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Thai Anti-Riot Squad Cut Up By Soldiers In Black

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In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

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So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

the government needs to find one of the shooters,(and do it fast before his own people kill him, on red shirt leader orders), turn him against his red leader paymasters and have him testify that he was told to shoot ordinary reds to make the army and the government look bad

the true red supporters will then kill the red leaders themselves

the rally will end, the red movement will end

Thaksin will be delivered up by one of the countries he hides out in

he will be brought back to Thailand, tried for treason and executed by firing squad

there will be new elections, Abhisit will win by a landslide

I agree

Abhisit will have to hang in there whilst the government agencies find and gets one of the ''men in black'' to testify against the Red leaders

do it quick before they are killed themselves

then it will be all over

there is one man out there out of 65 million Thais with incontravertable evidence about the random red killings ordered by the red leadership on Saturday night that could save this whole country from disaster

one man.....how ironic, a murderer could be a hero that saves the day

talking of murderers, maybe even Thaksin will throw the red leaders who organised this masacre to the dogs and try to come out looking like Thailands saviour and possibly save himself in the process

he's treacherous enough to do that especially if the government returned his money

maybe someone should put such a scenario to him, if he hasn't already considered of it?

hang in there Abhisit, right is on your side

do not be bullied by these red insurgents trying to seize this country by force

In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

Ofcourse, the first thing you do with weapons when you pick them up is strap them to your legs.


Crackdown 2 on the way?

1. Anupong has backtracked on the house dissolution comments as 'explained' by spokesman Colonel Sansern today in the Live Wednesday thread.

2. Democracy demonstrators are defensively concentrating at one site - have they been tipped off or perceived a renewed military response coming?

3. Thanong in a blog commentary yesterday stated: "New military units will be brought in to try to disperse the Red Shirts for a second attempt soon."


In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

ok Jutaporn, if he has done nothing wrong, then name him, lets see what his military background is and let the authorities speak with him

you can send your lawyers along with him to ensure fair play

Looks like more peaceful demonstrations.

BreakingNews: Thai protest leader vows no more talks with government, says 'red shirts' will establish single new base for 'final battleground' - Reuters

When will the Red leaders be satisfied. When there are more corpses Very sad.

Cheers, Rick

I've changed my opinion. This is armed insurrection bordering on civil war. The battle lines have been drawn. The battlefield is being prepared. Both sides are readying their forces. We can only sit and watch helplessly as Thailand tears itself asunder. Let us hope for a 'miracle' and that all sides can step away from this madness before it really is too late.

You are right to have changed your opinion J. Its already too late though, its been too late for a while. Thailand is already a failed state and we have to stand on the sidelines while it renews itself - fortunately, as foreigners, if we are sensible there is little risk to us. What will emerge from the wreckage will either be a full democracy or another Burma. Personally I would bet on the former but more lives have yet to be lost and a few Thais have to find themselves persona non grata.

I agree fully with all the above, the thinking is in tune with how things work here.

I have been studying more about Seh Daeng and it's clear that Taksin's movement has a significant military wing, presumably under Seh Daeng. Taksin has reason to seek revenge from the establishment, Seh Daeng has reason to seek revenge against Anupong. As a military general Seh Daeng could well influence parts of the armed forces that are not happy with Anupong (I don't know who or what, just assuming from past experience that the army is not that unified). Now picture the next showdown with a military splinter group switching sides to join Seh Daeng's black guards. If a general believed that Taksin can win, that Seh Daeng can take the field, that Abhisit is weak, that the old elite guard is loosing its grip, I can see that general switching colors easily.

Sure hope I am spitting nonsense.

Part of the Seh Daeng story. goggling Seh Daeng, Anupong and weapons brings up most of it.

The two generals had conflicts over Seh Daeng's visit(s) to Taksin in Cambodia, Seh Daeng (Major General Kattiya Sawasdiphol,) was removed from his current duty and assigned to instruct a dancing class. He is quoted as saying he will teach only one lesson, how to throw a grenade. He was eventually dismissed. He was later implicated in a grenade attach on Anupong's office that ocurred on Jan 15 , the day after Seh Daeng was dismissed! Around January 23 Anupong ordered officers at army units nationwide to arrest Seh Daeng immediately on sight. There is a reference to his house being raided saying Seh Daeng denied any link to war weapons seized in raids on his home and the living quarters of his aid. Last Saturday Anupong's commander in the field was laser targeted and taken out with a grenade.

Sound's to me like Anupong would be aware that Seh Daeng might pose a threat.

In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

ok Jutaporn, if he has done nothing wrong, then name him, lets see what his military background is and let the authorities speak with him

you can send your lawyers along with him to ensure fair play

At same presentation on Stage, Nattawut says pictures (exhibited) of red shirts on cycles with guns slung across shoulders are fake reds and army plants. What's going on here, fake reds, fake monks? Fake concerns? Getting rather funky now. Explanatory faculties in overdrive.


Nattawut skating close now, needs to remember the operative maxim of Thai leadership: you don't have to make a lie believable; you have to make it believable enough to ensure that the public's intellect isn't publicly shamed by the stupidity of believing it.

In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

ok Jutaporn, if he has done nothing wrong, then name him, lets see what his military background is and let the authorities speak with him

you can send your lawyers along with him to ensure fair play

At same presentation on Stage, Nattawut says pictures (exhibited) of red shirts on cycles with guns slung across shoulders are fake reds and army plants. What's going on here, fake reds, fake monks? Fake concerns? Getting rather funky now. Explanatory faculties in overdrive.

they are panicing

they protesteth too much

they know one man in black, a turncoat against the cause will bring them down

they also know if it gets too hot for Thaksin, he will try save himself by throwing them to the dogs and claim he never knew how they were spending his money.

its unravelling and fast.....

Abhisit needs to hold tight and wait until he has the evidence to end this thing and prove the reds did this to themselves to stir up public sympathy

the red movement will self destruct when they find out that reds were shot at random by their own under a false flag operation by Sa Daeng ordered by the red leaders

A neutral national unity government may be the best solution if these two parties and their supporters don't calm down soon.

Good thinking; part of the framework of The Joseph Solution, which I have been proposing for over a year, contains building blocks along those lines.

It also involves some elements of the most successful participatory democracy in world history, the Six Nations - Iroquois Federation and other architecture that cannot be discussed, even with people dying in street battles. :D

egg, there is no point of continually posting about this "Joseph Solution" if you don't give us any details.

The Joseph Stalin solution is that?

I can't be bothered to look up what he's talking about - its bound to be nonsense or he'd have set it out clearly and provided links.



This whole 'fake reds' shinola sounds like the same sort of bs the US Republicans used during the 'Swift Boat' attacks on the opposition during the 2004 presidential campaign -- "we have nothing to do with it!"

Obama reminded the world of how many countries look to the US as an example. Unfortunately, the teabaggers and the redshirts seem to learning from each other.

teabag militias in Oklahoma?

they are panicing

they protesteth too much

they know one man in black, a turncoat against the cause will bring them down

they also know if it gets too hot for Thaksin, he will try save himself by throwing them to the dogs and claim he never knew how they were spending his money.

its unravelling and fast.....

Abhisit needs to hold tight and wait until he has the evidence to end this thing and prove the reds did this to themselves to stir up public sympathy

the red movement will self destruct when they find out that reds were shot at random by their own under a false flag operation by Sa Daeng ordered by the red leaders

maybe you've read a few thrillers too many :)

they are panicing

they protesteth too much

they know one man in black, a turncoat against the cause will bring them down

they also know if it gets too hot for Thaksin, he will try save himself by throwing them to the dogs and claim he never knew how they were spending his money.

its unravelling and fast.....

Abhisit needs to hold tight and wait until he has the evidence to end this thing and prove the reds did this to themselves to stir up public sympathy

the red movement will self destruct when they find out that reds were shot at random by their own under a false flag operation by Sa Daeng ordered by the red leaders

maybe you've read a few thrillers too many :)

no sir, ex CIA

Looks like more peaceful demonstrations.

BreakingNews: Thai protest leader vows no more talks with government, says 'red shirts' will establish single new base for 'final battleground' - Reuters

When will the Red leaders be satisfied. When there are more corpses Very sad.

Cheers, Rick

Exactly what I thought Rick when I saw this news report.

Of course the problem has always started and ended with people like this.

I guess it is in the public media now..

Why cant these scumbags take this pissing match out of town..

I want to go back to work...

Don't these red shits have jobs and family's to go home to?

Yes, they have jobs - at Rachaprasong and Phan Fa.

The pay is up to B100,000 a day. The top of the range is a the top PR bonus award achieved by taking a bullet in the head.

In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

So why were they all wearing those touch sensitive gloves?

they are panicing

they protesteth too much

they know one man in black, a turncoat against the cause will bring them down

they also know if it gets too hot for Thaksin, he will try save himself by throwing them to the dogs and claim he never knew how they were spending his money.

its unravelling and fast.....

Abhisit needs to hold tight and wait until he has the evidence to end this thing and prove the reds did this to themselves to stir up public sympathy

the red movement will self destruct when they find out that reds were shot at random by their own under a false flag operation by Sa Daeng ordered by the red leaders

maybe you've read a few thrillers too many :)

no sir, ex CIA

You need not be ex-CIA to think through what he says as being plausible and logical.

All it takes is ONE guy captured and talking a storm up to save his ass.

Even sheep know difference when it's a sheepdog or a hungry wolf in front of them


Looks like more peaceful demonstrations.

BreakingNews: Thai protest leader vows no more talks with government, says 'red shirts' will establish single new base for 'final battleground' - Reuters

When will the Red leaders be satisfied. When there are more corpses Very sad.

Cheers, Rick

Exactly what I thought Rick when I saw this news report.

Of course the problem has always started and ended with people like this.

Of course this is in the most expensive real-estate corner in all of Thailand,

and shuts down huge business opportunities for all Thailand too.

Exactly as they intend it to of course.

Oh and lets not forget the glass replacement cost or merchandise losses, fires, theft, etc

if the final battle takes place running through Paragon and Central world guerrilla style combat.

People who think like this can NOT be allowed to take control of the nation. Simple as that.

In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

So why were they all wearing those touch sensitive gloves?

Maybe, thanks to thoughtful government education showing dangers of contracting Hepatitis, HIV, etc. when handling potentially infectious body fluids, following the previous bloody incident initiated by the red skirts.


The question is. Do the government have the balls to send the Military in again and face the consequences. If they do you can guarantee that the black shirts will be back on the streets. Back to square one and more loss of life. It's a tuf one to call!

Cheers, Rick

No surprise that it has got to this.

BPbreakingnews: P.Thai: Gen 'P' planning a coup

Cheers, Rick

not gonna happen, just a rumour to scare the black ops guys out into the open so the Army can take them out.


If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

And they reds just announced today that they would move all protesters from Pan Fah to Ratchprasong. Too difficult to defend two areas I would imagine. Also there are many thousands of 'innocent' redshirts at Ratch. And they big malls being held hostage. The damages to life and property would be enormous if the military tries to disperse the protesters from there.

Not sure but what about solving the concerns of the red shirt rank and file , better opportunities , better education , good job and so on ?

Bullets , even rubber ones , cant solve those . Of course those in BKK , dont give a dam_n i suppose

No surprise that it has got to this.

BPbreakingnews: P.Thai: Gen 'P' planning a coup

Cheers, Rick

One might extrapolate that General Panlop has had this aim for some time.

Of course setting up the Thailand Peoples Army under reluctant Gen. Chavolit might have been a clue.

always nice to have a clueless figure head to blame.

If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :)


So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

And they reds just announced today that they would move all protesters from Pan Fah to Ratchprasong. Too difficult to defend two areas I would imagine. Also there are many thousands of 'innocent' redshirts at Ratch. And they big malls being held hostage. The damages to life and property would be enormous if the military tries to disperse the protesters from there.

Not sure but what about solving the concerns of the red shirt rank and file , better opportunities , better education , good job and so on ?

Bullets , even rubber ones , cant solve those . Of course those in BKK , dont give a dam_n i suppose

Do you mean like the debt forgiveness plans announced by the government just last week?

Have the reds suggested any policies that should be put in place to help the poor? Have the reds suggested any policies to reduce corruption?

Whatever the government has done, or will do, to help the poor, it's not what the red shirt leaders want. They don't want help for the poor. The want to be in power, so they can bring back their benefactor.

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

And they reds just announced today that they would move all protesters from Pan Fah to Ratchprasong. Too difficult to defend two areas I would imagine. Also there are many thousands of 'innocent' redshirts at Ratch. And they big malls being held hostage. The damages to life and property would be enormous if the military tries to disperse the protesters from there.

Not sure but what about solving the concerns of the red shirt rank and file , better opportunities , better education , good job and so on ?

Bullets , even rubber ones , cant solve those . Of course those in BKK , dont give a dam_n i suppose

They have a good job with regular pay working for Mr Thaksin thank you very much.

Thank you for showing your knickers that you hate the people of Bangkok.

Good excuse then for trashing the place.

Charming red cheerleader.


Black masked gunmen from weekend bloodshed identified

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Names of armed gunmen in black firing at authorities during the 10 April bloodshed have been identified by the Democrat party.

Democrat Party Spokesperson MD Buranaj Smutharaks stated that black clad gunmen spotted during the recent bloody clash between authorities and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have been given names.

Security officials have been tasked with making the apprehension of the gunmen a priority. The discovery of the interlopers has lended an increased sense of unease to the already tense situation.

MD Buranaj used footage of the gunmen to indicate that they were trained and sent in disguised to exacerbate the engagement of authorities and protesters.

The spokesperson has asked all sectors cooperate and inform authorities immediately if have any information as to the whereabouts of the gunmen.


-- NNT 2010-04-14


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