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My Opinion Of Pattaya


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Just another sad attempt by a two week millionaire to slag off the place some of us call home!! :D

Home is a good word. No problem in having a wonderful family home on the outskirts of Patters, Schools, recreational facilities by the ton and as many "family" friendly restaurants to keep anyone interested for a lifetime. Families do not live in Walking Street, there is never any need to do so. However that's where the bashers just love to come for their own little fix, before scurrying back to be sanctimonious behind their keyboards........Sad really.


Yes good points, :D

I go to walking street max twice a year mainly to look at the madness, the sleazy prostitutes looking for customers and all the different types of people from all over the world.

I think we will still be having this discussion in say 5 years time :D

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You pick a girl up in a night club/bar/dance (back in your home land) you pay for her drinks,a meal at the end of the night, you go back to a room have sex.What is the difference between that girl or the girl from Pattaya who you say are prostitutes????

Because basically the girls I picked up that way back home in my youth didn't want money before they left the next morning. :)

You can waste a lot of time trying to sweet talk your "freebie" into bed without any guarantees. Time + frustration has got to be worth something.

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It seems like a backhand compliment, goes on to slander central Pattaya. Not to mention the BS that bargirls will not leave me alone even with another female by your side? :D Maybe the OP is just so handsum they can't control themselves? :)

This is interesting. The bargirls never leave the OP alone even if he is with another female. In 4 years of walking around Pattaya I have never been bothered by bargirls while I'm with my girl. Why the difference?

Either way, you've got to wonder about a guy who gets upset when girls pay attention. Perhaps the OP is just too handsome for his own good.

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After you have been around for a while and speak Thai you may not be asked for money. A lady comes to town because she has financial obligations.

But the picture that was painted for her in her village was not the reality that confronted her.

The woman is frightened and confused. She is wearing low heeled shoes, an old bra, granny panties and she has a farmers tan. She doesn’t ask for money she only asks that you get her out of the bar, preferably out of Pattaya.

You can tell the fear is real. She needs a knight on a white horse to rescue her. If you say no, which you almost have to because you probably already have a Thai wife, and come back in a couple of weeks you will find a different woman. She will be a bar girl.

Would she have made a good wife? Would she have tried to fleece you later? When would she have asked for money? Who knows.

The kid from California who wrote the OP should have kept his mouth shut and read this forum for a couple of years. Or somehow gained some knowledge of Thailand.

What he saw in a week in Pattaya was but a blink of an eye in the constantly changing landscape that makes up that little stretch of interesting real estate.

Every day for more than a couple of years I walked from one end of Soi Buakao to the other.

It was an educational and recreational experience. I ate in a different Soi most days and chatted with the locals along my walk.

I’ve done the 5 AM bar crawl at Thai joints and all the other odd and unusual things that are available to see in that sordid couple of miles.

I fed the Soi dogs on my way and handed out roast chicken parts to the ladies who were hungry.

Now I am a respected citizen in another Thai town. Can’t do stuff like that anymore. I miss it sometimes.

I think I knew my little part of Pattaya pretty well. Sure I’ve been rolled and drugged and fallen in love and more than once. I have had good things happen to me and bad things. I have seen hard women and soft women who would break a heart of stone. One woman stole my passport and three others stole it back the next day and returned it to me.

Pattaya is the rule of life and the exception. Just when you think you have it figured out it surprises all over again. No use in sitting alone in your room.

I anxiously await the OP’s next post after his next vacation about my girl is different and how much he should pay for sin sod.

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does anyone even give a shit what someone else thinks about Pattaya? one dude loves it, the next dude really hates. who cares, either come or don't come, either live here or don't live, either way, no one gives a fuc_k. kthnxbi.

Well said Torres

People have nothing better to do than slag off the place. As stated many times before, if you don't like it....don't come back. Please remember to close the door on your way out.

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after a short while the novelty wears off and you realize the whole area is nothing but a cesspit, ,most especially, the ocean. You didn't really swim in it did you? :)

That was my precise reaction to it: cesspit/cesspool.

But it is an interesting cesspool.

If you have money, really nice ocean-front condo........it can be OK.

Basically, the money will give you more options, including the option of leaving frequently to refresh your mind.

A lot of the negative social ills you can either accept as "part of the game" or ignore as "part of the game."

The "game" can be fun, but even that gets boring to some people who want more in life (e.g., genuine relationship, family).

I would not want to live in Pattaya-Jomtien if I had kids to raise.........no way.

It is a place for single males to become..............whatever.........good, bad, ugly.

Unfortunately, the cesspool has increase in size over the past ten years.

The good days of the past are gone forever.

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Actually, it was much more of a "cesspool" twenty years ago with drug dealers on Beach Road selling heroin fairly openly (or at least claiming to) and much dirtier than now. Pattaya has mostly changed for the better since then. :)

:D :D :D

You are certainly predictable.

I never saw any person selling heroin on beach road back then (illegal drug problems are far greater today).........it was not that much dirtier than now.

Did see lots of people selling fake gems.

Yes, the water around beach road was filthy due to dumping sewerage in the water.....but it is still a cesspool and smells like urine and crap in many places.

Positive changes?

Maybe you are talking about more condo coffins? More crap restaurants? More violent crime? More racism/xenophobia? More crap malls? Significant rise in the cost of living (is that positive?). More crap for brains people? More people in general? More traffic jams? More air pollution?

Anyway.....if you decide to sell copies of your rose-colored glasses, you will make a fortune.

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Just another sad attempt by a two week millionaire to slag off the place some of us call home!! :)

Home is a good word. No problem in having a wonderful family home on the outskirts of Patters, Schools, recreational facilities by the ton and as many "family" friendly restaurants to keep anyone interested for a lifetime. Families do not live in Walking Street, there is never any need to do so. However that's where the bashers just love to come for their own little fix, before scurrying back to be sanctimonious behind their keyboards........Sad really.

Me and my gf live here along with our soon to be son. I have no problem with the nightlife being on our doorsteps. In fact, I routinely make trips to Soi Six to get some female variety and my gf is okay with it.

Who says Pattaya isn't for families?

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I'm sorry but I think it's a <deleted> great place and if you don't like it <deleted> off 'cause I don't care :):D

I totaly agree with you mate.

I can choose the sleeze,go out to nice bars with gf and stepson,go to fabulous restaraunts,cinema,10 pin bowling,pool halls,swimming pools in the day time,visit friends who have pools,etc etc etc.Basicaly i can go out with gf/stepson and never see sleeze of i can choose to see slezze all night.


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We expect those sort of comments from people like you. rolleyes.gif

Yes people like me, 4 children, all of whom I'm paying for their private school, my own business employing 3 people in Australia, 10 weeks a year holiday, why wouldn't I like it, or do I have to be bigoted like you?

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Pattaya is like a mirror, it reflects the person looking into it.

If you go looking for sleaze it will appear, if you go looking for more wholesome attractions they will appear. What you look for you will find and reflects the person you are.

If you look in the bathroom mirror and don't like what you see do you smash the mirror?

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Pattaya is like a mirror, it reflects the person looking into it.

If you go looking for sleaze it will appear, if you go looking for more wholesome attractions they will appear. What you look for you will find and reflects the person you are.

If you look in the bathroom mirror and don't like what you see do you smash the mirror?

this is so true.

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Pattaya is like a mirror, it reflects the person looking into it.

If you go looking for sleaze it will appear, if you go looking for more wholesome attractions they will appear. What you look for you will find and reflects the person you are.

If you look in the bathroom mirror and don't like what you see do you smash the mirror?

This post should come up automatically any time some eejit tries to bad mouth Pattaya (our home) on this forum, well put Phil! :)

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Pattaya is like a mirror, it reflects the person looking into it.

If you go looking for sleaze it will appear, if you go looking for more wholesome attractions they will appear. What you look for you will find and reflects the person you are.

If you look in the bathroom mirror and don't like what you see do you smash the mirror?

This post should come up automatically any time some eejit tries to bad mouth Pattaya (our home) on this forum, well put Phil! :)

It is liberal-cultural-relativistic-poetic-psycho babble.

It suggests that there is nothing called "reality."

I reject that philosophy.

Many scientists reject it also.

Your perception does not change reality.

Reality is reality........no matter what color your glasses are.

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You pick a girl up in a night club/bar/dance (back in your home land) you pay for her drinks,a meal at the end of the night, you go back to a room have sex.What is the difference between that girl or the girl from Pattaya who you say are prostitutes????

back home,,, you just have good time with a girl that you picked up at the bar, but in pattaya, the girl you picked up at bar, you have to pay her and start feed her whole family... including their cows and dogs. that is the difference :)

Edited by VTSVIEW
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It is liberal-cultural-relativistic-poetic-psycho babble.

It suggests that there is nothing called "reality."

I reject that philosophy.

Many scientists reject it also.

Your perception does not change reality.

Reality is reality........no matter what color your glasses are.

You really need to get out more.

Just another old fogey bemoaning the way things have changed.

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What people care so much about Pattaya? It's a great place, I would never like to go away from here.

It's up to you what you make out of it, not more not less.

What other city in the world will give you this option???

Edited by moo9
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As a newb who decided to pass on visiting Pattaya, my impression is that it has only one primary attraction; red light district. Beaches are a lot better down South - around Krabi, for example - and city life is a lot better in Bangkok.

That is my outsider impression of Pattaya, and I don't think I'm alone in this. Maybe in years past it was a cheap alternative to Bangkok? But today things like real estate appear just as expensive in Pattaya...

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After you have been around for a while and speak Thai you may not be asked for money. A lady comes to town because she has financial obligations.

But the picture that was painted for her in her village was not the reality that confronted her.

The woman is frightened and confused. She is wearing low heeled shoes, an old bra, granny panties and she has a farmers tan. She doesn't ask for money she only asks that you get her out of the bar, preferably out of Pattaya.

You can tell the fear is real. She needs a knight on a white horse to rescue her. If you say no, which you almost have to because you probably already have a Thai wife, and come back in a couple of weeks you will find a different woman. She will be a bar girl.

Would she have made a good wife? Would she have tried to fleece you later? When would she have asked for money? Who knows.

The kid from California who wrote the OP should have kept his mouth shut and read this forum for a couple of years. Or somehow gained some knowledge of Thailand.

What he saw in a week in Pattaya was but a blink of an eye in the constantly changing landscape that makes up that little stretch of interesting real estate.

Every day for more than a couple of years I walked from one end of Soi Buakao to the other.

It was an educational and recreational experience. I ate in a different Soi most days and chatted with the locals along my walk.

I've done the 5 AM bar crawl at Thai joints and all the other odd and unusual things that are available to see in that sordid couple of miles.

I fed the Soi dogs on my way and handed out roast chicken parts to the ladies who were hungry.

Now I am a respected citizen in another Thai town. Can't do stuff like that anymore. I miss it sometimes.

I think I knew my little part of Pattaya pretty well. Sure I've been rolled and drugged and fallen in love and more than once. I have had good things happen to me and bad things. I have seen hard women and soft women who would break a heart of stone. One woman stole my passport and three others stole it back the next day and returned it to me.

Pattaya is the rule of life and the exception. Just when you think you have it figured out it surprises all over again. No use in sitting alone in your room.

I anxiously await the OP's next post after his next vacation about my girl is different and how much he should pay for sin sod.

the above post is so very true! I love Pattaya, I love everything about (except the friendly tailors who insist on calling me matey and want to shake your hand. Try giving them an extra long hug for as long as possible its funny as hel_l, they don't wanna be your best mate the following day, it works everytime) Its alright people slating the place but they went there knowing what its like. Its almost a bit hypocritical. I'm married got a few kids now and we bought a place on the edge of the city, Pattaya is not all sleize as some people claim. If I want a "crazy night out" i go into Pattaya, soi 6/7 and walking street, if I want a quiet night I'll to Jomty or even as far as Si ratcha. Theres something in Pattaya for everyone.

Just one other point, someone posted earlier on about pulling a girl, buyin her drinks all night the meal etc and getting laid, they somehow implied that picking up a bar girl being differant. I dont see a differance at all, I can recall several times in the past in the UK chatting up girls buyin them drinks and a meal etc etc spent a fortune in the hope of gettin some action and ended up getting nowt but a phone number. at least with a bar girl you know what your gettin at the end of the night!

If you dont like sun sea sand sex and fun in general stay away from Pattaya, the cotswolds may be more your thing.

Ta for reading, Pat

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It seems like a backhand compliment, goes on to slander central Pattaya. Not to mention the BS that bargirls will not leave me alone even with another female by your side? :D Maybe the OP is just so handsum they can't control themselves? :D

you beat me to it Brit. never heard bigger BS before :)

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After you have been around for a while and speak Thai you may not be asked for money. A lady comes to town because she has financial obligations.

But the picture that was painted for her in her village was not the reality that confronted her.

The woman is frightened and confused. She is wearing low heeled shoes, an old bra, granny panties and she has a farmers tan. She doesn't ask for money she only asks that you get her out of the bar, preferably out of Pattaya.

You can tell the fear is real. She needs a knight on a white horse to rescue her. If you say no, which you almost have to because you probably already have a Thai wife, and come back in a couple of weeks you will find a different woman. She will be a bar girl.

Would she have made a good wife? Would she have tried to fleece you later? When would she have asked for money? Who knows.

The kid from California who wrote the OP should have kept his mouth shut and read this forum for a couple of years. Or somehow gained some knowledge of Thailand.

What he saw in a week in Pattaya was but a blink of an eye in the constantly changing landscape that makes up that little stretch of interesting real estate.

Every day for more than a couple of years I walked from one end of Soi Buakao to the other.

It was an educational and recreational experience. I ate in a different Soi most days and chatted with the locals along my walk.

I've done the 5 AM bar crawl at Thai joints and all the other odd and unusual things that are available to see in that sordid couple of miles.

I fed the Soi dogs on my way and handed out roast chicken parts to the ladies who were hungry.

Now I am a respected citizen in another Thai town. Can't do stuff like that anymore. I miss it sometimes.

I think I knew my little part of Pattaya pretty well. Sure I've been rolled and drugged and fallen in love and more than once. I have had good things happen to me and bad things. I have seen hard women and soft women who would break a heart of stone. One woman stole my passport and three others stole it back the next day and returned it to me.

Pattaya is the rule of life and the exception. Just when you think you have it figured out it surprises all over again. No use in sitting alone in your room.

I anxiously await the OP's next post after his next vacation about my girl is different and how much he should pay for sin sod.

the above post is so very true! I love Pattaya, I love everything about (except the friendly tailors who insist on calling me matey and want to shake your hand. Try giving them an extra long hug for as long as possible its funny as hel_l, they don't wanna be your best mate the following day, it works everytime) Its alright people slating the place but they went there knowing what its like. Its almost a bit hypocritical. I'm married got a few kids now and we bought a place on the edge of the city, Pattaya is not all sleize as some people claim. If I want a "crazy night out" i go into Pattaya, soi 6/7 and walking street, if I want a quiet night I'll to Jomty or even as far as Si ratcha. Theres something in Pattaya for everyone.

Just one other point, someone posted earlier on about pulling a girl, buyin her drinks all night the meal etc and getting laid, they somehow implied that picking up a bar girl being differant. I dont see a differance at all, I can recall several times in the past in the UK chatting up girls buyin them drinks and a meal etc etc spent a fortune in the hope of gettin some action and ended up getting nowt but a phone number. at least with a bar girl you know what your gettin at the end of the night!

If you dont like sun sea sand sex and fun in general stay away from Pattaya, the cotswolds may be more your thing.

Ta for reading, Pat

Working in a female dominated occupation, I got to know women quite well, so they would tell me things that they wouldn't normally tell blokes.

Can say that some women go to pubs knowing that guys will buy them drinks, food etc in the hope of some "action" later, but they ( the women ) never had any intention of taking it further, just wanted a "free" night out. They even laugh about the "stupid men that think they'll get some action for a few drinks"!

I much prefer Pattaya where you know what you're getting.

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I have not found any other place in LOS that can supply the things that Pattaya can - in variety and abundance. I decided to settle near Rayong. 45 minutes by bike to all the action, and peace and quiet outside my door. Best of both worlds to my way of thinking. If a change is needed, a quick handful of throttle and I am there - Udon Thani is just a days ride away for example, Chaing Mai two days. But the miles of beaches, fresh seafood near my door, will always draw me back home.

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