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And yet he speaks Thai better than 99% of Thais.

That's exactly one of Abhisit's big problems. The majority of lesser educated Thais simply don't understand his aristocratic textbook-style language.

What a silly petty-bourgeois comment.

Your post lacked the phrase "Thaksin apologist".

When the people in a country only vote for someone who talks like they do at home,

then they elect some one the likes of a George Bush.

I rest my case.

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Since when foreigners can get involved in another country's political events?

What does this guy have to gain? What does he have to loose?

There is a huge gap between having opinions, and actually going with a rally....I hope for him that he won't have to regret his actions a way or another

foreigners, the west, rule this country

they choose what will happen, and when

and will bring it to its knees, like it has before if it does not comply

The immigration is adding those foreign protestant to the blacklist. Good luck to anyone who wish to join the rally. Don't be surprise if you are being refused to re-enter the kingdom.

Oh really, how do you know this ? Did you just make it up or is it a wild assumption ?

even if you are blacklisted, it is still so easy to re-enter

an empty threat

i have met so many blacklisted person, they laugh at this threat.

he's been here for 15 years nice,,, I guess he wont get to the 16th year,, lol good morning Thailand!!

"This is becoming a people's movement. The country has been divided in the last month and I am worried about the direction it is heading in," said Frank Klose, a German who has been living in Thailand for the past 20 years.

Klose, a resident of Bangkok and Ubon Ratchathani, added that it was his third time at the protests and he was hoping a dissolution of Parliament would help resolve the current chasm.

Mr. Klose, please don't do that again, how much did you understand what they're saying? The third time at the protests, because your gf told you to go there? Stay at home and hope whatever you want to, but don't make us all look very stupid.

american democracy what a joke !!! as a non citizen he has no right to stand up on stage and lecture people on what to do .......... another loud mouthed know all yank ..... go home and sort the mess out in your own country freak ..........

so rude, an obvious self esteem issue

the usa, like you, and your parents makes mistake,

but like it or not, it runs the show, that includes you

measure the good they have done against the bad

at least they try

even if you are blacklisted, it is still so easy to re-enter

an empty threat

i have met so many blacklisted person, they laugh at this threat.

Well, then they can keep laughing all the way to the immigration cells. :)

The blacklisted people you are thinking of do get caught.

They get caught when;

- someone helps a molested child or,

- the long arm of the law from their homeland catches up with them or,

- the scam they are trying to pull falls apart or,

- they upset someone that tips off the authorities.

I think the laughter on the outside hides the fear they have on the inside. If a person is blacklisted and then stays in Thailand that suggests to me the person has such a screwed up life that he or she cannot leave. Not impressive.


This topic seems a little one sided against the red shirts.

All they want is a fair and democratic election without interference from the "elite" and bullying from the military.

My family and i have just returned from 3 weeks holiday in thailand and was with the ce dank shirts in pratun nam . They were all ages men and women boys and girls, what is happening now is historic for the people of Thailand.

To quell another rumour, it is not just poor people from the NE of Thailand attending these protests , we spoke to people from all over educated/rich and poor, all walks of life....wanting change! I videod much footage of the peacful carnival celebrations.

The military and PM need to back down for the good of the people and country.

Fire at will!

The immigration is adding those foreign protestant to the blacklist. Good luck to anyone who wish to join the rally. Don't be surprise if you are being refused to re-enter the kingdom.


I don't think it's fair to discriminate against Protestants. :)

If it wasn't for Protestants, who would have invented barfalicious glazed ham with pineapple, or that gooey congealed vegetable salad dressing glop aka Miracle Whip? The fashion world would have been denied pastel leisure suits. Oh the horrors. Stop the madness.

The only thing for certain is that if foreigners in Thailand were given the right to deport other foreigners in Thailand then there would be very few foreigners left in Thailand. I wonder if foreigners in other countries dislike each other so much?


A very good comment, Sir.

I have been a WP holder, tax payer, volunteer, legal business and property holder, husband and father to Thai nationals for the past 7 years...I am not allowed a voice or an opinion?

I should be deported because I may choose to demonstrate ( peacefully and legally) against what I believe to be wrong?

Since we are told all the time Thailand is a *democracy* Where does this fit in with that ideal?

I am a guest who must contribute and just take whatever is thrown my way. At least China are open in their communist beliefs.

I truly find it unbelievable, these thoughts come from the mouths of westerners who come from free, democratic countries.

since when is Thailand a democracy

when did this happen

did i miss something?

please let me know what year this happened and I will update WIKI

some will do anything for their dark skinned beauty from udon thani / khon kaen

He should have listened to Bat out of hel_l... 'I will do anything, anything for love... but I won't do that'

it really, really was foolish - even with best of intentions.

I've been attending the Red Shirt rallys at Rajaprasong with my Thai wife and a couple of times with my daughter. I'm not wearing Red or cheering/clapping, but I'm adding another body to the crowd. I do support their cause. I may not be a Thai citizen, but I have an obvious interest in the future of this country since other factors have led to the necessity of my family living here. I'm not an idiot, I've stayed as well informed as possible over the past 4 years I've been here. Read the Bangkok Post, Herald Tribune, Economist, Thai journalist blogs.

Anyone think I shouldn't be participating? I wholeheartedly disagree.

if you have read about all things related to this saga you would realize that things can and often do turn ugly and many people have died before.

if you value your life and your families life then take that into consideration next time you join the democracy crusade

other wise you just might end up being another body on the slab


make that 21 on the slab

I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

And you are proud of this?

even if they are- they can get back in so easily-

why waste your time

they are exercising free speech

The immigration is adding those foreign protestant to the blacklist. Good luck to anyone who wish to join the rally. Don't be surprise if you are being refused to re-enter the kingdom.

yep, it will cause a few days delay and few thousand baht- and you'll be back in

please, stop all this nonsense about banning

I have worked in jails..... so many tell me, " i wil just go back, change my book, pay off so and so, and be back" and it happens all the time

my embassy friends know this

murderers known to embassy get out of jail, come straight back

to think otherwise is sheer foolishness

where are we?

do you honestly truly believe someone can be banned from coming here? if so, you have no idea how this place works

lets stop all this banning nonsense

even if you are blacklisted, it is still so easy to re-enter

an empty threat

i have met so many blacklisted person, they laugh at this threat.

Well, then they can keep laughing all the way to the immigration cells. :)

The blacklisted people you are thinking of do get caught.

They get caught when;

- someone helps a molested child or,

- the long arm of the law from their homeland catches up with them or,

- the scam they are trying to pull falls apart or,

- they upset someone that tips off the authorities.

I think the laughter on the outside hides the fear they have on the inside. If a person is blacklisted and then stays in Thailand that suggests to me the person has such a screwed up life that he or she cannot leave. Not impressive.

oh really , funny how i keep bumping into people i have visited in prison who are drinking- one has been deported several times

he is still here

so, how can you explain that? you cannot, know why, because what you say is completely nonsense

according to you thats not possible- dream on- i cannot quote my source, embassy says to me " they just pay, get new id and return, we , even turn a blind eye to it"

Oh, and they all get caught do they..... thats funny, all of them, everyone, great,

do you truly honestly belive such nonsense?

then how come there are so many who have been on the run successfully for so long? check out wanted lists, some on the run for 35 years..what can you say about that?

see, your words fall flat on their face,

with all due respest, that is extremely naive of how things work here if you truly believe that

"The current government was not voted in, and I want to have a vote," he said.

Better start hitting the books for the Thai citizenship test then mate.

555. Not looking forward to that! But then again we can always go back home back home to pies and coldies.


That's funny I never feel threatened by Thai's, I never feel that there is a chance when I'm out at night that someone might rob or kill me..I'm from the US (long beach ca)and I felt much less safe when I lived there, partly because in the US there often isn't alot of people on the streets because noone goes out for some reason, so when i was walking in da hood(shall we say) i was always looked over my shoulder fearful that i might get jumped.. I think if Thailand does have a high homicide rate it must be Thai vs Thai violence, most likly organized crime related or whatever but I think the instances of foreigners being killed by Thai's is very rare, i notice that when a foreigner is killed here, it tends to be all over the news so i assume it's not happening very much..

I think this state ment-"They'll smile at you and wai at you right up til they slit your throat." is totally wrong! I never feel that the Thai's who smile and wai at me have some pentup anger.. true some farangs here are <deleted> and always offend the local population but even then i don't think they get killed for it.. and I wonder why anyone who thinks this way would stay here in the first place??

Thai society is one of the most polite in the world.

It also has one of the highest rates of intentional homicide in the world, about 50% higher than in the USA for example.


They'll smile at you and wai at you right up til they slit your throat.

Similarly, when the army snaps, brother it snaps.

(Bkk 1992)

(Tak Bai)

So for those of you who want to party with the Reds, enjoy!

And be warned.

I declare that any foreigners found at the Red shirt rally are actually "fake" foreigners.

Ok, that was a refreshingly funny comment within a sad subject. :)



may i ask--just what is it that you agree with the redshirt demonstration....?

you agree with what the core-leaders proclaimed on their podium....?

you agree with their belief....?

you agree with their cause....?

you agree with their ability to move wherever they want to demonstrate....?

you agree with their stand that other 'color-shirts' do not have their rights to disagree with redshirts....?


and if you are from the u.s., you ought to know better what we often remind others that....


encroching on others' constitutional rights.... is not a part of democracy.... this i believe is not taught enough in thai classrooms nor in public places.... freedomdude, you surely do remember some of these same and equal rights for everyone under democracy, don't you?

I've been attending the Red Shirt rallys at Rajaprasong with my Thai wife and a couple of times with my daughter. I'm not wearing Red or cheering/clapping, but I'm adding another body to the crowd. I do support their cause. I may not be a Thai citizen, but I have an obvious interest in the future of this country since other factors have led to the necessity of my family living here. I'm not an idiot, I've stayed as well informed as possible over the past 4 years I've been here. Read the Bangkok Post, Herald Tribune, Economist, Thai journalist blogs.

Anyone think I shouldn't be participating? I wholeheartedly disagree.

if you have read about all things related to this saga you would realize that things can and often do turn ugly and many people have died before.

if you value your life and your families life then take that into consideration next time you join the democracy crusade

other wise you just might end up being another body on the slab


make that 21 on the slab


Foreigners, you should stay away from the reds now. After last Saturday, why would anyone be so crazy? We still don't know who the snipers were for sure, do we?


Everyone I know that's been down to the red protest sites - said it was quite festive and very peaceful. Good people from all reports. :D

However I agree Jing - if the thai military decides to use snipers again, they just might injure or kill foreigners as well as the peaceful red shirts, so best to stay away. :)

I've been attending the Red Shirt rallys at Rajaprasong with my Thai wife and a couple of times with my daughter. I'm not wearing Red or cheering/clapping, but I'm adding another body to the crowd. I do support their cause. I may not be a Thai citizen, but I have an obvious interest in the future of this country since other factors have led to the necessity of my family living here. I'm not an idiot, I've stayed as well informed as possible over the past 4 years I've been here. Read the Bangkok Post, Herald Tribune, Economist, Thai journalist blogs.

Anyone think I shouldn't be participating? I wholeheartedly disagree.

if you have read about all things related to this saga you would realize that things can and often do turn ugly and many people have died before.

if you value your life and your families life then take that into consideration next time you join the democracy crusade

other wise you just might end up being another body on the slab


make that 21 on the slab

Knowing what he knows now, does he still think he wasn't a fool for putting his family in danger?

Its one thing going yourself, but to take a kid?

Obviously deluded himself that the red movement is a picnic.

Would he do it now?

Hopefully not.

Then he really would be an idiot.

Everyone I know that's been down to the red protest sites - said it was quite festive and very peaceful. Good people from all reports. :D

However I agree Jing - if the thai military decides to use snipers again, they just might injure or kill foreigners as well as the peaceful red shirts, so best to stay away. :)


did your post really mean that.... THAI MILITARY USED THE SNIPERS....

the video clip taken by the early dead of the japanese photographer.... may the almighty god bless his soul and his family members....

and was shown yesterday on japanese tele.... revealed that....

the hiding shooters, yes more than one snipers, were shooting from among the redshirts toward the soldiers.... some snipers who were perching on upper floors of the multistory buildings also were shooting toward the soldiers and demonstrators alike....

and as for the redshirt themselves who were shot.... it appeared on the video that.... as these redshirts were turning away from the advancing soldiers.... they were striken down from the forefront.... the entrance of the bullets on their heads and bodies were small but the exit points were torn out.... as the autopsy also revealed and confirmed the trajectory of the bullets were fired from higher ground....

and in reference to the high ranking 4 officers group that was blown up.... were shown on the video clip that several laser pointers were trained on them.... before the snipers opened fire....

especially of interest.... these four officers were active and successful during their last operation to clear up demonstrators.... and perhaps for this reason.... they were taken out as a revenge measure of sort....

britmaveric.... you did not mean to say the snipers were govt sent.... did you?

also.... for those who were at the demonstration.... did you really understand....


all the speech givers were giving 20% truth mixing with 80% of other twisted facts and figures to incite the listeners....

if you read thai.... many posters said.... they wanted tuksin back....

worst of all.... they want to reorganize thailand into something like republic.... where tuksin will be above all....

which ultimately it means.... there will be no more the most revered king, queen and royal family....

this is one major reason.... why there are so many laymen groups popping up like mushrooms... as we can all see on the tele.... to lend support to the most revered royal monarchy and to demand that the govt excercise its constitutionally given rights....

to decisively and expeditiously arrest and put on trial.... the apparent twenty-some traitors together with their supporting terrorists group....

however, will the gentleman pm apisit and sootab act decisively, authoritatively and timely.... remains a big question mark to date?


britmav had announced his conclusions about the snipers immediately after the tragic day. He is very biased. We still don't KNOW the truth about what happened. Of course the reds were ready with their propaganda, very suspicious.


We foreigners should stay away. At best foreigners presence does not help, at worst it makes things worse. We do not have the free speech right that is refered to here so often. That is in our countries. Foreigners are guests here, and should not get involved in Thai politics.

to decisively and expeditiously arrest and put on trial.... the apparent twenty-some traitors together with their supporting terrorists group....

however, will the gentleman pm apisit and sootab act decisively, authoritatively and timely.... remains a big question mark to date?

Yes - the govt should dissolve itself and turn itself into to the police for trial. Pretty complicit with the deaths and cover-up. :)

britmav had announced his conclusions about the snipers immediately after the tragic day. He is very biased. We still don't KNOW the truth about what happened. Of

course the reds were ready with their propaganda, very suspicious.

Factions within the military are most likely responsible I think that is obvious, basically to remove Rambo and other command structure. Blame it on the govt or reds.... perfect cover story. :D


^Why do you always play that broken disk, Britmaveric?

Do you have any hint that the snipers were used by government, or even a realistic motive for doing so?

You write always that the government sent the snipers, without any hint, proof or valid motive.

^Why do you always play that broken disk, Britmaveric?

Do you have any hint that the snipers were used by government, or even a realistic motive for doing so?

You write always that the government sent the snipers, without any hint, proof or valid motive.

If it's any consolation, since britmav has taken his eye off the ball :) in the footy forum prediction competition, he has lost his long held position on top of the leaderboard.

But seriously if last weeks terrible incident is not evidence enough of the dangers, those who continue to put themselves in harms way....

I have reported all of these foreigners by name and nationality + picture to the Immigration Bureau. My wife, her sister and her brother-in-law all have fairly high up jobs there. Would be very surprised if they are not deported.

Wow, if that is true, you are quite sick, TheItaliann!

The CO of the Kreiskommandantur would have been quite proud of you though.

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