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Going Home. My 3 Year Stay Is Comming To An End.

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Me and most of the honest men around.

Some sex tourists come here for 10 years and have one partner.

Definition of sex tourist

Person who travels to a foreign country to have sex with a foreign national.

That definition pretty much covers everyone who has ever posted on this forum (male and female).

I think you'll find there has to be a monetry transaction involved for it to be classed as sex tourism.

Like he said, "That definition pretty much covers everyone who has ever posted on this forum". :)

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Me and most of the honest men around.

I'm totally with you on this one UG.

Some sex tourists come for 10 nights and have 10 partners.

Some sex tourists come here for 10 years and have one partner.

Definition of sex tourist

Person who travels to a foreign country to have sex with a foreign national.

That's definition pretty much covers everyone who has ever posted on this forum (male and female).

I think someone's feeling a little bitter and twisted :)


These threads always seems to split people into 3 camps:

1. People who think Thailand is a shithole and the only benefits are cheap commodities and "services".

2. People who think Thailand is some utopia and can do no wrong. The same people who say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" or "fuc_k off wanke_r" if someone disagrees with this premise.

3. The rest of us who know that Thailand lies between these 2 extremes.

I basically judge a country based on it's infrastructure, economy, social services and how it treats it's poorest citizens.

Thailand fails miserably in all aspects; but people in the second category in your mansions, with your pools can't see that.


A person will be pleased or disappointed when they choose to relocate to another country by one simple measure........

Their level of expectation....... :)


I basically judge a country based on it's infrastructure, economy, social services and how it treats it's poorest citizens.

Thailand fails miserably in all aspects.............

................compared to................Sweden...............?


As per Kuhn F. at #103 -- Once you get to know some of these women and realize how much some -- maybe like the one who provided your $62 worth of entertainment -- actually despise you, it kind of loses some of the fun... they'll take your money alright and show you a good time but the most important thing to them after that is their next customer.

... and many of the prettiest ones these days are 'Dees'.

Once you get to know some of these women and realize how much some -- -- actually despise you, it kind of loses some of the fun...

That sounds a lot like being married. :)

Once you get to know some of these women and realize how much some -- maybe like the one who provided your $62 worth of entertainment -- actually despise you, it kind of loses some of the fun...

Depends on who you are, depends on who they are, also depends on how much money you give them.

Surprisingly giving some of the ladies large amounts of money is counter productive ..... they just think you are stupid.

My former gf ran a bar so I got to know quite a lot of these girls quite well and they were pretty much all nice people (once they understood you weren't going to be a customer). Too much bad talk about 'ladies looking for food' IMHO.

These threads always seems to split people into 3 camps:

1. People who think Thailand is a shithole and the only benefits are cheap commodities and "services".

2. People who think Thailand is some utopia and can do no wrong. The same people who say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" or "fuc_k off wanke_r" if someone disagrees with this premise.

3. The rest of us who know that Thailand lies between these 2 extremes.

I basically judge a country based on it's infrastructure, economy, social services and how it treats it's poorest citizens.

Thailand fails miserably in all aspects; but people in the second category in your mansions, with your pools can't see that.

So if thailand fails miserably in infrastructure, social services and how treats poorest- i guess you really really dont like Cambodia, laos, vietnam,phlippines where all of these things a far worse than thailand!!

Me and most of the honest men around.

I'm totally with you on this one UG.

Some sex tourists come for 10 nights and have 10 partners.

Some sex tourists come here for 10 years and have one partner.

Definition of sex tourist

Person who travels to a foreign country to have sex with a foreign national.

That's definition pretty much covers everyone who has ever posted on this forum (male and female).

When in Rome do as the Romans..... :)


"So if thailand fails miserably in infrastructure, social services and how treats poorest- i guess you really really dont like Cambodia, laos, vietnam,phlippines where all of these things a far worse than thailand!!"

...not to mention the majority of countries between Turkey and Australia, between Morocco and South Africa and South of the USA until Argentinia.

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

haha yes I was going to say that from the opening line of his post he was here for the wrong reason. I'm always amazed at the guys that fall for a bargirl and then wonder what went wrong? Very simply if you wouldn't do something in your own country, home then don't do it here (ie. walk around hand in hand with an obvious prostitute, buy a home and put it in the name of said prostitute).

OP - Have a safe trip back but I think you will miss it here.


I have just come here, and the undercurrent of dudes here for sex is actually kind of disturbing..... I know it was here I just didn't know it was as bad as it was......

Anyway, I came here not for cheap women, I cam here for the opportunity to experence another culture, learn an other language and live outside my comfort zone.

I think that the attitude that you come here with is what will define your stay and in the end define how and when you leave...


I have just come here, and the undercurrent of dudes here for sex is actually kind of disturbing..... I know it was here I just didn't know it was as bad as it was......

Anyway, I came here not for cheap women, I cam here for the opportunity to experence another culture, learn an other language and live outside my comfort zone.

I think that the attitude that you come here with is what will define your stay and in the end define how and when you leave...

I didn't come here for the girls, I was trying to avoid them ......

But like everyone else, I gave into the inevitable.

Doesn't matter if you go to the bars every night, marry an educated hi-so or somewhere in between, in the end you are here for the girls.

(or maybe I should say Thai casual approach to sex, so that gays/ladies don't feel left out)

Those who fail usually go home. Some go home anyway and take a girl with them.

Come on guys prove me wrong, if you haven't had a sexual experience with a Thai partner, post now.

(HOw about it Birdman ..... fess up!)

I don't agree. I met my Thai wife outside of the country where we were both expats and when our contracts were up we decided to move back here to her home as we are both in hospitality there is plenty of opportunity for us in Phuket as opposed to my home back in British Columbia. I also have many mates that are here for work and are married to farang or have Chinese, indonesian wives etc. so are they here for the women?

I have just come here, and the undercurrent of dudes here for sex is actually kind of disturbing..... I know it was here I just didn't know it was as bad as it was......

Anyway, I came here not for cheap women, I cam here for the opportunity to experence another culture, learn an other language and live outside my comfort zone.

I think that the attitude that you come here with is what will define your stay and in the end define how and when you leave...


Only the OP knows what he meant....but to quote you " In the OP's own words".....not the OP's own words, your words, you purposely misquoted the OP in an attempt to make a point about BG's.

So only the OP knows what he meant, yet you know that my interpretation of it is wrong! How does that work? As I suspected, you can't give me the alternative interpretation as requested. As there quite clearly isn't one.

As I said. If the OP was simply sharing his own experiences, and his own thoughts, I wouldn't have even posted. It's the "I'm leaving, so it must be because the place is shit" and not because, I couldn't make it work here, attitude that gets old. I'm leaving, so I'm going to tell every body else that they're clueless for staying. The OP needs to get over himself and move on.

:) you are making way too much sense for some people on here. Some people automatically assume that the motivation for beeing here HAS to be the same as theirs and surely everyone will have TEH SAME experience as I have had. ME ME ME!


QUOTE : I am kinda of puzzled about why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country.

If its Industry your after, try Rayong. I like the countryside, each too there own. Enjoy your Industrialized Country :)

Sounds like someone got upset the bar girls only wanted him for his $.

My thoughts exactly.

If someone actually came here for cheap women and nice weather it certainly makes sense that this pales after a few years ....

Those of us that came here for other reasons just didn't have the same reactions to what we found here.

Face it, not everyone is cut out to live in places like Thailand and after the initial sense of wonder leaves ... there is nothing to hold them here.


How right you are. I have been coming to Thailand for 24 years. have had a lady friend if you call it that

Yes, bought land made house furnished it through out spent 60 thousand pounds there about. I'm on a small pension. stay here for 3 or 4 months, then back to london. still like a mug send 8000 baht a month

and pay 7000 baht a month for pickup'which will never be mine. A mug am I. But like you and many others.

Have been with this slapper for eight years backwards & forwards. ignoring my to young kids

Who have now grown up. After losing the thai mother 11 years hence by lightning. Thai women are much the same. old slappers with no feelings. Do not know what feelings are. only money is on their minds

including this 39 year old bitch. I now amd going to give up the ghost, count my losses of life savings

and skidle the f... out of war stricken Dangerous evil conniving country, where the pound is toilet paper

as this country is in termoil. But there curency' knocks the crap out of our no good pound.

Yours ever more. Yakman

I have just come here, and the undercurrent of dudes here for sex is actually kind of disturbing..... I know it was here I just didn't know it was as bad as it was......

Anyway, I came here not for cheap women, I cam here for the opportunity to experence another culture, learn an other language and live outside my comfort zone.

I think that the attitude that you come here with is what will define your stay and in the end define how and when you leave...

I can understand people coming here for easy women, but I can't understand that there are people who can't understand that people don't come here for easy women.

Quite preposterous that some people's life is so cemented in the bar scenario, that they can not imagine others without any interest at all.

How right you are. I have been coming to Thailand for 24 years. have had a lady friend if you call it that

Yes, bought land made house furnished it through out spent 60 thousand pounds there about. I'm on a small pension. stay here for 3 or 4 months, then back to london. still like a mug send 8000 baht a month

and pay 7000 baht a month for pickup'which will never be mine. A mug am I. But like you and many others.

Have been with this slapper for eight years backwards & forwards. ignoring my to young kids

Who have now grown up. After losing the thai mother 11 years hence by lightning. Thai women are much the same. old slappers with no feelings. Do not know what feelings are. only money is on their minds

including this 39 year old bitch. I now amd going to give up the ghost, count my losses of life savings

and skidle the f... out of war stricken Dangerous evil conniving country, where the pound is toilet paper

as this country is in termoil. But there curency' knocks the crap out of our no good pound.

Yours ever more. Yakman

I suppose you get what you pay for. She's had to suffer a lot, but I suppose she's got family obligations.

Caveat emptor.

Still, for every story lijke this, I am sure there is one where we behave like gentlemen, and accept the consequences of our lust and foolhardiness. I'm lucky to have benefited from the welfare state at the start of my life, and not the end, so I don't think I'll need or be able to rely on the generosity of the chancellor and the vagaries of the money markets


I can understand people coming here for easy women, but I can't understand that there are people who can't understand that people don't come here for easy women.

Quite preposterous that some people's life is so cemented in the bar scenario, that they can not imagine others without any interest at all.

Exactly. That's what was so objectionable about the OP. The simpleton, ego centric attitude that his experiences are the norm. Every body else's experiences and perceptions must be the same as his. It's quite alarming how many other TV members live in the same deluded state.

Edit: Forgot to say. I notice that the OP is so strong about his convictions that he hasn't bothered coming back to defend them.

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