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Redshirt Protesters Force Immigration Bureau HQ To Close

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These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

I Agree International Warrent catch him and put Him in Bangkok Hilton Idiot Thaksin

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These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Well said. If the government does not stop this madness now they will loose all credibility and rightly so. I have supported them so far but if they let this continue they do not deserve to rule. IMO.

Maybe that's what they want. If the military go in there will be bloodshed and they can then say "Look the government is backed by the military like we've been saying".

Of course the government could be waiting for songkran and hoping they will go home.

What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

I just have to applaud you a second time....not often do I see or read someone who can see through the lazy,apathetic, foreign type whining and complaining, here. As long as they can sleep, eat, drink and have sex when they fancy..life is great. Interrupt that...ohhh boy!! That is the only time these particular fat-cats open their big mouths! Go to Burma..better yet go back to your OPPRESSIVE REGIMES!

I guess you have forgotten that it is those" lazy,apathetic, foreign type whining and complaining, here. As long as they can sleep, eat, drink and have sex when they fancy..life is great." (as you had stated) have built and invested and developed Thailand into what it is now!

You seem to like the conflict,so why not pack up and move to Iraq or Afgan.

What is wrong with enjoying life? what is wrong with wanting to eat, sleep, have sex and enjoy it?

Would you prefer red revolution? like in Russia 100 years ago? Would you prefer for a communist to be the PM? (Weng is from communist party)

The poor will still stay poor irrespective who is in the government. The only thing that will change is the old corrupt person will return and continue to rape the country for his own benefit.And to make sure he can keep doing it, he just throws left overs from his meal for the poor making it look and sound like he cares.


A road-side "Sign Of The Times" in Chonburi city:


reads to the effect,

"Peace and harmony is the result for Thailand if Thaksin dies."


Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

hmmmm if I remember correct it was the yellow shirts and Abhisits ppl which made all Airports in Thailand shut down.....let me know when I am wrong, but whats the difference in red and yellow shirt rallies yet?

Abhisit came to power after weeks of rallies in Bkk, if this is Thaistyle so be it but same rights for everybody then.

Guess we will see much more red shirts when Songkran starts

I'd go look back over some older news threads if i were you, Abhisit was very outspoken and against the Airport closure... its very well documented.

But just so you can understand it, i will spell it out for you "The Democrat Party is not the same thing as PAD" - infact PAD have since set up their own political party - New Politics Party or something like that (i'm not 100% on the name, im sure someone will correct me if i am wrong) - Not that i think PAD will get much support as a Political party.

I'm sure he was completely against the airport closure. That's why he made Kasit, one of the PAD leaders, his Foreign Minister. And Abhisit's father serves on the board of 2 companies that financed the PAD airport seizure.

THANKS @ Rainman.....but that was not in FOX news I guess :)

Why are some here scared that the PAD will inflict the relationships to foreigners (or farangs)? Its business as usual.

Somebody wrote he looses money since the red protesters are on the streets....let me tell you, there were a lot of people loosing money too when the airports closed and the tourists stayed away from Thailand for a while.....and yes I do also pay Taxes here.

I am not pro Taksin but like I always say, at least he did something for the poor....and btw. EVERY POLITICIAN is filling its pockets here!

Maybe someone will let me know what Abhisit has achived so far since he came to power?

Free hospital for all Thais

better education for all Thais free

So I have read 1000 times on this site

Great... :)

I was just in the area. loads of Red Shirts racing around on motorcycles and waving big red flags. No way to see if the building was protected, closed. Across the street are the red berets though and I am not sure the reds will blend well.


Was that blend in..or bleed in well..

Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Funny my wife said more or less the same thing last night, enough with the proxy governments and so forth just let the Generals rule openly oddly enough she said that right after she expressed happiness we are moving to the West soon she has had all she can take of her own country.. can't say I blame her watching the actions and inactions of late

It seems saddly this idea is spreading. listening to my Thai wife talking to her 2 friends on Saturday night she surprised me with

"Hope the army take over soon so we can live peaceably again"

Yes..live nice and peaceful in an oppressive, unelected/unofficial gov't in power...mmmm yes peaceful..mmmm

According to the Thai wife

when the army was in power you are right

It was peaceful

no one was oppressive to her, her family or friends

and every day she was allowed to go to work, make money, and go shopping

what else does she really want. you must be aggreeing with her

hmmmm if I remember correct it was the yellow shirts and Abhisits ppl which made all Airports in Thailand shut down.....let me know when I am wrong, but whats the difference in red and yellow shirt rallies yet?

Abhisit came to power after weeks of rallies in Bkk, if this is Thaistyle so be it but same rights for everybody then.

Guess we will see much more red shirts when Songkran starts

Actually there were no rallies for WEEKS before Abhisit came to power.

PAD had gone home weeks before.

There is an arguement for double standards, but then again look at it this way.

If we can say PAD should not have been allowed to do this,

then we can also say Reds can not be allowed to do this either;

Just because Somchai couldn't stop it,

doesn't mean things should NOT be reset to:

NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS... just like it was before PAD

And no one will be allowed to do this AFTER you either.

Back to the correct way, end of story.

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

It looks as if you like the way democracy works, as long as it doesn't affect your circles. But would you like Thailand to be like Burma. Or are you just another angry american..?

Can't be an angry American he can't spell Idiot. From a Happy American that lives in Thailand

A road-side "Sign Of The Times" in Chonburi city:


reads to the effect,

"Peace and harmony is the result for Thailand if Thaksin dies."

and i totally agree with that .... when there is a cancer you have to erradicate the cancerous cell

What a very good post.I like it, make sense; I agree 100%
What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

Excellent..it's good to see someone using their brain and simple common sense! Hats off to you sir/madam!

While this is military backed or liked government, this is not a military government!

there is a huge difference between the 2.

Are there any generals in the current gov who are ministers?

Is current PM a an officer in the army? or an ex officer?

Its all well and good to sit there and point fingers with vivid imagination, but facts are facts

Correct and regardless of when elections are held and whoever wins, the military still could exercise their great power and remove the government. They have shown less inclination to remove governments that work on the public's behalf than those that work on behalf of office holders. That's a win/win situation. The longer that win/win situation continues the weaker the military gets, which is win/win/win.

Yes! But then, that would be double standard wouldn't it?
LOL... This has everything to do with the yellows and what they did at the airport. Watch uddthailand.com. The fact that the yellows seized the airport plays perfectly into the propaganda of a double standard for the elite and the commoners. The yellows were allowed to seize the airport, but they want to arrest us for sitting in an intersection...

As far as the yellows being brought to justice, they made one of the main instigators the Foreign Minister! Do you really think he is gong to jail??? Don't take it from me. New York Times today:

None of the yellow shirts have been convicted for shutting down the airport, including Kasit Piromya, the current foreign minister who took part and reportedly said the protest was “a lot of fun.”


This is all one big joke. They should have brought in the tear gas and fire hoses at the airport from hour one and they should have done the same thing here with the reds. The fact that they failed to act on the yellows will simply fuel the resentment among UDD supporters if they act on the reds... What a mess.

The reds have resentment to spare now.

Adding more won't change things.

Reset the rules to the original Pre-Airport way, that it is supposed to be.

And stick with that way for good.

That's not a good sign, closing down Immigration would have affected a lot of falangs trying to get an extension before tomorrows holiday. I'm not sure the Red Shirts would deliberately be targeting foreigners by this action, but a major inconvenience nonetheless.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Most of us Expats probably feel for the struggle of the poor, but I think they see us as just another part of the rich, who oppress them, use them and make them feel like servants.

After all, who wants to be a slave in his own country, working for the farang, watching his daughters being used by them, watching drunk loud mouthed farangs making fools of themselves....hearing foreigners talking down to them or talking bad about them... So far, we are lucky, we are in Thailand.

Do you really think, they care, if foreigners get their visa stamp or not? :) We are just lucky, that we don't have some maniac, like Hitler, pointing fingers at us (even though Thaksin has come very close to that in the past). Can you imagine what could happen, when someone like decides to use us as scapegoats?

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

"Radical terrorists" is a little strong don't you think? Do you have any evidence of this?

When did Mr. Shinawatra commit a terrorist act? I must have missed that one. Maybe I was in the shower at the time. I'm surprised it didn't come up on Thaivisa.

It seems to me that the fairest way to resolve this dispute would to be to hold an election and let the people decide.

By the way, your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Do you have any self respect?

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

Thank you Jingthing. See, he knows how to spell too.

You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

How do the poor anti-Red Shirts and the elite Red Shirts fit into your incomplete picture?


There are a lot of other government agencies in that building too. Were all of them shut down to allow these morons to express their love of the criminal genius waging war on Thailand from overseas? Get a grip Suthep.

Do you really think, they care, if foreigners get their visa stamp or not? :) We are just lucky, that we don't have some maniac, like Hitler, pointing fingers at us (even though Thaksin has come very close to that in the past). Can you imagine what could happen, when someone like decides to use us as scapegoats?

Pre-WW2 Berlin was very popular with expats. I would like to know the history about how many of those expats supported the "democratically elected" Hitler and his brown shirts before it all went south. I bet you they existed. Today, westerners should know better. Tsk, tsk. :D

I certainly hope this doesn't reflect some kind of anti-foreigner sentiment.

Would sure be ironic if it did! :)

I think it highly unlikely that more than 5% of the country bumkin redshirts even know that foreigners have to renew their re-entry permits or visas or whatever let alone consider that by their actions they might be inconveniencing a few farangs.

this looks like a typical example of painting local people (shirt colour doesnt matter) as stupid/dumm.

While not the most flowery of words were chosen by WormFarmer, his premise, nevertheless, remains very true.

There is a difference between "stupid/dumm"[sic] and uneducated/unknowing.

Anyway, this is all just due to the first post quoted which was nonsense.

You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

Well it probably doesn't much impact on the tourist industry. Can you tell us what percentage of Thailand's annual tourist arrivals ever have to visit the Immigration Bureau to support your theory? Most of the foreigners who ever go there are people living here. I am hard pressed to find the part of the national anthem that says Thailand is only for the Thai people. Can you please point it out for us. To make it easy for you here are the lyrics:


เป็นประชารัฐ ไผทของไทยทุกส่วน


ด้วยไทยล้วนหมาย รักสามัคคี

ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด



เถลิงประเทศชาติไทยทวี มีชัย ชโย

The conclusion of your class analysis that the royalists and elite don't care about the tourism industry is based on what? Please expand. Also please define the royalists and elite and explain why Thaksin is a phrai, rather than included in this group. It sounds as if you got your ideas about Thai social structure from the stage at Rajprasong.

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

By your comments you're just as happy with Mr T being in charge, don't you think with closing the mall and immigration down that is just as bad.


The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .


Why are there allway's some guy's here who attack anyone giving an opinion about Thailand that is negative ? This is supposed to be a "free" country and as long one stay's within the law, one can voice ones opinion. I hate these idiots with their quotes "...if you don't like it you should leave ..." - I have been living here for over 25 years, have a family with a Thai wife and have just as much right to be here and voice my f.... opinion as any of the hundreds of thousands of Thais who live in the UK and the rest of Europe.

It usually turns out those people are the new ones who still think this country is gods gift to mankind.

Thailand has been under military rule one way or another for a very long time and besides the odd coup every 4-6 years or so, things were peaceful. Mr. T has always used the uneducated masses for his purpose because they simply do not understand what is going on. Right now they are being paid, get food and have sanook.

How long the current government will manage to hold bac is anyones guess but it is obvious that the reds are increasing their actions prior to sonkram,

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

It looks as if you like the way democracy works, as long as it doesn't affect your circles. But would you like Thailand to be like Burma. Or are you just another angry american..?

"Angry American"? Do I detect a little racism here perhaps? Why not angry German, Aussi, Brit, Itilian, Greek, ect? Shame on you my friend.

Uh... 'American' is not a race it is a nationality,

so the word would be jingosim.

I stand corrected.

You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

Well it probably doesn't much impact on the tourist industry. Can you tell us what percentage of Thailand's annual tourist arrivals ever have to visit the Immigration Bureau to support your theory? Most of the foreigners who ever go there are people living here. I am hard pressed to find the part of the national anthem that says Thailand is only for the Thai people. Can you please point it out for us. To make it easy for you here are the lyrics:


เป็นประชารัฐ ไผทของไทยทุกส่วน


ด้วยไทยล้วนหมาย รักสามัคคี

ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด



เถลิงประเทศชาติไทยทวี มีชัย ชโย

The conclusion of your class analysis that the royalists and elite don't care about the tourism industry is based on what? Please expand. Also please define the royalists and elite and explain why Thaksin is a phrai, rather than included in this group. It sounds as if you got your ideas about Thai social structure from the stage at Rajprasong.

Considering a royalist is usually seen as someone who supports a monarchy. I think you are going to find a huge percentage of royalists in Thailand. In fact I think Anand recently made an estimation. Royalists are not necessarily rich. They can as in Thailand be very poor. All these descriptoirs and lables are just for propaganda purposes and insults.

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

Wise man!

Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

Do the yellow shirt criminals deserve to be in jail for laying siege to the airport?

1) Typical red diversionary tactic --- this is not about the PAD

2) When the arrest warrants went out for the PAD leadership they reported the next day to the police.

3) The court case against the PAD leadership is ongoing (unlike the Red fearless leader they are actually participating in the legal process, not hiding from it)

4) Arisman himself stated he would turn himself in on Apr1 when his last warrant was issued. That time has flown and he still is on the street.

So --- to sum up --- please feel free to address the issues of THIS thread!

Look, jdinasia the twister, is back!

Surely the PAD have reported to the police the next day, but they have been free ever since and their court cases basically "frozen", just like the "donation" case against the Democrat party. It's not going anywhere. People want justice. And if people don't get justice, these things happen. How about we get rid of the double standards? I'm sure that will improve things a lot.

What about other "still pending" cases that pre-date the PAD actions and deflate your "double standards" (a term designed for Thaksin, btw)?

Cases like these same red leaders currently running amok who led attacks on people and police (injuring 200) in front of Prem's house loooong ago.

What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

Please explain what a "real election" is...

Democracy is a nice thing, theoretically, and it works reasonably well in some countries where there's a preparedness for it as groundwork. But check out "democracy" in lots of Asian countries -- it's mostly a label that's patched onto little more than regimes who buy power with either money and/or power groups (up to and including armed ones, see Philippines).

I was born around the wrong time to be military-friendly :) but more often than not, military-led governments manage to keep the lid on things... Admittedly, the last time the military "ruled" Thailand, a number of grave mistakes were made by placing some generals in positions they didn't have an inkling about. But that's still better than what could be expected if "free vote" would lead to a red-shirt government, to judge from the gorilla attitude displayed in BKK's streets presently...

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