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Has The Time Come For Abhisit To Crack Down On The Lawless Red Protesters?


Time to crack down? If not now, when?  

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Come on, guy's,

Jingthing is desperate to get his hands on some 2nd hand, big red CENTRAL bags, only available at the Chatuchak weekend market,

and he does not dare to leave his condo in Jomtian/Pattaya until the cotton pad throwing in Bangkok is over.

So do him the favour, vote for crack down NOW!


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Come on, guy's,

Jingthing is desperate to get his hands on some 2nd hand, big red CENTRAL bags, only available at the Chatuchak weekend market,

and he does not dare to leave his condo in Jomtian/Pattaya until the cotton pad throwing in Bangkok is over.

So do him the favour, vote for crack down NOW!


Hmmm. Seems like some people are very interested in my personal life. Shall I start a Twitter page so my fans can follow me about town? How much detail would you like? Bowel movements, for example?

Edited by Jingthing
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How much detail would you like? Bowel movements, for example?
Like the almost successful attempts on Abhisit's life during Black Songkran.....they are violent thugs attempting a violent revolution. They will stop at NOTHING.

Blood pressure would be fine. It must be off the charts mate! :)

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Come on, guy's,

Jingthing is desperate to get his hands on some 2nd hand, big red CENTRAL bags, only available at the Chatuchak weekend market,

and he does not dare to leave his condo in Jomtian/Pattaya until the cotton pad throwing in Bangkok is over.

So do him the favour, vote for crack down NOW!


Hmmm. Seems like some people are very interested in my personal life. Shall I start a Twitter page so my fans can follow me about town? How much detail would you like? Bowel movements, for example?


To state the obvious, you posted that information on this forum yourself JT. People do tend to read the things that are posted on internet forums.

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With answer to the Ops question,the fact is that these protests are unusual in the sense that Prime Minister is not dealing with people here ,that as far as i can see have validity to their argument ,or a clearly defined goal.

He has to play the waiting game, he has at this moment in time no other choice.

One of the options that he may have entertained is to intervene ,for example if there are confrontations between the reds and people living in bangkok,and that will be unfortunately only a matter of time.

This could give him an out to use force of some kind,and be able to justify the actions both nationally and internationally.

And as far as complaining about the injustice that Abhasit was not elected by the people,well the reds have said they want democracy and that is how it can and often does work in the real world.

The U.K,which as far as i am aware in one of the longest parliamentarian systems in the world,have currently and have had for a number of years a prime minister that has not been elected by the people.

The reds and its supporters demand their votes are counted and honored,but does not the rest of Thailand deserve the respect to know, that the vote their fellow countrymen cast is not bought.

As far as i can see ,that was what the yellow suporters were demanding above all else.

The people of this country ,have a right to know that everybody's vote is used with integrity ,which would by effect mean that its not bought by the nearest henchman who promises them everything and delivers very little after his and his cronies get their cut.

Do the people of Bangkok not deserve,to be able to get on with their lives and support their families without it being stopped by people who are being paid or compensated for their time.Its insanity!

Why do not the reds compensate ,all the families that live in the areas that are effectively under siege at the moment.

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Goal of the reds - dissolve government have elections :)

Buying votes....most people I know take the money from all and vote for whoom they want :D

Abhisit to play waiting game - most likely I agree

Reds to compensate - :D

Gordon Brown - a fine example that all goverment ministers should enter into office by due public electoral process!! :D

edit: spelling

Edited by 473geo
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Hmmm. Seems like some people are very interested in my personal life. Shall I start a Twitter page so my fans can follow me about town? How much detail would you like? Bowel movements, for example?

Fans? Your Mum may like the idea though. :)

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

Take milk and sugar or would you and your mates prefer a beer?............. :)

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

Take milk and sugar or would you and your mates prefer a beer?............. :)

so no sensible reply then?

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

Take milk and sugar or would you and your mates prefer a beer?............. :)

so no sensible reply then?

Oh I'm serious..... can you make it a bit later in the year it is too dry to plant rice at the moment and I'm sure you and your friends being the charming people you are would wish to help out the local farmers too. Wouldn't be any breaking in though, you just walk into the field......sorry business.... :D

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The Thaksin reds (as recently proven once again) are not a force you can have good faith negotiations with. They are all or nothing. That is obvious. So this totally peaceful solution is IMPOSSIBLE.
It's pretty obvious you're trying to demonize a group that is conducting peaceful protests to justify a violent response from the government.

Occupying the airport was a far more ruinous action, but the yellow shirt demonstrators were handled by the government with kid gloves. Why the double standard?

Edited by misterjag
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(did you not read the post where I said I was neutral?)

Lets get this clear. Produce ONE POST from you where you are not trying to challenge anti-red posters and you are challenging pro Thaksin posters.

I cannot, as I have not made any posts challenging the cause of either the reds or the yellows.

What I have posted often are questions to people who post ignorant comments and rumour as fact; regardless of which side of this divide they are on.

You and whistleblower are two such.

Neither of you have answered any of these questions.


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The Thaksin reds (as recently proven once again) are not a force you can have good faith negotiations with. They are all or nothing. That is obvious. So this totally peaceful solution is IMPOSSIBLE.
It's pretty obvious you're trying to demonize a group that is conducting peaceful protests to justify a violent response from the government.

Occupying the airport was a far more ruinous action, but the yellow shirt demonstrators were handled by the government with kid gloves. Why the double standard?

They are no longer peaceful, legal protests. Of course I am 100 percent for such protests. This group is attempting to overthrow a legal government using illegal protests and violent tactics. Their goal apparently is to bring back Thaksin to power, possibly as a dictator with a new form of government. That is called an attempt at revolution, not protests. I realize this revolution attempt has supporters. However, name me a government in the world that would just sit back and allow such a thing without resisting.

Different government in power when the airport was taken over. Your question is thus silly and childish. We are talking about what is happening now with the current government and the red shirt Thaksinistas.

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What I have posted often are questions to people who post ignorant comments and rumour as fact; regardless of which side of this divide they are on.

I am not satisfied with your answer for obvious reasons. Have you never found a pro red post to be similarly ignorant by your standards ... If so, point out the post. I asked you to, and you could not. Otherwise, any reasonable person would conclude you are indeed biased in favor of sympathy for the red shirt Thaksin supporters. Nothing wrong with that per se. I suggest you own up to it to be taken more seriously.

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Getting violent with them would inflame things - leave them alone till the country is on its knees and we can buy property for next to nothing - LOL

To clarify, personally I do not favor a violent response. I favor a response to the illegal protests with normal non lethal riot control measures. I would also like to see mass arrests and mass fines of law breakers, so that the money incentive to be a paid protester is removed. However, given the violent language of the red shirt rhetoric, we can expect a violent response by the red shirts to normal riot control measures (hoses, etc.). Their leaders have said as much (that they would violently resist being broken up). In that case, again, if the revolutionaries are using lethal force, what are soldiers supposed to do, just accept that and take the Molotov cocktails without responding in kind? The reds are the aggressors here. They have pushed this. They can't hold a country hostage forever. Also based on the red shirt violence at Black Songkran, we know at least factions of the red shirts are quite capable and willing to commit lethal violence.

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What I have posted often are questions to people who post ignorant comments and rumour as fact; regardless of which side of this divide they are on.

I am not satisfied with your answer for obvious reasons. Have you never found a pro red post to be similarly ignorant by your standards ... If so, point out the post. I asked you to, and you could not. Otherwise, any reasonable person would conclude you are indeed biased in favor of sympathy for the red shirt Thaksin supporters. Nothing wrong with that per se. I suggest you own up to it to be taken more seriously.

I suggest you pause in your ranting and answer pertinent questions put to you if you want to be taken seriously.

I'll repeat them for you:-

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

Jingthing @ 2010-04-05 21:40:40

Comparisons have been made of this mindless mob of violent peasants to the Maoist cultural revolution. Read up on that. Do you want that for Thailand?

Comparisons made by whom? Do you have a link? In what way is this similar?

So, any chance of some answers?

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Here is a video of the lawless mob terrorizing Bangkok shoppers. :)


Yes, a Tiananmen-like crackdown is definitely called for. :D

What a disgraceful performance from the red shirts. Like their criminal master Thaksin they have no shame. They are all guilty of insurrection and treason. Long live freedom. Down with Thaksin.

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The red Shirts must retreat and go back to their farms and their sweaty little shacks in Issan. Let them eat sticky rice and Som Tum I say.

I don't want prejudiced nonsense like this, which serves to increase hatred rather promote peace.

I do want the authorities to enforce the law, how violent enforcing the law becomes depends on the protesters willingness to obey the law. The protests in Siam Square are illegal, economically damaging and have no other purpose than to incite confrontation.

The red leaders got their chance to negotiate with the prime minister on national tv. They won a concession, but didn't take it, so it seems all they want is to usurp power. There's no reason not to wait until the end of the year for elections, or if there is I have yet to see a convincing argument. Any reds out there care to give one?

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No answer from the red shirts, so I will tell you. Because Thaksin told them to say NO. He needs a victory much quicker at any price (he doesn't mind destroying his country, he is the OPPOSITE of a patriot). It is obvious.

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What a disgraceful performance from the red shirts. Like their criminal master Thaksin they have no shame. They are all guilty of insurrection and treason. Long live freedom. Down with Thaksin.

Wow. :D


Wow indeed. UDD/Thaksin wants violence. Abhisit and most of the Thai people want peace. It is gratifying to know that the vast majority of foreigners in Thailand oppose the violent red shirt criminals. These are trying times for Abhisit and Thailand. Wish him well for if he fails, the cost will be massive.

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I admire PM Abhisits patience with all of this, and I'm sure he must be under strong pressure from his own party and the coalition parties to crack down (whatever that means).

I believe he's doing well.

My suspicion is:

He wants to ensure, as far as is possible, that there is no violence by the authorities whatever:

- Unless the red shirts actually physically attack people, and even then my suspicion is that he wiil ensure there is only just enough action to separate the groups.

- Or if there is actual severe damage to public property then some low level action to relieve the situation.

The red's are active and all over the place, but are they actually making any progress whatever towards gaining a dissolution? IMHO the answer is NO.

Are they impressing anybody by demanding / forcing the elction commissioners to present themselves, etc? IMHO the answer is NO.

Are they annoying Bangkok people to the point where there could be some action by large members of the non-aligned public? Maybe YES.

Will the red's eventually decrease and fade away? My guess is YES. Their leaders and thaksin can't get the cooperation (or is that also meaning intimidation) of large numbers of Essan people forever.

On the other hand, is thaksin going to up the payout more to push a few people to go futher. Guess that's possible but we can only wait and see.

And did you note that the Twitter 'anti-dissolution' group membership is now just short of 200,000 sign ups?

On a different point, I wonder what thaksins ex-wife (not sure I believe the divorce is actually genuine) and his children really honestly think about his actions? Love to hear what they honestly privately think.

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Here is a video of the lawless mob terrorizing Bangkok shoppers. :)


Yes, a Tiananmen-like crackdown is definitely called for. :D

Well ive just watched that video and I have to reiterate what I said before...... What a bunch of brainless morons!!!!

they are not protesting for anything they are there for a free party!

If i was a yellow shirt leader/govt official i would mobilise my supporters and go up north, set up a stage on these peoples land, trample their crops and hinder their livelihoods, and proclaim to be doing it for democracy!!! (only if i got 500bht a day tho!)

They are making Thai people as a whole look like moronic fools!

And no i didnt marry a Thai chinese thai, but even my wife thinks these people are fools.

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Here is a video of the lawless mob terrorizing Bangkok shoppers. :)


Yes, a Tiananmen-like crackdown is definitely called for. :D

Well ive just watched that video and I have to reiterate what I said before...... What a bunch of brainless morons!!!!

they are not protesting for anything they are there for a free party!

If i was a yellow shirt leader/govt official i would mobilise my supporters and go up north, set up a stage on these peoples land, trample their crops and hinder their livelihoods, and proclaim to be doing it for democracy!!! (only if i got 500bht a day tho!)

They are making Thai people as a whole look like moronic fools!

And no i didnt marry a Thai chinese thai, but even my wife thinks these people are fools.

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I admire PM Abhisits patience with all of this, and I'm sure he must be under strong pressure from his own party and the coalition parties to crack down (whatever that means).

I believe he's doing well.

My suspicion is:

He wants to ensure, as far as is possible, that there is no violence by the authorities whatever:

- Unless the red shirts actually physically attack people, and even then my suspicion is that he wiil ensure there is only just enough action to separate the groups.

- Or if there is actual severe damage to public property then some low level action to relieve the situation.

The red's are active and all over the place, but are they actually making any progress whatever towards gaining a dissolution? IMHO the answer is NO.

Are they impressing anybody by demanding / forcing the elction commissioners to present themselves, etc? IMHO the answer is NO.

Are they annoying Bangkok people to the point where there could be some action by large members of the non-aligned public? Maybe YES.

Will the red's eventually decrease and fade away? My guess is YES. Their leaders and thaksin can't get the cooperation (or is that also meaning intimidation) of large numbers of Essan people forever.

On the other hand, is thaksin going to up the payout more to push a few people to go futher. Guess that's possible but we can only wait and see.

And did you note that the Twitter 'anti-dissolution' group membership is now just short of 200,000 sign ups?

On a different point, I wonder what thaksins ex-wife (not sure I believe the divorce is actually genuine) and his children really honestly think about his actions? Love to hear what they honestly privately think.

I also admire Abhisits patience. But he now has to be careful of losing support. All last night on TV they were telling us that the authorities have banned the reds from this place or that and then today the authorities let them march to silom. If he continues to let them roam around Bangkok as they please, he might lose support from his allies.

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Went through there area today. There's a load of middle-aged people there - something happening to them would not be a comfortable thing to have on anyone's concious.

Of course, there's the obligatory array of up-for-it looking young guys just waiting for it all to tick over.

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