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Thai Protesters Target Bangkok's Tourist Centre


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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Another Weng

I am going to do my photo now. Then you will know RedJay IS IN BANGKOK and can comment on the situation as RedJay is here, really in Bangkok.

Unlike many posters on here I think, who are just Yellow/Pink affiliated trouble makers probably down in Hat Yai and Surat Thani, the beloved homeland of the Democrats.

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Animatic, are you saying you're actually a progressive? How the hel_l can't you be supporting the Reds then?

The truly progressive stopped apologising for the PAD after the coup, and many of them are marching out the front of Central World as I type.

Realise this movement goes beyond Thaksin, and that many of its number are just as abhorrent of what he did as you are. But they were able to put aside this hatred for the purposes of seeing the Six Principles of the UDD fulfilled:

The Six Principles of the (UDD) The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship

1) Achieving the goal of establishing a genuine democracy that has the King as our Head of State, with political power belonging exclusively to the people. We reject any attempt, past or future, at using the monarchy to silence dissent or advance a particular agenda.

2) Dissolving the 2007 Constitution and restoring the 1997 Constitution, which may then be amended through a transparent, consultative and democratic process.

3) Bringing Thais together in an effort to solve our political and socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the power of the people.

4) Implementing the rule of law, due process and a system of equal justice for all, free of any obstructions or double-standards.

5) Uniting all Thais who love democracy, equality, and equal justice within all facets of society, in an effort to deconstruct and move beyond the Amartyatippatai (Aristocracy) system.

6) Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve these objectives.

It saddens me to see progressives divided in this way, and even sadder that the flavour of rhetoric such as yours had you pegged in my mind as a conservative. You are on the wrong side of history, mate.

JD seems to have done a good job on points 2-6, and I must say that the manifesto doesn't sound like what is being fed to the rabble.

I will address the sensitive point 1. Before Thaksin's removal he was actively trying to gain control of the other independent powers in a democracy, the courts and police/military. This is the normal path to establishing a dictatorship, but that would be impossible with the hugely popular king as head of state. Inevitably there will be a change of monarch. Do I need to spell it out for you?

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Animatic, are you saying you're actually a progressive? How the hel_l can't you be supporting the Reds then?

The truly progressive stopped apologising for the PAD after the coup, and many of them are marching out the front of Central World as I type.

Realise this movement goes beyond Thaksin, and that many of its number are just as abhorrent of what he did as you are. But they were able to put aside this hatred for the purposes of seeing the Six Principles of the UDD fulfilled:

The Six Principles of the (UDD) The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship

1) Achieving the goal of establishing a genuine democracy that has the King as our Head of State, with political power belonging exclusively to the people. We reject any attempt, past or future, at using the monarchy to silence dissent or advance a particular agenda.

2) Dissolving the 2007 Constitution and restoring the 1997 Constitution, which may then be amended through a transparent, consultative and democratic process.

3) Bringing Thais together in an effort to solve our political and socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the power of the people.

4) Implementing the rule of law, due process and a system of equal justice for all, free of any obstructions or double-standards.

5) Uniting all Thais who love democracy, equality, and equal justice within all facets of society, in an effort to deconstruct and move beyond the Amartyatippatai (Aristocracy) system.

6) Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve these objectives.

It saddens me to see progressives divided in this way, and even sadder that the flavour of rhetoric such as yours had you pegged in my mind as a conservative. You are on the wrong side of history, mate.

Good post- such ideology as has been expressed by the reds lately is, to my mind, quite astute- it regards the nation as being controlled by an untouchable cabal of beaurocrats, military and judiciary, all at the service of a historic land owning aristocracy with varying proximity to the center of power- not unlike feudal societies of the past. This view would hold that no democracy of any stripe is possible unless power is devolved to the citizenry. THe real questions that should be asked now would refer to the accuracy of this analysis. If anyone could recommend a good academic analysis of this system, I for one, would be grateful.

Look guys if the above information was true and the reds were really intending to instute their six principles without regard to who is elected as PM I might support them. But anyone with half a brain that has lived here for the past ten years knows this is only about bring Mr. T back, setting aside his conviction and returning his money. End of story.

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Just read all of your posts so far. I have one question - still drinking from last night? Try making sense.

Whats the matter ? Not in Bangkok ? All those not in Bangkok of course cannot verify they are here..........



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Yes, I can't believe they allowed them to compromise! They should have just send in the skull-crushers to wipe them all out instead!

No opposition= no problem! That's what "New" Democracy is all about.

If Sondhi and Prem were members of Thai Visa (which wouldn't suprise me), they'd be PMing you their congratulations for reaching enlightenment right now.

John, we may disagree but it is nice to know you don't feel a need to create new user accounts to express for views and get positive feedback on your posts.

And I do believe there can be no compromise when you are dealing with folks who refuse to obey the law and the rights of others regardless of numerous warning and chances to stop their actions that are purposely in clear violation of the law and clearly infringe on the rights of others. The Government has assigned areas for gatherings like this as to not interfere with the lives of others just as other countries have laws related to assemble. These folks need to be cleared out of the area as they would in any other democratic nation if they were disrupting the lives of others in violation of the law.

And yes, they should have cleared out the Yellows at the airport too.

As long as the government shows this kind of weakness in Thailand then you can expect to continue to see continued coups. The election box is the place to get results and there are laws to dictate when elections are held but the PM has still agreed to hold them a year early given events. This is something you certainly would not see by a leader of another democratic society. And you don't have to go back far in US history to see where a president was in all reality put into office by a decision of a court against the will of the majority of voters and likely against the majority of electoral votes.

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Another Weng

I am going to do my photo now. Then you will know RedJay IS IN BANGKOK and can comment on the situation as RedJay is here, really in Bangkok.

Unlike many posters on here I think, who are just Yellow/Pink affiliated trouble makers probably down in Hat Yai and Surat Thani, the beloved homeland of the Democrats.

I am sorry to burst your bubble but no one cares where you are my friend.

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Just read all of your posts so far. I have one question - still drinking from last night? Try making sense.

Whats the matter ? Not in Bangkok ? All those not in Bangkok of course cannot verify they are here..........



LMAO --- you need to change your rhetoric if you are going to keep creating new user names to post under.

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Before Thaksin's removal he was actively trying to gain control of the other independent powers in a democracy, the courts and police/military.

Does your reading of Thai history suggest that the courts, police/military are in fact or have ever been independent? That they are not expected to fullfil their historic obligations to those who gant them such authority (and priviledge) that they enjoy?

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I am sorry to burst your bubble but no one cares where you are my friend.

Yes, its funny how so many who ARE NOT IN BANGKOK have views on whats happening, IN BANGKOK



Edited by Jai Dee
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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Yes, lets all show our faces and give addresses, and telephone numbers too,

then the really opposition figures can be hunted down and silenced.

I have little doubts that if Thaksin took power again, that revenge,

and silencing of critics would be high on his agenda early in the game.

He has used BOTH these tactics, while in more balanced mind, earlier in his career.

In his present state it would bode poorly for any who spoke against him,

and is a major reason I fight against his return to power... it would be... ... unpeaceful

to put it mildly.

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Ye Gods. I've read some stupid scribblings on here but that beats them all. And you are where Mr. Redjay? Upper Volta, Mauretania or Montenegro? Should be safe from the men in white coats in those places.

If you feel the urge to post such drivel I suggest that you remember that silence is golden - and you might improve your financial position.

P.S. Finished your breakfast yet?

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Ye Gods. I've read some stupid scribblings on here but that beats them all. And you are where Mr. Redjay? Upper Volta, Mauretania or Montenegro? Should be safe from the men in white coats in those places.

If you feel the urge to post such drivel I suggest that you remember that silence is golden - and you might improve your financial position.

P.S. Finished your breakfast yet?

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Yes, lets all show our faces and give addresses, and telephone numbers too,

then the really opposition figures can be hunted down and silenced.

I have little doubts that if Thaksin took power again, that revenge,

and silencing of critics would be high on his agenda early in the game.

He has used BOTH these tactics, while in more balanced mind, earlier in his career.

In his present state it would bode poorly for any who spoke against him,

and is a major reason I fight against his return to power... it would be... ... unpeaceful

to put it mildly.

Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


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The Six Principles of the (UDD) The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship

1) Achieving the goal of establishing a genuine democracy that has the King as our Head of State, with political power belonging exclusively to the people. We reject any attempt, past or future, at using the monarchy to silence dissent or advance a particular agenda.

2) Dissolving the 2007 Constitution and restoring the 1997 Constitution, which may then be amended through a transparent, consultative and democratic process.

3) Bringing Thais together in an effort to solve our political and socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the power of the people.

4) Implementing the rule of law, due process and a system of equal justice for all, free of any obstructions or double-standards.

5) Uniting all Thais who love democracy, equality, and equal justice within all facets of society, in an effort to deconstruct and move beyond the Amartyatippatai (Aristocracy) system.

6) Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve these objectives.

A laudable set of points, and ones that I would fully support if that was what this is about. As much as the article by Tulsathit Taptim may be opinion, the fact is there that if this was truly about moving the country forward, the red leaders would have accepted the 9 month compromise. Instead they stuck to an impossible timeframe, which would only make things worse in the back and forth that has been seen since the coup.

I think that an adjusted point #2, and #4 should be the red's focus at this time. Constitutional and judicial reform should be done now, in a transparent way, before the next elections are called. If the goal is truly fairness, justice, and equality, then these reforms would help the whole of Thailand, rather than just on side of the rift.

Sadly, the man who is pulling the strings won't allow that, as it doesn't fit his plans to regain lost capital, and control the military, to cement him, (or one of his cronies), in a permanent place of power in Thailand.

If you can't see the strings, (on both sides), then you are blind. The only way past this is a clear set of internationally accepted rules that BOTH sides have to comply with. Sadly, I don't think either side can make it happen. (Although Abhisit seems to be more sincerely interested in it than Thaksin or most of the red leadership)


Can we get back to the discussion and ignore these, (or this, I really doubt that these accounts are more than one person), posts from some suspect dormant and new accounts? Spreading yellow propaganda indeed... LOL, I know we aren't supposed to speculate about posters being payed to disseminate propaganda, but methinks they doth protest too much! Those of us who have been on here for a while, and are regular posters, know who, (and usually where), the other regular posters are. It's these new ones that are suspect, and frankly, they are merely disruptive and boring.

Edited by Meridian007
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Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


Are you the same person as 'the annoying orange' on youtube?

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Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


What arrogance, what makes you think that anybody has to obey your commands?

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

Yes, lets all show our faces and give addresses, and telephone numbers too,

then the really opposition figures can be hunted down and silenced.

I have little doubts that if Thaksin took power again, that revenge,

and silencing of critics would be high on his agenda early in the game.

He has used BOTH these tactics, while in more balanced mind, earlier in his career.

In his present state it would bode poorly for any who spoke against him,

and is a major reason I fight against his return to power... it would be... ... unpeaceful

to put it mildly.

Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


We are waiting for your picture ... the rest of us it is very easy to verify were we live by looking at past posts that go back months if not years. On the other hand, you and JonUSA, JW2010 and Curfew have all only popped up today on this forum.

So, we will await your picture or name change patiently.

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I think in order to clear up who has the right to update on the situation in Bangkok, and who are just noise and posting from afar and causing trouble lets have a photo verfication session.

Get hold of the Bangkok Post and the Nation, today's prints.

Walk to a well known Bangkok landmark, Emporium, MBK, Sky Train etc.. and take a photo of both of the papers together with the landmark in the background.

Then put your user name as a watermark on the picture, and then post it on here.

Then readers will know WHO IS IN BANGKOK, and who are pretending to be in Bangkok.

Good idea ? I think so.

What for? Patent nonsense. I'm in Bangkok but I'm certainly not going to do as you suggest. And for others who are not in Bangkok, are they not allowed to have opinions? I really don't follow the argument here.

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The Six Principles of the (UDD) The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship

1) Achieving the goal of establishing a genuine democracy that has the King as our Head of State, with political power belonging exclusively to the people. We reject any attempt, past or future, at using the monarchy to silence dissent or advance a particular agenda.

2) Dissolving the 2007 Constitution and restoring the 1997 Constitution, which may then be amended through a transparent, consultative and democratic process.

3) Bringing Thais together in an effort to solve our political and socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the power of the people.

4) Implementing the rule of law, due process and a system of equal justice for all, free of any obstructions or double-standards.

5) Uniting all Thais who love democracy, equality, and equal justice within all facets of society, in an effort to deconstruct and move beyond the Amartyatippatai (Aristocracy) system.

6) Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve these objectives.

A laudable set of points, and ones that I would fully support if that was what this is about. As much as the article by Tulsathit Taptim may be opinion, the fact is there that if this was truly about moving the country forward, the red leaders would have accepted the 9 month compromise. Instead they stuck to an impossible timeframe, which would only make things worse in the back and forth that has been seen since the coup.

I think that an adjusted point #2, and #4 should be the red's focus at this time. Constitutional and judicial reform should be done now, in a transparent way, before the next elections are called. If the goal is truly fairness, justice, and equality, then these reforms would help the whole of Thailand, rather than just on side of the rift.

Sadly, the man who is pulling the strings won't allow that, as it doesn't fit his plans to regain lost capital, and control the military, to cement him, (or one of his cronies), in a permanent place of power in Thailand.

If you can't see the strings, (on both sides), then you are blind. The only way past this is a clear set of internationally accepted rules that BOTH sides have to comply with. Sadly, I don't think either side can make it happen. (Although Abhisit seems to be more sincerely interested in it than Thaksin or most of the red leadership)

Thaksin is or has made himself the big stumbling block for everything. Any pro-democracy activist or leftie woill denounce him for his horrible human rights record alone. I ghive kudos to Weng for having done that in the past and call on him to repeat that on the main stage. I wouldnt expect a poltical operative like Jatuporn who owes everything about his position to Thaksin to do so, but Weng yes. The reds cfould move on with virtually no opposition if they delinked from one person. While the link remains the division will remian. Sadly

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Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


What arrogance, what makes you think that anybody has to obey your commands?

What more do you expect? This is typical of the Red mentality ... ask others to do what you are not willing to do yourself.

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Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


since you and JW2010 (another brand new poster) are the only ones asking for this then I suggest you take your own advice and post the requested picture of yourself before you say anything else here.

See ya round with the next user name change.

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Nobody is asking for names or face pics or anything more.

Just a photo of todays papers held in your hand, in front of a BANGKOK landmark.

Prove you are in Bangkok, if you want to talk about the situation in Bangkok with any authority.

Do not prove you are in Bangkok and then everyone knows you probably are not and therefore might be a paid for Yellow poster.

An unnamed source did say that the Yellows were paying people to write on English langauge forums and newspaper columns to push the propaganda.


since you and JW2010 (another brand new poster) are the only ones asking for this then I suggest you take your own advice and post the requested picture of yourself before you say anything else here.

See ya round with the next user name change.

what a tool! you're a funny one dude, quit it already! :cheesy:

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I am inBangkok and the fact is the Government and law enforcement have been overly cautious. Its utterly amazing that these Red shirts, who have no case for demanding an election are allowed to cause such chaos. The majority of citizens and government must stand firm with support of Police and army because if this type of anarchy is allowed to be successful I for one would say goodbye because any future here would be bleak not just for falang but Thais as well.

Edited by KKvampire
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Here is my "verification" of being in BKK.

Todays papers (both) in hand from the top of a skytrain station steps, easy landmark to recognise in Bangkok.


So now you know I am in Bangkok.

How many others CAN verify their location as "in Bangkok". If they cannot then readers might be well advised to question their views when they are not even in the place where its all going on.

Now, verify yourselves as in Bangkok ???????

I bet nobody else can.

:) :D :D :D

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What do RedJay, JonUSA, JW2010 and Curfew all have in common beyond all being users that became active today?

I pegged you for a paranoiac for sure....haha

I see it as observational since you are all spouting the same thing and coincidentally just became active users today. You may not be part of this and feel for you if that is the case but clearly if you go look at JW2010 and RedJay's posts, they are not only sharing the exact same political views but also obsessed on getting people to post pictures to show they are in BKK.

This kind of thing doesn't do anybody any good and results in other new users not having any credibility here.

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I am inBangkok and the fact is the Government and law enforcement have been overly cautious. Its utterly amazing that these Red shirts, who have no case for demanding an election are allowed to cause such chaos. The majority of citizens and government must stand firm with support of Police and army because if these type of anarchy is allowed to be successful I for one would say goodbye because any future here would be bleak not just for falang but Thais as well.

Precedent already has been set - just ask the Yellows. :)

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