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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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Am I the only one wondering why Abhisit is handing this over to same guy who said parliament should be dissolved a few days ago?

OR "same same but different."

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it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

It wasn't the army it was the police, and it's well known that the police support thaksin - they support him because he was once a policeman, and therefore their 'brother' can absolutely and totally do no wrong, even though he's massively corrupt, and should be on trial in the world courts for massive human rights abuses.

Unfortunately PM Abhisit has inherited a 'police' force which is about about as capable as a wheel on a walking stick and has no morals, and the sooner he reorganizes them and brings capable, sincere and honest people to the top of the police the better.

Just another one of the minefield factors which PM Abhisit didn't create but must work through to try to get Thailand back onto a steady path.

it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

I am agree with you, but I think that more danger threatened is from the south of Thailand( Inside of Thailand), then from Cambodia.

I understand army too. Its not easy to fight with own people, Thai against Thai, but they need to understand, and finally cut all colors in Thailand.

Thai people no need red or yellow shirts, no need to fight among themselves. They need to try with Democracy.


LOOOOOOOOLLLL!! Pure slapstick movie material on the 'cops and robbers' theme - if it weren`t so embarrassing! :)

The police who really let him escape wanted to kill him with grenades ... c'mon man!

'Hunt down' the PM and his vice-PM - how much threat and sabotage is required in this country till someone pulls out the ultimate STOP sign??!


I am just getting in from the bar, and I realize that this is far from credible, but I was told that the army has set up check ponts at Asoke. Has anyone seen this?

dear brothers and sisters from various different lands....

may i assure you....

the end is in sight....

a week or two at most....

it will not be pretty.... but it will be speedy....

the career pro is now in charge.... and his untarnished record and reputation is on the line....

stay tune.... and try not to blink.... you just might miss the unimaginable actions....

it has been hinted and forewarned many times by different govt sources that .... that the area there is dangerous....

it could not be any clearer that locals as well as farangs should stay away....

i do not like what i heard and i dislike it even more.... of what is bounded to happen down the road....

i pray earnestly for restrain.... and more restrain.... HAVE MERCY....

Wait see what happens.

The guys retiring soon so pretty sure he won't want to end up in Exile.


hi mythbuster

just where do you get all your info from.... pls?

your conclusion is so far out....

for a brief moment, i thought you were one of the redshirt core-leaders presenting 20% fact mixing with 80% twisties story.... vocalized in bellywood style.... :) cheers

This government is unfortunately made up out of power horny morons. The frequent use of the word "Terrorist" means that the people do not give a rats ass about the status, the economy and the reputation of the country.

I try to figure out for a few days why the army went in last Saturday with anti aircraft weapons in their arsenal which according the claims of the army were confiscated by the red shirts. This can only be a set-up. the reds do not have any aircraft who is planning to bring one down? A terrorist? The army? It seems that everything is allowed to stay in power.

The economist was suggesting a election in three months time, which should probably do, if it were not for the deputy of Anupong who wants to take control in September?October. Given the fact that the polls that are so often quoted by the government will be proven to be paid for by the elite and the one and only poll (Elections) will bring parties related to the reds an outright majority his chances of being promoted are nil, zero, nada, which would void the entire coup which brought Thailand only misery.

Sonthi and his fellow couptakers should go to jail for a very very long time and their self proclaimed amnesty revoked.


The only thing the army is going to do is smoke bomb themselves again.

Abhish_it has lost total control. Not that the Red Shirts are doing to do anything, but it is clear the PM is out of touch and out of command. He reminds me of "Baghdad Bob" when the USA had them surrounded, he was giving press releases saying the US troops were not there and everything was fine. lol

CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

I'd love to know the real story of what happened in the hotel room this morning....and how they started with A and ended up with Z.

The only thing that kept coming to my mind on the subject all day was the movie title... "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight."

I've read the Red reinforcement got to the hotel before the arrestees could be taken away. The police officers were detained until they released their prisoners. No fuss, no muss; nobody wants to get hurt.

CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

Not the website. It was about 20 mins ago and I don't think they were referring to the arrest attempt. It was one of those headlines they flash across the bottom of the screen.

CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

Not the website. It was about 20 mins ago and I don't think they were referring to this mornings events. It was one of those headlines they flash across the bottom of the screen.

Right now that CNN head only says Thai PM transfers security control to military (no mention of any action as yet).

CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

Not the website. It was about 20 mins ago and I don't think they were referring to this mornings events. It was one of those headlines they flash across the bottom of the screen.

Right now that CNN head only says Thai PM transfers security control to military (no mention of any action as yet).

Sorry, see above, just edited my previous post to make it clearer.


What might seem like an easy to do against civilians is not so easy to do against a military Red group with automatic weapons and grenades.

240 or so military people were hurt in one minute on the last charge and now the Reds are dug in and waiting.

Do you think the military men are in a hurry to charge against their own people and get killed for a government which most of them dislike?


CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

Watching live right now and all seems normal.

Laughing dancing, singing and watching the Great Escape Video.

Arisman's as gone back to his room to get some kip.


Also nothing from usual sources on Twitter (which has been unerringly useful to me for the first time in its entire existence through this whole redshirt business).


Trust me I'm in no hurry. Just checking to find out if it's actually happening. I know it will happen eventually and it has to happen, but with the likely outcome I can't honestly say I want it to happen.

get 50.000 troops to Bangkok and outfit them with riot gear, shields and batons ONLY, and PUSH!

Good luck finding 50,000 troops willing to fight the red shirts. They're on the same side, only a few of the leaders oppose the reds.

get 50.000 troops to Bangkok and outfit them with riot gear, shields and batons ONLY, and PUSH!

Good luck finding 50,000 troops willing to fight the red shirts. They're on the same side, only a few of the leaders oppose the reds.

Sure a lot of the troops are sympathetic to the reds, but what you just wrote is a gross over simplification and exaggeration. What we have here now is the early stages of a potential civil war that of course almost nobody wants to escalate into a full civil war. Civil wars are an especially difficult kind of war as you have fellow countrymen (often friends and relatives) fighting each other.

You get some perspective on this demonstration by thinking about the eqivalent happening in an advanced democracy like London , Washington or Berlin; the military/police elites would act forcefully to remove these people especially following a death toll of circa 25 people including policemen and citizens. This would have to be done because in democracies the rule of law is there to protect citizens and avoid anarchy. It seems incredible that this affair has been allowed to run so many days



it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

The problem is that the government and the army/police are trying to avoid mass casualties. If the Cambodians (in an extremely hypothetical situation) were to invade I think the Thai army would have no qualms about slaughtering them. On the other hand, you have to wonder how they are unable to arrest even one of the crooks calling themselves "leaders" of the red shirts. Personally, I think Abhisit is making the best of what is an impossible situation, and I'm sure he wishes he had something more effective than the Keystone Kops to rely on.

Unfortunately, this will likely all end with Abhisit resigning and probably moving overseas where he can probably make a good living under far less stressful circumstances. Thailand will have lost one of it's most intelligent, and educated Prime Ministers in decades and will end up with someone of the caliber of a Samak Sundaravej or a Chalerm - just what the country really deserves, so it can remain the underdeveloped, corrupt, laughing stock it seems to want to be. I used to love Thailand and respect its people. The last several years since the election of Thaksin have made me reconsider.

I CHANGED MY MIND: I used to regard Thai TV movies as unrealistic, childish soap operas…. Now I understand: IT’S REALITY!!! One has to be Thai to comprehend daily news. TIT: This Is Thailand Amazing Thailand. Still.. I love this place…. and it’s people…. Thais use to say: Thais can do EVERYTHING – if (and only IF) they like to do it….. TIT I am speechless…. But I love this country… It’s unique.. it’s Thailand…. Let’s keep praying for this wonderful place in the world…



Just because the Red Shirts say the govt is illegitimate doesn't mean they are correct in their claim.

No one has said "OK, no more elections in Thailand ever. Forget democracy here."

No one has said "Ahbisit is PM-for-Life (i.e. dictator)."

The constitution and laws dictate an orderly, timely, schedule of elections and the current gov't has given every indication they will follow those laws. Yet the Red Shirts want to demonstrate and struggle(fight?) as if there will never be elections again and we actually have a dictator.

Ahbisit did not lead or organize that coup several years back. His party organized a coalition gov't comprised of several political parties. This was AFTER the new constitution (post-coup) was in place. And AFTER we went through about 4 PM's post-coup also. This type of coalition gov't is totally expected and permitted in this multi-party democracy. Nothing illegitimate about that.

There is no reason the gov't should dissolve early just because people protest. Where are the rights of the people who want a stable gov't that follows the mapped-out process of democracy in Thai law? These protesters are basically saying their rights supersede following an orderly democratic process. Their rights supersede the rights of all of Thai society to have stability and an orderly functioning gov't and society. In effect, the demonstrators are more like dictators than Ahbisit.

Its true that there was violence and death last Saturday. Many people (20+) died. First, let's keep this in perspective. On day one of Songkraan their were 45 road deaths and 600+ road accident injuries (many/most attributed to drunk driving). Next, they have been tangling with the gov't for more than a month now -- and we should be surprised when there is a fire fight and some get killed? In reality, they gov't is simply doing their job which is to restore law and order for both the well functioning of the society but also the economy (economy is the gurgling sound you hear circling the drain right now...).

Speaking of economy... investors are attracted by a stable and orderly functioning society and gov't. If we look to the strongest economies in the world (i.e., USA, Japan, China, Euro-zone)... a key hallmark is the consistent and orderly gov't process. It, unfortunately, doesn't matter to business people if the leaders or gov't are fair or honest, just that the processes are clear, transparent, and followed without any surprises.

In almost any other place in the world, the armies/police would - without hesitation - shoot the Red Shirts for what they have done/are doing. In the USA, for example, if protesters forced their way into the Congress (i.e. parliament) building or the White House (to throw blood on it).... guaranteed the army/police would shoot without any second thoughts. Because, if for no other reason, allowing protesters to do those actions shows to the society that gov't is not protecting the constitution. It shows that the gov't has stopped (is failing) to be an institution balancing the rights of all parties. (of course, there are other reasons they would be shooting...but this is the broad philosophical explanation). In many countries, what they have done to snarl traffic and shutter commercial areas alone would have been enough to "release the hounds" on the Red Shirts.

I posit that in the Kingdom of Thailand, any pre-20th century monarch would have already had their heads lined up along the footpath to their palace several weeks ago. ;-)

If the gov't is dissolved because of the Red Shirts' actions, then any pressure groups in the future should have the same expectation to get dissolution. We should just give up on the idea of democratic process and stability. Let's just have elections 4-5 times a year?

I think this entire situation, at its foundation, is the result of a lack of understanding of civics and govt. If a society sees a govt as theirs... their tool and their govt.... (as opposed to viewing govt as a completely separate entity like a private business divorced from the will of society), then its easier to accept and incorporate democratic processes into peoples actions and thoughts.

Unfortunately, I think there is no easy solution to the situation now. Any "resolution" will leave large segments of society unsatisfied.

And thats the real TRUTH TODAY!

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