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Bangkok Residents Become Hostages To Red-Shirt Anarchy


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The main thing is for new elections soonest, and the power back to the people to elect the government of their choice !!!

You don't understand democracy do you?

This is a government elected by the peoples choice. Which MP in the government is not elected?

Actually the Pm was not elected by direct democracy (the people). They elected MPs and the MPs elected the PM. That's the way a parliament works.

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Another "totally unbiased" story from The Nation.

QUOTE(from article):"Business operators in the affected areas have truly experienced the horror of mob rule."

A loaded statement if there ever was. I was in Big C - opposite Central World Plaza - on Saturday - and yes there were Red-Shirts inside. Some were taking advantage of the air-conditioning and sheltering from the blistering heat on the ground floor - many others were up on the fourth floor eating - others were browsing and shopping on other floors. Business as usual. Everything was civil and orderly.

Yes folks - this truly was the "horror of mob rule."

At the weekend virtually all the big stores in the area were closed. Why?

I get a feeling that the closure of these stores isn't just about security - although they do - of course - have every right to close to the public whenever they want for whatever reason - BUT it also has the effect of being a deliberate - politically motivated move aimed to discredit the Red-Shirt movement in general.

Designed to reinforce the idea to the general public that these ordinary - decent citizens - are an out of control bunch of criminals intent upon criminal activity - which just isn't the case.

I rest my case.

Couldn't agree more.

And the other thing is the information blackout now being applied. This morning on Channel 11 a commentator admitted, when asked about the number of Red Shirts demonstrators there were at the demonstration, that he was not allowed to say! Yesterday in the Radio Thailand lunchtime News it was reported that International News i.e. the BBC and CNN had reported clashes between the demonstrators and Security Services. There was no Radio Thailand report.

In the other newspaper they are saying that Abhisit is the one who is pushing for the use of force but the Army is refusing - I think because the numbers of Red Shirts are just too great to take on especially as the Military are not sure of the loyalty of all their troops.

Abhisit is saying that he has to stay in power for at least a year in order to put through important legislation - that includes the amendments to the 2007 (Military) Constitution. Phue Thai and the Red Shirts want to scrap the Miltary imposed Constitution and bring back the 1997 (Peoples) Constitution. If Abhisit managed to get all his controversial legislation passed and he loses the next election (which most people believe he will) the next government will change the legislation he will have pushed through and then you will have the Yellow Shirts back on the streets protesting.

Why can't Abhisit just say that Parliament will be dissolved in 6 months and not pass any further legislation? If all political parties then produced a Manifesto and Abhisit invited International Observers from all EU countries, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada plus International TV crews and in fact flooded the country with observers it would be hard for any group to claim once more that the election was bought.

As it stands he's going to divide this country to the extent that the rift will be irreparable.

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Well it seems as if it's all over bar the shouting as the twitter message below seems to show that the Red Shirt Brigade are now immortal !!! :D:)

Twitter user: Govt should take note - Reds claim they're protected by sacred power & that's why no weapon can harm them.(refer to arms)

Hope they sell the juice to us all then we can survive yet another round of civil unrest and Thaksins grand theft.

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

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The main thing is for new elections soonest, and the power back to the people to elect the government of their choice !!!

You don't understand democracy do you?

This is a government elected by the peoples choice. Which MP in the government is not elected?

Actually the Pm was not elected by direct democracy (the people). They elected MPs and the MPs elected the PM. That's the way a parliament works.

US must not be a democracy either. Not only are specif people given the power to choose where each states electoral votes go (regardless of votes cast), there have been times when a president is elected who did not receive the most votes of individuals. A recent example is that of Bush in 2000 who received less votes than Gore.

You may also look at the succession rules of the president in the USA or the fact that President Ford was never elected president or vice president yet held both offices. This was the result of a president and a VP being thrown out of office by elected leaders.

Hmmm, come to think of it, George Washington was also not elected by the people president but was appointed by a small assembly of representatives.

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According to news reports a few moments ago, the military is switching sides.

Just out of interest what is the source. Not saying not true but would like to follow up on this.

Cheers, Rick

It comes from deputy speaker Apiwan who is a PTP MP. It could be true or it could have been quick thinking to talk Arisamon down who was on the verge of hunting down Suthep at that time. We should know soon as Suthep and Abhisit are now with the military

Thanks for the info Hammered.

Cheers, Rick

Yes, I had a similar thought, Arisman was round the twist and out of control,

something needed to be said, that he might like to believe, to reel him back in.

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

You are actually lying here. Not all Red shits are lower class and MANY are not. As well, you should be clear that lower class or poor Thais are not all Red Shirt and in fact they make up a small group of the nation mainly coming from the North Eastern part of the country.

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Posted by George in the news section..

Nation: Arisman has returned to Rajaprasong stage to deafening roars.

Twitter user: Govt should take note - Reds claim they're protected by sacred power & that's why no weapon can harm them.(refer to arms

At last, an empirical statement that can be falsified or verified!!!

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

Agreed stupid! And, yes they (the poor) have legitimate issues, but I can't recall over the last few years when the Reds have given this government a chance to solve their (the reds) issues or any other issues respecting Thailand?

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

You are actually lying here. Not all Red shits are lower class and MANY are not. As well, you should be clear that lower class or poor Thais are not all Red Shirt and in fact they make up a small group of the nation mainly coming from the North Eastern part of the country.

You didn't read. I didn't write anywhere that all red shirts are lower class. Not sure where you got that from?

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so you think those thai people in facebook are actually farang with multiple account (200,000) and made up their thai names and writing thai scripts on facebook?

i think you haven't eaten yet.

One person can sign up 100,000 user names, there are no restictions. Google translate can write in Thai for you.

If 10,000 PAD members signed up for 20 names each, you have 200K.

Think about it, why would anyone put a "poll" on facebook which the majority of the millions of Thai people do not even use ?????? Unless its there as a tool of the Yellow shirt PAD.

It is not representative of anything due the ease with which it can be manipulated and abused.

Stop posting lies, this is tiresome.

Either you are lieing to try to win a point without facts or you are clearly not computer savvy at all and have no clue as to what is out there.

No, you are wrong that there is no checks. First of all, one email per one facebook account.

Then they do check registrations on IP and time, and look for automated signups.

Also, if you think there is any cloned signups, you can very easy report the profiles and have all clones removed.

Shouldn't be a problem for a talented person as yourself, right?

From the internet active segment of the population a huge selection is using Hi5 and Facebook. Younger tend to go for Hi5, above university age mostly on Facebook or both.

You would be surprised what kind of people your would find on FB...

I hope putting these links are okay. I don't see anything int he forum rules about it ...

http://www.facebook.com/Abhisit.M.Vejjajiva has 145k+ fans.

http://www.facebook.com/thaksinlives has just over 17k fans.

You can also see the pictures of all the users (fans) on both pages and you have to look hard to find farang faces.

You are also welcome to show me another Thaksin FB page but this seems to be the official one and has the most fans

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

Agreed stupid! And, yes they (the poor) have legitimate issues, but I can't recall over the last few years when the Reds have given this government a chance to solve their (the reds) issues or any other issues respecting Thailand?

16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are? The last time he was there, it was to bring a big check to that 80 or 90 year old lady that lost all her land. Bangkok has the latest technology, skytrain, subway, high speed internet, etc. while a big part of the North and North-East countryside doesn't even have a fixed telephone line, but needs to rely on mobile phones with poor signals.

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Posted by George in the news section..

Nation: Arisman has returned to Rajaprasong stage to deafening roars.

Twitter user: Govt should take note - Reds claim they're protected by sacred power & that's why no weapon can harm them.(refer to arms

Doesn't this just speak volumes about the type of people that are involved with the Red shirts. The red supporters want someone like this to run the Country? Unbelievable!

Cheers, Rick

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

You are actually lying here. Not all Red shits are lower class and MANY are not. As well, you should be clear that lower class or poor Thais are not all Red Shirt and in fact they make up a small group of the nation mainly coming from the North Eastern part of the country.

You didn't read. I didn't write anywhere that all red shirts are lower class. Not sure where you got that from?

Seriously, is something wrong with you?

Here is a direct quote (above) from you that I have made bold and added the red font.

The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have ...

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"Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!"

I think we might have been commenting your "methods" as to how to solve the situation. It does imply a certain demeaning if not disrespectful attitude regarding their origins.


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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

Agreed stupid! And, yes they (the poor) have legitimate issues, but I can't recall over the last few years when the Reds have given this government a chance to solve their (the reds) issues or any other issues respecting Thailand?

16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are? The last time he was there, it was to bring a big check to that 80 or 90 year old lady that lost all her land. Bangkok has the latest technology, skytrain, subway, high speed internet, etc. while a big part of the North and North-East countryside doesn't even have a fixed telephone line, but needs to rely on mobile phones with poor signals.

You could make the same argument about poor development upcountry against Thaksin who was MP for 5 years. I am not going to discuss reliance on mobile phones and who that might have benefited.

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Start Songkran early--blast the redshirts back to Issan with water-cannons. Like right now!!!


Not sanook, but stupid. The red shirts (low class/poor Thais) have legitimate concerns and not listening to them for years is what got us to this point in the first place.

Agreed stupid! And, yes they (the poor) have legitimate issues, but I can't recall over the last few years when the Reds have given this government a chance to solve their (the reds) issues or any other issues respecting Thailand?

16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are? The last time he was there, it was to bring a big check to that 80 or 90 year old lady that lost all her land. Bangkok has the latest technology, skytrain, subway, high speed internet, etc. while a big part of the North and North-East countryside doesn't even have a fixed telephone line, but needs to rely on mobile phones with poor signals.

Sounds like what you want is socialism and not democracy. And I personally have nothing wrong with that concept for Thailand but we just need to be honest in what we want and if we want those who live and work in BKK who have worked hard for their money to be forced to make sure they are taxed at rates to make sure others in the country have what they have worked hard for. Please also keep in mind that every country has poor regions and in every free country, people have the ability to move to where opportunity as well as expenses are much higher.

It is never easy being born poor and clearly the rich has a moral responsibility to their fellow man as well as the government which already does ensure things such as free healthcare and education to the poor as well as providing numerous tax breaks to the poor including things like exemption of even sales tax when it comes to their farming business'.

All these things take time and there is no magic solution. Thailand is by no means even close to being the leader of nations when it comes to wealth distribution of the poor vs. rich. In fact, I think the US has a much bigger discrepency where 1% of the population controls over 40% of the wealth.

Every country needs work but it is a balancing act to make sure the needs of all people are addressed. The current gov't is a fair and legally selected one who has agreed to hold elections in 9 months, a year early. Instead of taking this offer and coming off as winners, the current mob roaming the streets creating havoc & chaos for Thailand, has chose to be unreasonable.

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"16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are? The last time he was there, it was to bring a big check to that 80 or 90 year old lady that lost all her land. Bangkok has the latest technology, skytrain, subway, high speed internet, etc. while a big part of the North and North-East countryside doesn't even have a fixed telephone line, but needs to rely on mobile phones with poor signals."

Well, I do recall that he was busy putting down a Red riot about a year ago, and wasn't it just a few months ago that he wanted to go to Chaing mai to discuss issues but that trip was canceled because of Red threats?

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16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are? The last time he was there, it was to bring a big check to that 80 or 90 year old lady that lost all her land. Bangkok has the latest technology, skytrain, subway, high speed internet, etc. while a big part of the North and North-East countryside doesn't even have a fixed telephone line, but needs to rely on mobile phones with poor signals.

Yeah. And on that trip he was hounded by hordes of violent and unruly redshirts. After that he was going to make a trip to CM only to be the recipient of death threats by the redshirts. Oh yes, a very civilized and democratic bunch those redshirts are.

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16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are?

The last time he tried, he was threatened with his life by your friends.

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16 months. How many times has Abhisit been to the North or North-East, to talk with the poorer Thais and finding out what their problems and needs are?

The last time he tried, he was threatened with his life by your friends.

True. It is too dangerous for Abhisit to travel to the North and NE because of those murderous red thugs. They claim to be pro democracy. People who believe that are to be pitied.

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"As other EU countries The U.K. has had a Socialist Government for the last 12 years. Are you saying that the UK and other EU countries are not Democracies? "

Well the UK has socialized programs, health care etc... and yes they are democracies. I think the person you were responding to was using the term "socialism" to refer to countries where their is no private ownership of land.

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