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US Deeply Regrets Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests


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As an American working in Thailand, who cares what the USA thinks anymore??? They invaded Iraq bombing the sh#% out of Bagdhad just to get rid of a slime-ball leader. This whole process to give the people "democracy" has been a failure. The Iraq people are worse off now than before. So (for me) it is sad the USA is no longer a role model for what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. (Though the Republicans and Democrats are not EXACTLY like the REDS or YELLOWS they are somewhat the same--- both parties only thinking about themselves, and not for the whole country... and slowly, the two parties in the USA are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. (And TV stations like FOX NEWS does nothing to inform Americans, only to brainwash them towards a particular political veiw point. )

wow I can't believe I'm actually heard an American say this for a moment I actually though all of you had been brainwashed lolz

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@ redsunset,

You really need to read the forum rules, you know the ones you agreed to when you signed up. :)

Give us all a break and stop posting in the various colours & sizes that you do.

Do you really think what you have to say is that much more important that the rest of the people here? :D:D

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Flame posts and posts on moderation deleted and it's quote(s). This topic has a limited shelf life as it has from the beginning given some a perceived notion that American bashing, or any nationality, is acceptable. It is not and reflects in the forum rules.

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But Thais are and that is why we share a treaty of Amity with them.

The US, since the end of WWII has had a lot of interest and involvement in Thailand, and because they refused to punish the Thais for siding with the Japanese against the wishes of the other allies.

Plus the US servicemen almost single-handedly built Pattaya and the Bangkok sex tourism industry, much to be proud of there.

Edited by Oberkommando
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But Thais are and that is why we share a treaty of Amity with them.

The US, since the end of WWII has had a lot of interest and involvement in Thailand, and because they refused to punish the Thais for siding with the Japanese against the wishes of the other allies.

Plus the US servicemen almost single-handedly built Pattaya and the Bangkok sex tourism industry, much to be proud of there.

Well it is a good money maker. :)

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I was born in the USA in the Americas. The US government has assigned to me a number to tax me and to keep track of me (for my protection) and in the event I can be labeled as an enemy combatant if I were to do even half of what these red-shirts are now doing without being carted of to an underground CIA bunker or worse. Any citizen of the USA who feels the way I do understands that the height of idiocy and hypocrisy is exemplified by this country, who has the audacity and cheek to even think that it holds a legitimate opinion in the minds of intelligent people; even semi-intelligent people.

America: If you have what we want, we will make you our enemy and label you as a terrorist and then we will punish you. You are either for us or against us!

This statement is nauseating and so is the foreign oligarchy that has invaded and now occupies Capitol Hill, the media, the banks, the US treasury, the corporations, and so on.

Red, yellow, blue or green; at least the Thai people have the cojones to fight and die for something they believe in, no matter how wrong they are made out to be. For that, I admire them, if nothing else.

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Maybe it's time to close this thread down :D

Are you looking for a job as a mod?

Read some of my other 700+ posts. I don't think that i would qualify. :)

I think he missed the profanity laced post that has since come up missing.

( That I think you were responding to in the first place.... )

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I was born in the USA in the Americas. The US government has assigned to me a number to tax me and to keep track of me (for my protection) and in the event I can be labeled as an enemy combatant if I were to do even half of what these red-shirts are now doing without being carted of to an underground CIA bunker or worse. Any citizen of the USA who feels the way I do understands that the height of idiocy and hypocrisy is exemplified by this country, who has the audacity and cheek to even think that it holds a legitimate opinion in the minds of intelligent people; even semi-intelligent people.

America: If you have what we want, we will make you our enemy and label you as a terrorist and then we will punish you. You are either for us or against us!

This statement is nauseating and so is the foreign oligarchy that has invaded and now occupies Capitol Hill, the media, the banks, the US treasury, the corporations, and so on.

Red, yellow, blue or green; at least the Thai people have the cojones to fight and die for something they believe in, no matter how wrong they are made out to be. For that, I admire them, if nothing else.

Sorry, but 99% of the Thai population are not red, yellow, blue or green. The vast majority who are having their lives disrupted daily due to this bull <deleted> should be able to live in peace which is not happening because of an ignorant minority.

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Maybe it's time to close this thread down :D

Are you looking for a job as a mod?

Read some of my other 700+ posts. I don't think that i would qualify. :D

I think he missed the profanity laced post that has since come up missing.

( That I think you were responding to in the first place.... )

Yes, a lot of naughty words from a member who finally snapped and had enough. :)

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Who cares what the Americans think

and who cares what YOU think. You're no better than the brainwashed reds with that statement. You seem to put all Americans in the same basket. Do you do the same with your own kind?

The American's living in Thailand obviously don't agree with the majority of brainwashed American's who never leave their nest. You, on the other hand, have left your nest but still hang on to your mother's apron strings and immature ideas .

and let me guess....you'll reply with, "Don't you know how to speak proper English", etc., etc. go back to your pub and drown yourself with suds while watching foolsball.

Edited by JRinger
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Why don't they regret all the lives that they have taken and

are still taking all around the world!

Are you implying that England has never invaded another country or seized power outside their own boundaries?

do you live in a closet or are you really that narrow minded?

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Not for nothingn I can take a good bashing too but not from people we had to bail out on more than one occaision. I admit the sins of our fathers and I believe the truth will set you free but I'm not one to sit down when bitch slaped by a citizen of a country my Grand Father and Father had to liberate. Maybe it's just my New York attitude.
Being an American, I actually enjoy a good American bashing thread from time to time. It is good to read all of the AD HOMINEM arguments from non Americans. Thanks for the laugh! :D

I agree with you, but is it really worth countering someones pathetic argument? I find it funny that our cousins from accross the pond feel that they are "experts" on American policy, yet they refuse to look at their own country's worldly mishaps and play the blame game.

3x :D

Hi dudes, the line was: 'Who cares what america have to say'.

Hardly a bashing and definitely not a request that you start to sing your patriotic songs. :D

This separate the lesser smart form the smart ones.

The later have better things to do. :)

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This separate the lesser smart form the smart ones.

The later have better things to do.

These threads do seem to bring out he worst in working class Euros who form he majority of Euro Expats in the Kingdom. Saying that, hey they love it, so let em knock themselves out. :)

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Not for nothingn I can take a good bashing too but not from people we had to bail out on more than one occaision. I admit the sins of our fathers and I believe the truth will set you free but I'm not one to sit down when bitch slaped by a citizen of a country my Grand Father and Father had to liberate. Maybe it's just my New York attitude.
Being an American, I actually enjoy a good American bashing thread from time to time. It is good to read all of the AD HOMINEM arguments from non Americans. Thanks for the laugh! :D

I agree with you, but is it really worth countering someones pathetic argument? I find it funny that our cousins from accross the pond feel that they are "experts" on American policy, yet they refuse to look at their own country's worldly mishaps and play the blame game.

3x :D

Hi dudes, the line was: 'Who cares what america have to say'.

Hardly a bashing and definitely not a request that you start to sing your patriotic songs. :D

This separate the lesser smart form the smart ones.

The later have better things to do. :)

And are you implying that you are one of the later? :D back at you :D

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Why don't they regret all the lives that they have taken and

are still taking all around the world!

Are you implying that England has never invaded another country or seized power outside their own boundaries?

do you live in a closet or are you really that narrow minded?

Who has ever mentioned England...Open mind boy

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Who cares what the Americans think

King George III said the same thing!!!!!!

Um.. I think back in history wasn't it Admiral Yamamoto that made the phone call to the big doo doo in Tokyo after they bombed Pearl Harbor. I belive the conversation went something like this.

Admiral: It's done the American fleet is at the bottom of the harbor.

Doo Doo: You sure we have done the right thing? I personally feel we might have f#@ked up.

Admiral: Don't worry about it no body worries about the Americans.

Fast forward about 3 years.

Doo: Well, admiral you have heard the news yea?

Admiral: What news is that sir?

Doo: Umm. You said not to worry about the Americans, well this week they have erased 2 of our cities off the map.

I guess the lessoned learned is those who say "Who cares about America" or " The hel_l with America" usually end up singing a different song down the road.

For all of you Europeans on here bad mouthing the U.S.A, lest you forget if not for the blood of young American men most of you would be speaking GERMAN. Because about 66+ years ago your parents and grandparents CARED very much what America thought and said. How short your memories are and how quick to forget the freedom you enjoy today was paid for with the blood of Americans (and others).

Edited by ThaiRich
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Why don't they regret all the lives that they have taken and

are still taking all around the world!

Are you implying that England has never invaded another country or seized power outside their own boundaries?

do you live in a closet or are you really that narrow minded?

Who has ever mentioned England...Open mind boy

well, after joining just yesterday (unless you're a repeat idiot using another name) you haven't realized that most of the American bashing on this forum has been from the Brits. ....we'll wait to see what other brilliance you have to share.

care to divulge where you're from after you get your head out the toilet?

Edited by JRinger
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Who cares what the Americans think

and who cares what YOU think. You're no better than the brainwashed reds with that statement. You seem to put all Americans in the same basket. Do you do the same with your own kind?

The American's living in Thailand obviously don't agree with the majority of brainwashed American's who never leave their nest. You, on the other hand, have left your nest but still hang on to your mother's apron strings and immature ideas .

and let me guess....you'll reply with, "Don't you know how to speak proper English", etc., etc. go back to your pub and drown yourself with suds while watching foolsball.

In my opinion I don't care about what the Americans think, Opinions are like orgasms mines the most important to me. But thanks for your take on things.

Edited by thaimiller
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