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Being Rip Offed! Sucker For Punishment?


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You've started a fair amount of posts here about starting a business in Thailand Billy Boy, it might be best just to forget any business ideas until you can get by as a tourist without getting ripped off so easily, coz if you get ripped off in business it'll certainly hurt your finances a lot more than 5 sticks of chicken. :D

It's a learning curve.

How to become bitter and twisted. Or, learn to smile whilst arguing the point.

AC/DC did the number ' Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap'.......Kinda like BKK. :o

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I'm with SiamOne on this and am very surprised at how quickly people are offended when she tries to turn the table by talking about being cheated in other countries. It's as if we - as visitors - have every right to slag off our hosts (who - incidentally - have few of the economic advantages we take for granted) yet don't like getting it thrown back in your face.

A few general comments:

1) There are thieves and liars everywhere. In every culture and creed. West, east, UK, Thai . . wherever.

2) Those complaining of being ripped off a few baht in Patpong etc need to remember that if you live in a gutter it's difficult to smell anything other than s**t. If you like to spend time in those places, do you really feel any moral superiority over the mamasan who tries to stiff you out of an extra 30 baht for a drink, or a taxi driver taking you a few extra trips round the block?

3) I'd like to think that every farang here who is bitter about the rip-offs and institutional law breaking is here completely legitimately, paying all their taxes, contributing to the economy and not taking advantage of legal loopholes such as visa runs etc. All present and correct? Good stuff. And, of course, none of you have done anything to break the law like . . ummmm . . paid for the company of a girl, bought a lacoste shirt for 150 baht, or will be watching The Island on dvd tonight, right?

4) If you don't like it, stop complain and go home.

This is a poor country full of people experiencing poverty like no farang could ever imagine. Farangs come here with western money and have a lifestyle that is beyond their wildest imagination in the west.

The odd attempted scam in a sex show bar? Jeez . get over it, or get some self-respect and don't go there. A taxi driver pretending the meter doesnt work? Get out and get into the next one. A policeman demanding a fine for dropping a cigarette butt? Use the rubbish baskets and stop treating this place like your own personal playground.

Show it some respect. And then, just then, you might stop feeling so defensive and victimised.

I'll get my coat. . . . . .

Oy -numpty. Wake up - stop taking the pills for a few days.

I get ripped off in any culture or country I am allowed to state the fact that some thief tried to rip me off.

Jump on my soap box and go for it.

I've told idiots outside the Science Museum in London to get a life, I've argued with morons in Moscow, Naples, Bangkok, Lyon, Albefuira, et al who try to rip you off.

Because we might come from countries who have better social welfare - that is no need whatsoever to inflate a local economy.

A thief is a thief is a thief - and if you condone that, well, up to you.

I contribute significantly to the Thai employment figures and foreign money brought in to Thailand - within government business and there ain't no way that ripping people off in any shape form or fashion is acceptable. ' Go home' - what a clown - there is a thing in BKK called the 'Democracy Monument' - have you seen it?. Democracy arises from people being allowed to question injustices.

End of sermon.


[3) I'd like to think that every farang here who is bitter about the rip-offs and institutional law breaking is here completely legitimately, paying all their taxes, contributing to the economy and not taking advantage of legal loopholes such as visa runs etc. All present and correct? Good stuff. And, of course, none of you have done anything to break the law like . . ummmm . . paid for the company of a girl, bought a lacoste shirt for 150 baht, or will be watching The Island on dvd tonight, right?

4) If you don't like it, stop complain and go home.

This is a poor country full of people experiencing poverty like no farang could ever imagine. Farangs come here with western money and have a lifestyle that is beyond their wildest imagination in the west.

The odd attempted scam in a sex show bar? Jeez . get over it, or get some self-respect and don't go there. A taxi driver pretending the meter doesnt work? Get out and get into the next one. A policeman demanding a fine for dropping a cigarette butt? Use the rubbish baskets and stop treating this place like your own personal playground.

Show it some respect. And then, just then, you might stop feeling so defensive and victimised.

I'll get my coat. . . . . .

Surely then you are advocating that it is o.k. to summarily execute 2,500 people on alleged drug charges without any form of court or Judicial interferance?.

Including a nine year old girl and a pregnant woman?.

Because it is a country full of people experiencing poverty etc...blah blah.

My understanding that the orders came from one of the richest people in S.E. Asia.

Has the yaa ba or heroin problem gone away?. Nope.

The only way to stop corruption mate is for enough people to complain about it and that is bloody that.

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The only way to stop corruption mate is for enough people to complain about it and that is bloody that.

I dunno if complaining will achieve anything at all, English People are always moaning about England ( and Thailand, France, USA, and just about everywhere and anything ), but England is still a dump. :o

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The only way to stop corruption mate is for enough people to complain about it and that is bloody that.

I dunno if complaining will achieve anything at all, English People are always moaning about England ( and Thailand, France, USA, and just about everywhere and anything ), but England is still a dump. :D

If you get stiffed - 'who ya gonna call?. ghostbusters?'

I can hear it now, Mummy, Daddy, send me money.......I've been stiffed.

Sure the U.K. is a dump - but guess what?.

Just like any country if you stand on the roof tops and moan about it then those who are giving it to you you will take a few steps back. Of course they may shoot you - but ho-hum, nothing ventured nothing gained.

So - you get set up and stiffed - call your Mum. She will believe you. The Thai Judiciary may not.

Never, ever forget that you allowed a voice. If you have any guilt about spending your hard earned cash and have no ability to put you concerns into voice or writing then I suggest that maybe a refresher course at Junior school or perhaps a quick slap round the ankles to remind you that you were taught to read and write and think. Or are you one of those ' Remove brain at arrivals hall Don Muang?'.


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Strange...I thought the Brits only complained in Australia. Seems like anational past time.

Strange...it seems that I hear more cases of Ozzies complaining about Brits complaining than cases of Brits actually complaining!

You're gonna have to try and make those chips on your shoulders less conspicuous fellas.

You should be thanking the Brits, after all what aboout all the free cricket and rugby lessons we've been giving you recently?

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skippy dribbled onto the keyboard...

Strange...I thought the Brits only complained in Australia. Seems like anational past time.

Strange...it seems that I hear more cases of Ozzies complaining about Brits complaining than cases of Brits actually complaining!

You're gonna have to try and make those chips on your shoulders less conspicuous fellas.

You should be thanking the Brits, after all what aboout all the free cricket and rugby lessons we've been giving you recently?

somchai, so you think skippy has a chip on his shoulder? He seems remarkably well balanced to me; considering he has a <deleted> off big potato on each, judging by the above nonsense. :o

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On my last few visits to Thailand,I am ashamed of myself for allowing myself to be ripped off. Back in february,i was standing at a food stall at 1am oppsite lumpini park,when a man came over,very good english,and friendly,"where u from",he says ,he then starts shaking my hand and talking to the food stall owner.

I start talking to him"you like thailand"he says etc.

He then pleads for me to buy him some food.At first i hesitate but then i said ok as he says Please. I thought its only 20 baht per stick .He picked 5 sticks,but then he says "what about my children"? and i said ok.he then gets more food sticks.

I pay 140 b to the stall owner.The man then thanks me laughing at me.

I then see him get into a black mercedas benz parked on the street and i see 2 kids inside,he bips his horn loudly as he drives off laughing.i feel like such a fool.

What would you have done in this case? How woul you have said no to him?

The second incident happened in a karaoke lounge where i was with a friend,2 girls started dancing with me,and i danced with them for about 10 mins.At the end of the night the bill arrrrrrived and it was 1200 b,i thought me and my friend had only 4 drinks? I queried with my friend,we spoke to the manager he told us that there were 4 other drinks for his 2 staff girls who had danced with me plus ice in the glasses .I didnt ask the girls to dance with me nor did they mention drinks.

Also i got a taxi from airport to pattaya,he said 1200 b,he then starts driving near the airport down a road past a hotel and stops outside a limo company,"here you get limo",he says ,"you pay me 200 b,now get out"

I get out and speak to the limo driver he says its 1800 b to pattaya.

I get angry"why am i being ripped off all the time?

I start walking back to the main road to hail another taxi,which i must say was a good driver this time who took me.

Another incident was in Suringwongse rd where i got into a taxi and said Lumpini park nnot knowing it was around the corner,the driver was a mean looking man and didnt put the meter on."you pay me 100 b ok"? he says.

I said it would only be about 20b? "He sais"i know but you rrich,i very poor"

He sounded very mean,like in a voice that was commanding.

"YOU UNDERSTAND! he says 100 baht! i nodded and as we turned the corner i gave him 100 b .He then drove off before i had closed the door laughing.

I am sorry but you must be incredibly naive or just stupid to be scammed like this.

Another question - why would you be at Lumpini park at 1am?? not a lot going on except for skanky hookers so i am told..... :o

Got this great trick which annoys taxi drivers..... if they pull thoe stunts when you get in their car i.e. asking ludicrous flat fee's, just get out, and leave the back door open and walk to the next taxi. Really annoys them as it a bitch to close in the driver seat.

I generally never take a taxi which is parked as they always rip u off ( or try to ). I always waive the ones down who are driving and they very very seldom give you hassles.

I also do this after being fed up with taxis not wanting to take you where you want to go or wanting to charge you more - get out leave the doors open and watch them get mad - even better if theres 2 of you as you can leave both sides open! :D

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