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Bangkok: Policeman Killed, 7 Policemen, 2 Civilians Injured In Double Attacks

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FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

This is a fine example of the facile comments that appear on this site.

THis poster knows the elephant is standing on the back of the turtle but refuses to ask what the turtle is standing on.

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The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

This is a possibility.

Another is that the peace plan is something the reds dont want but they know they cant reject it outright. Perhaps they still want Abhisit out and house dissolution ASAP to create a power vacuum.

It's all about creating Havoc, to point at a government which is "unable" to govern and hold up the rule of law and to overthrow it, reverse everything since Sept.2006!

None else!

There is a strongman behind this all - with ONE objective, with an even bigger ego, which is very sore since his outing, , remember?!

IF the red movement ever had a genuine political agenda, they have been infiltrated by some very nasty subjects... if... but I have my doubts the base ever had a genuine political agenda!

Thailand beware!

Shame, shame, shame on them, spilling more blood after they have wrestled concessions out of the government!

The red shirt foot soldiers are but pawns in a bigger chess game

They are used and expendable

the true function behind the protest is to throw Thailand in to Chaos

what and who is lost are but pawns

when all is lost and Thailand is about to be lost in abis

Thailand saviour will come back to its rescue

and suddenly everything will be okay

The one thing greater than evil

Is the acceptance of evil

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FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

jcbangkok isn't this the same as when we (farangs) have an accident it must be our fault if we were not here it would not have happened therefore all farangs involved in an accident must be to blame and therefore pay.

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I'm leaning towards thinking it wasn't the reds who did this, as it appears the police were the ones targeted. The police are generally considered to be on the reds side, and a lot of people believe the current stand off only exists because the police failed to due their job and enforce the law.

I'd think a red faction would be more likely to target the army, as that seems to be where most of their animosity is aimed.

Also the red leaders have been inching towards ending things, where the PAD wants a brutal crack down.

some good valid points there.. :)

always best not jump to conclusions, like some ppl do...

Lets not forget that the red leaders have been doing everything possible to get the authorities to crack down and turn this into a violent blood bath. I really haven't seen much except for a bunch of contradictions, threats and accusations from the reds since the PM announced the road map. Their goal this entire time has been to see their people get slaughtered to gain sympathy and portray the PM and gov't as ruthless thugs who don't see the poor as real people.

They, the reds have spilled blood themselves when the government was reluctant to do so - haven't they - who can read the subconscious message in this - knows what the core, or a certain power, behind this movement really is all about - certainly NOT about "reconciliation" - like "happy family one hand clap" thi is only the sales pitch, to make the movement and it;s actions palatable - no chance for a reversal of fortune for the ousted ex-premier - the sore loser, it carries his signature, he needs to reverse his misfortune.... "I return before the end of this year, my fortune tellers predicted...!"

There is again a message in there - he is far from giving up - 46 Billion.... and so many who smashed his face.... honor and... ah'; well... ego!

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Firstly, my sympathies to the families of those killed.

It will be interesting to see how the police react to this. If they use the same logic that they would use in the case of an accident involving a Thai and a farang, then they must hold the reds responsible - their logic being that if the farang was not there then the accident would not have happened. Therefore, the farang is responsible. The same logic must apply here. If the reds were not there then these shootings would not have happened. Thai police logic says the reds are responsible.

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The Hard reds want nothing less than a shoot out and no one knows how much artillery they have stacked in their camp and around them , it is highly possible that they have been working on this for the last 12 or so months including building up their army and the exact location for the final showdown.

We don't know how well armed they are but I am sure it will be in the hundreds or thousands of armed thugs holding military equipment including back up troops lurking behind.

Also the possibility of booby traps set up in and around the area if the army and police break through.

They cannot be taken lightly and I am sure the government are aware of this and that is why they are holding back to save the lives of the human shields being used.

If this battle breaks out fighting could continue for days or more and many loss of lives inevitable.

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You know what boggles my mind is that there has been all these bombs and attacks that have come to BKK every since the reds arrived but they say it is not them as do many of they sympathizers here. But the reds really haven't shown too much condemnation about any of these attacks. In fact, after the grenade attack on the sky train they simply said it was not them and then went on to dance and celebrate. I am still waiting for them to speak out and express concerns over the victims of that attack.

As am I, jcbangkok.

I seriously doubt they will never find who was behind the attacks last evening. However, the reds have had ample opportunity to leave their illegal occupation of Bangkok. Granted, there is no proof they are behind this attack, but given the fact that some of their terrorist leaders have made constant threats of violence, destruction, murder, etc., I can only wonder. I do agree with the many who have also stated that if they had left, this would not have happened. They must carry this burden as well.

Are they still demanding that SOE be called off?

RIP to those killed and for the injured, wishing you a speedy recovery.

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FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

This is a fine example of the facile comments that appear on this site.

THis poster knows the elephant is standing on the back of the turtle but refuses to ask what the turtle is standing on.


FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened and we would not need to be listening to red sympathizers who will never think logically and say anything to show they blindly follow the reds regardless of how many people die and are injured.

PS: why can you not use the quoting and replying function properly???

Edited by jcbangkok
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Here we go again. Someone gets hurt or killed and the anti-red bandwagon is in full song. Has to be the reds...no other explanation is possible. Only the reds

can do drive-by shooting. It was not that long ago when this same bandwagon was saying 'you can't negotiate with terrorists' But negotiations have taken

place and some agreements have been reached. Things have been coming together in small increments.....that's how negotiations work!!!!

Now that a possible solution seems close and things have been looking up....who wants to torpedo the whole thing........the Yellowshirts....Abhisit has to step down

according to them. It is them that does not want to negotiate. If they had their way there would never be another election, this year or next year on any other year.

They are terrified of an election because they are terrified that somebody might bring down their ivory towers and maybe they might have to give up at least a bit

of their power and wealth to the rest of the country. Democracy is a one way street in the land of Yellow.

FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

Sorry but this sound a bit like "Thai-Logic" to me. Its a bit the same like a police man said to me as I was involved in a accident a few months ago. The accident was not my fault but the police man blamed it on me with the overhelming Logic: If YOU were not in Thailand this accident had never happend...

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Sadly looks like one faction or another does not want the current stand off to end and is looking for more blood.

Look in direction of Sae Daeng and his "army" of thugs and you'll probably find who is behind these new killings.

I have to agree. All those weapons on hand, with CRES checkpoints at every exit (promising to confiscate all weapons and arrest carriers). What's a hot-headed loose-cannon indicted general to do? He's angry about a lot of things, not least because his barricades (which he directed the construction of for weeks) were never used, and will have to be taken down. He's angry because top brass have finally found their brass balls and are doing what they should have done months ago; bust Sae Daeng for treason. At least Seh Daeng doesn't have to worry about losing his pay and pension, as his good buddy Thaksin will shower him in riches.

Message to security forces: keep those cameras rolling. Don't let down your guard until the Red infection is far down the road, and all's cleaned up. Also: beware of booby traps left behind.

EDIT: if security forces are all around, as reported, ....and a drive by bomber/shooter goes zipping by - SHOOT THE FUKER!!!! Pull that weapon out, aim it, and POW! Murderer is dead. Do Thai brass teach their people how to handle a gun ?!? Just as Thai footballers need foreign coaches, so too, Thai security forces need foreigners to teach them how to shoot.

Edited by brahmburgers
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You know what boggles my mind is that there has been all these bombs and attacks that have come to BKK every since the reds arrived but they say it is not them as do many of they sympathizers here. But the reds really haven't shown too much condemnation about any of these attacks. In fact, after the grenade attack on the sky train they simply said it was not them and then went on to dance and celebrate. I am still waiting for them to speak out and express concerns over the victims of that attack.

As am I, jcbangkok.

I seriously doubt they will never find who was behind the attacks last evening. However, the reds have had ample opportunity to leave their illegal occupation of Bangkok. Granted, there is no proof they are behind this attack, but given the fact that some of their terrorist leaders have made constant threats of violence, destruction, murder, etc., I can only wonder. I do agree with the many who have also stated that if they had left, this would not have happened. They must carry this burden as well.

Are they still demanding that SOE be called off?

RIP to those killed and for the injured, wishing you a speedy recovery.

But one also has to wonder WHY all the attacks have been against those the reds oppose or who represent gov't and authority (NEVER against the reds). You are probably right in terms of most of these attacks going unsolved but until more evidence is shown, I will continue to use common sense (not paranoid conspiracy theories) and lean towards people within the red faction being FULLY responsible.

I actually read this news thinking it could be a number of people but then realized it is just crazy to ignore the obvious when considering who planned and carried out this latest attack.

Edited by jcbangkok
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FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

jcbangkok isn't this the same as when we (farangs) have an accident it must be our fault if we were not here it would not have happened therefore all farangs involved in an accident must be to blame and therefore pay.

Not at all. Farangs living in Thailand is perfectly legal.

Red shirts demonstrating illegally and using weapons against security forces is decidedly not legal. The situation is more like a man robs a bank. During the course of the robbery a man is killed. It is unclear how the man was killed. The bank robber will be charged with the death. It wouldn't be a murder charge. The charge would be 'death resulting from the commission of a felony'.

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it now appears that negotiating, setting up think tanks and committees, talk, talk talk, does NOT work.

You need a big stick and you need to use it

this softly softly thing does not work

if you disagree - go grab a history book and read for yourself

condolences to the families and friends

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This isn't a good sign...for anyone. But don't let it lead you to assumptions about who is responsible based on which side or who you "like" and who you "don't like".

It doesn't have to be either of the sides, or for that matter any side that was the cause of these incidents. It may be another group ( I hate to use the term "third-party" because that seems to have been appropriated by the government earlier).

I was in Bangkok during the 1992 riots. I remember there were charges and counter charges about certain violent groups, particularly motercycle gangs, that were working for the government or the street protestors. It was implied they were doing it for pay. They didn't seem to care much about which side they worked for, as long as they got their money. They seemed to be mainly interested in causing trouble, sometines just for the excitement of it.

At the time both sides accused the other one of hiring these thugs to start trouble. I don't think anything was ever proved, but there were a lot of accusations made against both sides.

All I'm saying is don't make assumptions on who did what and why until you can verify the facts. Whatever the "facts" turn out to be. And that goes for all sides of the political devide in Thailand right now.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

This is a fine example of the facile comments that appear on this site.

THis poster knows the elephant is standing on the back of the turtle but refuses to ask what the turtle is standing on.

So what you are saying is we must look farther back (or down) to see the reason for the reds being there and that is of course to get Thaksin back in power.

So you are saying that Thaksin must take ultimate responsibility....Right?

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The PM now has a chance to solidify his supporters. Regardless whether this is the work of the reds or another faction their very presence on the streets made this attack possible. It is time to end the protests. The PM ought to freeze the roadmap and only negotiate after the protesters have left. They should be given 4 hours to begin dispersing on their own and then the police should move in. Negotiating with terrorists is useless. The reds had a chance to have elections and leave as the winners, they chose to stay and that decision has resulted in more deaths. If they had left the police would have left as well. The attacks have all the traits of a red guard attack. They have allowed themselves to fall under suspicion. Until there is law and order, no more negotiations, the reds should not issue any more demands, they have no credibility.


Agree 100% says the Thai wife

And if the Police leaders will not do their job

then remove them from there positions

I am sure in the high ranks there is someone willing to make a quick jump up the ladder

Thai wife says leadership in Thailand is chosen from seniority not the best person to do the job

Looks like she right

she says she knows there are many police who wold jump t the chance to prove there capabilities

Capablities that come from hard work and studying

Many of the top brass are in their positions from curruption

Now is a great time to clean the cobwebs

Thailand can be a great Country again

But need to cut out the cancer first on both sides

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The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

Hard to say who is responsible, could be reds who don't want peace, could be others who don't want elections in November. If the reds had gone home on Friday they couldn't be blamed but they choose to stay longer. Time to end the protest this is not acceptable. If the reds are really not the ones to do it I suggest they get out of Bangkok by noon. In the end the PM hasn't made either side happy.

Agree with you the REDS will for sure get the blame and as you pointed out

had they ended the protest and gone home then they could not be blamed.

They will lose even more sympathy but DO they realy care NO.

Very sad for Thailand and a country we all came to love is turning

into a laughing stock worldwide.

How can they shout Democracy when they dont understand what it means.

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Here's another rambling thread blaming the "REDS".

Be clear in a situation like this, there will be many "loony" factions on BOTH sides who think that by engaging in this sort of stuff that they will stir things up or achieve some obscure aims.

This site has taken to screaming anti-Resshirt slogans rather than making constructive comments on the situation - as most of the posters are probably ex-pats surely they would do themselves a favor if they stood back and took a dispassionate look at the situation rather than engage in partisan rantings and baseless accusations.

I've said it before on this site, Im increasingly astounded by the incredibly infantile comments that the expat community is capable of on this site.


-But, isn't it interesting that grenades keep being used and hasn't it been reported that the Red thugs have launchers...or am I wrong (I know, the protesters all have red clappers)? Next: I am assuming most of the viewers on ThaiVisa are "farangs" like me. Many of us are raised to question, evaluate, and discuss issues--. So it will be natural to read comments that will disagree with yours or mine.

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I'm leaning towards thinking it wasn't the reds who did this, as it appears the police were the ones targeted. The police are generally considered to be on the reds side, and a lot of people believe the current stand off only exists because the police failed to due their job and enforce the law.

I'd think a red faction would be more likely to target the army, as that seems to be where most of their animosity is aimed.

Also the red leaders have been inching towards ending things, where the PAD wants a brutal crack down.

But it is the Reds that are showing they are above the law

The Red occupying the streets

Thailand has always been about if the shoe fits

where there is smoke, there is fire

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The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)


Are you daft?

Firecrackers were heard in the Lumpini Park before the shooting. How was it done? I hear firecrackers, hold on, I will go home and get my motorcycle and gun and come right back.

Or maybe it was a yellow shirt that sneaked into the park and set the firecrackers off at the right time without any red shirts seeing him.

And the red terrorsits want amnsety??

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I'm leaning towards thinking it wasn't the reds who did this, as it appears the police were the ones targeted. The police are generally considered to be on the reds side, and a lot of people believe the current stand off only exists because the police failed to due their job and enforce the law.

I'd think a red faction would be more likely to target the army, as that seems to be where most of their animosity is aimed.

Also the red leaders have been inching towards ending things, where the PAD wants a brutal crack down.

It is most likely that it was anti-red protestors that were targeted and the police were just in the way. I don't think any group would target police.

Which ever group it was, it was a hard core faction, and they did it to cause trouble and to raise the tension.

The government and the moderates on both sides should ignore this and move forward with the peace plan.

And the army/police should get their act together. With so many armed soldiers around, how did these people get away.

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angry, frustrated, ridiculous, cold-blooded, terrorist act :-(

this is the price we paid even when the peace plan is in positive progress !

these terrorists were introduced during the reds rally ( if not reds ). now everyone is packing their mess, they show up again ! do reds also denied their responsibility, or they are start to dance at Rajprasong !

anyone has gus to accept responsibility ?

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Here we go again. Someone gets hurt or killed and the anti-red bandwagon is in full song. Has to be the reds...no other explanation is possible. Only the reds

can do drive-by shooting. It was not that long ago when this same bandwagon was saying 'you can't negotiate with terrorists' But negotiations have taken

place and some agreements have been reached. Things have been coming together in small increments.....that's how negotiations work!!!!

Now that a possible solution seems close and things have been looking up....who wants to torpedo the whole thing........the Yellowshirts....Abhisit has to step down

according to them. It is them that does not want to negotiate. If they had their way there would never be another election, this year or next year on any other year.

They are terrified of an election because they are terrified that somebody might bring down their ivory towers and maybe they might have to give up at least a bit

of their power and wealth to the rest of the country. Democracy is a one way street in the land of Yellow.

FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

You all seem to forget the most famous Thai saying when Farang is in a car accident





Thais must now accept their own famous saying

If Red shirt not protesting, these things not happen

so must be Red shirt Fault

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Sadly looks like one faction or another does not want the current stand off to end and is looking for more blood.

Look in direction of Sae Daeng and his "army" of thugs and you'll probably find who is behind these new killings.

I have to agree. All those weapons on hand, with CRES checkpoints at every exit (promising to confiscate all weapons and arrest carriers). What's a hot-headed loose-cannon indicted general to do? He's angry about a lot of things, not least because his barricades (which he directed the construction of for weeks) were never used, and will have to be taken down. He's angry because top brass have finally found their brass balls and are doing what they should have done months ago; bust Sae Daeng for treason. At least Seh Daeng doesn't have to worry about losing his pay and pension, as his good buddy Thaksin will shower him in riches.

Message to security forces: keep those cameras rolling. Don't let down your guard until the Red infection is far down the road, and all's cleaned up. Also: beware of booby traps left behind.

EDIT: if security forces are all around, as reported, ....and a drive by bomber/shooter goes zipping by - SHOOT THE FUKER!!!! Pull that weapon out, aim it, and POW! Murderer is dead. Do Thai brass teach their people how to handle a gun ?!? Just as Thai footballers need foreign coaches, so too, Thai security forces need foreigners to teach them how to shoot.

My office is right behind Central Chilom. To get there I must walk thru the Red encampment.

I can tell you for a FACT.. There are NO CRES Checkpoints anywhere around Chitlom.. and there have NEVER been any.

I have NEVER seen any government security force checking ANYTHING or stopping ANYONE from entering or leaving the area.

If anyone believes these Checkpoints actually exist, then they haven't been down there to see for themselves.

If the Government was serious about stopping this, then they MUST disband the Corrupt police and get some serious people that believe in Law & Order, and the primacy of the government, not the Mob!


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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Agree with you the REDS will for sure get the blame and as you pointed out

had they ended the protest and gone home then they could not be blamed.

They will lose even more sympathy but DO they realy care NO.

Very sad for Thailand and a country we all came to love is turning

into a laughing stock worldwide.

How can they shout Democracy when they dont understand what it means.


Potters, you are soooooooo correct! If the Reds had moved out, they wouldn't be blamed. Next, the whole Thai education system needs to be revamped. The students are taught to memorize and not "think" in the classroom. Next, there is no class on civics..so they have no idea what their constitution says or how the voting procedure works. Looks like all the Thais know about democracy is to protest when things don't go you way (which includes taking over government property, hospitals, and airports) .

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Here we go again. Someone gets hurt or killed and the anti-red bandwagon is in full song. Has to be the reds...no other explanation is possible. Only the reds

can do drive-by shooting. It was not that long ago when this same bandwagon was saying 'you can't negotiate with terrorists' But negotiations have taken

place and some agreements have been reached. Things have been coming together in small increments.....that's how negotiations work!!!!

Now that a possible solution seems close and things have been looking up....who wants to torpedo the whole thing........the Yellowshirts....Abhisit has to step down

according to them. It is them that does not want to negotiate. If they had their way there would never be another election, this year or next year on any other year.

They are terrified of an election because they are terrified that somebody might bring down their ivory towers and maybe they might have to give up at least a bit

of their power and wealth to the rest of the country. Democracy is a one way street in the land of Yellow.

FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

Sorry but this sound a bit like "Thai-Logic" to me. Its a bit the same like a police man said to me as I was involved in a accident a few months ago. The accident was not my fault but the police man blamed it on me with the overhelming Logic: If YOU were not in Thailand this accident had never happend...

Suspect 1 and 2 go into a bank to rob the bank.

Suspect 1 is armed with a gun that suspect 2 has no idea he is carrying

Police arrive.

Suspect 1 turns suddenly towards police with a gun

Police shoot and kill suspect 1

Suspect 2 goes to jail for the murder of suspect 1

This is not Thai logic but the law in most states in America. Had suspect 2 not participated in this illegal act then suspect 1 would never have been killed.

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angry, frustrated, ridiculous, cold-blooded, terrorist act :-(

this is the price we paid even when the peace plan is in positive progress !

these terrorists were introduced during the reds rally ( if not reds ). now everyone is packing their mess, they show up again ! do reds also denied their responsibility, or they are start to dance at Rajprasong !

anyone has gus to accept responsibility ?

The 2 sides are way too far apart in what they are seeking. Neither is welling to accept the other's basic demands and neither side will retreat. Therefore, look forward to escalation of frustrations leading to more and more violence.

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