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Thailand's Yellow-Shirts Call For PM Abhisit To Stand Down

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I think that is a clever move by the yellows/government.

It will bolster support for Abhisit.

you've got it

You mean the fact that the PAD now want Abhisit out as well will bolster support for Abhisit?

Correct, if he can manage to keep moving his agenda forward and pomotes it and himself well.

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I think that is a clever move by the yellows/government.

It will bolster support for Abhisit.

you've got it

You mean the fact that the PAD now want Abhisit out as well will bolster support for Abhisit?

Correct, if he can manage to keep moving his agenda forward and pomotes it and himself well.

How can he do that if the whole country now wants him out?

Maybe form a new party of Reds and Yellows, call it the People Alliance for International Democracy... or P.A.I.D.... :D

Exactly! :)

Perhaps a new party of reds and yellows calling it People Reunited In Collective Kinship and Spirit or just PRICKS for short.

No it should be called the "Coalition of United National Terrorism" party and anyone with a print company out there should buy up all the orange shirts you can find as red and yellow makes orange!

"Coalition of United National Terrorism" abbreviation is C.U.N.T.! :D







you've got it

You mean the fact that the PAD now want Abhisit out as well will bolster support for Abhisit?

Correct, if he can manage to keep moving his agenda forward and pomotes it and himself well.

How can he do that if the whole country now wants him out?

He's got 6 months and a majority coalition.


"Coalition of United National Terrorism" abbreviation is C.U.N.T.! :)

Carelessly Unreasoning Nationalist Traitors

I Like Making Up Meaningless Abbreviations Because I Have Nothing Better To Do.



PAD will not try to stop Abhisit. They have made their opinion and they are allowed to do so. PAD will do everything to fight the reds and in the end they will support Abhisit. There are lots of scrumble with empty buckets right.

He's got 6 months and a majority coalition.

The party supports him, sure. But the people support the coalition parties still? Reds are against him (not in the coalition, obviously, but still 40% of Thais. Yellows (aka. multi-colored) are now against him, which are a large number of Thais as well. Clearly he doesn't have the support of the majority of Thais anymore. He's just hanging on for as long as he can while shuffling money into his bags.

PAD will not try to stop Abhisit. They have made their opinion and they are allowed to do so. PAD will do everything to fight the reds and in the end they will support Abhisit. There are lots of scrumble with empty buckets right.

True, but aren't they de-railing the roadmap to peace? Kind of ironic. They're asking for peace and when there's light at the end of the tunnel, they do everything in their power to derail it.

say bring on more protests :D


So lets get some more protests going. Maybe take over Nana plaza with a "Pink Shirt' political group. Or how about we start a "green party" and have a "sit-in" in Lumpini park. :)

Just some thoughts to chew on.

Pink at Nana: ok, I get it

green party: you mean organizing people with dysentery into a political force? That's a lot of political c_rap, poor Lumpini :D


You mean the fact that the PAD now want Abhisit out as well will bolster support for Abhisit?

Correct, if he can manage to keep moving his agenda forward and pomotes it and himself well.

How can he do that if the whole country now wants him out?

Not the whole country.

The minority yellow group want him out.

The minority red group want him out.

There is a huge group in the middle that like (or at least accept) that he has compromised and hasn't sent the army in which would result in a lot of deaths.

I have to hand it to Abhisit. He took the middle road route, which he knew full well was going to be unpopular with EVERYONE, which sure enough, it was. He's sticking to his guns though, because he thinks this is the best way for Thailand to amend its divides. I have to say, that's nothing short of commendable. Let's hope he manages to make it out in one piece.

I think one could argue Abhisit is a weakish leader but I do agree he is a decent man. He doesn't seem too greedy or too proud. I have been disappointed in his leadership at times, but all evidence suggest he is sincere. Having a PM that is weak but decent is preferable to a PM that is effective but cruel.

PAD will not try to stop Abhisit. They have made their opinion and they are allowed to do so. PAD will do everything to fight the reds and in the end they will support Abhisit. There are lots of scrumble with empty buckets right.

True, but aren't they de-railing the roadmap to peace? Kind of ironic. They're asking for peace and when there's light at the end of the tunnel, they do everything in their power to derail it.

If the reds don't accept it just because the yellows don't accept it, that makes them pretty stupid.

They need to look at what the best outcome is for them ... ie no more deaths.

How can he do that if the whole country now wants him out?

The whole country wants him out? If you think the PAD resonates that strongly in Thailand we have a bigger problem than if the whole country was red.

Him thumbing his nose at the PAD is a very interesting move.

They paved the way for him, and in true Thai political fashion have expected him to follow their chosen path. Seems like the time has come for Abhisit to go off on his own path, but will all the Dems follow? I don't think they have too much choice. It appears by doing the right instead of the expedient thing he is actually getting himself some traction.

I can imagine quite a lot of the Dems are seething about what he has done. But if you are a lifelong Democrat MP, who are you going to join? Newin? I might be wrong, but whilst MP's are fickle in Thailand, would it be fair to say that in the Dems heartlands, people vote for them because they are Dem MPs as much as who they are. In which case, they may find it harder to leave the Dems than other candidates in other parties.

Abhisit is proving to be a lot shrewder than many of us (and his political supporters and foes) took him for.

I have to hand it to Abhisit. He took the middle road route, which he knew full well was going to be unpopular with EVERYONE, which sure enough, it was. He's sticking to his guns though, because he thinks this is the best way for Thailand to amend its divides. I have to say, that's nothing short of commendable. Let's hope he manages to make it out in one piece.

I think one could argue Abhisit is a weakish leader but I do agree he is a decent man. He doesn't seem too greedy or too proud. I have been disappointed in his leadership at times, but all evidence suggest he is sincere. Having a PM that is weak but decent is preferable to a PM that is effective but cruel.

Weak? .... but still able to stand up to his party, his advisor, the army, the yellows, and the reds.

Maybe form a new party of Reds and Yellows, call it the People Alliance for International Democracy... or P.A.I.D.... :)

There are lot of people sleeping on the street tonight hoping for just that, to be paid.

I'm waiting for when the red dupes who are being stalled on the fee rise up against the leaders who they'll suspect of skimming the take. Maybe one of their own will be launching grenades at the stage!

He's got 6 months and a majority coalition.

The party supports him, sure. But the people support the coalition parties still? Reds are against him (not in the coalition, obviously, but still 40% of Thais. Yellows (aka. multi-colored) are now against him, which are a large number of Thais as well. Clearly he doesn't have the support of the majority of Thais anymore. He's just hanging on for as long as he can while shuffling money into his bags.


I have to hand it to Abhisit. He took the middle road route, which he knew full well was going to be unpopular with EVERYONE, which sure enough, it was. He's sticking to his guns though, because he thinks this is the best way for Thailand to amend its divides. I have to say, that's nothing short of commendable. Let's hope he manages to make it out in one piece.

I think one could argue Abhisit is a weakish leader but I do agree he is a decent man. He doesn't seem too greedy or too proud. I have been disappointed in his leadership at times, but all evidence suggest he is sincere. Having a PM that is weak but decent is preferable to a PM that is effective but cruel.

Weak? .... but still able to stand up to his party, his advisor, the army, the yellows, and the reds.

I think the perception of "weak" stems from the lack of action in dispersing the reds. A feeling I shared for a while as I became frustrated that there was no conclusion.

Now - I am starting to think that he is either lucky (by sitting on his hands) OR, more likely, this was a well thought-out strategy to achieve the best outcome without further bloodshed.


They will have elections and the yellows will not like the outcome and the yellows will be back at the airport, with the blessing of she who will not be named.


PAD, like the UDD is not political parties. They are just opinion groups. PAD:s political branch i NP. They are not in the parlament, but migt be seen as an opposition party. This is the start of the election campaign. They make their point now, but will not obstruction the roadmap. the ones that will obstruct it, is the obstruction party, PTP, because they have no policies but to obstruct the goverment.

I have to hand it to Abhisit. He took the middle road route, which he knew full well was going to be unpopular with EVERYONE, which sure enough, it was. He's sticking to his guns though, because he thinks this is the best way for Thailand to amend its divides. I have to say, that's nothing short of commendable. Let's hope he manages to make it out in one piece.

I think one could argue Abhisit is a weakish leader but I do agree he is a decent man. He doesn't seem too greedy or too proud. I have been disappointed in his leadership at times, but all evidence suggest he is sincere. Having a PM that is weak but decent is preferable to a PM that is effective but cruel.

Abhisit has actually displayed a vast amount of inner strength by not succumbing to the taunts of the Reds or the "lynch-em" crys from within the coalition and extreme royalist-nationalists to steer a middle path which thus far, may have proven to be the best tactic in minmising loss of life and bloodshed. This will be making Thaksin mad, whose only chance for a comeback was total anarchy and mayhem on the streets of Bangkok (he got his wish on April 10, but it never quite degenerated to the level of chaos he was really after). For this keeping cool headed and following a firm line, even with lack of support from the tomato cops and melon troops, Abhisit has shown himself to be a leader of some stature and courage. Much stronger than his mentor Chuan Leekpai, who must now realise that his student has matured and can handle the heat by himself and steer a smart course through the minefields of Thai politics. This is not to say there can't be plenty of further derailments and spanners in the works down the line, but thus far he's survived a pretty stern test of leadership well.


You'd think the reds would be using the PAD's opposition to help convince their members that the roadmap is the way to go. After all, if your sworn enemies are against the plan, that should make it easy to convince people on your side that supporting the plan must be the right thing.

You'd think the reds would be using the PAD's opposition to help convince their members that the roadmap is the way to go. After all, if your sworn enemies are against the plan, that should make it easy to convince people on your side that supporting the plan must be the right thing.

Not if your continued employment and dreams of wealth are dependant on them never being convinced.


Anupong -> Supports Army.

Abhisit -> Supports Democrats.

Coalition -> Supports Abhisit.

People -> Support UDD & PAD

UDD -> Supports PT.

PAD -> Supports NP.

Monkey -> Supports Bananas.

Elephant -> Supports Circus.

Can you spot the not?

Anupong -> Supports Army.

Abhisit -> Supports Democrats.

Coalition -> Supports Abhisit.

People -> Support UDD & PAD

UDD -> Supports PT.

PAD -> Supports NP.

Monkey -> Supports Bananas.

Elephant -> Supports Circus.

Can you spot the not?

Is it the elephant in the room?

I have to hand it to Abhisit. He took the middle road route, which he knew full well was going to be unpopular with EVERYONE, which sure enough, it was. He's sticking to his guns though, because he thinks this is the best way for Thailand to amend its divides. I have to say, that's nothing short of commendable. Let's hope he manages to make it out in one piece.

I think one could argue Abhisit is a weakish leader but I do agree he is a decent man. He doesn't seem too greedy or too proud. I have been disappointed in his leadership at times, but all evidence suggest he is sincere. Having a PM that is weak but decent is preferable to a PM that is effective but cruel.

Weak? .... but still able to stand up to his party, his advisor, the army, the yellows, and the reds.

I think the perception of "weak" stems from the lack of action in dispersing the reds. A feeling I shared for a while as I became frustrated that there was no conclusion.

Now - I am starting to think that he is either lucky (by sitting on his hands) OR, more likely, this was a well thought-out strategy to achieve the best outcome without further bloodshed.

Yes more likely a well developed if ad hoc, ontological strategy which has continuously and analytically considered the events and trends of the Reds' diabolically conceived and executed campaign, the fact of the irreparable divisions in the society, human rights pressures from governments abroad and the glare of international organizations such as AI. Abhisit intelligently gave the hard liners what they wanted April 10, an event that made the hardliners back off after they got more than they'd ever expected. Abhisit's appearance live on national tv with the Red's three stooges (waay back when or so it could seem) made clear then that there is more to this government than the old 'mow 'em down in the streets' mentality. Abhisit's been practical, realistic, calm, rational, has a much tuffer constitution and character than many people think, since the day he was voted PM by the Parliament. (He looks ten years older since.)

From the standpoint of Abhisit's neccessary manoeverings against the endless manoeverings of the Paymaster Himself, the broad 'you can't pin me down' dissolution dates (while consistent with the given date of the GE) leave both the Paymaster abroad and the Reds on the ground up in the air - they're confused, unclear and boxed in to accept the offer of a dissolution and its reasonably presented time frame which under the circumstances and situation many see as fair enuff and a peaceful way out of the present fix.

We can and have argued endlessly about scientific public opinion survey research, but the Abac poll clearly indicates a huge swath of the public sees Abhisit as humane towards Red fellow Thais, reasonable, self-restrained and doing all he can to avoid large scale Thai bloodshed on all sides. Further, the Yellows can hop and holler all they want, but who do they or anyone else have if not Abhisit?

I'm most uncomfortable about a 2010 election, but if a GE can be held on Abhisit's terms the traitor abroad may yet get aced out again this time in a vote. The government should invite Nobel Peace Laureate Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center's reputable election monitoring of countries in civil wars or civil strife is credible and exactly the kind of legitimate international presence the country needs going in to Nov 14th....no high profile official state or global organization monitors from the EU or UN which would be difficult for Thais to accept. If citizen Jimmy Carter says the winner of Nov 14th won fair and square, there wouldn't be much to credibly dispute no matter the outcome. Indeed, the Carter Center election monitors know they would need to keep a very keen and close eye on the army, the Red thugs and the Yellow fanatics during a GE that is so vital to the country's present and forseeable future as the coming one shall be.

How dare! If the leaders of yellow shirt were prosecuted earlier due to their illegal activities at the airports, they would not talk like this today.

Somebody hasn't been following the news v. carefully methinks. :)


"Coalition of United National Terrorism" abbreviation is C.U.N.T.! :)

Carelessly Unreasoning Nationalist Traitors

I Like Making Up Meaningless Abbreviations Because I Have Nothing Better To Do.


In spite of your comment being an intended flame, it was correct.

I had little time, but nothing to do at THAT moment.

But sums things well in 4 words. Like a short story on steroids.

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