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Bangkok: Policeman Killed, 7 Policemen, 2 Civilians Injured In Double Attacks

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After Samak the P/M was another 'red' Somchai, but he too ran amuck of something called electoral law and was found guilty of vote buying, and paying small parties to run against them in constituencies where the 'reds' were running unopposed. (In this country if you run unopposed you have to get 20% of the registered voters in an area instead of just a majority of who ever happens to turn out to vote when you run against someone else.

Clarification: The issue you mentioned was one of the reasons the TRT was banned. The PPP were disbanded and the executive banned because they were caught on video handing over cash to some village leaders.

AFTER Somchai was axed, Abhisit and the Dem party were able to for yet another coalition of smaller parties, get a majority of M/P's in the lower house and thereby the mandate under the same law as Samak/Somchai had for their turn at bat to run the government.

Before someone says Abhisit got a majority because the PPP were banned. Only a few MPs were banned (the PPP executive) and there were by-elections, so all voters were still represented. There were a couple of party list (not directly voted for) banned PPP MPs that weren't replaced.

The reason Abhisit/Dems are in government is because some elected MPs changed their support when voting for a new PM to replace Somchai. Not because of the yellows. Not because of the courts.

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I still find it strange that the reds are never targeted as victims in any violence; the multiz, the yellowz, the police, the soldiers, the regular rank and file people pissed at the protests yes, but never ever the redz. Hmmm. :) My vote is on Khattiya or another wing-nut like him. :D

It does not take much of a memory to remember the number of M79 attacks against the yellow shirts. The grenades would land on metal roofs, covering sleeping people, blow through, and kill a few yellow shirts.


The Red Shirts have never been the victim of a M79 attack. But universally everybody that has any opposition to them has been a victim.

Wonder why that is,,,,,,,,must just be coincidence.........


This is evolving into civil war. Eventually,hopefully, things will come back to normal but for the farang the game is over, I think.

Brother is posed against brother. This intolerable situation makes people angry and I fear part of this anger will be directed against the farang. In thai people's view the average middle aged farang has come to their country seeking sex. I feel that there is a slight, imperceptible contempt behind the smiles. I fear that the political heightened passions in the country will force this negative feeling towards us to surface. I feel, paradise Thailand will be no more. An what a wonderful paradise it is! Despite the negative comments made on this forum about the various shortcomings of the country, Thailand with its superb food, superb shopping, sexual outlets and taxis which appear at the speed of thought and countless other virtues is a much desired place to relocate and settle.

My fear is that for us things will somehow change and that we shall be viewed with more hostility. I suspect the age of 'innocense' is over and I lament for that.


The reds want to get amnesty for their leaders. Normal negotiation tactics. Kill a few to show what could happen if our demands are not met. :)

This is evolving into civil war. Eventually,hopefully, things will come back to normal but for the farang the game is over, I think.

Brother is posed against brother. This intolerable situation makes people angry and I fear part of this anger will be directed against the farang. In thai people's view the average middle aged farang has come to their country seeking sex. I feel that there is a slight, imperceptible contempt behind the smiles. I fear that the political heightened passions in the country will force this negative feeling towards us to surface. I feel, paradise Thailand will be no more. An what a wonderful paradise it is! Despite the negative comments made on this forum about the various shortcomings of the country, Thailand with its superb food, superb shopping, sexual outlets and taxis which appear at the speed of thought and countless other virtues is a much desired place to relocate and settle.

My fear is that for us things will somehow change and that we shall be viewed with more hostility. I suspect the age of 'innocense' is over and I lament for that.

Move to the provinces my friend, move to the provinces. Life here is calm and peaceful; no conflict, no stress no violence.


When life is the untimely price that someone pays in exchange for simply being, it is always a debate as to the meaning and intention of the life-taker, and the one who is no longer present in this life.

Only those who remain are the ones who can reason out this act.

I believe it was a movie I watched some years back where someone said, "In a hundred years we will all be dead". So, what's the point? We die naturally, or we make choices to increase the risk of an early departure from this life.

People die every day. We cannot possibly keep in reserve the sympathy and compassion for every incident that comes to our attention. I believe the media has adequately demonstrated it with desensitization of our youth via means of violent video games, ghoulish movies and the like. Even the news media leaves a stench with its constant reporting of death, violence, and chaos.

What really incurs my wrath and anger is when the loss of life is used to cause knee-jerk reactions for a purpose other than the senseless loss of life itself. We have even coined convenient euphemisms such as "In the line of duty", "Patriotism", "Terrorism", "Enemy Combatant", "collateral damage", etc; all with the purpose of using someone's ultimate sacrifice as a means to an end – namely, to push the agenda of the living.

Governments get away with acting out, allowing, and even condoning murder on a daily basis. They know the right buttons to push. Do the deed, dispense the sympathy, hold a few hands and maybe shed a few tears; then comes the postulating, gesturing and threats. But most of us know that this is just a well planned act to spread pap to the masses. We even get tired of being tired and change the TV channel, or close the window and check our email. But I believe the bean counters know this and are willing to bet that we will get more and more apathetic if they overload our senses with this questionable violence on a daily basis.

Times like this are the ripest for espionage and acts of sedition to take place. One does not have to be affiliated with any group or organization to be labeled as such. We know of such organizations that specialize in these sorts of things; yet I believe that people can act out their own choices in such a way that these acts can be construed as such. The government is the excuse. They have made themselves out to be the scapegoat due to their pathetic and irresponsible behavior; whether by design or complete and emphatic incompetence). And because the government is such a choice scapegoat for acts that could be construed as seditious, it is quite handy for individuals to keep the pot stirred in the interests of acting out violence that may have nothing to do with the current political situation, yet all investigative eyes will be focused on one thing, and possibly not the correct thing.

So perhaps it is possible that the government is itself taking a hand in the violence? Perhaps they are keeping the pot stirred? Or perhaps some splinter faction is using this as an opportunity to vent a bit of recompense for what they feel are injustices from the past. Who knows? The media will never let our senses settle so that we can compose any telltale truths. The truth may ultimately win out, but it is also possible to delay or postpone the truth by diluting it to a point that we no longer care.

And most regrettably, who really has the time to do anything beyond caring; and even that itself is swiftly becoming a resource that is drying up very fast in this world we live in.

Are governments really a reflection of what we have become, and what we are willing to tolerate, as human beings? And I type the word "human" with a sour taste in my mouth. This is all so disgusting and saddening.


Suppose a person would like to try to destabilise the situation as it is now, what could be done to achieve such a goal? To look at it this could be the answer to this next tragedy that happened. I noticed the reaction in general do point at the redshirts. That is so 'automatic' that it also gives a reason not to believe 'they' are responsible. Anyone could be responsible. Dressed in red, yellow or mixed colour shirt. The people who have done this are criminals in the first place, and having such an attitude I am sure they choose to wear any colour shirt to try to achieve what they want to achieve. Those criminals are not any colour shirt, they use the peoples 'animal' instincts to generalise, to be impulsive, to become criminal themself - in an action where they hope to trigger the same agressive, inhumane, criminal 'qualities in other Thai people.

Please realise, in the kind of powervacuum we have now in Thailand, the most worst aspects of society, of humanity come to the surface to play their 'game'. These aspects personalise in people and they will use any colour they think that will suits them for their purpose.

I think one of the bad contributions to this conflict is ' the mechanic of generalising'

I can read this all the time over and over again, and many 'educated' Farang are part of this mechanic.

One can look at what is happening in Thailand as reading a book, a tragic book, with many chapters. We are no judges, we are not asked to tell who is wrong or right. We are no Gods. All we can do is read the book and try to understand. Understanding the full context and details of this complex situation is not easy, but can be helpfull. Do not choose the easy ways of generalising, quick judgements. This is the problem of the Thai people, it is their problem, they all together have created this problem, it will only be solved if they all work to do so.

The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

Agreed. There are plenty of other candidates from groups who oppose the current peace process and who have access to these types of weapons. Then there are the Islamic separatists who like to kill police and ordinary Thais. This is a reminder of how complex the situation is.


Whatever happened to the two factories churning out M79 launcher parts up in Ayutthaya right as the reds were starting their protest. Did they ever trace it back to who ordered them? I remember the one factory owner said he'd already delivered a shipment before the police found out.


Isn't it about time the reds got what they are propagating - violence to end their stupidity? They have set up the coral for the buffaloes, so seal them in - tear gas them and as they try to leave, remove their ID's and let them pass. Then hand them all a summons for damages to Public Property and charge them all when they come to pick up the ID's. CHarge them - jail a few and fine the rest.

This continued violence is not going to go away. So let's just end it now to minimise the losses. 300 + dead at Songkran and 27 from these protests so far and Songkran was self inflicted. Go ahead - Make my day... :)

The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

Agreed. There are plenty of other candidates from groups who oppose the current peace process and who have access to these types of weapons. Then there are the Islamic separatists who like to kill police and ordinary Thais. This is a reminder of how complex the situation is.

The sepratists have never done anything in Bangkok. It would be no use to them if something happened in Bangkok now. It does nothing for their message.

It could possibly be the yellows, as they don't want the road map to go ahead. But they don't have a history of using grenades, and don't have a history of random violence.

It is more probably a violent red shirt faction who do not want the road map to go ahead either. Remember, the reds aim was for dissolution immediately and their are still some red leaders not accepting the road map.

The red shirts DO have a history of using grenades. To my knowledge, all grenade usage over the last few years has been against anti-red protestors or anti-red institutions.


Why is this continuing on a weekly basis? It seems as though every time we hit the weekend, there's crap happening again!

I wish it would all just end - it's so bad for BKK.

Really sad. But the question remains who will have an advantage from this new act of violance? The Police is considerate as "Red Friendly". So why should the Reds ambush the Police? It smells a bit fishy to me. It could well be that the Group who reject the so called road map is interested to cause chaos and trouble and blame it on the Reds. Just a thought...

Welcome to Thai Visa

What is your other user name that you could not use to make this post

Isn't it about time the reds got what they are propagating - violence to end their stupidity? They have set up the coral for the buffaloes, so seal them in - tear gas them and as they try to leave, remove their ID's and let them pass. Then hand them all a summons for damages to Public Property and charge them all when they come to pick up the ID's. CHarge them - jail a few and fine the rest.

This continued violence is not going to go away. So let's just end it now to minimise the losses. 300 + dead at Songkran and 27 from these protests so far and Songkran was self inflicted. Go ahead - Make my day... :)

Wow! Do you ever read what the other posters have to say in order to gain some insight to the current situation or are you just here to post your own babble?

I think a few people here should watch this very informative conducted by the ANU (Aust Nat Uni)


I dont agree with you....EVERYONE should view this ...and particuarly take note of the last presenter.....there will be some people on TV who wont agree but what the man says is all basic common sense...there are many countries going through the same pains

Thais hate Thais but they need to live on the same land. There are no good Thais or bad Thais, there are only Thais who need A NEW POLITICAL system to live together peacefully.

"There are no good Thais or bad Thais........"

Are you suggesting that this was the work of foreign mercenaries, or condoning the murder and maiming of innocents in the name of a NEW POLITICAL SYSTEM? Under which political system is murder not a "bad" thing?

I'll give you a quote from the anti-war film "Full Metal Jacket"; "The stupid b@st@rds would rather be alive than free!" :D

I confirm: There are no good Thais or bad Thais.

But there are some aggressive farangs.


There are also some farangs who read too many little red books. :)


2,000 reds from Kong Khen were stopped at a check point and when no arms were found they were let through - on their way to Bangkok ...... the mind boggles

The redshirts are on the verge of getting what they want. It is more much likely that it is someone else who wants to disrupt the peacetrain. :)

This is a possibility.

Another is that the peace plan is something the reds dont want but they know they cant reject it outright. Perhaps they still want Abhisit out and house dissolution ASAP to create a power vacuum.

Other than an attempt at discrediting someone, it's not at all obvious who benefits from this violence...if it was reds, they appear to gain absolutely nothing...if it was yellows it may be to disrupt the peace process, since they now want Abhisit out as well, and this puts more pressure on the prime minister...

Somebody knows whodunit, but certainly no one on these boards....

The Reds DO gain something and that is an excuse for quitting the peace process which they don't favor in any way. How does peace bring Thaksin back? As for the Yellows they staked out an opening position at the extreme. They have no voice in government and if they do support anyone it is Abhisit. They gain nothing by making Abhisits job harder. Their enemy is Thaksin.

Don't be silly, Thaksin isn't the enemy...he cut poverty in half during his term in office...the only PM to do anything for the poor...I don't get all these people blinded by hatred...hatred uses up so much energy...stop hating and open your mind...

the army, gov and police being lenient to terror creates more terror, either side, red or yellow. Both have do be dealt with. The reds and yellow using different arguments but have the same aim, - terror. Lenience by the authorities and bail granters is taking it's toll now.

The reds are worse due to the mixture of various ideologies, but this doesn't make the yellow leadership angels, does it?

The lenience applied for both sides is the root cause. It's time to cull commanders and generals on both sides in assembly-line styles until a law abiding performance is achieved.

Be nice to a cancer and do nothing, especially when detected in an early stage, will kill you.

I agree, with this and essentially have since March 12th.

Draw a line in the sand, and no one crosses again,;

end this mob rule potential from now on.

Some have called this asking for violences toward Thai citizens.

I disagree, this is stopping ONGOING violence against Thai citizens,

but letting ALL who might try this in future no it is a lose lose situation for them.

The only ones to be injured or worse, would be those who resist the lawful orders to dispurse.

They make THAT decision themselves individually and as a group, ANY group.

That is their very foolish risk to take, and the government would not share their blame.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

ok lets be clear once and for all.

the yellow shirts didnt " conquer" or invade the airport , they went there to " welcome" somchai who was returning from a trip , but there was so many that the director of AOT closed the airport by HIMSELF ... they rallied in the arrival lane OUTSIDE the airport at first and NEVER ASKED THE THE AIRPORT BE CLOSED ... ONCE the airport was closed BY AOT then they just sat there .....

very easy to give the key of your house to a burglar and then accuse him to ransack your house ....

ohhhh and NO I'M NOT PRO YELLOW , I think that the situation as it is today would not have happened if Abhisit had the balls to put Sondhi and Chamlong in Jail without parole for 5 years as soon as he became prime minister.

Sorry! couple of hours I am not in the forum. Now as a Malaysian truly understand the Yellow shirts never invaded the International airport. They had waited the arrival of someone. You are correct. How about the red shirts waited for arrival of armed soldiers in Hospital. Why the doctors had to remove all the patients and gave the key to red shirts.

This is evolving into civil war. Eventually,hopefully, things will come back to normal but for the farang the game is over, I think.

Brother is posed against brother. This intolerable situation makes people angry and I fear part of this anger will be directed against the farang. In thai people's view the average middle aged farang has come to their country seeking sex. I feel that there is a slight, imperceptible contempt behind the smiles. I fear that the political heightened passions in the country will force this negative feeling towards us to surface. I feel, paradise Thailand will be no more. An what a wonderful paradise it is! Despite the negative comments made on this forum about the various shortcomings of the country, Thailand with its superb food, superb shopping, sexual outlets and taxis which appear at the speed of thought and countless other virtues is a much desired place to relocate and settle.

My fear is that for us things will somehow change and that we shall be viewed with more hostility. I suspect the age of 'innocense' is over and I lament for that.

Move to the provinces my friend, move to the provinces. Life here is calm and peaceful; no conflict, no stress no violence.

Agree....no trouble at all here in Isaan...and it's cooler than Bangkok....

Having said that, I was in Bangkok the week before last and was amazed at how totally normal everything was....

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

ok lets be clear once and for all.

the yellow shirts didnt " conquer" or invade the airport , they went there to " welcome" somchai who was returning from a trip , but there was so many that the director of AOT closed the airport by HIMSELF ... they rallied in the arrival lane OUTSIDE the airport at first and NEVER ASKED THE THE AIRPORT BE CLOSED ... ONCE the airport was closed BY AOT then they just sat there .....

very easy to give the key of your house to a burglar and then accuse him to ransack your house ....

ohhhh and NO I'M NOT PRO YELLOW , I think that the situation as it is today would not have happened if Abhisit had the balls to put Sondhi and Chamlong in Jail without parole for 5 years as soon as he became prime minister.

Sorry! couple of hours I am not in the forum. Now as a Malaysian truly understand the Yellow shirts never invaded the International airport. They had waited the arrival of someone. You are correct. How about the red shirts waited for arrival of armed soldiers in Hospital. Why the doctors had to remove all the patients and gave the key to red shirts.

if you cant make out the difference,

I suggest wait'for the arrival for someone who maybe able to help you.... out of this misery!

Suppose a person would like to try to destabilise the situation as it is now, what could be done to achieve such a goal? To look at it this could be the answer to this next tragedy that happened. I noticed the reaction in general do point at the redshirts. That is so 'automatic' that it also gives a reason not to believe 'they' are responsible. Anyone could be responsible. Dressed in red, yellow or mixed colour shirt. The people who have done this are criminals in the first place, and having such an attitude I am sure they choose to wear any colour shirt to try to achieve what they want to achieve. Those criminals are not any colour shirt, they use the peoples 'animal' instincts to generalise, to be impulsive, to become criminal themself - in an action where they hope to trigger the same agressive, inhumane, criminal 'qualities in other Thai people.

Please realise, in the kind of powervacuum we have now in Thailand, the most worst aspects of society, of humanity come to the surface to play their 'game'. These aspects personalise in people and they will use any colour they think that will suits them for their purpose.

I think one of the bad contributions to this conflict is ' the mechanic of generalising'

I can read this all the time over and over again, and many 'educated' Farang are part of this mechanic.

One can look at what is happening in Thailand as reading a book, a tragic book, with many chapters. We are no judges, we are not asked to tell who is wrong or right. We are no Gods. All we can do is read the book and try to understand. Understanding the full context and details of this complex situation is not easy, but can be helpfull. Do not choose the easy ways of generalising, quick judgements. This is the problem of the Thai people, it is their problem, they all together have created this problem, it will only be solved if they all work to do so.

Nice post...thank you...it's nice to read something that makes one think....


The country is now in a state of anarchy and only a coup can restore law and order - anyone who does not realize this is hiding from the facts or a red

The facts are simple, Thaksin is determined to achieve his goals and is financing the reds operation - without substantial funds, an action of this size and over such a long period of time is simply impossible - the logistics alone - food - water - equipment - money for the human shields .... are costing a fortune every day

The red leaders are divided which becomes clear through unilateral statements - we are leaving Monday - we are not ..... their is no real entity one can negotiate with

Abhisit, as well intentioned he is, has to act now or coup will be the only way out - however he does not seem to wanting to give up his course of negotiation which clearly has no impact on the actual situation

Further violence like the deplorable acts by the reds on Friday are a clear statement and show that there is a probably large fraction that follow their leader and are determined to put a stop to negotiations and will not stop until Thaksins goals are achieved

Don't be silly, Thaksin isn't the enemy...he cut poverty in half during his term in office...the only PM to do anything for the poor...I don't get all these people blinded by hatred...hatred uses up so much energy...stop hating and open your mind...

My mind is open, no hatred, but I would like to know the data used when you make the statement "he cut poverty in half during his term in office". The main financial beneficiary of his term was the man himself. All the data that I have seen indicates an increase in debt due to his loan schemes. It's just a pity that he was away during the coup - all this bloodshed could have been avoided with a bit of defenestration. :)

FACT: If the reds had not taken to the streets in such a lawless and violent manner .. this would not have happened.

No matter what way you slice this, the reds have responsibility in this.

jcbangkok isn't this the same as when we (farangs) have an accident it must be our fault if we were not here it would not have happened therefore all farangs involved in an accident must be to blame and therefore pay.

barry51... gimme a break. Or apparently you are also sharing the common defective brain that all the red tshirts are using.


I predict more trouble tonight, or within the next 24 hours. Anything to provoke the army/police to move on the protesters currently massing again.

I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

You seem to be sadly mis-informed on this matter. The person apprehended was a police sergeant - not the usual person to frame. The weapons he was carrying are M-79 grenade projectiles, which require a launcher - he didn't have one so using them as a weapon was not possible. As an ill-informed human being, you think wrong!

Thanks for your info. I was once trained by Malaysian Army. Besides I had visited many protested place around the world. First one must study the gestapo rules of Hitler regime. How he start the world war? Whoever makes noise louder are more safer person. Whoever pretend to be more holy and silence were dangerous. I consider here reds a noisier and yellows are silent.

Don't be silly, Thaksin isn't the enemy...he cut poverty in half during his term in office...the only PM to do anything for the poor...I don't get all these people blinded by hatred...hatred uses up so much energy...stop hating and open your mind...

hmmm ... you mean poverty decreased during the 6 years of economic growth throughout Asia and in his 6 years his policies of providing loans to the poor, he knew they couldn't pay back, has caused the poor to be more in debt than ever?

bottom line is his followers in BKK are a bunch of lawless thugs with violent tendencies who could care less about the rest of the people of Thailand ... even though it is the middle class footing the bill for their free medical, free schooling and school supplies, monthly payments to the elderly as well as guaranteed prices for the rice they produce and tax exemption from just about anything to do with their farming.

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