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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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Yes I agree what a disaster this is...all the result of a coup by Yellow shirts.

If I have to wear a shirt mine certainly would be RED!

6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

Broken record.

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if they are so scared as you say then why are they there? to bow to the reds and beg forgiveness?

Obviously the multicolors gathered last night and now at sala daeng to show opposition to the reds. But the vast majority were BEHIND police lines.

by contrast the red stand in FRONT of those police lines, quite a number in front of their own barricades. they were not ignorant of the risks; many told me to seek shelter behind the barricade because they felt it was too dangerous where they stood.

big difference between those reds and those multis.

Earth PIG

Please reply to my earlier "Brain Teaser", its important that we know your answer. :)

Here is a little brain teaser for you, see if you can get the right answer:

Which one of these two animals are likely to win in a fight to the death situation ...

A... A Hamster (with a pea sized brain)

B... A Tiger (Millions of years of evolution which resulted in a creature that is very cleaver, cunning & with a hunger to always succeed)

Don't worry if you get your answer wrong it is a hard one isn't it? :)

I think it is very wrong of you to describe General Anupong as a hamster.A bushbaby perhaps, but definitely not a hamster.Have some respect.

Why are so men red-farangs unstable? The down and out in the west seethe with anger towards people with educations and blame everyone else for their problems. And when in Thailand they gravitate to the same ilk.

hailand is very liberal and welcomes all sorts of people, including weirdos, psychos and people who might be in jail in another country for their public behavior. Sad, but true...


brilliant deduction on thailand's liberal policy in welcoming one and all to her shores.......

heard of the story of two mad men in an asylum where one told the other that god spoke to him in his dream and the other mad man replied he did indeed appear in the first mad man's dream to speak to him???????

between the "educated" and the "uneducated" , who is more mad?????????

are not the uneducated :) entitled to be mad when they feel cheated and are :D the educated sometimes not very mad when they feel shortchanged at their work places????? :D

I seems as if EVERY thread about current events gets hijacked back to the yellow airport incident. I think this should be a mod issue. ONE thread to talk about that. It shouldn't be acceptable for this done to the death aspect of it to dominate EVERY other topic, especially now, that Thailand is possibly on the verge of civil war.

I do have a proposal about this. I suggest people in future ignore all references to the airport incident. We all know about it ALREADY. We all know the red rationale about that, that they claim they are now excused of ALL crimes because of that past. Nothing new. Why ever reply to this gambit?

rofl In that case, should it also be a 'mod issue' every time the end all, be all 'they are paid demonstrators' gets rolled out??? I do have an idiotic proposal about this. Word recognition kicks in and points out that the yellow mobs got paid, too, only more.

Once in awhile you make sense, [should be a mod issue - sheeeeesh man]

70 % of Thais are not taking sides, why do 90% of farangs?

Both sides have corrupt leaders, trying to get into the seats of power and corruption, pity the poor pawns and minions, people on both sides with good intentions who being used like cannon fodder.

Forget the airport closure, WHY????? no don't tell me. lol


Gentlemen, it seems like we have no choice. The final warning has been issued and it is now the time for action.

Prepare the strongly worded letters!

(In other news, the stray bullet comment definitely got a chuckle out of me. :) )

The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

Personally I think it will be at 3:00am tomorrow morning, when the reds are off guard and with hangovers. the press is thin on the ground and the tourists and night owls have all gone home, it also gives them time to clean up before dawn. (only an educated guess) :)

TonyH, I beg to differ.

I've been listening to the red stage for over 2 weeks now and there is somewhat of a cycle every day.

It is quiet about 6-7 in the morning, then relatively bearable in the morning and afternoon with about an hour's break around noon. However in the evenings, the speakers start getting louder and louder with peaking (I am 800-900 meters away and their speakers are shaking my windows and walls!) from about 2.30-3.30 am.

Just before that they have music performers with some of the World's worst singing abilities between the usual screaming of hate speeches.

So I surely do not believe 3 am would be the best time for it from alertness point of view. Agree on the rest about the tourists and press, but then if there was a military operation like this happening when the redshirts depart home, how long would it take for them to return and surround the soldiers?

I would rather choose time when they are all in one contained area than when very few are in and majority can come back on a moment's notice.

Remember how the operation jumbo drop from SC Park hotel ended?

Still, while I would like to see a bloodless solution to this, stepping back and factoring in all the events of the last couple of days, I don't think there is a chance of that anymore.

Trouble is however this turns, the "outcome" won't last more than max. a couple of months, when the whole cycle will start again by the losing side taking to the streets. Be it red or yellow or pink or whatever.

There is a real possibility of a civil war and the army/government will need to choose one of the bad options.

I can see you have first hand experience with this, I am sorry for you and the thousands who have to live near the horrible noise. I was only theorizing using normal people as the model. Of course these people are far from normal.

the pure strain of nastiness passes like an electrical charge through water from the red platform straight through to the forum red apologists.

Learn from the master about "the pure strain of nastiness, compounded in this instance by any kind of intellectual rigour.(Ah well we can't all be graduates of Yale or Stanford)

On a serious note this kind of urban lower middle class fear of the mob is actually quite a common political characteristic in many political cultures.It explains why so many petty bourgeois types are attracted by conservatism and sometimes even fascism.In Thailand it's slightly silly because only a very few are more than a generation or two away from being rice farmers or coolies.

Forget the airport closure, WHY????? no don't tell me. lol

Cos it was the RED GOVERNMENT that <deleted>*ked up there, not the current one.

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:) In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!


It seems like it is probably the last chance for calm heads and some or any center ground to be found. When this window closes it will be all downhill and with the weekend approaching and other groups coming out things will get far more complicated. On the weekend there will also be potential for bigger numbers at any of the various colour coded love-ins.

Or maybe they all just want it to go off which would be sad.


The Thai government has gone out of their way to accomodate these red thugs.....regardless of what I have read on this blog NO government would have put up with this nonsense as long as the Thai government has. It says alot for their desire to compromise if such a miniscule percentage of the country's population has as much of a voice as the reds have. But the protesters are certainly delusional if they don't see that the end is near.......

...as for Thaksin...a coward who contributes to the risk faced by his supporters by inciting (and paying for) this protest while he is safe and comfortable in one resort destination after another. The greed, arrogance and ego of this man is shameful and he is not worthy of calling himself 'Thai'.....

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:D In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

I think the laughing joke is somewhere in the south pacific - fix bangkok's traffic in six months? - scandalous! :)

:) In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

Evidence please? Or is this just some runny brown stuff leaking out of your arse?

Actually, the best hope is for the government to enforce its lawful powers to maintain civil order against the reds. The more other colors get involved, the greater the chance this will become a real civil war.

just let the thais spray different color paints on each other and watch who the military will shoot at......

then only talks between opposing parties will resume then??????????? :):D:D:D:D:D:D

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:) In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

...one more european nut job!


Earth PIG

Please reply to my earlier "Brain Teaser", its important that we know your answer. :)

I'd be happy to.

We're discussing Reds and Yellows, and you're talking Hamsters and Tigers.

Sit still, the men in white coats are on their way....


"This jerk is just trying to pressure Anupong into killing. Put him and the CRES in jail and this could be resolved."

You got it Grandpa. I think some of the posters here would pay to watch the massacre live. OGT

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

:D In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

I think the laughing joke is somewhere in the south pacific - fix bangkok's traffic in six months? - scandalous! :)

I remember that stupid promise... remember he said that he would use Chinook Helicopters to airlift stalled cars from traffic jams. What a moron.

the pure strain of nastiness passes like an electrical charge through water from the red platform straight through to the forum red apologists.

Learn from the master about "the pure strain of nastiness, compounded in this instance by any kind of intellectual rigour.(Ah well we can't all be graduates of Yale or Stanford)

On a serious note this kind of urban lower middle class fear of the mob is actually quite a common political characteristic in many political cultures.It explains why so many petty bourgeois types are attracted by conservatism and sometimes even fascism.In Thailand it's slightly silly because only a very few are more than a generation or two away from being rice farmers or coolies.

Petty bourgeois round where I live are by far the biggest support group of Thaksin and reds because of that. They dont really talk much about any social issues. The leftist reds are not really much in abundance round here. Then again the vast vast majority would not be red or yellow. Oddly enough those who sell their labour are pretty much PAD supporters. Class lines are quite blurred when it comes to urban dwellers but then history shows that the rural poor and urban poor often end up on different sides and in reality have very differtent aspirations and needs. And of course Im sure that changes by what urban area you live in as opportunity varies widely by town and those who benefit from it varies widely too. It is interesting though to be living in a fairly apolitcal environment while all this goes on. I dont know if any others around Thailand find their areas to be relativley apolitical or it is unique.

Anyway all we can do now is sit back and see what happens. There is enough anger out there albeit little where I am. But what happens in Thailand will be decided by what happens in Bangkok and everything I hear is that it is quite explosive in that town. Sometimes in the pasty I have missed living in Bangkok but not right now.


Grandpa; You obviously have little understanding of the UN. (Or anything else for that matter). Please return put on your slippers and take your medicine.



Okay what are the likely scenario(s) over the next few days?

A. multi-colored protesters and red shirts clash and all hel_l breaks loose

B. government troops and red shirts clash and fight till red shirts are dispersed

C. government troops and red shirts clash, but red shirts prevail and remain

D. Abhisit dissolve Parliament and abandons ship

E. Thaksin dies of cancer and everyone returns to their senses

F. nothing happens and we are either bored to death or die of old age


I would like challenge who has posted any where supporting the reds in their battle against double standards and for justice to answer the points raised in this letter.

Then, it would be nice if they could explain, without the usual red-rant, why they are not either incredibly ignorant or hypocritcal.

Like the guy pictured world-wide, after the last pro Thaksin governmenet murdered anumber of yellows, you ain't got legs to stand on. Or, have i heard you coming out against that action?

POST BAG After all the talk, reds need to walk the walk

Published: 22/04/2010 at 12:00 AM

Newspaper section: News

Passing by the red encampment around Lumpini Park, I saw many slogans which I fully agreed with, and strongly urge the reds to put their words into action:

1. ''No extra-judiciary powers.'' Thaksin's anti-drug drive led to 2,500 extra-judicial killings. The reds should demand that these killings be immediately investigated by an impartial commission, not by the police.

2. ''Need democracy.'' No minority, whether red or yellow, should deprive others of their right to innocent passage or to work and live in peace. Thus, the reds should allow unrestricted and peaceful passage of all and restore peace to the country by protesting within the law. Decades ago, I was part of a single, 10-person picket line, walking in silence, seeking social change. We generated much favourable publicity, and our actions, which were a very small part of similar non-violent protests throughout the country, eventually led to the massive changes we sought.

3. ''Need justice.'' The military was guilty of manslaughter at Tak Bai. The reds should push for the commanding officers to be held accountable for their acts, and for the prime minister of the time to be held accountable for his inaction. PM Abhisit promised an impartial commission to investigate the violence of April 10. The reds should press him to promptly establish such a commission and urgently hold the guilty parties accountable for the violence, including those who dragged wounded soldiers from ambulances and beat them up.

4. ''Stop corruption.'' Thaksin was found guilty of corruption. Since his brother-in- law was prime minister at the time, it is highly unlikely that the verdict was politically motivated. Thus, the reds should immediately demand that Thaksin return and serve his sentence. Also, Thaksin was found guilty of concealing ownership of Shin Corp and of setting up shell companies to evade income tax, which is stealing from the millions of poor Thais whom he professes to champion. The reds should demand that he be immediately tried for such evasion and, if found guilty, be severely sentenced for betraying the trust of the grassroots.

Reds, like all politicians, you talk the talk. Now, let's see you walk the walk, and put politicians, of all colours, to shame. Isn't your pet slogan ''No double standards''?


Why are so men red-farangs unstable? The down and out in the west seethe with anger towards people with educations and blame everyone else for their problems. And when in Thailand they gravitate to the same ilk.

Yeah I guess deep down I knew that, amazing how many of the expats here whine and complain about everything but when you suggest they go back to their native countries they act like its the most stupid thing they've heard.

So I guess your explanation makes perfect sense.. have to remember when reading their posts next time that the elevator indeed does not go to the top

totally off topic...but...YES! "why don't you go back to your own country" is the stupidist thing I have ever heard. Regardless of whatever anyone is whining about, how does "if you don't like it just leave" address or debate the issue???? If you don't like what someone has to say....tell them why they are wrong, take an opposing view, don't just stick your head in the sand because you've nothing better to say and tell them to go away.

As for red-farangs OR red-Thais? Or Yellow for that matter: "Sheep on band-wagons all".....Holding a city, or an airport hostage in the name of democracy and the betterment of the people, while being paid to do so, is just plain silly. An extremely wealthy and powerful few are the driving forces behind these things....and it has absolutely nothing to do with democracy OR the betterment of the people.

Now tell me...will going back to my home country negate the validity of my opinion?

I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

I would sooner not be a Goooner. Or Gun or Atilloid. Calling these people 'animals', thugs, and inviting military to spill 'Red blood'.

Don't know why, but the gut feeling is you are a Yank. And if I am wrong, you sure as hel_l are Stupid.

1. Thai army is not supposed to fight, kill, maim or disperse Thai people. It is supposed to protect Thailand from external enemies.

2. Thai politics are for Thais to sort out. Any Farang, you included, should refrain from being too outspoken. Especially in a bloodthirsty hysterical tones.

3. Thaksin issue aside (and to hel_l with him!), like them or hate them, these people do have a few issues and human rights to vent them. If provoked or attacked, they will naturally try to fight back. If you do not get it, try to live on 5,000bt/month. If this is not enough, how about I kill your friend, wife, father or brother, and see if you reach for a gun?

4. Beware! Army is not the Generals. I wouldn't want to see rank and file disobeying immoral orders. Or shooting the wrong way. Such things must not allowed to happen in this country, because the result is too costly and ugly. I have seen it...

5. Therefore, - shut up and pray to your God, that the guys you wanted to photograph only chased you away... The prudent ones would have shot you. :)

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

Good Point Jingthing, how would this be handled in let's say Holland?

It would never be necessary in Holland- people are enfranchised, well-educated, they have removed the priviledges of title and inheritance, they receive sufficient pay for their work, have more than adequate health care and welfare provision and have plenty of Heineken.

crap reply.....

holland may be enfranchised,blah,blah, blah......

BUT, do you know they have global drug lords and leaders and what have you.......

again, what a crap reply......from a supposedly non-dutch trying to represent holland to the world..... :)

I would like challenge who has posted any where supporting the reds in their battle against double standards and for justice to answer the points raised in this letter.

Then, it would be nice if they could explain, without the usual red-rant, why they are not either incredibly ignorant or hypocritcal.

Like the guy pictured world-wide, after the last pro Thaksin governmenet murdered anumber of yellows, you ain't got legs to stand on. Or, have i heard you coming out against that action?

POST BAG After all the talk, reds need to walk the walk

Published: 22/04/2010 at 12:00 AM

Newspaper section: News

Passing by the red encampment around Lumpini Park, I saw many slogans which I fully agreed with, and strongly urge the reds to put their words into action:

1. ''No extra-judiciary powers.'' Thaksin's anti-drug drive led to 2,500 extra-judicial killings. The reds should demand that these killings be immediately investigated by an impartial commission, not by the police.

2. ''Need democracy.'' No minority, whether red or yellow, should deprive others of their right to innocent passage or to work and live in peace. Thus, the reds should allow unrestricted and peaceful passage of all and restore peace to the country by protesting within the law. Decades ago, I was part of a single, 10-person picket line, walking in silence, seeking social change. We generated much favourable publicity, and our actions, which were a very small part of similar non-violent protests throughout the country, eventually led to the massive changes we sought.

3. ''Need justice.'' The military was guilty of manslaughter at Tak Bai. The reds should push for the commanding officers to be held accountable for their acts, and for the prime minister of the time to be held accountable for his inaction. PM Abhisit promised an impartial commission to investigate the violence of April 10. The reds should press him to promptly establish such a commission and urgently hold the guilty parties accountable for the violence, including those who dragged wounded soldiers from ambulances and beat them up.

4. ''Stop corruption.'' Thaksin was found guilty of corruption. Since his brother-in- law was prime minister at the time, it is highly unlikely that the verdict was politically motivated. Thus, the reds should immediately demand that Thaksin return and serve his sentence. Also, Thaksin was found guilty of concealing ownership of Shin Corp and of setting up shell companies to evade income tax, which is stealing from the millions of poor Thais whom he professes to champion. The reds should demand that he be immediately tried for such evasion and, if found guilty, be severely sentenced for betraying the trust of the grassroots.

Reds, like all politicians, you talk the talk. Now, let's see you walk the walk, and put politicians, of all colours, to shame. Isn't your pet slogan ''No double standards''?


What is your point here?

So what if you prove they have double standards?

Maybe you are right, but do you think they care what anyone thinks?

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