advisor will correct the error of not holding an election according to international parlimentary norms when no confidence wa declared against the previous government. This would insure that everyone's vote counted and the new government would have been chosen by the will of a pluarality of voters.

Please stop the name calling.

They probably have no idea of the possible health implications.

Blood is not just some liquid but biological material which will rot and decay, especially in this heat.

If they have roses at Govt house, they will benefit from the blood. On another positive note, HIV will probably wipe out about 7% of the protestors before next years round :)

You totally missed the point. You do not get to make decisions independly in a legitimate parlimentary government. The masses vote and the votes are tallied. If you have a pluarality of the votes you then are allowed to form a government.

It is wrong for any small number of people to disenfranchise a pluarality of voters by cancelling their vote and determine who runs the new government.

Correct the error that occurred by not allowing a new election when the court and Army essentially declared no confidence of the previous government and disenfranchised the pluarality of voters who elected the previous government.

A new election is required to correct this error.

Don't be a part of the problem! Be part of a solution that gives Thailand a legitimate government!

James ... again ... there is a legimate government. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Abhisit-Legi...in-t347392.html

The only sure thing is that rational people on both side need to be working on a solution to end the conflict and restore peace to Thailand.

Agreed. "Rational" is the key word here. Are leaders of a movement who propose collecting and spilling thousands of litres of human blood on the street to be considered "rational"? I think not.

Exactly. You can't negotiate with a group who has someone as irrational as Thaksin as their leader, who has made it clear it is all or nothing. The only rational answer to such thuggery -- NOTHING!

I appreciate that you think names are powerful in your hand in the shadow of the internet, As a student of history I can tell you that hurling insults and calling people names has never made a better life for people.

Please stop the meaningless name calling and work to correct the error that got us in the situation.

A new credible internationally supervised election and election problems that are resolved transparently with the independent international advisor will correct the error of not holding an election according to international parlimentary norms when no confidence wa declared against the previous government. This would insure that everyone's vote counted and the new government would have been chosen by the will of a pluarality of voters.

Please stop the name calling.

Stop trying to lecture to me or telling me how to write in your endless repetitive posts. Your line is they should negotiate. There is nothing to negotiate. The reds are clear they will bring nothing to the table. They want their demands met, or they will paralyze the country if they don't get their way. In some countries, that is called terrorism. I don't know your game, but you are talking nonsense. Again, you can't negotiate with people making ultimatums until threat of chaos and violence.


I know the risks of aids being transmitted, but I like the idea in general. The Reds were looking for some way to save face given they were falling on their face.

Now they can return to their families and proclaim they bled for their country. They can hold their heads up high.

I know this all sounds so stupid to us, but if it works for them, it works for us.


Thai Red Cross Refuses to Facilitate Blood Collection for Red-shirt

BANGKOK: -- The Thai Red Cross has refused to assist the red-shirt protesters in the blood donation process, saying the group's objective for the blood to be donated is inappropriate.

It's also warned against improper blood drawing which can cause various harmful sideaffects and donors could potentially go into shock and even paralysis.

The Red Cross has also questioned how the red-shirt protesters will dispose of the used needles used to draw blood. Simplying throwing them into rubbish bins will endanger Bangkok Metropolitan Administration garbage collectors.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-15



Khunjames, could you please stay on topic and give us your view on this blood spilling tactic the red shirt movement has thought up. Thanks :)


One might have thought they would just to the old standby of slashing their XX.. for attention?

Seriously though, not only a public health hazard to everyone and poor choice of tactics, why not just have everyone take a turd in a bag and throw it instead - "fertilizing the seeds of change" and so on. Much more to work with from a PR point of view and less dangerous one would think..

Question: Would you want to live in a country that is controlled by leaders who endorse decisions such as this one?

Been thinking that way for some time now.

The only sure thing is that rational people on both side need to be working on a solution to end the conflict and restore peace to Thailand.

Agreed. "Rational" is the key word here. Are leaders of a movement who propose collecting and spilling thousands of litres of human blood on the street to be considered "rational"? I think not.

Exactly. You can't negotiate with a group who has someone as irrational as Thaksin as their leader, who has made it clear it is all or nothing. The only rational answer to such thuggery -- NOTHING!

I appreciate that you think names are powerful in your hand in the shadow of the internet, As a student of history I can tell you that hurling insults and calling people names has never made a better life for people.

Please stop the meaningless name calling and work to correct the error that got us in the situation.

A new credible internationally supervised election and election problems that are resolved transparently with the independent international advisor will correct the error of not holding an election according to international parlimentary norms when no confidence wa declared against the previous government. This would insure that everyone's vote counted and the new government would have been chosen by the will of a pluarality of voters.

Please stop the name calling.

As a student of history you should be well aware that in parliamentary systems there is no international norm for what happens when a no-confidence is declared in parliament of a government. Usually either an election is called before the no-confidence, or after the no-confidence the parliament tries to form a new government or there is an election. It varies as I am sure you are aware. Goverenments have also been formed excluding the largest party in Israel and Ukraine in recent history and even in Thailand it has heppened in the past. It could also happen in the UK after the next election too if the liberal democrats hold the balance of power. Theoretical and real parlaimentary poltics are very different.

Yes an election now is a way out but it is not the only one and it also presents its own problems as do all the other options. There is no perfect answer. There will of course have to be an election by the end of next year as well. Maybe those angered by this government will punish it then if it goes that far and of course demos are expected but if there is no election now or even this year it is not the end of the world for pro-democracy activisits who whenever it comes will get to have their say and if enough of them agree even elect a party into an overall majority so no parliamentary manouver can prevetn government formation by that party.


As Animatic eluded to earlier, we really are getting into the realm of bizarre goth-like cult.

In front of the world's media also - bonus!

Tonight's red shirt catchphrase is "now just hold still...."

"You may feel a little prick."

"Oh, I thought he was in Montenegro?"

Tonight's red shirt catchphrase is "now just hold still...."

"You may feel a little prick."

"Oh, I thought he was in Montenegro?"

We have a Winner!!!

That was dam_n Funny!


Yes, it is probably a dramatic face saving device. Certainly better than them hanging around and making real trouble. However, it does give the appearance of some kind of weird blood cult. Also, shouldn't Thaksin be made to PAY for the cleanup?

Bottom line to red shirt supporters if you didn't already get the news flash -- you LOST. Now what?


I was watching this proposal on live TV this afternoon and it was so lame they had to repeat it three or four times for it to have much impact.

Maybe that's why most comedians and public speakers DON"T YELL AT PEOPLE ALL THE TIME.

But of course, it worked for Hitler.


seems "The Mail" is also pro red, stopping short of the j u n t a word.

I guess a police state also should rank up there with the J word. which is better? - I guess which ever "serves" more of the people, and is more responsive.

Its a shame the yellows brought the 'M' card into all this with the colour thing, thats rather like Bush saying "You are either with us or against us!". Naughty boys all round.




I wonder how many demonstrators will be left for the bloodletting ceremony, unless they also pay by the pint. My guess would be people start packing and disappearing / backing away carefully, while not making eye contact long before the needles appear.

Anyways good riddance and let's get back to normalcy.


Wow. If he can't get the money that he illegally bled out of the country, he will literally bleed the poor during his little tantrum. I feel so sorry for these people who are willing to bleed for Thaksin while he eats cake in Montenegro.

The saddest part is that antics like this, (since they can't get their blood through violence with others, they'll abuse themselves), discredit the more rational part of the red's platform. It is harder to take them seriously on issues of poverty and equality when they are willing to take part in some weird blood cult practice. Yet again I wish there was a head-shaking smiley... :)


1 Million cc is 1000 Litres or approximately 264 US Gallons / 219 Imperial (UK) Gallons.

If you drink this blood.......u gonne have a hel_l of a hangover ! :)

The Red Cross has also questioned how the red-shirt protesters will dispose of the used needles used to draw blood. Simplying throwing them into rubbish bins will endanger Bangkok Metropolitan Administration garbage collectors.

I doubt they planned to use needles. Just a sharp knife, a big cut in an artery, then hope they can stop the bleeding before too much blood comes out. Simple country bumpkins.....let'em have their blood letting fun and see how many pass out or away before they give up their latest folly.

Yes, it is probably a dramatic face saving device. Certainly better than them hanging around and making real trouble. However, it does give the appearance of some kind of weird blood cult. Also, shouldn't Thaksin be made to PAY for the cleanup?

Bottom line to red shirt supporters if you didn't already get the news flash -- you LOST. Now what?

The best the Reds can do is go home, they don't have the support that the PAD had to get away with months and months of occupation of government house and eventually the airport.

They do however have the support that really matters next year, and that is their vast numbers in terms of voting power. I for one hope they use it wisely and make their votes really count next time around.

I can picture the thought process of going along the lines of being shamed at not gathering one million people, so I know, we'll cover their house in a million cc's of blood.

Its a sad desperate act. Its good that they seemingly don't want to cause violence (albeit questions over the grenade attack still need to be answered) but without the numbers and the violence they can not get what they want. If there is only one item on their agenda then they can not negotiate either.

If they were smart they would use this protest as a launch pad to air their various grievances, eg. secure more assistance for the rural population, get some guarantees about education and healthcare standards, assistance with debt etc. But No, because their dear leader wants one thing and one thing only, power!

They are not smart! If they were, they would have dumped Thaksin (and his puppets) long ago. I agree the rational thing would be to promote specific poverty and education justice issues for ALL of Thailand. Those would find wide support and they could really make progress. However, this is not a rational force, it is as you say, a desperate power grab by Thaksin, and of course, failing (that's the good news).

The red mob have created a soft REGIONAL civil war mentality in Thailand. The perception outside the north and Isaan is that if the red mob wins, the rest of Thailand will be punished. True or not, that is the perception. Don't ever expect the rest of Thailand to accept that.

Considering much of the rest of Thailand SPECIFICALLY remembers

Thaksins promise to punish financially all districts that didn't vote TRT in 2005,

and that he the FOLLOWED THROUGH and cut budgets big time....

Imagine how people in Surat Thani think about Thaksin taking control again, after Suthep was Dep. PM.

They would rightly expect a new dark ages.


Night of The Leach Master!

Just sit still and it will be all over soon.

What we need is a cartoon of Jatuporn as a Giant Mosquito

and Veera aiming his proboscis at some doubtful protester...

I can see it clearly, but not do the artwork.

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